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June 04, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-06-04

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r - FACULTY APPOINTMENTS. 110i professor of blaw N. F Johnson READY FOR THE 13IG GAME.
s-Os i mae assistant professor of law ____
We 115t Move sd seret ry of the low tfaclly.:1
Th tr w nwocuy ha Members Appointed by the Rse- ' -vy hma 1' n is n Fourth Championship GamnelWith
bees sold. We must -seet new
51 quarters. gents for Next Year. Wlaler D.Smiiihliwere reappinteinlt- Chicago Today.
- y011 aSrsctsrsilalte. The followilsg were ______
HWe b~1Th t Close Out 2pitd nneiet lcic5
NThe facutlty apptoistiets for sex ~oitil iosrsteit hfrr:Tod11ns g1ine1 till udtsi( -d1r151y be
l~ii our stwktof 5music noelss d JuIg by t.irgneists.tyJa e
Olteyces.lWe sofer usiceswhich year have ieensadste bythe h Jss s LHgh Ii. mci. Sw iandsirly li the iiibli ggstshomeiine 55of lstyeas.
w'uil sell roods if low prices .I the iterests of ecoioisy tie Ibord - ' e llsesgo telsilshavt 1h1(1sample
mesanaything to buyers W I ilt o io)es 55lt.0 i sg It. X.Big-lo. hissssrace; J. 11.rt i(yloatyu-u ticeii'lss
N risk n n fteisrco' nbrgminiing lw Aleit 11. Walergai155',a ithi-ilshlent added l sxstr-
1THIS MEANS BUSINESS NN patenstaissioFeaontis. iesdtrsopsrrsht
Nesaeb of te followiisg clartssleisl: ptn ~w;Fas .tes.ess-ienifee gaies iie East ltogetei'with
N f you wat aiythinig is the 1 reslw.
maunic clue act our prices this INF elih, Gerissai, History, tPolitial ___________ tie rest Since tsir tilpstey wil
soee. ll Tonioisysidi tatin. Thim1ue of lMts ting of Medical Society, coime to Annis Abtsr clterisiossI ts
y TH N RO RA O IN Di-,Waite, is to be divitesdbetweeni -rias.They Sioldiive the 'Varsity
HIS H N RO RA O Greek aidiL latin. Tie-Miciganislate Metical Sociesty tita the best gonse of the scso.
itl S. MAIN ST. P Professor 1-eiels indeialltuifes- isiets1t lit. Cleisens today ands to- As ias beei previouisly ainisouiice,
II orof Germnlan sgtaiges and 1 ilesa- imorrowsa-dsod1s f ssthe mseical far-neier ssaso tiskes inor tll ss 515-
BU E-HRBCCLS ; Ut a (sa' i rtn( 11'0alhae ue for ose ear. Dr. Wiklr 'insslyaeiiatesbic iti1i5'10 will be accetesi otay. I hswc er,
L= = =x=simade ssistat professor sf tCrenissoprs to read, lhisssoctiy h1s00, 0 i55- tieimanialgeiet hsas mdissslsiraoe-
los three yelrs aid -M. lldlsr as bersip f 30 andsia. vry iiteresliig iseists to give all tihe'besotiosile e-
All hrapoited isrulctor iltGermanl.smeeing is anitiited. twing IssDr. (olsoailois. There wsill is' two
Asi tan rofessor Tf. . Ssitt wsssluglsis'alibseie in ew York, lic tic~et sands, so as to asidtilaeby at
madise;juior' profes'sso of ileislitsod will isot be alle to presisde at the omes- tie gae, aiss half of the bless-besss
rhetorit. XW. C. Gore was reapposit-ini tg. Dr. F. tG. Novy. te ile irs rideli, will lbe reservesd for lsiets. A hago
B atli. ng la dasitntn is nEI glislSrasihfro i suetoryeroil 'ill ocupyiy It i-h l fre 1nu-mbill~e' of asutiisiifromssot ofion,
S'1~O it~C I elis A.S~rsss isoirss-hs usher of te faclty aise oer lo Md.besises ss gssdssiel Cicagis -ontilii-
S I ngjssl. flsessnts ohetihel ss'5 levig getaisl the usual suidet ltentl--
Asstant Professor iw t was Illd yesertbay imorinig expeeting to reaci isce are exletel so as o msaks he
-FOR A- juiio Ipofessor of iilteiaiitts. E. tbse fsr the lirst sesiois todsy. gaises'oe of the athletic events of tes
A. Lymsain isas rappsiniesdisrutolr The papers to bet'rsas by imehbers season.
in mastlemiaics for three years ails of te fancilty are as followis: "Treast- rThetChicago teaiis iere exetedson00
Ed-ill C. GottdsrdIhenry L. toar, wsdn0 of Pss ii the Pelvis by Ablois- altse tratn last iigt. Nisliolo sill
andl Jamses 1. tloer wiee reappsloit- 1t1,I1Sectionwis-ils Hyserecomoy,"Iy prsoilyIl-itchasod the'wole tais
et] for one year. Dr. J. N. Mrtn; "A Cliicsal Csotri- will be out 1oplay the gamse of teir
Better oes if yu want r. 'Moitet7vi iias smate assistant bution to our Ksowledge of Tusors les.
lsl'ofeoor of Fineb.iScringing froissthe Lamgs'Nevis," ichigai s Issalso eels losing io
them at Professor F. M. Taylor sils real- by Dr. C. B. Nanrede; "Patigie,'y tine. ut oss the coitrary, lhs beess
poitei jiinior professor iii poiliical Di. Xarrn Pi Lomibard; aidisusisonshsowii-ng ill vey well in prcticee
eonoisy aisinance for Ithee i-ars. 011 the treatment of typhoifeer, yeve'(ry day aisslthe tla earalsbi' se-
~ flr. V''nrn Acinig Professor floyd ias ap- Dr. Gesrge Dock: Digitalis"Oy tPro-iensesuo to play its usal excl-
IVIUIIII~tI fUU StoreI poited asistant professor otililoso- fessor A. R1. (hslihy; "'flisok ii leit gmest. Tes'battisg orsersiill le
s I lilpy for one year. 10r. Pierce instorue- Sersthes'spy," by Dr. C. T. Met is- as follois: Iollister, 1 f; tDeans, 3h;
tor inusycsheology resignes, andt]Isistoik; "Nerie Sturing and erve is- MKissey, r f; Watkins, p; owiviey,
17 . 'Washington St., cor. 1p1cr was not filled. 'Mr. Reee issotiasatioss" y Di. G. Garl lHbesr; so; Hohse, ; Blosmiisgstsis, 21;
reappointed instruc(tor in psyehology. 1"tsre of i a fse after Labor," by1 Dr. Sielss, c f; lenitse, lb.
Fourth Ave. Dr. WIait was reappsoissed instrustor, J. G. lynds; "Ieport of a Casc of The gme w iill te alled at -1:1y.
iii Greek, Sanskrit and Latin. ctopic teststiosa iiths tibernlosis stage wiill umpihire.
IMDPORTANT NOTICE. H. I~ Goldingias reaponted in- of Fallopain Tubes, Ovaries, Plet
, eutor in desriptive geometry ad ails Foetis," by Dr. A. S. 'tarhin. ook of Honor Orations.
drawinig. Frank R. Lilie ini zoology 'fThose that are atteniding the iseet- Te secosis editiosn of the hisok of
7 and Keene Fitzpatrick istrnctsr itptng frois here ae Professrs C. B hoior ortionsis thi'essontests of the
.. , . YY 1 1D ,the gymsnasiums. Nasssreds', J. N. Marin, Warred I'"Oaoral Association giving the first
. H. Landis was smade assistant iss Losmbard, W. T.1. ertinass. George and secod honor orations iso'ate,
The Leading Tailor, v(rtebrate morphology, A. I. Dorr (-okAR. sy. Flesmnisg far- his beess platced 0on sale at Sleis'is's
and only direset Importr in the city, assistant in the morphsologia labora-Tot' ..11 . - rriels i b.G. Nov , 1rind W'ahr's. The money seieivcdl
has just received his entire stock of ory, Miss Juliet Butle .assistant in C. Titer, A. S. N' rhin, J. G. t y nil froiu the sale of thus book goes o-
Foreign and Domestic Wooens for the zoological laboratory asd John B. C. T. Mclintok, IVr. F. Breakey, C. iards establishing debating estisson-
Spring and Summer '96, at Jolnston zoological assistanst in gen- G. Darlig, S. At. YVuly. Pas. It smay ho obtaind in 'lsths
NO .WSIGO T.NA ANera biology. bnigfr7 et ri ae o
(' .W NHTH .SA AN harles E. St. Johiss ias apphointd Alpha Nus June Festival" tisd50 r7 ce sisnrisssssr.o
bun Dress Suits a specialty. isstructor in physics' to take thet hlac 'fTle Alpha Nuswivll eidthe year by
of Assistant Professor heed. absetgvn usheormStiady Rgnts Bill Dismissed.
" 1q in ~~~Europe. ngt h rga ilcnito
peel at S ale. tThe following nstrusctsrs, havins gls.Ts sors vl oss fTe bill in equity bled ty the hte-
,. the folosisg niiibess: Mssieco- gessts to secure thse ressiltiter of the
servedthe years, wr dacdi net solo, 'Mri. Dudley; "As You LikeTeisarcoltonwted yth
sasaryfros $10 to$1,00.0. ~It," . B. Rubin; voal solo, Miss heirs winss dismsissed yestersday ty
Baseall Suplie, Lwn Mssir. ati; D. C.H. oohy, oe-Fischer; violin solo, lr. Coo": os- Judge Iiinne. Te suit depesded upon
Tennis Rckets, awn Ten iology; K. E. Guthe, physics C. G. fessions of Aphii Nu,-F. . Car-terssruts ofhi''ilass
Wrestmnore, draiing; Dr. Ernest l'oss,sody; vocal solo, iss .Maioss Parks; Jag tsei egh pno e
Supplies, Sotn od fGran aeyi on F. X. Carsmody L. L. cided in favor of the defendants.
evr ecito.The salaries of B. A. Finney an .ydesrpto.Itledick; pi.ano solo, Miss Emnuas
P Jordan, assistants. in the general Fischer' debate, "Resolved, That Paul Freshman Meeting.
SEE OUR STOCK AND PRICES lbrarcy, were advanced frosm $00 to was a greater oratorthnWber,
$$20"afismative, Ediund Block, negatie, At the meeting of the freshsman cass
In the law department Professor J~ Bcaitr oa oo osKn held yesterday afternoon, Ben B.
T.iy;viointt a solo, ran liller.i
'w 'A..H R '. lie.Champlin resigned. His wi" iluy ilnslAmn ilr ltay ApaDlaPit a
A ecosmbined with that of Dr. ieh's, elected football manager for the fall
litiis successor has not been. lp- 'rho admissioss fee for the 'Variy of 'f96. It is desired that thosoiho
Upa Tows. Dews Tw., iointed as yek. field day Friday afternoon has eess have not paid their riass tax do so at
UnvrlyBokstsre, Opasste GutlHouserepoitd
20.S'tte St. 4 N. MalenS. H. L. Wlgus wasrepond act- fixed at 50 ecuts. once.

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