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June 06, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-06-06

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We M~ust rfove j
if The store we now occupy hasM!
been sold. We msot seek new
54 quarters.
!bI 5
We M~ust Close Out "j
ou tc fmusic goods and
licyclex. IWe soer. priceswhc
will sell goods if low prices t
cean anythinag to buyers z
Io If you want anything in the 444
msusic lane get our prices this44
Qi S. MAIN ST. 1t
A Good

Bath Sponge'
A -FOR-'A-
Better ones if you want
them at
Mw yS DIrg towe
17 E. Washington St., cor.
Fourth Ave.
CaG. H. WIL'D.
The Leading Tailor,
and only direct Importer in the city,
has j Lst received his entire stock of
Foreign and Domestic Woolens for
:Spring and Summer '96, at
lulsl Dress Suits a Specialty.
Special Sale.
Baseball Supplies, Lawn
Tennis Rackets, Lawn Tennis
Supplies; Sporting Goods of
every description.
Up Town, Dlows Tows,
Cnilversity Bookstore, Opposite CourtHouse
205S. State St. 42N. Main St.


'Thle indepeideit anit fraternily on-
Records Are Broken in High ilittees oar tteuioi of tie Culliln Good Entries for Soplonore-
Jump and Pole Vault. and Palladium met last nlighit anti tie Freshlmen Meet.
- ~~oimbtinationl of this two ainnualis is now
h'ti le tak 1meet, wihwOOs1111 soliioiloi'Ifi'siiiilfield meiet
Sarsil ulilli lssre. The frtelrnityx'delisgales i'-
eld at the Athletic feld yesstrday lpredlthat ight pet of this lhiree'n wiiiibeilielilMouly lfternloo. No
fternoon wOOsinot well atti'ndods. Ow-. fraternities had voted ini favor of co rt m ill b rne.Tels.o
rag o te fct hat ne r to o th bimtio uner newnam an tht etries is 1s follows:
1Q1en lS weeiini're' inlseoverleventisi'it-ihie remaliinigllelld elarhedtem 00ytill'hJ.-MS a ,
whichi conflicted,. llshe tlrillil 15.1sselvestir uniiion under the namiiee orIi'1'.iHeali, '18, L. I1(1ilis, 'fi,
org drawvnext. in sitsefthillisi' 'lllPa lladium-stlllia. I te,'99, V.A. H. l, 'fib.
ver,001111'exellient comitiionl wasl Thet'1 erm~ls eupol shiiheiic111 111 0'y"ar11s las-J.i .'Thiomais. fi,
sossn in severallofthis evetis and biuialon ixii te fiiially foriiidiiare'as11.t.ciHeald, fi93, F. hB. Caisiins, 9S,
two v'arsiy recordelsvriesken. I. followvs: Te iaiiiis Iti e ent'ireJ.Aer 99 . Ey .
t. Verinor,'97fi, celiluedel lWs'Vrsity ly ness'oiii'nd l iibe lchois'niby a 440) yardslrn-. T.tHead, '98, E.
eorul in the high jumnp fro'.im feet commnitte of ix'e fromlthe lieraryIt Cinkis'fiA. If. W,,l'r ,'fi8.
3 lii inches to 5 feel0 iiichss, 'isiilin ficulty. tresident Anel will be I-H.(Gibson'lS E., W .IF. issl 2ili.ey
so idoiiigaddedilmaterially eto the ap echairmoanof this coimmittee' ad he )1)9 , M.BWitle'. '9t).IT. A
iiearaiics of AMiciiglilli reord list.ias te poser to aipoit tiiieman i tern 99,H. I Qurls, 'fibH, L. I.
C. 'T. 'Tryon also trought the reordin lg four. The editorial tori is to Dr i ggs, 'fil.
in this pole vault froii f1 feet to 10le cosiposed of a illn ing dit iiior it Iaf imis riii-Ef.hB.(alikins, 'fi8,
reet, 3 luches. buiness manai~liilger111111sx eitors. IB.I.Daialey, 198I), f.A. IT. Warnr, 'IS.
C'axptain tLetoy wOOsnt in condiitionii'This oard twill esx'lioeedl illsuchr-it i a .Hal,'8 .I-Mn l 9
or thisrecordl iithis troaid jililpx woexxu lldinneritht equal re'presen'atiiill viiI~. A.IR. Wisr aned, 'till.L. ,. Drigg.
undloubitedly larslien vhngedl ts be gieni lox bohi idpe' ntsilll' ndO 99, l If. A. Slun, 9'fill i. B. RWisilte-
will. Inonl-indep'endents'11. 111111 f tetil'I i'. Isiy.'tl.
'Nii'iy'sic by adlding le ten poils It''I fratelritiesandeails of thIi- lt (111' imile 1run1-B. I. Ialey. 'fibE,
11101e by IlePonit to their score, hed siroril Iis i.to el'i'ct ai lli'i'tiC a1d1111 T.' Wr'er,'98,l C. I. Giso, 'IS
the list wih31 pintsillo 55 ')Sjis see511"eliii' epndenlits are u'selcsae qu11a'1171., Li. Driggo,'fi, A. . XX isrlnd,
1111 swill 26ipoints liii'fillclos laftr lnumblier lit delegates. 'T11151'wo o'If.ctB.WitssIlI.A.tin
18 withl 2. grops of dele'Igtes 'indepen'ent and 9, .l E.lciinshll,'lb.
As a whles 11'het gvesome ex- nonindnen-itIltnit eche lii either a bShot 11t11J.1X 1-'. . 'iiiett, 'fi8 ,
c0oit compehitition aloe showed'thabet maningf ieditor or 1business5 iMaillger F.IE. tBaker 's)8,F. ('. T ryonu,'t)
lie 'X'rsity11110 some sery' promiis- Indthree'ditrs. Tie eighit tils P. IV. .311, 't, I. A. 1111 h" ll
111g atlehti's aongIhentile rn 111. (11ne eelid osill (,(instiute theicdeeileriah Iahhlxelr trsw-J. . F. Bneot,
of use 111sf ceditale hIpherfxiiaie's boardl snd ill' toelc't ltheir oensi e 98'fib F. Ii.E. Blier. 'fiS I.L. Harsey
of till' cay wsas the ist trial hot in rtary 111111treasuseer. 'theis iIIes o01JS ,G..ryoinfi.' ''99,1 IslJoes,
lt' 120 yards hiirdhes, whsih AyersmanaIli1ging edior ailtdibusielss 11' hhinil--ii
'fit, woin froimi('Chbb, '97, i 11-3ager rs' to hbs lel inirotation bysBuning hghs jump B-l. hF. Brsily,
seonds, f ratrnity aiid ind~ependen~ht retrese-uhee 'fibH. 4. A. citller, 'fib. I. B. Ca1uk-
'1'hi sehhhhthay: hi-c's.ins, 'fib. C. Ai'. SBrton. '88 . t.HIalrey.
,I) yards dash-D.tR.Stuart, 'fi6. h 'niles'mat~lter wihhlbee'repolre '118E. I. A. Smlith,. 'I)n, C. A'. Adams,
first; J.1Ai. 'Thomhas, 'fibsecond; J. to theinidepeindeins b he it coitlte '99, EI. L. Ouhliles, 'fib I.
Ape, 'fi, hii't; thee 10 2-3sec'onds. att lii -1115 imeting'Tuesday aftrnoon Running Iniedeljemp-Hf. F. Carey,
22(0 yareds dash-Sieuart, '9li3efirst; at4ip. il. 't'eommititee hullii 9, F B. C-ahulkms, '98b11ii. I. ilie-
Tihouas, '08, secosid; Heald, 'fi, third; poser tee act so, as far as the ise- soil. 'fib I. C'.C' Adamu,'fib. I. A.
tlle 23 seconds. eeueents al'seonicrnedel. i details Sih 9 1 .Sen 411
10yrshrl- 1.deotSpaealh arranged. 121) yardso hrdesJ. X. F. Benett,
first; Ayers, '99, secoind; St. Cair, 19h6 Vasiyvs)Trnt. '8 HN. I. Aye 9, .C.Aas
third; time 172-3r seconds.Vriyv.Trno 9 .Aes9)E
220 yards hurdle-Ayers, 'fib. firt; At :3 o'lock ttis safternoon the 'X'r 2 ar-ds. hulrves'f-Fe. . ehas,
St. Cair, 'fil, seond; Chibb, '97, sityswilhhplay the5 strong lie rees 'fibeN. B. Ayers,'fi.
thired; time 27 secondes. Toronto U'miverity. This teams is re t'ole vult-C. T. Tryon, 'l, C. C.
440 yardls rsu-Ieale, 'fiS irt; Iportelas sery srong an isl os-hI 1-Adamls fib.
lliilsing, '4iSL seond; Di'ggs, '99, outedly gv'sMchihsgainitgoot gami' c'e fiil sihtea oliss
ihiirl; tme, :3seouses. anselhel teeput this 'X'arsitycin igoodl Starttr, 'J. B. itzgeahtI: timer shill
880 yards run-fluffy, '98S D, first; stondition for Thursdays gmt~e ssith referee, IBeene -Fitzpatrick; cerk of
ciattlisess98'i ,secoind, Stein, 'fi, Chichago. course J.SKeeeFtztoy; rsems LC.
thirc; tine, 2:10. Toronto ias beeenx playng gootbill
clikei run-Bailey. 'fi, first; Xood- ths seasoni ad three years ago the cieiulg01111 I. C. Martin; judiges, D.
ruff,'96,secod; thetle R.Stuar, L. C. Marin, 0. I. Xright
'uf, fisueoid;XXiittesy, 'fi, thiri; bet ihigaii 5 to 4 ii a ten aringaelI.Brsnl.Axdiisii o
'M11le oall-ciryou, fit), first; Paul, cThere shoule le a large attenldancee.twsety-fie's cents sill be chargee.
'fi, seond; time, 7:56. hboths to see good ball and toese-i Lawn Fte to Woman's League.
Runnimng high ;jump-X'eruo, '97 the 'arsity ems owvhrdl farther ve
first; Hagler, 'f9 ii, second; St. Clair. ory. MOrs. . (. Russell gas'sia ehsresring
'96t, third; height, 5 feet 0 imces.ilawn fee to thisXXmemne's League' yes-
Rtunning bread jump-St. Cair, '911, College Games Today. terday at her homse on Bill st.- in
first; ciMartin, 'fillL, seeond; Carey. 'fi, Te college -e shdue lsrto onor of Xrs. Amgell. ciis Stick'ey
third; distamce, 20 feet 1t inches. dyaea olw:Oelnv.Gr read a epItitonl that crs. Agell woul
Pole vault-Tryon, 'fib, hirst; huteh-Heda taca; alesvs.C,rln vs. r- thonor this Univieriy by permuitingthis
inoon, '9i7, scn;Haeger, 'f9 i, Pcinmel ton itv;e vs.ofPrinesylomia oasuditoriumxiii thiseso''Womie's Build-
s~eosd; riueton l'eivesti' o t'msUiiva sln110to be' called this Sarah C sussell
third; heght, 10 feet 3 larches. s'.IrvdaCumbrgetmie-
ShotHprv-ddont Cfirst;g('se;uphell.r- Angell Hal i crs. Agell respomded
'fil L, second; Lehr, 'fib D, third;- dis- syofBenc mies.Bowat.oy-im a gaiouos seh of thanks. A
tmnce, 35 feet '1 huhes,eue.' miost deligtful tinseas sent by l
Hammner thios-Bennett, 'fi, first; This valuable phlilosopical library cMrs. Angell will emtertaime this Xon-
tars'ey,, 'fi, secomd: Thosmpson, 'fil, of the late Professor Morris hals been' en's Leagume at her homne on Saturday,
third; distance, '95 feet 7 inches. presentesd to te University library. Jumne 13. from3i to 3.

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