'JC. of M~~. Tacit.'g
abnised Daily (Sundays excepted) during
inCoil -t- styar, b~y
THE poor showing of the track
team at Chicago reflects not so
nisch stpon the traim itself as
upon the vaciliating policy of
the athletic board of directors.
First, it was decitded to send a track
team east and then at the last mso-
ment Chicago was decides) upon.
The consequence was that the ma-
jority of the men has) scarcely more
than a week of active training and
the result wvhile a little disappoint-
lug catn occasion no particular sur-
EXAMINATIONs are now drawing
near and as the method of conduct-
tug the same last semester has
proven to be an titter failure, the
old system of giving 01) the last
weep entirely to examinations shosuld
be reverted to. 'The nmethod of
continuing recitations in some
couirses and taking fitial examina-
tions, upon which everything dv-
petnded, in others, is foolish antd
detrimental to the health of the
IN viesv of Saturday's game, the
remark of Manager Leadley in Thuirs-
(lay's Free P~ress tnat he couldl
be at both Micihigasi and Ciciago
wvith his 'amateurs'' isi one after-
noon1, applears, to say lie least, a
trifle hiunmsrous. TO- 1). A. C. is a
gaosd baseblsal teami, but 'somea uf lihe
men are getsing old and asre sot is
nimble as they 'isesd to lie. Ti "a
is an old saying that 0110 shotd I:tot
countt his chiciketis before iii ,y are
hatched, ass) sue ill-timed brag of
Manager L~eadley receives) Satursday
its jst rebuke.
have the paper delivered by twelveIflTPP (m I1T1 D fV IPI
or tsselve-thirty instead. The DAILY NO SE TELIlGtTDlICYbLES
in clssing tie.ires to thank its read -_________________________
ers andaldsvertisers for the hearty
support asid turns hopefully to the Because you get what you take.
coin cllgeyer not worth taking. We have one that
Free Missionary Library. ftree of charge---provilding you call fore
nalle whecls are
byou can have
it--and we alsa
Throutgh the generosity of students have for sale the SUNOL Bicycle.
and citizetss over eighty dollars The SUNOL is today the best looking wheel on
worth of ivw books and also .many
old ones has lieen addled to the Stu- the naarket. It took first prize at the 'World's Fair for
dent's Vsliniteer library. It is nosy best general construction, best sprocket attachment and
much the best missionary collectton;
in the city. The library is now open best chain adjustment.
to everyone subject to the follow- iIfyeu anat a wheel look at
htgrueF it, ink thse price and let as
I. Aisy ).sirsssilnaysdraw'bhoks for knvwhitsnotewel
ionic use elirosiglithe librariati, preni- hioiwby hsntth he
detit, genersal secretary, or treasurer of
the S C. A whoitse ottle tisurs are 13E B I W >
posteini.iNesvberry halt. EBERBA H H RDW RE O.
2. Persons not S. C. A. menibets_________________________________
who wish to use the library for con-c --______
sultation in Newberry hat)lniay obitainĀ°
a card of admission to the libraty toom $ 6 0
by asking the general secietary. -
3. B~osks drawn must he netined
within two weeks, when they masybe ,
dlrawnt for atnothier periosd of two weekc
proidsedl io one else tias desied to -'rakces First Place."
drawv tli saute hook. Whenever a Thu name stands eor lust what it 's.
bootk urawntiis not rettirnieidsitintstwvo i Thu best aicycie built fon siaa.oo. RIE
weekts, two cesi laiysfdrhoertime psase iiiivts5acisLacvii 'Tcsti<itsit OD R
Will5tlI~ty b coleced t'hn te ai Sseball anl Lawn-,, etnis.-o
biook is rettirniei, assitsill be tisest in ace tisel cxvi sity vth rim alsit the tv..- asnd when you iielooikling fori i its s-tap t-date"
- cississi. Spsldi<s T rad~e marlsi visiviilcc eemount, daotitnot eiio tifctcthtiyou cen
psiremaSiisg tiesw boisks. tiat) lwtosi are5".iv5li'li e-il. i'oniti etemli v e reSomns-10 to$5:;0vyitoting a Itany
th. Ol cr imuth rtetu lrlaedsi dof te t hnbootitrw ixts an 1 c ilsliiitstiy eislc. daervttvicytHisi F hth
tlscrluits-liietiisieoiteA. G. Spalding & Bros-, can tarnish seof iier etucliline 'lust sgood"
lissr isl.Chicago. Nuw York. Phitadelphia, at theame pri'e. 1i i,,ntiitlDosnottet
'he carsisosadisslion freferresto Anni Arbor Savings Bank himdece ist .1 ant ng f tti~ iAgn
in Rine timay also ha obtained free Aii cbc t li alii si-i,5001. ttm0.e000.iciis ~0mstie sh
ltci~iai'liiidisiiliricril tisitisa~ssfullycequis n iigrasde, adri Tydtea iloitecia
frotmithe libtrariais, sesahours are its ti 51und'. leisi-icesssist, lnt- La1tws to.I nySiyi s~lividee5
as fol losxs Snistla, 2 :.... a:^Ou . m11, welil, x bit-nt he ii Iiti'iuil v ities () tlet' prie. ourscslalo;s:slsIt-i i-iss
re , Lntct t te Daftsca tduiotutr soper
csther tdarys 00-5"0:' . n.Osidnt cLt iititi. Safit e pstit boixy sto citt.
l.I.' i I'. c12 IEiZ sia nii'V iic[..; (h t 4. 'is-. xvcis
f ue-M.FizAtt aihier
25 y ~lt 'llsOURAC 111 Nt'1'11 'IR1EIC
TTC . 12iRadttfl h' B 12 +trets. i - r ls, Inditana, U.S. A.
I .t ' -s -J- i. - i
Horsfor d's Acid Phosphate 1e'rC" i >,ca t1E.t a vtmavei-
WIH msthis issue the DILYsceases 1n isis ' 3 5). 1 I, i"'" rsses.'llilt
publication for the college year. Is tile titusst efferctivse and asvree- laeusips.Uis'lanSdtiveis
granmist rssssisua 'spois cimarte it i n i-
'The editors wosultd like to continue e rssel t 'i~ttti o istsit. ftiisais ttiiI'
throughm cornuiencemenut veek, but -sesimers 1-aejusst harten nit for tC-
examniations are draxciugnoar anti phtVh~turii (t05.1051, Itit ht tey Iliro utnesi stilinan- sisitermi
no ailowvamice in matde by the faculty .olttetiemisx, assistor slsth ili -esiss,
for DILYue xork. Expecrience at "i ad theii1 is(to-isse th~etctiisy,
showen that time present size of the Cl-htI*1tl is i-k'irsE-t-s10stotticis. laesit 'amtdsles., ate rmees on fresh wsster.
T1'Sets t. sesai'srsfvr-sbly cosmipare xvi im
I).sim~ is inadeqluate to furnish all( the gretvansmltinsers iii con'tructioid ssi
the newvs in the fullest manner anis Dr. W. MW. Gardner, Spingfielit, ;iulsxt ltssts tr-,s ter -kteel".twsi
the size next year will therefore lse M--.-y:t)vis s sev sltlso ~t itd iiMt-stS
increasedt. The Dxmr ofl lsi petssis tindisigestioini, andt a pleasano t isists1and'inst lisaI Dly betwieemmivDIYwl loi rvnaie.alrbblt hv nifexo cde-ed(.ikwe rprl llt( iht~tt n ~ri. rl .etve le
al poaity, hv[nofaeond iaae-nthihxte ssrysutscl ih tmd ihPiuin-Ba-y. hcli ta'hs, psarlors
the campus by next fall. The un- icaicc, isn iv 'ttseesi." 115d statersssmss ssf tiese steallti~ et th e-
sigmied flr themliv lestttlt cmitir mmtms'ot f
tention had been to msake the DAI)A ahsimainiity undaer hoimme eontms; the pat-
next year a morning paper, but the Oexi'tsst tisi" ri" iliihti tree tilt avtsiscatiiis t atialtcquimpmnentbt.e luxurmyoi the sqi-
pSintns mtx nases rax-eitvim onthiese'
general sentiment amrong the Stu- Rusmford ChemiealWorka, Providence,Pt.I. steammers thornugly enjity fite Svnshfete
dents seetms to favor a oon paper, Bewssare itt Subtelatcs inst timittins. illuistraited descrmptive tssmtsbvtAdu(leess
A. A. 5c}imaxat G.tP -' 1 ..:I.,,D. I- ('
and an endeavor will be made to For Sale by all Druggists. -tzoit, Siti
0iicx x v., - IZ C-t , 1
,Ns].n it itofLCAPS11110GOcWNSt hiem-
As ericvsttl 5 sit I- ii . Iis tsstet5
lirtatiset' cle., tip is
iftht ;arlrrs' attd j c ttiiws3' n
cistl, $301,000l. su''ttttiandisPeitit s1suso.
hoes a -eners al og Id iislnc,,. Paysitr-
estlonii iniseosoits,tas Solely
DectosittFoxes dirr enit.
I. KNTcIT'm, Pies. F. IBELSEti. cssicr.
Baitk sites Sstsursdsy evening.