Llijc . of Al .Wip
\'OL. I-Ni. 14.
THE LAST PERFORMANCE, ban( 'teters. The ceeing was closed1
)v the sinring4 of the V loan
The Minstrels Last Night and the !thle Ilue.''
Banquet Following.
Thle lperformantlce was sien before M edits Victorious.
a crowiled hioss. Teactill- wits Thec'92 tics were shefae bth
pierhtaips more 1-miislieil than at aiiy iteilir-, on tihe fair -roud etr
of the presvions 1erfornllailes. witht lay afternoon 1 i6 to -. he grounds
the exception of I letroit. nwere snet andI the balst-. le
The studlents snho lhare loana-~ed mcdi'liii swlan the cliainioii onteatii
and takeiipart ini the A1 instrels de- of the literary department for the
serve all the praise <5iven1 tieni.-las'- chiami onship.-Tihe gate re--
(Great credit is due the eficieitt man-I terdhav was notabile tor the numtiiler
agemeilt, psarticularly of Atr. R. . ''-ot errors iiailehb- the lasws. I t ssas
Farranid, mainager; _i1r. Jasmes E'. close until the last inningirwien a
Duffy, treasurer; and Mr. George L. . fess- hits and iianr- errors let ini nite
Ny-e, advertising agent. ;runs for the medics. Seymour ws
Proper recognition shtoslddhe at- it more freely titan Leswis. Thtej
corded tite foilosving students for merdics fielded cleanly-, in spite of
their assistance: Messrs. . IT. tlhc poor fieldi.Thte teamis swere as
Smith, R. R. Smith, E. iDarrow, follos:s
Goldwnin Starrett, E..Baster, If I. 1 Medics-Harrison, oh; Pearson,
Joy, IH. P. iDodge, IW. lBrowsn. J. 3);Haas, c; IFisclher, If;Ilestis, p;
AT. McGill, G. VanderwenterIEanl M Aarshall, ib; Biecksniths, rf; Stewart,
Peters, C. '1. Alexander, 1V Neff, cf ant iSliver, ns.j
F. 'McfOmber, J.- A. JanmesnlIf I Lawis-Marnsall. ss; Ferris, c;
Hang. T. L.. Iuliap, G. 1V. Col- Peer, If; Seyntour, p;lironsons, 31);
lint, PihlHoswer,(G. 1-. Clark, I.I udesna, o h omponsst., b; Lose,
C. Ferris, S. C. lark, NV. WX Mor- cf; Rocks, rf.
risoin, W. L.. Moore, i. C. Slhock ITie score biy innsing~s is as follosws:
A. D. Ratiboise, XW. Ansdre-- - L. 5 s
NRdei . -1 1 t+ 5 0 0 19 6
H. Clemient,Sir. (Grancts 1I 1. -t I
Lloydi,Sir. Sitetterly, C. C. WXar--.-
deni, ands a snumber of the latdies ot The American University.
Also Arbor whose nsames sn -c c The organization ofthtle Ameni-
nrc are sinable to give. ca isrriy cscsceils
After tilelperformnlce last even-It seekc. Amtonig the incorporators
in- tite menmbers of thte troutpe, the j re('or. A. E. lPattison, of Pennt-
hoard of directors of thte Athletic nylvsania, Senator Sic_1illals of
Associations, thte adrisory hoard, Michiigams. lark Hoyt, of Newv
the base ball teamt, ansd the college -ok o.Jh . rgto er
psress ivere invitesi to a bansqnet giren sylvania, Repsresnmtative Sprinsger of
by tise Athletic Associations andi Illinois amid Srs. J. A. Logan of
several of tse ladies of Ann ArbonrX'ntlgn. Sak oy s-s
in Nickels' Halll. It snas a very -i eltdpeieitottesadan
discsse, th foioning oasss eectniedresi d etboardh ofbtrustees
reoned toair. A .ft.rthSmnthals 5bodyctoicu iaatre
oficiatingdanthfoast-mgasts"w're Bso urtc-cllro h
ofiatrng a'r a-mspt'er'PAboTebanetgconmposed of represenstatives of
bal lmanager; 'Te Captain,'' C. sal baptint and methsodist eliisco pal
P. Cdd; ThePlaers" T L.churches of boths branches. In
Wilkinson; "'The ?Minstrels,''R. viesw of the great public interest in
Tr. tarramld; "'rhe Advisory Board,''h nvrit napa wl hrl
Prof. P. K. deI'ont; 'rTe Professor be made to the Anmerican people for
AtrsmeticrBard," Jro.RX'.eCuTis; $5,000,000 for time early commsence-
Athltic oar," J IV Curis;ment of the work of the institutions.
LiThe Ladies," S. C. Park; "'rise ..,
Athletic Associaion," H. G. Field; Dr. Corydon L. Ford, dean of the
" The College Press,' L. I. Abbott. msedical faculty, has resignid Isis
Dean Knowlton of the law depart, chair. He is the oldest professor
ment and Prof. McLaughlin also on the faculty, his appointment dat-
happily responsed to the call of the log from 1854. .
The Coming Battle.
The U. iir Si. I) ii s ''atits isill
meect the Chiroiniclc-Argonaiut pig-
Hes n ~ia ,atme of uscase-all011the
camipits Saturdlay ittori' ii ' ITle
is-e ill lie salledilat 10o oclock,
siiarii '-ileelsettinisotoro
the siants vsitli is)tikers . iinler
thle fiicieiit csaingtfsi L
'Albott, late catthrs fth-licli
;in i hanipions, th~e giatst have
shoiwni remarkabile itpovment.
The pgmeshuve beetn seen dill-j
genly- isractisitlg oier ibehindisthe
tills itnlDitchtiow-n, but they base
not hailthte advsanttage of a coacht.
'The rant crowd is reqluested to keep
beinld tile roiies during thte gamte.
No admtissiont isill be chtargedi.
EDIOS-s.os M_ r 5. Itms,
Mtay 1Ithare thte use of your col-
umttnt to call attenitiont to a certain
jiierson wsvoe presence in paisfuily
apparent it our library- books? I
refer to thte frientd (ari judging
from thie nuttmerousntraces, itisttanme
also in Legion), iwto feels it his duty
toinicaitte by omarks of sarioius kins
his apilrov al or disapiproval of the
author. A fess-d(ilts ago I haid oc-
casioot to read an article oit 'Real-
titm ands Romance''int a boiund sol -
tililliof the Colltcrilory Si tgliltne.
Sonteonte esvitlently- felt thlat Sir.
Atndrewn Lastg wasn ot cuttintg ettoiught
ttt i his satire, or that litesnas not clear
enoughitnithiis explanatios. XXrit-
test itt a htatsn iticht led mte almsost
to fear thtat thte substitution of " her''
ins thte second sentence of thtis article
wnonuddtot be inttirely' incorrect, I
found thte follosnmg valuable sitg-
gestions, "Tile twvo extrens.'Te
one gross actuality', the othmer gross
unreality.'' 'XXhicht it ismot'" 'or
neither.'' And to caisthte clittax,
"it mutst be so to be 1e! you kinow.''
'Te italics are mot mtitte. 'T'see -
mtarks mitisnunserous utnderscored
wnors, exclansations ans inlterroga-
tions conspieted thte reader's allen'
dix to thte article, It ivouldi seens
thsat this habit indicates otte of two
things-Thte annotator hsas a poor
opinion of others' insighst, or an
overweaningly good opinion of his
own acuteness. In either case, if
he sihould neglect tihis nonotation, I
doubt not the fault would he par.
doned by at least one.
b VD AX th~ ie experie'nte of College
11M -iso kmtownn utdappreeiate
She carefutl scrunfi of College Stu-
(denits.liaiig us large conts of skilled
Dtesigmners anld Jewelers spseeiatty
trutimned fosr bnadge and other jeins-lled
stork.,fisporlimig. as ire do, sdireetly
ftrom IParis, ILotssloti tid ls 'ctsterdis
our1 1)aisons antdtsothesr preciosis
Stoties, sic sre imi a poisitioni to plimo
sduce' the inst plaitsismut jenwelied
So(iits L'ailgesof ill kinids which mime
taiisl 1t its I int this n-,iitryt.
Wright, Kay & Co.
Chap. Speller & .
University Outfitters,
OT 0OT- IE D L~i
C cittuaitmml mid Atisletic Goods.
8 TUDEAI T8: --
are sellhmtg off otur
".Splendid Summer Stock'.
Mons' _ens- s
Greatly Reduced PriceS.
Before Buying Elsewhere.