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June 03, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-06-03

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~Ijc Uo f f.Wlp

VOL. 1.-No. 175.
The HiEh School Boys Lose thej
Game by Costly Errors.
Ninety-four is making a hard fight
for the championship banner. Yes-
terday afternoon she took her third
game of the series, and stands is
chai on of the literary departmsent
andl preparatory school . The latter
put uip a weak game behindt the lbat


The groonds chosen for tine Uni- for nWsnn~o qaepn
versity Cotlege fare on Sedgsvickc anently, amid need fnttse consoli-
asvtneiess thana a half mile front eated nwith tineundrergradua 'tede
Monris D)ock, nod include a stritp 50otartments above tine Harlenm Risver.
feet wnise and 60oe feet long, runniing The buitdngs sn-ics it is proposed to
donosa to thne l harlem Ris-fr. Th 5inst sitsIane not yet been de~cidterh,
gsven tie ne ivssersity a frontage ron upon, but it is not teiee htn
thne risvenrantore boat-tiiiises wiltlInc they insght tin be iof a nore exps iss .
list sillsiltbsihsnd oilier accomis- nature than is niecessary."
mildslimnis IFor the studns . Aniong thoseas-Io siliscribs. toiii
WIiii lbs.crtails rtstrsiclinrof Ivrdstinepiretiae (if tslnd for

t Matted to You -'
Through Your

suit at shunt, Irlsaalayiing puir thne pcicesule snicersit}'hellsd lin. te I'liii i siyare Jay Mounld, Rash- I 4t
hal 1ws)hattie ansually tintssup-.line ins Washsington Squiare, aii interneist- isiChrsh itr ilim LS li tilh' t.
catchier snailshortstop sn-rc whoullin propiositloninns tieenmalideswhichs, if Iless usler,Iti-. J ohn IHtll , andlSi lanfeenisofinest Plin
or partially res ponsilefor tine ems-crredlouti, will preserve tint Inh isis t 5 >.Irelndii.adJeeedSctyBd
tir eeeirisiatbe' Nnetone structurce to future mgenerations. is nnooiiosissn i is.smD ETROIT, - -- ICH.
cms taitihedh agreat gamae conasideriniig hissis to rnnes.veit -trumnetby sto n n sit),55willsColumiaiCoilegs.asidh
thne support linnireivsend in thein inn fromsits tinesenit sitenand chinnt iiChanacnllor MctCrackensyesterdniay,!
fielnhomaha three hits heimadon inn.sd againa beyonnd thin II mniivncr.tins fallntnthirouigh. -Tfhn tlimnaitie
Iis delivery,-lhhouigh Inc struck eotIEstinmates hisse already beeni nide hnoped, nwonuld becar thatclint of rn-
icast thasnn manens as tinthin cost of thinssnwonrIk andit it s anian tn hthnicia, in a ad
Niniety-founwnmbiy her ill-aroundsiduchamt thinpltan woualdnieffect a san- they seeill educaedsanmiiiof thins
gOodhplayina. -ciogman 1sitchsedha inagof -shout850,000.u The hathnd
secirinicits tareservnitinon this.ewa
goodshgamsuns.ilshthis.founrtin ahenpn h~ic h athis.buiildhingctans i ,-rosuins.
she ih I i i S hiool hoy s touchnedihiimsestimatsed to I enwh r ao tshiiromX500,00coo- ..- --- !ma ~e inu n n nine Laestea n-i inmiiStyles
tomer --I Iss700 oadsvrllre f s(i he its50-no f ns r setasnin mcArbore
il foar tin-ca o-bagc r ad a ts.mshsneglli-eii aamcahaynaEtn
gettiin si m h s.enif tinhnei a n . iIns. hivenan ltradly linens madaes.fon it. h rcs edfrCtlget
If S I his.meietinig if tihe II bali us. cii-
urc n i lnehu is ~l}als man u nllatemsmsas~s.litR H. FYFE &
Is- is 'ya st-iv-gee-isis1ficldeslssathis. snlisisa s adust hsuchsl lowin"sismce-es as-e ectedci r tinhhhe ~ iS~nl
ewus hI'~-ilanstuckwi - reasnaless thua tons 000 and the a s-isasisDgE-cs-: les., t. I fllsIt
Inort. ii mills.efmmsm ii t sminfrsiili hlstoigethier coiuldl thierefosreh i as cnsls eisusn CGRETS
I~eilfesey; exeutive comitteeCIGAR uTE
erros beinsicaon r1d on accomunt of Squmare grosunrd awoindrhsell for uniirr sa conrestneCthCan Ithe8 pr-J- imiicetuc
udiciaticomei-teecC. As.'ritcililiii5
mmIi etcharrnuse - -enemori, os-i ns
thne slippery coniiona of this.ball. favorablhe coiniritionas, andsshin tiniy trCtenns Cigaretslind i
Anothier ashowere mathe is.gihthi endredl ofIhsirely yearsanosuld el hworthl i nsconstitutioun C( i7.1'hm O L hiilmthrs
tine fl-loeasithnthe scoeel esvenatin great reatrumore. R-masdellC.I-K. Sheart.ne t cn, mccii dliesiele tmvoe rcii iligietsi tn
four.I teaywoodl actedias imnp~ire.n That unirsity is crasmphedl fomroomu, itin neerirnnifnrmii Geld LseamimomnminVicrginie. This is the cist
Pla s w re iscsse fo rasin ssd nOrigieal trend o m ic ht n untdisCigarettes,
muss usFt'I aN I GS, bheut its satanpropety isnotlay tusmta5ndil ienscrouhtot nsyrus in the eer 1875.
th1 standhardh of work n x er ansi. Bewm e ot n 1miritis, mnim imisem-ne tttihmie
Nimnety-fo ur ---___1023 .101-115 large enuogihfor all erducatiounal tamr- thus.ommimse sumsosemmatiociasnfi m aALE GN ER n cecigc.
Hig Schol I----- 0031000- oebut adforns nonple rooms for nun mie AmercanesTobaecmodii..
N. Y ~ ~-~ Inustructedl tondrawa- uipa anensdonsti- Menufactermscs. -- lRimcmnd, Vtrgiiae.
--- jplay groundrh and that indriugence of ________________________
NY.University lo be Moved. all athletic sports. tumieo and suhbmit it at line first J. A. POLHEMUS.
-Channcellor MicCrackens says:"Itoneetiung uext fail. . -1T ITV 1J
'ie Ciiersite of New Ymnklro t e uhllgattisisnnte-eosi Tt ALSO-nuIAdCKANDi BAGGAGE-LINE
noons tmmbe renmoverdIrons thlesite IoTor-onutroamd in ar tVarsity at Detroit. I Nerth Maim stSreet.
wehicha it Inns occupied for 6ob years students swill be only oiiie cennts. Ave 'Torlay Toronto Ilays tint It.AA. GRET ETERPRISE
inWsigo qae e okexpect that messy of that trofessors C. at Detroit. 'Pin follownvig in tin.AhAe ~ Ad i
City.'swill live ins that ieighuborhsood, wvhere battling order as they apprit-~sn thins
emqerurround n oe otrd a hot can none be boughut for $1,50e morings 'T'ribune. i fliJl inijnc
esu urudnso h te iethant would cont $2erooo or omore in It. A. C. 'NASlIall IHi4III Y~ti~~I
of IHarlenm River, about twventy acees, ththatoftect.hmn itope or Wash --Catcher.-----Fitgerald
have been puechased from the Mail Kie - lte. CTheCiaoNesRcrni osp
buildings which it is proposed to Deehsrme------ irst Sane------- tie caeNw-codiins-
estate. The university holds an op eeti omtr aal bl- Egan-_______Secnd Sane ------ arret plyithe ENCYCOP .I BRITTAN-
lion upon drmanoequalaleoffhad--Crowleyr-------Shri step -...-T. Wardell NICA at Whoesale pite.
tio upn a eqalamount hoad ig fifty to seventy pupils, but the Miller.---------Third base ----H. Wardel
joining property, which, it is said,maoiyfthsudnswllvet Gallagher -----Let eld....-.------.MoSer A GREAT CHANCE FOR SO-
may likewise be purchased. Cttdd----- Catre Sid---- Mnosh
their homes in the city." Guiney--------E ight Sid ----s-risoll LICITORS.
The university will be opposite - <<I do not - suppose that the ui -00
Two Hundredth street, on a bluff,uf- The 95 Oracle Board will an- In this business you are net ragarded as a
versity will he established oil its nonetepieboh ie ooSshagent. YOU represant a newspaper.
about forty feet above the Harlem oucthprzsobegvnfrCatil en
Rietehihs run ntenew site before 1895. The techno- articles and drawings contributed to
Rive, te hghet goundin he ogial nd lw dparmens, ithJ. S. $BARCUSJ
neighborhood, and overlooking aloiaanlwdertns, ih the 95 Oracle in about a week, so
th colo eaoyada fie cmeioscnb on oklarge area of picturesque country, ta or two could occupy one or two dornng the summer vacation. 37 S. INGALLS. (South of Campus).
-wltll rivr*-ernduuiiiram n isui-msy

with river ana urnan scenery.

,.. .. ,...b ..... ~ ......... ..,......._., . .

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