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June 02, 1893 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1893-06-02

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qo( 4 c r . a


VOL. III.-No. 1 i 6.


SATURDAY'S GAME. of that game will depend the chain-
The Home Team Will N ext Cross p10onstipt.
Bets With the Boys from , We nive herewtth the itandltng of
Champaign. the cluhs at the present tinte.This
Although v-c did not wsin, the may he suhject to revision titer,
Decoration Day gante itli Corneli owiing to the trregularittes connected
convinced every man whlo iwitnessed wittt the MTinnesota enviS which
it that Michignan it alile to cope inwl wttiioit t iiadtotep-
hasehall with any college team in tentingi of alt thatvieuh's victories.
the country. \Whoever paiys lis e. is

gets fell value. ; t
Tomiorrowe the hoys nmeet the Si.
strong tcaniifroiai the U f11
Whatever that universitytinsevr ci Ban
iinueeiol-exin the .lineuof'athltics Cii

Coqunt to Justine Brown.

An Easy Victory for '93 in a Fea- '4
tureless Game-Junior Laws
Show uip Poorly. k fi
About yoo people ivalked tint to & I oT
the Atiletic Field yesterday to see YjlRldlF CER! I. ,
aganie hetiveen the '9; anti'9.1 DETROIT, MICH.
las.i The gmewis isom0ewshiaiof
as farte as '93 tlid 'shoot as it pleaseid
w itih '94.'1Tle gmiiwas fetureleless
until t teliinthiingwhnisill-
fin dloubale playswa seniiiincere1 hy
1ii.> ,Spuneysuit Jeffiseus
TheiieniOiio litIda goord gamie, C
h ut becaie carelesi towartli the 9
ciit of lii am , aioisiin C. int s iutt iiriM-',Sir Culii i S-e3
scores to he iadse, wichtl shiarp ann jn Vii, i_>iil lirii
playing ivoultihave ipreventedt. At'
the hat they lilt Scott as they1
pleased, rutnning the score up to *f F I M J
20, aiid failing to score only in tw DETROIT, - - MtICtIGAN.
For the juniors Woodhury excell- nd 5r gT Qi
ed in the flds, mittPepple at thlit
TDehefistd was in poor condtitio} 'nrt snte
for playing, andn soiieotithe errors !iiiiti ;,
wvere excuiiahle oni this arcount. ii.5iqiiCi
- ji L_

I The Pgi Delta Phi baniquet to
has heen a success, and this year
jnstice Broiwn, of the Uitedtatets
they have a hasehall teani that ranks
far ahove ansy in past yearn. ft tins SpeieCut'va iills vn
loit hut tivo of the large nnnaher of i11ng at the residence of Regent Whit-
nman. tt wan a niost successful
panies played this year, one of thioseafite osCa aseul e
to Mlichigan hy tihC extrensely close I far h sss sa atflydc
Iorated, am istfle refreshmiients iwere
icore of 6 to 5. In Frederickson
the ti. of I. tins oiie of the hestseed
Al the mienihers of ithe lawv fat-
tiwiriers iantiCeweit, aiisljtiudig hy utraemebrIfth h et
tihC gaimeCs lhehas ithdluiniig'theiC ,
ast tireetesisour hoys swill hasve , aiisteas iusatvicen ii i iator
liardi work tofiiidilhim. Illinois has I.t; i d ,usuc hiI i'i. a 1
Ilioni's in, Rent 'lit ilutusas Jasdiie
also a stronii fielding tseiiii, ad iiii l , K
iwtilttdobi ct stsientific aiEI
g>anit as lii ibe~en Seinion toltcoh ii irat
gruidiiithis 1y0eari
Thle hatteri for Micliigan rl e
Griffinanais d Car ord .;for the vsit-~
ors, FIrCericksoniaimtHiff
woirtd's Colleneelords.

JeIi. I I-1 -
Iiniuirt ", s t-

+ ' . tiis liii
t ;13iPOi1:.
liZia les
1, ( V } GI " n: s - ll .o1,Ya iix
4 it
4I '' 1I I
a 1 ii 5
1 0i
1 0 0 ( r i i

Tennis Tournament.
Thle sprinig teiinis touirlniiametswll
hegili on the caiiiis courts tomaor-
row miorning. The contests wiii he

isoiniei. 1. C
WC give helowv the college records lirou-Sl, e. i---
Bieri, ir. f -__
in sonte of the events to he conitest- oritf i .---
ed at tonmorrowv's fieldi-day. It is
not to he expected that cinch record _____

for the first andsecotnd class chan- uleakiig will [)e i iugcsl in, Duii
pionships ini hotti sinigles alis the foiloiving tahle ivill shiowv iiiat
dlouhles. Priees hsase heen offers-I tile hoys iill have to hreit u inlrdr
hy the associationa for those iinni;; 11 to estahlishs newv iorids rncors:
first or second place in either clasi. 1I100 Yards Dasi-9 4-5see Amican.l
The fee for admission is 25 celnts for 220 Yards Dasi-214- see.'nseti-
the tingles and 50 cents for the eaD.
douhles. Entries most he naade to 440 Yards Dash-4Sij see. minen.u
L. H. Paddock or some other oem- >-Mite Duas--tinin. n4 2- see.t'En
her of the tennis committee hefore f1-lile 1R111-4 mnl. .21 3-5 see 1 11g-
nine o'clock toniorrowe. lisip.
'120 Yards Httrde-15 4-5 see.Ainaeri
How the Clubs Stand. cn

I Moriso 1 e
Dier, 3iii --_
In iiee, r I.
lleisieO e-
Hlilsv 11f--
Elliot, 2 b----

94 LAWS5.
. 4 '1 I0 0 211
.---- ---- 5 1 1 0 51 0i
-------- 4 1 5s 05 1 0
- ---- 4 1 0 05II0I0 0
1__----- 1 50 50 i5 I0
.------- 450 501 3 1

The hasehall season of the North-
wvestern Inter-collegiate Association
is now nearly at an end, and the
contcst has narrowed down to the
clubs of Michigan and Wisconsin,
the former heing slightly in the
lead. One game remains to he
played hetween these cluhs, on June
so, at Ann iArhor, and on the result

220 Yards IHurdle-24 4-5 see. Ameri.
2-Mile Bicycle-5 min. 3111-5 see.
Running High Jumip-6 ft. 4 in.
Running Broad Jump-23 ft. 61 in.
Throwing the ttammer-133 ft. S in.
Putting the Shot-41 ft. 1 in. Eng-

33157m. . . 1 tl'e14 i
Jefieris Sit by liaitediiall.
Innilgs-----5 2 .1 4561 5
'3ilaw----- i--- 4 1 3 3 0 4 5 2-20
'94 Law -------05051505155 0 -i7
Ties base hits-Jefferis. Spueney, Fleming,
Bleed, Rinaker. Struck eat-By Griffin I, by
Scott 4. Bases onobills-By Griffin , by Scot
4. Hit by pitcher-By Scott 5. Passed balls-
Koeeistein 3. Double play-Fleming to
Spurney to Jefferis. Utmpire--Erogmso.
The next game for the inter-class
championship will he played Mon-
day, hetween the dents and the sen-
ior lawn.

FI T '=TI=2 .TS,
55W. FET ~rST-i,
Detroit, Michigan.

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