JC. a0f "M. "D . INTR-OLLGITE Wright & Difson'3 Tennis R ackets
_______ Princeeton has just receiv ed front
Publisdhe ild(SndaDailyted (uinundaysat ofexceaepted). L tduringe eartheStaetstate .ofa theg lateet ad aComlrs. ineof hotin Gods
THE U, OF M. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION stnewlltp'ttore will be muadle at t
______Yale ithelta1blishment of a course
Subscription price $2.,515per year, invariably of texperimtlantI 11hysiologicalWhlseanRtilAgtsfrlcia.
in advance Single copdes 3 rents. On sale at psyciology. tie is the hfirst of thseWolstei ttilgnsfrMesgt.
Sheehan's anud Potstlfierstess stand at 1f'. A erictn tivsir stlies tht offer its
oco, noont. Sutsriptionostmay tue lefts lt
Site officesof the DILYse, OperaHeuser block, at st uctttstt ii sese7 tfir luluuraluu
Sheebos's, at Steoflet's, sue with atey oftshe wrorktt sycthlology-O(berliti',a. i .
editors. I-utsts tte uuee 2ai
Cuomtunicatituns shsould reacht teoffice by of, '
i o'clock tP. t. ifthslty'are steutoap er the stext {philosoph~y t tU ittf '\l.-'phs- t
'tte5. Addrsstll matter inttentsect furepttblicta-' losMli''huous lrursat a
!iont to the5 Managing Puditor. All buitines
comueonications soul be sentto tetButsi- rtory uork," 's te'calenduar has ,.
Sus~tstttve, it t tnt . stheLI'AbtI NOGCHOOL ofIt 5thIE S
THE TU. of M1. DAILY, _-*-'- " Itu ep~dtartms-Cme rci otetbo
Ann Arbor, Micht. Demeocrats and Indneedenets. - suesouescn.EleuanIsildib, lanodt
i'. PtJ. I, TTuu , 'i'93, 5MaeuntgitugEuitort.
(.Ft.tittuu , t it. ''4, Asitat.
E, .t. use use us, iLi. '94, A-uutst t.
.1. uC. l'ruuus t.'uBusinueoss "'uuou'er.
W5. NV..5 Liusse~ tt, . '9u4, Ausssa t.
5. S«',s ,,tts, Llaue'.,,Asistauunt.
JI. A "u\ 1111, le '9ul.1
Allstudulnts cesirits u)emuuourautic
campatitgns uaterialssowv atuiluurinsg
Ithe stutiieruwill lilease hiandslousrsenul
titeir tsauie anud /humeiladduressts J
A. .lusruleaus , II.A. Stttiths tr F. ,
Cox bseore Jine 1a,.
- ouhe, livingpentucsesetemely lowu,4.2.2 tuo
C752 50 per eerk, students asszisted ts positions.
Foreaciusloguer, address P. R. CLEAtite, President.
21Let Your Summer Vacation Pay Next Year's Expenses.f
C' . tisenoesis, Litt'J1s. SNutestrinsers S inthsis coltsstoatsthesurteiC ,1 Mr--1Ir \ff"VNT " lVN
utw. Ir, 3tw'". o 0cnsprln.Seillrusa ltee, orlusuoe '. W
F. A. Mtsssis, tit. 'J3. teOD u',Y ofli'.S
C'. iSo -buts sss, ut's 'S. I Sell I ts' I~tiu's- ltuluil lrittiussiusi A T
A. tisott, Lit. '935. for tee('iceagos Nesru'lucorl, 37 S.
Lr UCIIit use, Lit. T). ttsgtslls. 174l8t.
55. P. titt~t~cs, iiColl't iln I. S.Marus t sf37 .Itigalls,
C.'K. ss iszr, u's' , '3. us It ref'erec' to tssellinig litittisia thsis g IOOUK 01' 2510IPAGEKS), 1
sbefo th opnosor statemenutssu oftttuusss useurs'Sl))ttu usu' aI E st) is
pnnti:.e1 erije' iu te ss. lus mtsesllinug El-uluuylupeuiau llitaetstica'
'tGall it (S.-Intgtslls.
l}"ItsYsboard ts.elintt thsvcruIts Sietuut Ii0stsutsiTELLS ALL ABOUT ilusiStss's ittus1
us 5 uS stres us 'clutc I Itsluorder tos enatble fltut' ugel tusoa s, hcts antd seceitpts;countssefeit hSll.teis ; 5e
andurs tu a ll wosrk uotit uitssltlr, you i ressnc tcss liens: lusts rstssts; lfSi t*t' its' s ir it s
-st' ss - e r estly requestedl tosgiv.s' sittits)'S it otSce'ti e ttcrs'susrities-;o';srdtettui, sippttttinsa
1Is'sil1lie snotic edltisat tselettusrt tlily gtatle'ry durinsg thes'tisssli t f Is's. mtaketsSss i 1-au ;s hor e ho odsuin's lusuits ju
itss sI . jaIt latrut O ti Ite is impttt'utuS sl us ill prose' d-tul ues; l5 u suscsSusitr'ades, ec.; Itt'st t crporteion
byArs ae ,ir sf obsin~son v eurus ttall conceernted.
hsefore thse WIomnt's league tons'llII ut ightI., co'uting t'ttts ct5"tuu .s's wetrsins; ss't ts
accidteun t 1501othetlhing5.'s ta usonecutest us
tas teess pousutedlsitsaccunst o1 Ia~eaeethe ouiiutssouftile ord'inaryu
itoobsagesnt by t'eprestittg' SI ti'55Opt-
ths' letutres its17 isecssi al tpr illtestissle5'of1 a5greti' ndttotittdl liuussuus'csRU
ihopeth lat another (lat can 1be uboo,thte I Ct'eluslucuias ]ritautst ita. Fort
arriutS.7t'ui rs. I spaticsulatis calil J '. 5'.IBarelts, 375 sSo.elsu~i t~~
t ent'du of thse ye'ar. i Dt makIetha inisainis sletisg tosttss ssessest itti lonssorti a;t
ttir vcionusstusorki. If youufa il it usill 55otct5 Stewruttdi's offite, I) etsesisy,
1)e uti tuu s Inf ult.tfos' if you s te uiTh)Isslursday ttind 1Fsit)ay Ifr0155 915 tt
litSirdeit's' ubtiilisis 'ttt itctunstIof tessale sof let el stteasthro'ug'h te'Ci :' . l; Sturdayt,'iusto 51s aitl
ite'T'oronuto game C tm5)orro S it hs sag5555Nutws-Istitll s-ttuswill succ''s''t.
Cala .Istls tti 5sS. l' s-yerSstreet. No extra
sbsenudecidedi to isstse ls titIISt usthe paper I fil.e'IThe It ItnSitaltios eats be ittdteretulasler 12
A rrauhgesrsestSsill ittltcitit I Sit Sits sloptillr utuitsnicii sgrutiu 55555'u Sl c m'Sattsturdy, une1st tis92. I solts
15 .ssslttrhshutotof thse etopysfrionsit ut u i lithoottuti settlfdbus-sellisig it. tltuus usillittesthee aboutl iune Loths.
Atleicfildtoth ofie hee 'tSr t' i s'-I'its (;otilens Bgleof Clisa ssemsbers squtall bei r giv'en
Ailiete ft il lt ue oler.' ushr etr~ osituswil slesiusacom'itieiilu't ie ufoust russbisis ofl Irtsurrss lid-up't
will be set is faul as it comssin. ''litswoolensit sCte Cookiiuhusee1 1tt r elus solit 5
1515rsol seit iss eselseC ithlec 3d nstC. IC ilb t eits ees itslsslisit. El.C i s01li Csse
paper ill b in th hand of ell tCles'istreslttsg orderinsg 'setses CarisCol
esrriesrs to fews sesmiutes afiter six o itsSeec this lute', does til lace 1(5 'otr NousSIc ithetis of '9;swll
tu't'lotk. uorder tnosw tu t ' h deis s s t:Illyss- lis
o'cockuyu s cire', steeldSautilte, sue o e ' e 'lssusocisal, S'aturdiay-crest
l;trawisng toua cle it Cis Ilisle tlests ii I Jute t. uiqueltttr1gram'tti
Ito Swlte is sos ~are loomeingeg)51p lac esturoerty. A'Oti ,its .lwsu 5tuave55's isbeets irepa'rsee.L eltuvery- tiessi-
before suensl i b sSuiltnosorfiuse"5111 tso 15.Ihsll Beuss s't toiiber 01 tiesJui ior ucless bSt pres'nt.
Just now, oles', sitS'-us os thl 'SillJu
iressusre of woerksoSul pevt a Wy Ioa sle-iutgets oet dsutsisteith s I N (tilt I -li stiseneswhusliii
l'urg aendanecsisee at the lectueres Is uit okbseitess. Beus'seue'serybody- pose telkingthlistleaces'ditplomsa
isgs..-ste'ciscutrages s-u pes'issent 'agre'a hsya,4r rqetdt adi
nih.: idefrmthe ist eretsrt of I tews 551ccndipeleicusill n lus itststt usss os u tlsstt ole t
bothsub siject,, andsss peatskers, tlstses' l taeeu sosusNill s e'sletu')steseli slihes tisi sit ebefor eitse esidl (f
G'allseC '7-I S. Inigalils. this uwetetogether uwiths aslttmeti
obijetsistowhlichelslssrteeiuts uili be The Ciieagot Nes-l ettitilsis tuedoslutlteofthit speceil teaces' outrses
dlebvotedIare objtets thtI shossuul ap- Itseno'inosusu tio'tof55atdv'etisiteg illts inewhicheys ses've Ctakten.
isa t reystsletofte 'ivrgreaSt spuecial sales'of thuetiles-eluulutecsite K susi aE 1. iliosro
pel oevrysudnto te evr-Bis~tsssee, Esvcrs-bodsy ifeenset ul ndistu
sits-, irreslpeetive of elssu or depart- Cieagos sril he ttalkineg selout ft tend ble -°
'rsst vlodont ae 0glad toussee syout ifs-osusre soliefising fore
isient Thoewo ontc fet t. Call st 377Souethe Ingalls.
hsear boths lecturrcs, should at least Waeted-A foey bright s-otr;tegn
suteelose ast a(Iises sth ~ to reprteeset the C'hieagostiewes-ic'ord -
attendone, ad aid.thus mch inthis situmuer. Call at 57 5. lssgtsllu. euigth r udan h il
settisgl~tsat onl sulth -sit' Go to Chicago andel mske sa staeke this 0 OtiA
chell mecmorial. suil5ilier. CaelSt 57 S. Inigalls. NO 12 w.HUIRON ST.
Nos Ftttio, Sliseshil MuiEts litter
h toss its awess' au p sutSluppsto. tties, dSufsi,
isueetigesl ishso ellyese'ployes ttleus
55 tstre lvteso teulugoodin'ius suran esol o seoti
valute iofh ccS.etttoey;l'sweights and551 s
-tssnd syndica'te'; stocs,boSusieues ettrul esso]
its abou Sliinuit iingit~; uthtt doin su e of
uits ts I l tok o an lest) n t , nowi where us) t's'55iest.
DD, Blue Island, Ill.
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
j Tiute 'Csaerdin fteM '".d~5,
Dseptusiture (siTuS-ai at AhAuse.
tet.t. l' c~ttutt'itoil andExei ptruss. 750 .55.
Neso. 3'tassgr., tAn ArborAc'c'mt1es.00 oo Chere Ma55ilas.engere...... .. 421).ni
Nos. ?. OMail t'se nge'uer.............Ii Si0ts. sue
Nos. 4. Maeil Epiuess.. ,....... .... 58i.17ep m.
tes. it Passsene re o l edo Aeuc m. ... 6 55ai. t
'ris find stud n bctewu seens A5nstArbrsi s ns
Cesntral Sittcad'T'ime.
Al~l Trais Dailye'ceptsiStuday.
W. H. BENEtT~T', it. S. GRl~ENWOOD,
Gens. Pass. Agcnt. Local Agent.
State Street Grocers.
Sttedents patronage especially solicited..