Putwished Daily (Bunaays excepted) during
teeGCll >e } iear, ts3
THE DAILY will receive the re-
sults of the Chicago meet at the
office thia evening.
TuicE game this afternoon will
probably he the hest yet played up-
on the home grounds. The victory
at Detroit has put new life into the
team, and they are prepared to play
the game of the season. The DAILY
woitld urge that the chseering at the
game he heartier and more sponta-
neous, and when the veil is given
let it he gives together and not at
intervals by a half dozeeo at a time.
large amount of material, and only
first class matter will he selected.
The nttmher will he enlarges) toI_
twenty or twenty-four pages, atnd
will he a souvenir numher in that it4
will present group pictures of Mich-
igan musical organizations and ath-
letic teanis. The numbher will he
strictly up to date throughout, and
full of college fan.
The meeting of the Wrinkle As-
sociation to elect editors for next
semester will prohahly he held Sat-'
urday, June 16; hut a definite an-
nouncement will soon he made on1
the hulletin hoard.
A _comniittee of the S. C. A. is at
work perfecttng arrangements forj
sending delegates to the vummer
schools at Northfield, Mass., and
Lake Geseva, Win. El
The Kappa Sigma fraternity gave-
Because you get what you take. S( seiDwhedls are
not worth taking. We have one that yott can have
free of charge--providing you call for it--and we also
have for sale the SUNOL Bicycle.
The SUNOL is today the best looking wheel on
the market. It took fir-st prize at the World's Fair for
best general construction, best sprocket attachment and
best chain adjustuesit.
If yeauvwant a wheel look at
it-:s the mrice and let us
Ce see why it snet the wheel
a banquet at the Hotel Cadillac,I
ris ouloo fo asucessul en Covers were laid for 30 and ten
nis tournament is very good. Sub-
stantial prizes have been offered,tosswrrepndt.
but the entries hose been rather
slosv in coming in. Interest can
ooly he kept up hy everyone who
can play at all, entering and playing
in one of the classes. The great
draw-hack to tennis contests hereto-
fore has been the lack of cottrts for
practtce. The tnumber of available
cottrts for a Untiversity of this slze
is ridiculously entail antisitoutld be
increased before the Fall tourna-
Field Day at Marshall.
The Mlarshall athletic club wiii
hold a field tiny atit tournament at
their groouds in Vlarihall, Miciti-
(ran, 'Frieday, j ite s .Good-iprizes
wal be given, aned entries ace open
to nllnatnteusrs in gooui stasiig
Thehildtianti track progroanin-
eludes: son yards scratch; 22os yarss
Horsfords Acid Phosphate
Is the most eff'ective tind agree-
able remedy in existence for
preventinig indigestion, and r--
lieving tihose duiseuses arising
fr-ott a diisorsiseredl stonttad-l.
Dr. W. W. Gardner, Stringfiel,
ass., says: 'I valuei san exceltti
preventativee of inistionia,atd a tplesant
acidtltaeedtdtinkiiwhet propereltydtlttedt with
The name stands Cur just what it 3 -sa I
The best Bicycle Dusltsnor st125di06.1 p~l
easelgaii a,,elI SawN e ti(°xtis. I_-
S^petic'se( ti ietili isis ilaen4xisn s p r le
aresi.-s'sti'xcuiiefytlihuroeii tiei[ S tieele k
C~nd.S a t s''ta rou oir is us nioco is-«
tiasi theii'd acreist-: o's' s t. 5 se le
A. G. Spalding & Bros.,.j COHOA GO
Chicago. New York. Phiadselpsia,
Ann Arbor Savings Bank Lliigins ,lilarsi tee, si rhis sic>t,
jsn rbr)iche. 'lt l si ' tisi tis'ees C I leses C
i~osi S'l s issie use 150i, MO. ii iis i e c , lay i ' lie ist}, ,t e vc>' e , a -'
01, stile Cisiti'. tnrs iii iln- f7,Lto
ofi'li'te.Iisi' 1S' drysit sl' uy s ac 1-tjeiss, tie 'iiayi', 5'
tists'stxitssiv'. ir tis tit'- s il cte fte l x I : ~
sitsM ak ia ssiiliss. asi-iseis-ite,-es teiei a l ')s's t 1t
Uit iesssis C' Pta( s. i'rfs.; taiil .ied lls s ' Iielill''s fll us
test111 li't1,it1Ass,'ist N'i'IITIIi H 105 B. L.tllUl't' , Gen. Pss. Ar ".
- ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ : T C AIG 1312 ~ st t isss iii v., Cihicao. ill.
'isr. Ciiin ;11 ii' -slistgisonss vies o
A. I.. 4 oc.-:i free. Ito+44+4+44+4+4I'll]+ 1.1'w:4'.C asl!-K
htandicaps; 220 yards hurdle hattiE- D'seiie psi dllii ei're 'is ipl~le-ion toi
cap; 440 yards handicap; S~o yards Rssmford ChemiceaiWsrks, Prsvldenoe,R.t.
hasndicala; mile scratch; running Iesr i ostse iII ii i
high jump; standing three jumps; For Sale by all Druggists
conning bolt, step and jump; run-
ning broadI jump; pole vault; shot CLEVELAND
pet; hammer throw; half mile and TOi
nmile scratch bicycle race; one mile
and five umile handicap bicycle. Thm u FA 0
VI1C. S&,It .1.INE, "
tournament events include nl classes VA1Clo'liie iii ll Ii ing f s i,,i
of boxing and wrestling. Entry (abuteIApril is ;. &isssisilcs'it -isis-isliseel sleet
blanks may be procured of Eldison) StaoflOhio' asid 'Slate of New York,"
Gans, Marshall, ML ichigan. DAILY TIME TABLE.
The Commencement Wrinkle. Ar 11Itislisili ase11sis Sriletcst, e;llis's
The editors of Wsrinkcle hate tde- a. vtiseslss0 s ligh s 'visit iwhens eisrsssii is Suf-
Palo, Niagara Falls, Torsnts, New York,
cided to place their last number on Boston, Albany, Thousand Isaadcs, sirairy
sale June z55. It will be the Coin- lsi i i 'sssiatst
mencement number, anti from pres- Chap zolllsllol Woiloly to Niagaraalst
ent prospects wiii be at least tse write diir totsiist ililt
equal of the Christmas and junior Ovist toe-. Agt. ill, i1tMlIIstge1'.
hop issues. Trhe editors lance a CIE'EL AN'D, 0.
King of all
-tz .O1-OZs
-r Absolutely
the Best.
+C1 Light Weight and Superior M'aterial
+Rigidity. Every Ma= and Scientific Work- 4
o~ chinefullywarranted ntranship.
+5'Styles /
+ Highest Hoors at the World's Cilonihian Exposition.
++ Send two-cent suamp for ear 04-pget Catalogue-A work of Art,
+Monarch Cycle Company,
+ Betail Salesoone, o8oWabshAve. Lake and Haxlsted Sts., CHICAGO, ILL.