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June 27, 1895 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1895-06-27

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No. 188.



V un ATTT1ItSTF rsrmD I~t '1 le"chanoe of the fund from it- oni- ANNUAL rT I
IAIIllATCC glual 1 urps of entowin.a profes or-3
ship) to that of 'tabishn i Whit STUET
'THERE MAY B QUET.HELD YESTERDAY that the fud be invested until .sn-I EY WHICHTI
tlt lt to endow a professorsfii.
SOmB}THINGI A Great Deal of Enthusiasm Mani- svrlta iemd'i h Regents So,
ITT'IT."' Tested-Unusually Good Toasts-bb-lat's of the associatin i looking to 'Degree of E
________Prospects for a etter Organized getrefcec. Aogole ed-Appoint
Association in the Future canes ther busuines of the s-ci-A tels
T h Aumnil association anquet s I ion Is futtir.will take pr c eneeof egents the
61 South Mant held yesterday at 1 o'clock ii tieoftenrlgyadltib ltay were miade: ,.
(___________________________ti niun. It was not e cted fthamter iw-vtihatattCiiiiAs sant Pief
nniun~ iii iiio ttiai 011 hunded wtil ee Of five be aittointed by thets tr wi iic
+A OW LE. UfLhOIN manytfi nt i t haoehrd ntsnveryl Vxnr
F1 FASINBETl n a lsd i t from thef'niversity- rduatestmfeio
a wit y bt coniewiat ov1rrespective of departmernt, to conie tHii
elegant Graduating or light Suift two buittied Peotlest dewnl to the 1 u ncn f lau e it sem of Mist
made from Imported or Finest banquet ini honor of the iftitti class eiii n i h uereto h ens, . C.,
fl~~i~ Wwhich hasgraduatedsicete fitfound- versifyfhiity-v
iii of2Xicigtiiiunve~sity. The at- Arslto a fee h th lrt-;years t
for,$22.00 and up, Full Dress Suit rn a 511b future bantiets of fit Atuisni as~ tNee
ciln, wa don byflaingterfer aiid >. .C e
$27.00, work made at home bears el. caton sihkimg, bing upleasant to
inspsctieii byany Hi h Class was al tat otld have tieit esirtIdappinolted Ass
'railer aiid Cutter. Wilt be After fthedinner toasts were, repond- ilwiin anm~ oiledsillaiy for three
pleased to have yin call and be cit toslid a. reat dal of cntussasnitictwJ.i Bihws.are tyalag Fir~erasl
convincedws rov I.vote. CDetro l
Mayrliltelc5o h ile n'Tetting was oet of tieit fti,5
JO .:.KOLL iAUF, Mn eul'cne fodt11e l ~7' t.+.1
fltOB.csiy i-eift tS: i ndsaisfactory- antd enthusiastic wichisis tf
10 E. Wasliiugton St., up stairs. 11ffciiempaiifi 5witalt~ifid pnt'eed iitasbfin heIildin ireentf yars. A mu cliA. f. Lloyd, '
itire s oi ti iifflift t d nirecloser 11011f of feltiiwstip was form ecld
among those of theal.' twio wereofPisph
OT LTJr01 EB ff1a11 fliy have fdoeit ifi Cpast iireen, nditisti hllowreIl. D., Actin
FRS 11N Or ifluefning the egistaure to make tresit ii ti fista fstit a $,{tX0;M
v.,O NY HOOATSmire adietuate apiroriationso for the Mteligan's lot lafmentabe lck. sstat Profs
JOWNEY'SCHOOLTSVfitEitfiiiassociation o fitmd- 20
lnvriyan m asu noi Tearm _ 0EIV A o-1!'amng fi thelmlisthfbi mclvi's to ereetf dpirtmetnelectied tTe followi
TUTTLE'S, new bilings, and to endtow sholar- ttitsyseta:PtieiD.Ltstret rs for
S48 S. STATE STsimsfuorhpaht-i tflfAdrews, '4t and '52 M, of (Cit
STshpsandiilowhp wihai-t s0 I 1 -. Mt-fl
_________________________munenediei. ago; first viee sideinitDr., V. J(fermian; E. IV
-~~ 'fihe totmtaste-r of the ocasiofn wa- I terduan, '2 anslei7Mf.of Aim Al- InMitoy; ;
S T .fI01. Tioitas I. Palmer, of Detroit, bte; secondl vicee preidet DI'.Hfel J. dLr/.lnttrtftor Il
w ho w--s s ot hatiy l istirif Watner, '72 M, of Detroit; tud vice Itc tf_
THE NEW SHIPMENT OF tpr ftevlrof lethts te isiet, Dr. Clatr-ne Aidoif, of Iti, oily
_toass ad -itsa~es e-it'as followVs: Sttfrgt;sert1y 11118rtsier J~~. . A. C. Bi
iti f it-rsiy, f-loued o t~-C. L. Si-ler, of Pe-ilfttinlg. hiti nt
f111ApI jS oes P1111 'ntiAngAllt; "'heflihiiiniAsso- ' la ei'aumitl ectefd oftcers .as 1? so~ug
citis t y fresident I. J.1Stewartr,folos: Presient. f - 'I. I.ii Di cr iltivi
of GrandiRid iits; "flitMeica Alfms-('oiey; vietresiet eti--Go. Xtlie u i ig, K. Ltie
--XT- Ii,"Di. Andrews, of Ciicago; -Thre Itel; seretary;- Prof. . 0"._.'J11110o1. obi s Diekhi
JA~UD~~ L~jULĀ±1.Nt I ~i t tlil isof litall of Alli Arbor. It weas dsthid to
i v 'l omno thUniversity' MI's lei mgitmilr-tn iin iidtif.hL . Little, P
t Carr S. BenmlisoI ,,oft amfritige, Piof. Johnson. was5irettledt to maktte rnest Voss,
Wasigon tBlock, As Arbor., Ifass.; "Tte('hss of 4," by lMi.liEdfth necessary larramgeents. - A. MLofti
ED. A.. C7ADIBUIX. tnins utFisk, theomily su~rvivortiffite COMMENCEMENT. The follow
PnOPSIETnOR or Hes first gradumating clas; "'iThe Olhi Boys," out yar ata
Latest Improved Barber Shop Major hansom, of Saginaw; "Collegte The Degrees Which Michigan Con- A. Stratss, P eois"b ibryIt'efr Uo s fHrsuens ilsced
Is the city. . Ttshisefonst. st ltder Ifeiorioe, bylertyB.Hoae. er Upn 91ofe Sudents .gtish, uctInd
east of itas. Ass Arbor. edior ofifteyC-vi-tslt annualt-ahcom-menCodmei',t
"The hfleation of ftheAtumnbit ote'ltfft-s mmtoeostil-ietitsucceedertGEC
tmiRAMSD WFR FOSUiversty," Peies .K xemstakes pac tidal. D.i'ansfieldts--(ihe;fsr
IC CRA1 OA AE, LPS-it t-eet of Ohio .Statet'niveirsity,etigS.D
an OOash al summer ever- of Oio Pmniverity of Wistohsi; 'The ei .B
asdrNOOX.a-will dtelier fthe onu~cinenitad-
agse,. Casingot PtPES BELOWY ary Dys of tie Uivrity" by .m.. te 1 o, A. I3., I ii
COST. Prof. TenBrook. c sa ~iei els~ c-diig fB. P.
JOLLY' & CO. 26 SSTATE Ttie business mieetimg of tieconfrredmIthe teati fittr stritetom-imi
ST. fteayattiiii~irue ,scitceantIatr thre ri',-3
- hielil at 2 ocock lli tt -i-Io wilt taket fte B. .Ildegree, 73 who stu or i
3 h ' M tlO i is iiito l Il t tti Of. . ,aniomig whio the t.iit hte eihn
- N - -iey fair lnulmiber tpresenmthTlt fol 1t -tcrii-lg i estr-it iitte lsttcttof ii
* *lowinug oflfcts wert ectd 1 resh f wotk 'm. hiwi th'KB.amd Drawiving,
-[ u L ei WtlbtN at8 f5sis1 hi ecm-evits ftheeree of eectic at B f etSiie eiet , ilSuI. L. Coar I
ru - U -~niiitt, iMat.stems of Lifters. S tac-
I K I\ La k , teepresidemt, William in IJ sccedinglif,
CiIVL ocker h69,of Adrian; secretary Js trsof Scenece,;lafters of thitoso. Franlos, nfr
phi t. Dake 3, o AnnArbo tdy, 6 lMastrs of Arts, amit-1 Doctor -
. ; - treasurer, Jam-s . Cmosb 1o of hlspy oi ermu f Imstructor in
^i~iapbellat $ -25.rand atids; directors Drtefdwmunmedicineo and surgtry graduates64.W. C. Gr pliga 52.S (ril '0 fDtot adEgrTelwdeatetgauts26-"Assaton
Saseilattig $4.2.0 S..SRerrird, 'S, ofYDsiront, mudrLogerBacheors and 9 Itastrs. The stot A3shsttint.in
Sasocialourae$4.00.8K. frt, ,o Yslnitmoeof pharmiacy Ias itt rduats. The 00C..
ShcnTunmet$.0vear;H.I . Pattengill 1'4 ' of Ann ed Assistanti
County Club at $3.3. hoeoathc $300. al tsugadcee
-Arbor, and J. 0.:Oted Siof Antncptie e~h~hcleegalat $00 uce
,Sweaters Going at Cost Abor, or 0twe years, S . o.ryutntone. IFrm te dental ie-prtment C. oId
Going ~terar 44 Doctors 'f Dent.l Sur-
-01, of Ann Arbor, and J.B MeLifgh - in eCrman w
'r 7,of Deroit, fo hmseyears er ai Dcor-fDetl t ratrh k :was r
TheA s omnihteentb ',X 1111 rs Pr. Al a Phi will m Isslii -hl, -m-- I-the-Gyninai

Decided Yesterday-
h. L. Will Still Be Grint0-
ments for Next Year.
mleefing of theBoard
e fehiowimi appointmni-s'
JosephTI. Drake , A.P.
)f-son of Latin; 1Frank
A. It., B. S., Assisant
Mechanical Engineering;-
IfT. LD., Assistant Pro-
toltigy, -'and A. B. Stev-
Assistant Pirofessor of
,ere all, reaptpointfed for
:salaries of $10600.
ob, B-. h.D., vas
gistabit tProfessor ef Bet-
e years, salary . t,btil
it,- 'M. D., was atshsin-htt~
kit GymP unalllsonIrhe
Mt. The follotilm ap-
,re bmi~dn for 0150 yeal-:
fPb. D.,. Acting Professor
"at $2,000; C. A. II ,nchi,
zgProfessor of Germsan,
TX Winklen, Pb. D., As
sson of Gberman at $1,-
mtg -i--tn appholited its-
thireo year-s at $1,20'):
4.-A. I n bstructor in
V:Dow, A. B., Instructor
Arttiur C. tHul;A. IB.,
ttithmiatics. (George
ijtihte Ilnotrubctor in
)r ione' year it $1, 110.
lihmier, A. ItM., -iias ap-
eton ini (lermuan for 1593 -
C. G. I.Wrnminore, B.' S.,
e Geometrysmith Dbawe--
ftii-, P''D., Iin Phmysies,
sit, A. B3., in Cermnii,
tider, A:B., in. Latin; 1".
h.,. in Heitfory; and
-hiz. D.,,.stmcee-iling L
in Cem-ummi1z.
ig wtere( appointed for
asatlarIy of $900. Louis
'he '.If.,- Instructor in BEn-
itg; Gteo. B. Daw-son; B.
nstructor in 'llt-thieiiatics,
to. A. Mliller; Chiap. ft.
ator in Astronotmy. sue-
'Townliey; IB. B. Brand1-
istrmmtor ini trench, suec-
Bourlamid; ft. F. eicle,
fmatin, suctceedimig It. A.
gan Pit-rut, Phi. D., Inm-
f'hilosophy, stbccdtug
iDeeriptyc (ttomitry
succ dimig D. B. Luten;
nstruetor in ll tthemti cs,
FosephItlarkte(y; V. IB.
nuet or in Ftmench, succeoed
Biger; WV. D. Totrosul,
ePh .OI, was apointe'd
English for oue year st
Gray, B. SK, 'was apupohnt-
lii Bnlihi for one year
Peding Ii. A. ftraus .El
vas retained a s Assisat
ith no pay. IeeneFifz-


1 el
is cl

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