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June 01, 1892 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1892-06-01

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. .

Vol.. II.-,,\,o. IT..".


The YVellow and Biue
cellent GC
1( oiII th fac t a
from ao i e t i
M icilial ospa
,111 arou d th naly610in tlls(O.l
piltchted odbl -
= C t, a1 rlii slid l
12 cn th > tig , ali

/IS THE GAME. bound to scoreanod toied to workon
ltrik.lBoweriman dr opped the
put up an Ex- a
am Itbulsad '1f1nny- statdofhi.
k omwernin passedtthe balttto 1ar-
tBrownuscenlec n on and was q5 (uiclyt)returned(1leait-
t's line, snding '1'eoos by fdfteenfe. edi
easternS paper1, nit Ireturn to thirdl luttoadie aIratheor
lcco ur(11 teamiijtiger teap trying';to strike11osveriii 0
ir l aic I Te ;in theins, btnt se no dstuc
ed staybl im oniithe 1nsnide o ih e
(1 don uu- Lowermnistouchled lhimnsds ttossed
tie. h e r iourithietbal Iwayia5 d soi01led bbac on tos
sluttKa itiuld ak.Fserrnis from thefielId
(fly p itc eri o 5 aledi a sc r,(ut M rrl
At ti ae srghsrgta timempltond
do it(i
IN 1(1115 0(1 led(t1ut. Sc w, t tdo f1
himb oit0 . u (1b o'iltk. 10111(10 0(11)w
iiiodt tm, eing, base hi1(11(1was forced outl ulecood
tried st o iioi- Idroundieredt ot, Weeks made a lilt,


daeom 11(1 1 r ti} silonc yt 11 a au sel~,scod t h
cac eraal ai n t be the itso e l it 1Iil"Srccsm d i n
dc~sola h lt, ti t lt e i (Iiit lttli'te iiiit 11
mude oil Ifbltliiy t nbiickitso((l i( thir bs,, m it he 1111(1 l slollel llto t
PILICS 11" com- ge aserte ltsc 10 a 1stea it iile u lean ti111 1 otuce
ousa sted Ir1 theelithi l1 t 1e 15I lane tt. _Il1outitoboSsplu°it. to ne11
she nxtls ttu ldo tnt (et a tti n stmoet .til o effernj
ssiret e uniteiiis s ttii cndi me tiltehtieteln leinny
Shildsthea tS(,vnlur ho assd !I li t y to to ici e ftlien tut t
11(e1.hall o P ta s o n ytc isg el e s lit n 0ets - o ws hit o h ortoe of ii
tt1-c gru t!i)iMor e oi r ahdthe5501se tird cel i li te diorubltetipflay. In~
sndetel ofteOr lre hadcn sli )2o l t sith tSeemurlotile eeoit.ond
baful y astfar. t~l eii ilswa al l ICaoir illtaela10cleanlhiton so e
secontuie.tC raeforwd twth tw th
saeetstol by ish501r 19an tode croit Ii t basllht ,ellowiigCwor d i ia toecare.
hiosd Slteemtustite ottt . I ek o ddte ee rosltolethr adtae oiva e otir
tae tsi oIttt o Robinson.d a at- ase.iSextntc. re arenny's trik
ill atteh i g lotceba io e em ned Ily j itts o t.o Gloi rgeflieynutr
onrel o os o ac thoree bas it e t t o feets frnoumtie jisteatadk shr
Io heiloircatsitonibat Sfilrt stowrti onl a c alled dlono ,safe. dicoiastore uee
outt, RoddinsotoSou rnoywones oto ay uxtnleshibet upreywre
wereks.tonymrorsad Scen t ovehid. SBronsefsecand achi
and Bowermanrmadena lonedrivestoegaohwithdrew
center out.wasncttht beconGeorg.CISN
Cook ro ndPerdonigromndeepioteraltoSemurwh assadin
toiefeis batd e ig ae noadeferia lng Tesjupiger toh- s utSeyou
baesse oulet enter and reaed sadoucedhimo-
*cntr n hild' rrr n eet rm the--lte ns se
hacking thedhall.ngpte rutkclehitsf.sMicigarfse
fomSpoitsoert efrisJonenntoto Caynl sth upieas.e
maeathreybaseubimale lwin Mc- moed.nerownrfsenMci
Lanefertos. c aHee imawerelog th eir ---r-Cf .-0 01 i4 i 0
cowxboyations-begn. Tenny elt1* 1 0

' (ow rm nc---- 1 0( o 1
C ~ d , . - - -- - -- - (I (7 t
ttrieil(i 2 1----.----1
0111110 1(111 Ii nsillil, 0 tt 0 C
lilt on 3141 --l-- -- n St (l Ii 0
shiel1,1CJl----e--- 0 1 0- 1
1110i n , o fi 0 il 1 1 1 0 1 )
St lb ot .I7-in --t-- U ii o oltub fto te
Ct fre d.il cl -t-le-- O- o ( 1 h i tr tt
a 'tuko ttiitt stiioil i;llhoet o iirff-,
of ils our ;to lsn it s, il ; illrlicetlo
cotserienliat mobrons, ehnif 1 :toiet
tttdiciic.ll, Bro n1 I cte 10fs etre
tb pistio1. mlral 'Merrlle
~i ir
'tIei.( Cositrtette S-il of thisi th
Sitill1-Niglt tell atoevcred thll ew-
coryisItL111.iThei piocl ewswl
lerX11(1alleltstfoss sditsresine
ant ellte ioccalto ofte ne(etg.rH
tenhs.cadtceg rcstieg o tnstoro-
to( thifot to receI vir ittendIn olta'th
of msoe (}1et.'Ile ''sleelo skit'
were conferedetoloto Ilt(1esfo~lI
N.h. Chanelait h~tt, . . em,
F)J..artin dC. WololseyIC<7, Mrs
thenilerughese . Onin, . ro.
ProllnJanC.oBull.rfsin i
peted loig nner asoato" i
aanerdbytsa'swd in slth old
Gound."- 'hiesaeft vihatheliax
aovsdc brogh dwn thesofe.missr
n edine th Tod hile1.the.othersutac-
compaied wuith aerfc.vcl" ni
tanthcaion of the mean igolH


Upon --

I tII I', hAI k U)!.


KOETRO IT, - - IAt 'H.
ER.H".FYF C &(
6iQhIInO Straight Qest.
tr ill in um, y lttc
liitu 10metniis miii I si t the lprice
4I tett a'uti tormeut t ret~i-eti ll ie
tilllite 11 tinil.
seu tngso il-m T 1ii Sit igu ti Ogo tel.f
teeit iv ! el alitlttest in -nlifrom telti hit-
G l Lef9roiiiinire-i-ia. T 'lli. ltg .a
Stai rigal ,1 nd o!tttxrt l t 'rtne t i te i
' an twa ibroghSO tyt uges lea lk, to l
Beat eo t it i tainl nl Ct~ h
Nsoth ManS~mtreet.
j Tabte of Averages.
Thei followsitig is the 11a11ing aver-
ages of tise leant on the Eastern tripi:
Seyttour ....................500o
Codd ....................295T
Robinson ................... 299
Shields ..................... 227
Pearson .....................192
Crawford ....................192
J efferis ......................030
The average of the team is 267
for the Eastern trip.
Cornell won thet game from Tor-
onto Univeritity yesterday by a score
of 4j to 3.

f C N mijF YOUR
IMaited to You -
ThroPugh Your

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