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June 13, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-06-13

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lie tt* a

, 1. 1a ,

VOL. V. NTO. 181.



. _ i -

TOIHONOR DEAN KNOW 'LTON Changes in Entrance Recuirements
Ill consequzene of tll(he altilhot c
THE SENIOR LAWS PASS RESO- Of the degrece of it. L. by lt tO .
LUTIONS. toot Mondaly, the fititow in(tg chlo,
They Will Present Him With a h ot nntitile ioe sotiry iiiiln-to(r-
Cane Class Day as a Testimonial ilirotnetia for adtttti-=ionr:
of Respect. Itiohetor' of Ats-The reittlireliteitoo
'Ml srnio lwshav (lcle, to1)r Or 1lotte gree of A. B. shall 0be 01 n t
Sv1 tf. Pitr. iKnowlion with tt cill' <r lin o itzt, with ite foliowing e x-(.)foition:
clttiso l4oitotiitl, 1 to ('1en0 rt d oa Pitysi -so. liii Mit, botn, itt:at 11100-
ctas day.,thc clais o lttid lt( itt- tor: tdstory, gineral hiotory Io x'iviztt
towingtreilomttins:toitcI01n,11history; Itiislt. 1111 ott-

Some Coed Playing-The Final
First-Class Singles Tomorrow.
In i. teinl 1110nhe tenn lis oo ft
t ipast two days. 001110 goot iplaying
has btoen sceiit. Theto reliiti:ary
routntdtof bt clases of singies was
ittisted 'Titi otay. In tilhefi-at elass
oclyit bintt (hick r~ig 7-5,6-1. ."
otetytto victory was noi so easit1y
earned as tothe scooen- ttoidiitltei,

Wlterots. -Prof. Jeronie. C. Kntowltotin ' butt - ~ tt111tll thepitswereOOwelltcotetsitd.
ha-s tiy re-signatioin severetd his colt- -ue.I sas eonnne htte ~ure etMm -5,GJ fe
nzecticit with tlii.la v hieplotn lt two yearos' broitlitioin Greek0111111 hardi otrilgle. Soabury defeated Price,
th UPihsiaty of Mticitigain as-1dean1beiso 0dlistribult ted lt inlldti. two li-li, 6 Th.istowaosilhe imoot brilliait
>4o take effect Oct. 1; anld tooths of 11011101. tenist of the cttat.
WVhen-a<15t e il't thsf 515t)i tli at Baheorof itil soophy tii l1en- In til e -otili class autikitis betii
to grcdti~te iiitier Itto car ,tile- 1110 r iitr metstOforth ie idegreofut is-t-il, S-(t; Colnltltttgs btie -Mailler
ittiroranditt ti P11 cs o 'l.B.01sh1l1fall itthre11110groups, (t i-il, 7-5; Wortdetiit-at Smtith 5-6, ti-il;
their-gi-nts aad tt ith ulic-t laIttrgpedingti upontiit'whvthertudeiniIts lifter Hickey blit ituts-ell (i>-2l, 1-2; ihs-
tits esitofant tofeciai it wlirt ix, four tir two ytiars (if ftriiiiIan-it.tlait iat Simmonsl i7->, i-5; Colbutttn
tieis land has Ibeein universally hieldii 0110wbyi i tiitti t tt t-ttite4it75 ii;tatt
Ililsstuiden-tso; tereforee lio i110111 fttreto ix hltiltttllIlnli re- tbeat Kihattitin643ti-S.lS
t-oiv-tThat w,'t -ctoaoft lutirtitlleitit iltforeinltltlttlfei.'tfoul' teRttvdi- twth lsso 3;itthOttoset-ottdtcltas vtsloriatvHickety
nis loyal 11111 will wishtng sitdents if l lcr, 11111dltescol~s ar1oturgedtito lit t Witettt -0;,i(1, il-1. IrirsIti
lt, 3inaivtosily of Michigin no twith conftom 1o this rtq~iitttlt 11s 1s(o1n11105ast itltS a Otti ls 11e411Mah-tr2-ti,
,cleas regret. iIs resignaiitl tttioa cn- 1as lpossiil. il-4, il-4;' S aiitrs itifeati-ttndC'ukit
di-t- tits ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~rgtagoatstuita; foutr yeatrs of I~aTlianldtofl.tlly01tattttet Tcyi
Retsolhved, Thaut we- testify itt gini-nil two 10e1r0 of e-therit trittiit io rieit ch. and 1He0rit-i. Agaitt Jtit4iytt tils vic-
toIt iit-l'aI111tl~i~Y It- itherliequ011ireme01lit tli e i, t1111iriotta lttroughtthe steaistt-s of ills
aatil hc tsi ein trlgi fur A. Bita. H it ~ work ttwas mo1sftintl-
tainmnts wich -.e ld wt-Ilns
.011two1 rsbolty f15it hlittiltO lassocitiont Groupt 2. PFottty141105of fuirtigonti tt 1ltites, Ills sittlaiitg 11d1frit
sut-t-..sfiltt-att; hid fttriteiiitote- iroachor Glermanttt or 1-to111105 Of titotlo ill first cttas sintgleswill ii-
titlitti 1101,of his tentm hiut iltttdl 111011of tie- ltreiclt atgos.Lattin, played-tttttttoriv afternonait 11 1 t-
inttod of coittrol, to his faoit-s a111Frieth1and (ilrmil. liiiothetr 00- t t lSatttr1 11d111.Jocelyni. Tilt
gene~rousltreitntiof usts15 111a11 tttiltiri inlitts tolit 15 in 0011u111t, -sv-Ph betti-initioftite sesont is e-xpet-ed-.
Ituty. 05trathier than of 1piupil-s; t li-i t addtiittttttitfonlear's15 ttotrk iiOter ltatco the ars fotlows: Pren-
itteltttkble ability as lectrer tand in- tinitedtiStaites htistoty1andtivt iil 0ov- tiss t-s. Morsill; tolbutrnt vs. Hiarv-ty;
slendeor: ainilto tho wonderfuotltletitnent, andilone 1year'stworkiit lit lt- Ctattkitta vs. Cummtinigs.
Ietohtaslhadi 011 etr esteemrtand good itrte. TI'lt riz-s hate Ib--i-iv5001kinly
will, because- of lds never fllitig troupll3. Tsttt It-ars if for-tig Iattt tonteld is follows:
courtesy and alpprerciatien of tiele teetsageitistudty; two ye1110of itth-lteLatin, First liriz e in terst claas sintgles, sil-
anti ittltetlties of his stoudixts. F 110 Otrittrta. Th t0hersie etihandeicante, fiv-ott hb-1. G.
Rtesohvett, Thai sve d-clarc his 011- qoiremtt-its to ito as inl g000up2, twith Smith Saots & Co., of Dietroit; seotnd
botinthed. popularity "01110g10stiour0110 -addititoitof otitle1-ar's wttin prize, silto-eticffltbtttonsats tuttds,
jj, cognilion of his :To lforte andtol glishistory1attitite yeat's tsork in git-tit tby Sttre oil & Al r lDtraslt.
1inglialt liticrature-.
..character not only as dlealt, bet as haclo o cnc-h rur istpze ndubs,1chi
-professor, manil, counselor andi friendl; iett-ls to be tte atn ts foerIt. it. 111p10.gitvenl'b1 y titr & (0., 111n1
and tb-s debt of gratitudett o we d50iouoi-tctionttritvolver, gitvitinlbitEer-
Miln andth It'nis-ersity of 1iltititigtll Alpha Nu Program. hbaielti. i
ttrusgh it ltfor. tbaininlg us hoilihe Thelist miiltg of 1110 Alphta\utt Seottlcltss silgio, hofist pix".- iriso
best naetods possible for the grand- fur this ytle still ba Held this ttetl Otuit caise, tprese-nttdby-Atiton & T'i-ti-

11 South Main st.
Elegant Graduating or ight Suit
inade teem Imipored or Finest
Ilo~estio + Woolens
for $22.00 and up, Fult Dress Suit
$27.00, work made at 1101e0 beats
inlspecttoi by any High Class
Tailor and Ctter. With be
pleased to have y..n call antd be
10 E. Washington St., up stairs.
148 S. STATE ST.
Russet Shoes
-AT -
Washngton tBlock, Asn Arbr.
Latest Improved Barber Show
Is the city. E. Washngto s. lt dor
.eastof Main at. Ass Arbor.
attd NOTOX. senhtlt smmer berrer-
tges. titoist out Pt OS BELtOW
Tennis Goods
- AT-

est profession thoee is.
'96 independent Meeting.
Thtere svill, be a naeetittg of altli19
indtpendents in chapel today at "l p.
in. ttr the tpurpose of etecthtg ti board
- of editors for next years O~ittoliitt.
'The conimitittee apipointeid at'the list
-etedng still report as 'to the chtance
for a oonsotidatiou with the Palladiutm
next year. As there art to be several co-
ed mnembers on, thu--,board. it is desirable
that that part, of the class 4 a tepe

itng. Thte tclion of ofi:es for next
thte reigtdtar programt. wtitchtis tos tot-
hosts: Ittict. tattles'.iGutearlatd
lttdotht clubls; readinig, le. Block;
mittttoe. itlirt, lies. Hoyt, Itiss Campts
bell, lie. Davies aind to. Simtons, lhls
Davis accompanist; chetstnts, UItutl-
bint; readtinlg. to. Satdler; muittei,
(Guitar antd Matntolin cloths; tdebte,
"Resolved, Itat teSouth 5w05 jtsti-
lied inl seceding." alt., ALsra iRey-
tnolds atntShetehaun, I Mg.lessrs. Scult
and itosehabanlo; music, q titht;
critic, Mr. Paul.

tel; set-aiti tsize,.fthur-ut-hismtht
Ibsen Course Lecture.
Prof. Thiotias gtave thesi-cotid loe-
ttee in htis Isbe oeo n U.5 t ftttayt
evening at TapheratiHtall. Thte dranas
treated wvere 'fth- Doll's Hotuse" andu
"Ghosbs,"bte btwostrongest, alit let
mest tnfttvorably crtiie-d oftJtihe
Ibsen tlayt;.s. 'le lectutrer's inlltrr-
lattions AN,, re execeedingly just anud s-ry
intberestintg. The last7 leetutre of thu
cttese svillbe'givent Tl ursday, done
I lilt

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