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June 18, 1896 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1896-06-18

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R AID) ASKED OF THE ALUMNI. nor Gold a_.iedal, to be awarded ont- MICHIGAN CLUB AT U. OF C.
- inualy to te stdent siblOttltg the
We MTust Movee best essay on atsbjet take 'n fromi
The store e now ocupy has Ara' xml Should Be Amerians literature. Tihe nemoril ts Organized With a Membership
W e ets. Adrian'ssExample
bue'l ebstse0Wm Followed by Others. belieed by those who knew Mr. Bunl- of Fifty-Two.
~Iust Cose Outnr best to be sorh t, one aisle would ____
We Mut Cloe Out The following statemoent regardin g have preferred. t isto Iught that There is a M'Nieigan IClub at the
oa rtoso asse goods and the status of the(,flud for the $1,000 will be soeltiejet to establish it, Uiest fCiaowt ebr
silYel oifose, prices ouss's Building was senut out yes- aind 1110 three gentlemen abave named
wIfyo d flwpie
mea a yCmmto buyers te rlday: of ae eseveing'tle chees O uhsi of fiftytwo.Igarding its or-
mfyucSloatant n nthis trs.it.S arn: iha., Juoe h3r'96."Over sventy inviatioss eoreset
BUYAN ARBOR ORGAN CO1, nvriyo ihgni ti iyteMtoitM,10tl tdnsfotMci
S.M I T roed of ptle wDeestitk- kulns , oilevofoWahingteuon . CTland D.oirtli -to ' eionitite parslores
hyai'umehto110nd.tnloeterae-Alet Shfr of Clul
BUY BEAsRIYCLrettily tIteeimoritiin th sh-pioh ferns adutlii all.lyAtlisaiid thmerolow
Noeiwok aniedrgadtf u22.5atilest~r ntd i arae b rsn.M.Ciigwsmd
~I white ths brial paltty passed to it "Poiesit, Professor tarles (hand-
osal otizens was imade the Most sue-
B O M V estnti benleit givenilliii tlss'crty for tralinsoof 111'Lolengeil Bridal Mrhls I.
yeas;ou* nl rgre b! igtht e lalsyeth Iy Prof. A. A.Stanily. They-Vicee Presiseit,Ar. Newman Miller.
coud nt mke t $00.iveeledIsSly thle uses, -hNisses Ellst Seerstry ansI trasuirer, 2Ar. Alex
you will find a bottle of roIeloiitsekeu it ai otadg $netAlc5110.,Aiit te-ade umig
soe it f hsewh ssstl, ndwth(111s, Stells Wests-set, ahtlirise"Ssort adsresses were malsde by
some . lste of bsse ihe-so assisei,1t Pit unceioisand Assist Metteiber. Tse- Professors tlilltssrli, hBlakburin,
tls --I~r u e 'ry besrsslsyss sseeesosss flowser grl, iHisslael sand ti hese dlsetr asdit itles. M-.\f.Jiro Okabe,
ier.-11. V13-yor, its-cStilispsos, lipreeue ibite Io lf lespallllleree h is nissatise COS-
L.I. 1'. SMI0'swh aidlgsooes, wh-o0 sers folloswed by the taleee giisg assxeesiigly itrst-
will be very acceptable MRSBIIFRESTO N D midsihofIosor, -Miss hvalissA. Cosbb t1g9tdecritiin sandtexlahntions of te
11115 FRE ilt~~lht~h),(Wlleley T.3) of Pitsfield, Mss, ins lIll -'aleSo' tea ers'isssisisl, ssnd its great
to either lady or gentle- Btsiilss Coit~~itee. thst' test maess,_M. Arhuer M. Swe-it, sistois-sl aisisoallsi-slogiicaness,''.A
man. Some very pretty Pe r L. B. hllBEIITSIIN, '9t L of tProvithtncse, It. I. They ss- ,ertiset tlegrail wsl5rtcsisedh froiss ress.sdent
bottles at Bisisess hisssager. st the, altar by the oficiating leet---.hsis S3. Asgell, Of the tRIsiersity Of
"If se rase six thsousalndlh(-,,0t0) es, o,-wo readh in Eglish land (et-Mlsifgas, exlreSSisg lls, sier-e' re-
hdllr by tleonfist of 'July RgenitIrisan te sery impriiessive-e remionyl. grts it sot bing aslie to le rseit.
MBarbouysrDii prmsste' ad filse'hridi'is -t gdessisitet(llt'sls' hr Iisis sninhsg teierigit s-t ive
mumm q's VL 18Ut esnrillete thetuildingi funid. 'Bess t1)3) 11th of Coileumsbist('9) and hisi-,lProfessor snch Ms. -JlissDi's'i',
lls, egs ets russ let theiss snasising con plssiedseiallstuissat theItilt-r- lsss. IP. A. Denes, hL.'. Miler, A.
17 E. ashingon St. cor. tracits andsil te sixIusseireth sosiess oiY of Z1rils0 as lu se110ig9te ipast IC. 'isi, hMisss IBooner silSd5Hancok.
17E asigonS. cr l oive srsityt-(!'sn hsave their Gymi- yeara itlesi'vesisrsiy- of Mlirligs. Ms. F. A. Dihisibirisactedeit ss Ilsti-s
Fourth Ave. sasiss, hal, parlors, assi reaing roomi Dr. ebsfr took Isis maojr otsrs for thie es-sisteg. Aiosg tsise preset
_________________________________readhy-for use ssithin the next sones- Idegree asi Munisisq 'S.hroin le- ssere ProfessorIf. 1C. Cambsterli,
ter tsel lseswent to Ko-sigsbteig iso trus- Irofessr aesS Its. F. A. Blasckburn's,
I1~~~ru~~aA~~~r NOTICESla "I vr osi vsr ie ese-~ a ass"istssst Ii aiatosssy, after Professor (issles Chasndler, Aiss
sill of Mihigass liss a dilloilashoiol swhihlshesespet fourse lars !i Zurit-hiastChandsilsr, Dr. J. I. 11..tLati-Ias, 5d
stsod eaplises ylleo u d ifril'nods siassitlnt iiIte- Asstoiirel tIstitute Mss. El. Ahlsar, Nwmssan AIleu,
G . 1H . WIL D the, examle foanAddn eesisou-sii ris-at-Diseut to tile Univiersity. Jiro Olesb, It. J. Janissen, Lessis, Itr-
The Leading Tailor, rs ssr.Teyhv a irAt ipresentlie is istritor tii the Mir- tisii, L.. G. Witehead, (1. K. Laswton,
mony', orh o fn ndthepla -revsssslneial school usderDotor SE, B. RE7iott, S. urlitaeis. Alexandier
and only diret Importer in tier city of seting a good examsple. Te issy soshl -hee lie ws sc aled last fll. Cummnieg, asd ise Mary M. Stur-
has just received his entire stock of also drasw compound iuteret On te r The brise wass attiretdiii a whiite ges, Aiy SE. Tannesri, AnaissM. Ia-
Foreign and Domestic Woolens for invetment for msany years to ome s ain s. teske, and hEist A. Hasys."
Spring and Summer '96, at the diret beneit of the( Woiei's__________________
NO. 2 E.KWASHINGTON ST.. NEAR MAIN. Building to the Adhn gils. Stion g- Psi Upsilon Defeated. Engineers Play Bal.
eand iner mothers and teahers for
}ull Dress Suits a Specialty. Mliriigan. Whiche toswnswil be tiss- Deltst Kappa Epsilon and tPush- _ Tle junior civi engineers swho ire
next to help in this good wovrk hy Ion psayed a very nlose and exitting in caisht F~ountin Pont, Mlin.,
hyving a June entertainment for thelgstne of baseball yestrday evening played a game Of bsebell swits Set-
Womns's Buildiung? Next 'st the athleticefield. D. K. F. stred tns Beyll'ta st Saurday slud
6r duati 6ifs Make cheks payable to Harrison off with two run, which were soondeatdhm30o1.Tepsion
G~ad ati g Gits oule, for Woloens Bun-ildiug F und. tied. At the eid of fie gane tie wsvernplyeh as follows: J. Nl. athes,
A. I. K.F r It.hi.Moore p C. W. Baggit, b
] O K . A rnAbor, M~ih., June 18, 't6. Iatteries-Hollister anud IHarrngton; G. W. Snmit, 2); hM. Blanhard, 3b;
B 0 S. _ _ _Psi 'Upsilon, dePont and Camlkins. W. It. Iorley, s; G. W. Benhams, c f;
All the latest publications now on Memo rial to H. C. Bunner. Tomorrow afternoon the last game A. L. Harris, 1 f; i. I. Parsons, r f.
sale at our stores. Fine illustratedofteieri
Gift Books Illustrated Poems, Art Edward S. Martin says in the last oftl ne-raterity series swill be Wie paty will breakessamp unext
Books, Standard Books il sets, number of Harpers Weekly: "T 1he played off between PotitUpsilono and Saturday and return to Ain Arbor.
Books in Morocco, Levant and Calf nmso arnc utnf2 etApaDlaIl! hsgm eie
Bindings, ae fLuec utn20Ws lh t h. Thisgte eie ie senior literary class peture was
Disoun Prcesto ll.Thirty-fouth street), Brander Mtst- the championship of the league, adi tken Tuesday near the cot steps of
DiscuntPries o Al. hews, (121 East Eighteenth street), a close game is expected. - the library.
and H. G. Painer (=R East Seven- Wie first year law cla.ss had thei There will be rehearsals of theo Bar-
tenth street) are signed to a ircular ateaiaio etra f er aurteadSbl CrsTi-
wihtells of the proposal of certainan thseircledtirWk day and Friday at 5 p.sm.
-lFU P rends of the late H. C. Bunner tothsmrig A reception was given by Mrs. J. C.
Up Town. Dow Tows,. establish In Columbia University a Knoltnadauhtea:_hei___i
Uivers oktrOpposIte Court ouse F konti osnn.Kolo n agtra hi ei
2.11,. atse St 4 N. Mals st. prize to beknw as the H. C. un- Subscribec for thure le deuce yesterday afternoon frmss - to 6.

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