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June 04, 1894 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1894-06-04

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MICHIGAN WINS FROM D. A. C. Iorder, he accepting sic difficult A GREAT MEET.TA E H M
Th ortDfetEvrRcevdchances without an error. The First Western Championships a
From Michigan by Manager Tile fielding of Shields, Smeltzer, I Success.-Michigan's Showing - OY0"
Leadley's " Amateurs"-an asas Disappointing.
Stra'game hetween Michi- of note. The field work of thse D.: Tile first annual Westeris Inter-
gnadteDA.CreutdisoA. C. weas not1 01) to thseir usual collegiate championship meeting,
easy victory for Michigan. The re- standard, the infield playing special- held in Chicago, Saturday, was a Fory sise soni res'5 l sea ter.
decided success in everyw. Ahout ThylFio i otil byon
sult shows that the team has fully ly loose. The team found HllisterIYwaFosleb
recovered from the effects of for nine hits, hut they were well '4,000 enthiusiastic pepl weroi
the disastrous eastern trip antI scattered. Umpire Grogais, of De- the grand stand to cheer the repre- 4; b 01,32
is fully prepared to piay winisingttl, gave good satisfactiois. Isentatives of their chosen college. 5Sth Main~o t-
hail. Ose improvemsenst sichls- - The poor slhosiiig niade hy licisi-
seas wvorthiy of special niotice Daiy. 22; Castalises, 4.. gao's leans was a sore disappoint.
was the hatting. In this respect the usd51ecu to tlse suplporters oif the yei-h
teams has been considered wveak, but 'legli esei h )x xasils niIte
tse terrific hitting wvhichi chsaracter- Castaliain staffs, Saturday afterisooni, 1Michsigai had counted on gettinig
ized Saturday's goose shsosws the swas wvoni by the Dxvlixl in the first abouit fifteein psoins, but Houdgaisn's
cos.' -)f the constant practice wvhichs inniing whlen 15 rsuns were scored. ive 150010 iii the qusarter were all
has heeis given the uses daring the Alter this issuing the gamse wvas svell she got. In, the shsort idashs, iess-
past week. Guthiard, who 1pitehed played, considering the inexperience son ran a very close second in a so-fothD.ACrvdaesyy y
of he ditrs.Th feturs wreseconsd het ut a disabled ankle when y$to sSos eat.. tlo $qa ir Stle,
frteD Cprvdaeaymark ofteeios SeIasrsvr et shan Anns Aeboe niees sendi for Catalogue to
for Michigan. He was hit for a thse heavy lhittiisg and battery svork threw himout1 of the final. House
total of twenty-one hases, including of Towle and Eans for the DAxILx- qualified iii the mile bicycle trial
a triple and three douhles. Hollis- and the hatting of Wedenseyer for heat, hut was psoorly placed in the a
tee led in this respect, getting four the Castalians. The teams were final, coming is fourth. Reed's fall 101, i83-135 WOOsWARD Ave.,
hits out1 of five tinies at hat. Deans, made til as followes: D.i-sEvans, on the first hurdle lost himn a place. DETROIT, . - MICHIGfAN.
Spitzer, Shsields, Smellier and Hart c; Toswle, p; Lonie, i b; Coleman, Soils ran a ganse race to fast tose
also did good work with the stick, Willits, z b; Martindale, 3 b; Cut- in the mile and was only beaten out THE :cWAVERLY"I WHEEL
each getting two hits. For the D. cheon, s s; Sadler, 1 f; Pratt, r f"; for third place at the tape. Hodg- Weighi, 28 ipoen-wstls clicher 0G. & Ia~
A. C., Codd, Gallagher and Rath- Shiley, c f. Castalian-Spalding, c; man's splendid quarter in 51 2-5 ires-en, $85.00 is 01he ensationi of the
bun each got two hits. Lyons, p,; Ottoway, i h; Q"uinn, zh; seconds was probahly the most cred- four. bee it is lbs wndo son
Luten, 3 b; Willianis, s s; Wedensey- Iitahle perforniance of the day. BROWN'S DRUG STORE.
siicHAN. er, 1 f: Eymer, c f; Perry, r f. The ' The omeeting has established itself
AlB. it. 1 B. P.O. A. N score by inisings is: permanently and will he the rival
Deans i b------ 0 1 2 a :, ©i innins.._----------.s ,4 of the Eastern mseeting. The repre-
Spitoeu2b_._--_ r 0 S I DA L ...... .......14 4 0 : 1-',k
Shields, c. x.---_ ., 14 4 0 t 'atl n----- .---- o I sentatives of the various colleges
Hollister, p ---- met Saturday night and formed a
Wetotr--- 1' 3U0{ Instrument Maker Leaves. Western Inecleit soit o aelisl Photographser toe the fsliosing -01110
danrt,1b.... s 1 2 5' " t Illinois will hsave the president for classes:1Motel sasceophe, Dental assd
Respell~f.-- Mr. Milr intumn th fis 0isonii the h NcO. Hig- graeork garoasteed.
Iepe.s.___-601131 b.1.Ralph Milr ntuettefrtyear, Wsointevice- N.6HURON STREET.
--- s- aker at the physical laboratory, president, Chsicago the secretary, FRESH ASSORTMENT
T Ds . 1 will lever his connectioins with thse and Michigan the treasurer. There -or-
D" A. C. ~ physical department at thse close of will he ten directors, of which IQ 's~=
A.B ut B P. o. A. . the college year. Mr. Miller will Michigan will have one. The sumi-
Cold c. 4 z ' 2 1 1open a laboratory in town and will mary is:,rs tiueA-
Cjrowtley, s.bs ------4 )t 1 ;continsue to do instrument work for 100o-yards dashs, nineteen starters, 'L'"I..LE'S, -48 S. Sftate St.
Oslltsglserif----401ote scientific departmsents. He was five trial heats-final woisyCrm
D,,IIeS fo sof e ande w is ose &o. ua Oerls yCui
1eare fo some-. 4ii wit Onseen0 , of IoaState University; second, 1!'
H.Gtad I _. 4 0 1 fPhiladelpisia, an isoe Ifth lootlini, Obri;third, Shsorman, t
Gainsy, Ols .-..__. 4 0' 1 4 :3s
C. Gusthard, 4 0 0 few' experts in his hune ill thsis part (Wiscoinsin; time, To T-5. ___
- - - --of thse country. 1 Mile walk, eleveis starters-First,
Tolssis - :111 4 is t~ _____ - rod, University of Illinois; sec- A EJALJ. O D
n g.5 I 2 1 4 a 6 ', s 9 Cornell Football Dates. ond, Fobes, Uiiversity of Wi1scopSin;
m ielioss-----.--10 04 21 4 o-16
D. A. C.2-...zo01 10 01 0 0- 4 lse Cornell football schedule up third, Evans, University of Illinois; -Stists atnid Gynualsiusm Sup-
Earlned runs-Mlsiosiga K;O DA. C.2 Tswo to date is as foliosws: Oct. 6i, Unioii 1 tiime, 7:41. , piles.
ba~se hsts- Holliuser Hart, Spitzer, Gailser." I o-yards hsurdle, five starters.-
Thie bsshit-Hlister' tFirst basesss on r- at Ithaca; Oct. T3, L~afayette at.
roes Mlieliguns, a1; D. A. C. 0. seiise it'.- Ithaca; Oct. 00, Princeton at Newv Fiirst, Clark, University of Illinois; Tussu are invisodloxsio to eam l soad 1pri00.
Rtussell, Hart, Gainley. Stslen bses--smlelt- -econdRichads,_iconsinthird
iee. Struet. out-Biy lisiter de Bases oss York; Oct. 07, Harvard at New seod Rihrs isosn hrd __________
bals-ny Hllister 4; by Gsthsrd 1. Wild York; Nov. 3, U. of lM. at Ithaca; IChantlin, Ioaa State University;
pitolses-Rsiliir 0: Outhard I. Plased babs N lhg tBtlhn~
-Csadd. Time, 1:51. SImpire- NvOrsLhgeasetlhe;1a.5 W H 9
The field work of Michigan also Nov. 17, U. of Pa. at Philadelphia; 440-yards run, fourteens starters.
showed a decided improvement. Nov. 04, U. Of M. at Detroit; he- -Firt1 a ogsn,UDiiver- UNIT ERSITYI3oOKSTORE.
Dea's orkat hir wa ofa hghsides two more game at Ithsaca. lily of Michigan-s; second, Whitley,
Ded' wr a tid aso ahih(continued us tird page.) STATE STREET, ANN ARBOR.

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