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June 27, 1895 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1895-06-27

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=It appears that the board of regents
S O 1 f has revoked its action abolishing the
B. L. degree. The faculty was divided
Published Daily (Sunday excepted) during on the advisability of so doing, but the
the Collegt, year, at ..
regents were unanimous in judging it
THE UNIVERSITY OF WCHIGAN. test to retain it, and leaving tie re-
Ort: Tinss bulding . Main st.,opposite quiresments of admission to the Uni-
versity as they now are. While the

J. A. LeRoy, '96,Managing Editor.
A. W. Surrn, Special, Assistant.
W. A. SeL,'Si L, Assistant.
E. R. SUNDEnLAN', 96, Assistant.
H. COLEMAN,'97, Athletic Editor.
G. B. HAnnSON, '% L, Business Manager.
L. R. HAMBLEN, 96L. Assistant.
Associate Editors.
H. A. Dancer,'95. E. LEvans, 95 L.
L. A. Pr-att, 'S6. ,Carrie V. Smith, '55.
C. A. Hough 5,'96 D. G. A. Heath, '96 P.-
Minnie Thompson,'97. H. B. Gammon '98M.
C. H. Fa-rell, '98 S. E. Knappen,'98.
J. S: Finlav ;'98

abolition of this degree, whichl does
not iecessarily represent a high stand-
ard of scholarship, might and prob-
ably would raise the average of pro-
ficiency among the students by keep-
ing out many who are too poorly pre-
pared to enter for any other degree,
there are advantages in retaining it
which probably outweigh the disad-
vantages. In the first place a state

.__ _ _ university like ours ought to be as
In, yesterday's. Daily the naine of -Mr. free as possible to all who are desirous
T. W. Hughes was by mistake omitted of obtaining a college education. Now
from the list of instructors in the law there is a large number of young per-
department, appointed for next year. sons whose early advantages have not
Instructor IHuglies' salary was raised been such as to (able them to pre-
to $900 as in the case of MA ssrs. pare for entrance with either of the
Dwyer and Smith. classics, but who would perhaps make
Referring toi the commiunication in beter students than the more fort-
viae. The questionntrayarss
another column we are glad to note thatu T e naturally arises
.whether it is right to debar thesei from
at the business meeting of the Alumni
association later in the afternoon it the priceless advantages of the Lcd.
was voted by a large majority aint versity just becans- they have not
hereafter at alumni banquets smok- instiected in aicosd with the
tug be cot allowed. conventional* high s-hool etrricului.
So much for the duties of a democratic
With today's issue toe Daily closes i .stitution of learn igBtttereis
the fifth volume, ending, all things another side of the iustion of a more
considered, a very successful year. It inmmnediately practical nature. There
has been the desire_ of, the editors to
seends to be a tendency in Amnerictato
take the stand asong college publica- take away tie distinctive character-
tions which thei University holds !sties of the degrees conferred and to
amon American educational institu- sepresct four years of university
tions, and to give the University news work, in whatever line it is carried on.
in a non-partisan and thorough man- by one degree, namely the A. B. Now,
ner. this degree has always stood, since
The Daily of next year will be fur- degre.sere first givin, for work ii
nised to subscribers at the saie rate the classics, and while no one cou'd
as heretofore, $2.50, notwithstanding legitimately hold that for this reassi
the fact that it will be published until i is better than asy other, yes its di-
comiciencemient and that numerous tinctive meaning is of vailu-. -+s-n-
other improvements will be made in tially the same thing might be said of
the publication of the paper. the other degrees. As long as diffe'rent
There is atpleasint surprise in store courses of work are laid out by our
for students of the University when universities with different; ends iii

(Continued from First Page.)
In the departin- st of Chemistry, P.
F. Trowbridge, Ph. B., was appointed
Instructor it Organic Chemistry and
Accountant in the Chemical Labora-
tory at $900. Moss Goiberg, D. S..
was reappointed Instructor in Organic
Chemitry for one year; Walter Scot-
ten was appointed to succeed IV. B.
Andrews as Assistant ip Qualitative
Analysis for one year at $200. Dr. C.
D. Morris was continued as Assistant
in Physiological Chemistry at $lt
Most of the meeting was spent in
executive session. After considerabl
discussion it was decided to add $5
to the annual fee in all departsmts.
This is for every student and takes
effect next fall.
A two hours' conference was held
with members of the literary faculty
and the action of last month in aol-
ishing the degree of bachelor of let-
terns was reseinded. The vote of the
Regents on this question was nani-
mous, but there was considerable df-
ference of opinion among the faculty
memIsers is to its advisability.
Mrs. A. B. Butler, of the senior law
cass, appeared before the Board and
asked that a diploma be given htr.
mrs. Butler had performed the nec-
essary work, but was barred frot
receiving a degree by the rule requir-
Ing a. year's residence here. Her re-
quest was granted by t-he Board.
Frank Pine, '94, is visiting friends
in th city.
To the Interchangeable Mileage
ticket issued by the Ohio Central
Lines, already the best in the market,
has been added the entire B. & O.
system west of Pittsburgh, including
the Pittsburgh & Western Rtailroad,
making it incomparably the best mile-
age ticket issued by any line. If you
want a ticket that includes the B.
& O. system as well as Big Four, such
tickets are issued by Ohio Central
Agents only.
The desirable dwelling at 47 B.
Fourth ave. is for sale on very reason-
able terms. It contains all modern
-conveniences and is first class in every
respect. Its location makes this resi-
dence very desirable as a chapter
house- for a fraternity. For terms
call at 47 B. Fourth ave.
"Six Love Songs,"
ByFlrank E. Sawer. Translations of Six
of Heine'fSet lrcs is exq uisite musical
settings, Heavy Paper. 75 cents.
The standard collection of College Songs.
Over 300,000 sold. Heavy Paper, 50
cents: Cloth, Gilt, $1.00.
Only book of -the kind published. The
sones of the leading colleges for women.
Heavv Paper, $1.00.
Eighty-two pecro 'foe the guitar frons the
bsUonusrces. A splendid collectIoe. Hand-
one aoyer. 50 cents.
Any book sent posdpad on receipt of price
- a5346 i-slinton' Si. Bostss.
C. B.Ditson&Cn. Y
2R Yaars;isuthe Bsine .

X The Victor' League Batall .
A' s made of the finest materials and will°
give greater satisfaction than any other'
balon the market.
Victor Athletic Goods.
are favorites among the athletes, and the,
Victor trade-mark is a guarantee of the *
Afinest quality.
4 Makers'of Vitor Bicycles. '
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M. STAEmrit, Agenfi 1 W. Washington st.
Visit this historical Island, which is thce
grandest summer resort on the Great
Lakes. It only costs about $13 from
Detroit ; $15 from Toledo; ;$18 ;froms
Cleveland, for the round trip, including
meals and' berths. Avoid the heat and
Iiust by traveling on theD. & C. Hlosting
nalaces. The attractions of a trip tc thw,
Iacia re gon-are unsurase.Te
elimte most invigorating. Two new
1,eel passenger steamers have just beer
f milt for the upper lake route, , tostin g
1:3(0,000 each.,They are equipped with
V very modern convenience, annunciators,
path rooms,.:etc., 11luminated throughout
t v electricity, and are garanteed to bt
r a gsndestr largest and sfest steaes
rompare with the great ocean liners fmcon--
rufction and speed. Four-trips per week
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Eone. 8t. Ignace, Petoskey, Chicago, "Boo,""
Mlarquette and Duluth. Daily between
Cleveland and Detroit, and Cleveland and.
Put-in-aiy.' The palatial equipment:
makes traveling on these steamers thor-
Migly enjoyable. Send for illustratet
90seTZ G.Fp ., .h&C.,Detorit, Mich
4 t n ar 1

they return in the fall, which the re-
gents decided upon at their meeting
yesterday morning. The board has
simply added another case to the proof
of the general proposition "where
there's a will there's a way," which is
to say, in other words, that if the leg-
latur- can't grant the money which
the University needs the money must
be obtained in some other way, and
this brings us to the pleasant surprise
nioted above. The regents have deid-
ed that inasmuch as all Michigan stu-
dents are interested in thie wel being
of the University and have few oppor-
tunities to show it, that it be allowed
them to pay five dollars more for thlr
annual fee than has heretofore been
customary. The only comment we
have is that the method seems to us a
good one for raising $10,000, as there
appears to be no reason why so small
an in(-r.qcP ca1ioulhP-senrouly felt hy

view it is certatinly an undeniable ad-
vantage to designate such diffei'ences
in a way that the public can under-
stand. S o much being granted, it ap-
pears at once that the abolition of the
B. L. degree is a step in this deplor-
able direction, inasmuch as it is in
line with the tendency toward fewer
diffesentiating marks evident to the
public. If the distinguishing fea.tuvs
of the different courses now offered in
the University be strictly adhered to
and degrees be conferred in accord-
ance with this policy, no mutual dis-
advantages can possibly .arise, but in
their stead, important benvefits.
The Summer School.
The outlook for the coming session
of the summer school is very bright
and .the prospects are that .the attend-
ance will be' double that of last year.
A great many inquiries have been re-
ceived concerning the law courses and

Figures in illustration read 235-10 mileo.
10,000 MILES. PRICE $3.00..
Repeats or may be sent bak.
26, 28 and -o inch. Interchangeable to any
size by gettilg;g era piece ad2cents.
Reads plainly fromsaddle.
Least lj le, to imjury. Clamps on fork out-
of the way autO safe from accident.
(tone in solid:German silver. All other parts.
noncortosive Inluit and water cannot injure
it. Evry meter tested at 60 miles per hour
and auaranteed accurate.
Ehei6rotypes tisnished on application.


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