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June 01, 1892 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1892-06-01

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'IJC. fo n the Detroit Athletic Club Saturd a y W , ht &
Swas learned that our own team would
Pubilished Daily (Sundays excepted) during edlydbyn tepsiiiyo
the5Coliese yeas, by bdeaebyodtepsbily o
rea.OFMchDPNEN SOCAIN Il)etroit in season for thepaittgst
TH .O .IDPNETASCAINschedluledl game the ID. A. C. nineS ==
Subs.critinpmice $,.t5 per year, invariably at once expressetd their willingnessWh
;ads anee Single copies a rents. on sale at tWlyhiegaeioMciansse
Sileetlan's anai last Office nest stand at V1toC lytegm n'ih nssed
o'lckl, noon. Sausiptions stay be et at IĀ«ltiosit their efficient Co-operation
te ofibee ost teDILtY, (Opera Hsiuse tlock, at ehnsattoft',rwihnyfte the clay mtihave ctlmnated itsa
'di tors. flat failure. For this anti for ottir
Ctmmnicataions should retatte atticsto' coirtesies extendeid u5svtiile itsDe-
7 oclock I. I iy are toi tppear5tte teat
'ay. Aditress altltmatter ititetnted tileptbltcit- troit swe desire to express outr its
litnto tlthe Itanacrise Editar. Alt tuitnessceiectest tecii
comnctionts sholtd tie sent tol the tasi- etde tthclb
THE U. of M. DAILY, For the Art Fund and the Wttnchell-
Ann Arbor, Micha.Menmoriat.

Ditpon'3 Tennis Rackefs
m'o= I92_
tickeftstnd a Complete Litne of Spiorting Goods.
lesate atndt Retail Agets fore Micitigats.
Fou t daetpartmnt se-corc iaestoitt ext-books
r oat sitss twsork-Etgisth,'thorth andtand
enantsip. Elegat butidnlag t

F . . Icc-i a,ea -Lit. 'i , .5a i- Et or .
cii ill, ii. luit, Ltt. ieAessiat,
J.iG. I o. CII Lawi ' ' , Asih , stn t
E. . . OrIs ilt, I, 'lie AS isan;
J 55'. 'A ILt. t:: ls i'es a a
W. .. A.:l tr tas, t0,t ssitant
t' . i I lil- ii l icerLaw Ass, tanlits.
1.iR iliIs1ii 1 1, A c t es-lli--
x iLil G i. siii'r.iie ( L ts iitlr3 it, i
iii W.I RC ' ' Lliicp i t. '94, ii i -
F.i)slt' Asil.iw L iti'93,

i 15

i lly siisaiiis' iI

Nvi-esireaii cuI io iiis a f~lay
i-i dirty ba ll. liii iii" iii their oi
iii ii, lic wirelrepcatelculiss
byir Ii i xsup11)portIies. II us'ii
thtIii' lni liii 111111 y perietits(
ii be repi iiliil cii railer, as
honiestly bclisc i c isepresentid}il
'ac I a colei is moreii Itlausi ct
'li 1 m P ils l lii 1Press takese
iciutiou tio somie of the sitatet
tiadle by tie tcotrIespcitident of tl
iiai-ir relatise tio the cittsyl'lsCI
Mtichilgait game. A half coliitit
cerbiosity sifteid uown to its sit(;
situstantial eietmeii Iresolsves itsc
itito the hal reprisal that "yo1-il
atnotiter."' If there seas anyiti.
really inceorrect aboilt tat reliortY
swould has-c been glaid to leatrn if i
fromttttie Press or itideed front at
Is behalf ofdte base-ball matiag,
nrtent anti of the student body A
swonld express our grateful append
tion of the assistance rendered b

'Tlls.lectOre by Ptrof. Scull for itie - T ttiienon s'ttciiten iit ktYteisrutr , ioktta tti-
ou , iines. penitsee extreet tly low-, $-i-i to
benefiti ofithe VUnisveisity Art V toil $1501 yesrawe~ek tudente aesiste' tota positins.
Faoricatalogute, adldrtes S.St.R . L1A tt, tresitent.
and that lii- Prof. I' righlt, of IOber-
lin, for the Ilitcheti :Memiorial will Let Your Summer Vacation Pay Next Year's Expenses.
be .,iven as otie attractiotn itt Ltii
!xversity- Ihall, -iduty evenitig, Junlte
all. IProf. Scott's lctulre wiilB PRN AN AGENCY FOR
lie giveti prompatuly atI 7:30. lIe wviii
talk soioliil tiii g'nral liii cot)' :C ill SSEITSI iIN BUJSINiESS
lit-i his leictiice moie plartilcilarl y to
tie pal iltipgs oifLeiitacdodIa \'l ici JMATTJERS.~,
.ni i chilael Xiigelo ini thiir celatiotif
<.t.itothe alt iii the Ita~liaii Reniaissatnce.
IlTleIciture iii be popuillar iinchiac- l-OONIK01'l"> )() 1' G E711 tUNI ) IN (1.0ThI.
c s hicer anud x ill c'xpliniii i aisitu ple iC1, \ P sae S 1 N . ILEc Ai ;
way theprinaciples if -art Iciii-sml
antd tte ichatracteristicis ofI tian ---1
poaiiing- tt shioxx xxhy the '"()li
led ~ TELLS ALL ABOUT tluis -sesw;1o111 oii citip I-lta l Icrs,note,, li-ill.s
l 11111 spils i. Iost15c1 110111 1 4xx i li e ks'i, and reei pt1s11', -;litertii'eitI ,innoes;a-legalsic-,isiof s ro it' , empIiiuaicliye x ladlord
anIrp lsv . xahx)l 'ililll be ii 1111 1,1,liens: patent alit c irn.t i lt li-i-- c;he-s w to tei isl liigood i ,i l i,,' 10 ,o o
of I lst hibs;1letet %vuginVOO rderingRUiPzradD,eBlue Iocs ad ll.;11Wt ao
coiousl1 Iiii lustrate icid -iby 'ov ier" iiic
inil! lug I ii ill ii'dcliashgilshort1mithodsliisiiitis - g: v1l1eToledorAnn Aor ei'hand North
II ii tt is r iuc. A I s(1 tre;hadso*tas c<;11s. Mioaiosads nrae sok odchiganuleslwar
- de a tli' clSiic'1 xx'ith e' Ihlui d Ic 011 i 1~cIceiIS w ahrin ;I(]Jsgol ruc u~i1:Nh tt oi 's 5 a I
gial aciicitent I ani' c-iiou Ioiihthrlthinislss. hissogl of eni ise ok wrnd o ot kn w heetfid
i csar " he Vs Supr o
i en- " andss;o ciriles sioreslns-iila .1111
'Prsttrih'li. Ie asx st T l testAnn A's .nd Not
" i f ll te illr er ch m g dlestaills ,t . c ocfiy i Nt tll iit5. iit'i. ti{a i
- \Is sxal is ii Il llfrescioe itt Ase ltnisli'le s reot ectcure s I t ihig anlae ilw a -sl.. i
wr) ; L owell lrls ~ ~ ~ 1105,'tlta'da st r, a d al ol 1ir e' rlincl c l a yc _'_d .
implid I hatiaiiseteleasaitafeature ot; d
Lx iii deealte es s .cals1 n la it
its il tio isasnliythe llouchap hsets o alii, ui tttle ()f thelt S'saitus tlssluetI tttu.
isf geolchlc.ogyod xil i fI ssisx il C ,niricu CIIdtutpendut ite s o. ttltrnt'rt M tI. a .d0ExpressNII 20it.,n
versty. he r om wll bheta.- iN tass. n brAsvtat. tac t inllea
itw isae h heuriclaat pi s li mrgnr allull anI I iriach I le oriah
of e decni oi atedir asdilh e h oto-Iif).I:.I Xuhutilutisstott ...... setats.)
byf sa Cr' itsftlittoalsriso f hung it 1 t udsofAaka neispeiullia- I all -,o~rf
1 i alsrotott sa edtaut as el. i oxrstnaletu rtim tachaeers xhpeotasa .r.Psexer oeoAco .. ,i
r Ibi wilhbeasexsllet hppot i ltisrm hi. a t.rIiiembur that ne ill Trai:It urbtee i ro n
xg fortholy lchohrsaiithe syiesr iere a ticutetiadisti t hcloctuaret atif,
th ittentheetieaulceisSftllaeenodterpdil eTsies' coa.e
ns e croet stdtettanto tapsnter thisartC hiitogehersd'tha ttetatetti lis alyecetsndy
litre svil bebepapiedieduahoyttoctArt. utad. svltict1aiIt.yShauveFtaket0v
hsty ei lseiare.yfMuositgwitrbef. r-cottrit.-its.xtent. LoctacAgent
a- nhd bygnuttg rompstly a t Spea 1tf 'u ndWichllMe oral
oe I a r o.alaWr ight ilpsoessoreof theo dmision 3 cents
a loart Ohbeitatd snPref ct at en J t t Sret roes
N lt(I.Alu dents& wtuetsharoagoepcillalr-tte
ely veya esul tonatehierhisflectures p e'aking12e W.hrNsT. dip.loAm:ITEE

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