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June 05, 1891 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-06-05

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consider-able time to attend to the
d uties orf the business manage-
ment and tbe editing, but both dce-
a bishedtDaily (Sundays excepted) during
hie ConLrs-e year. by Iartments base been reducedt to a:
HE U, OFEM. INDEPENDENT ASSOCIATION more coniete system since we
changedt to a morning publication,
EDITORS. j atdtthe results are inure satisfac-I
ISAT1111 Seust, ,s2, Mat18it trut. dir tors'. We hope that our 'subserip-
S. W5. C 'airt--, ')2, Assist. Manaint itor.
G. I. CHases, , ''Q, Ai-t.Malnaidirg to r-. tronlist x': 1 e enlargedt next col- ; - r
J. C. TRI,'i.'5, lBusiuness- Stnaurn V Ic ee r. \Ve hare idecided that'
W5. 1. PIs saRs, ~Assis-t JiBu iss ritttrtI
C. W. . iI~uLV'ie, 'Si, Assis. Bain sr t'Mae . fth9 1) il 'sii inot be ideliv ered to
I. c.t t.. s1,,, i. 11. l3.Cititi VTt,,' 1. atny adirerss itil the subscrilioni
1)t(ii t, 9'olt . I - to r-i t ,'s> paidti i 'elen tihoughltottr sibs:trip- 'IE
. yutet. '. i a '.I.'. it itti, 'ri. tot list 'sutiers as a cottsecluetice. -
le titatik outr suibscribsers for their
Z uppol~rt antdpatrotnage dluring the r
To11: Websuter society has tiotte ai past year, and hIope thtat titeryswill ...
ottintetrilhethinig in purcltasing come back crest fall wtitlh S..5
hiandisonmetil t~trtrat ofi te ate-Iaiece for tile DILY.stir-
25 PC13 gCflT OFF
w oft
F iy
Ptrofesso'r Wells ttttorehui iii'(5-
---r ..--------- ......
. i w w.. 'tom ... w .,...
ster tall in the law b iiiliir It is I String tielcitutre int lthisics, BLfl
tbot a fittting andil deserrvVd tribrute to yecsterdaini'orenig, tiereoons was,
those swhose lices liarve iecunticsotced (arkenredil'l crdier tire better toi 1er- f ~'u
to ottr instruction, atril eslicirluyi( formcecrialnr experimrents . Itittireii- L ) Jr .1.. G C
those wrho liarve reen ctalcd itway ini attcly abou t t,,eirty-fit e j unicors eii- ~
te midtsorf their ilabors, thiat their tcrci l te room iiardncreaterlgreat ~ ,
portraits ibe irunit;ion irorolege tmerrient andiquite a idisturbanrce I -1 -1 ' - -
wsails its as perpetual tokent o1frrur b htteir anitics. ltheN' esi sird e -lnc
esteetmianril applrec'iatitioof hirttctitor ill tiredrkniess. i . . I Ct RVite tes.
surccessfurl cindietvors. 1 vr vstui
lent, andtl Iore esprecially laws- Pieasure and Profit. rer a
sttitenrts, ratrilcitizents is well 1shoutild
Studteints wholi shsittiremosot re-
shtoswthreii' Vstimattionto(fiProiessor tirierri e nl rioail eiiro
b'ells' sersvices hs atet theii' !tit
y m uent foir tlhe suinrer shrotld coner
purblit' r rr'cilltrg exercises ini thet
lttv ceite rr~i ttl ee~i wsith tire unrdersignred at ott e. Saus
sauce of Sc no a tdav if desired. 0
irsJc 1). A. C. are to play the1 Apply at otrce to C. 'It i 'cost v4
Unciversity teamitto-motrrowv antidai'Wllant!S. "a
there is a rare chanreefor ri close lHorirs, froni tit a and 6:,-o to S
ganme which wosultd be far itorep.n Special appinlttuenit can breIWA
suitable to the sprectatotrs than the adetil by trail. Addrcess as abore. -ia
variably tbeeti the ruile in this city BUSINESS LOCALS. TFC E3 IEITOUE
this sprring. Last yc-tr the ID. A. T COL
lNtiretinseted'in tttitcoumntia t te ratoe OF-E
teamto un the amiatetir cramiriton-atfIi cent rline.i tptecialr ratesr lo rngerOFCES
shtip tif tire hUnitdStatesiswhichtheDAILYOatt e
weas mosstly tdne totthe treait wiork of 1Fitt.~illI Esalishtedilawad lr,)nbsnesi at ttitt
(odditanrd Wttislt tid it was con-ls ya Ot ~7 ss~~ T Csae
ceed thartt 'itotthris ibttteryi thirr WSill 'tho sell atll rtiartccof goodtlaris
tite ws'rtld ire bitit laythir's itt tire ti nd i cefuriiI'trttt. t-I c ri
thandrs if tte I. oif StI-tearitt S li v omirt.lr lisci .cc dre-s. 1It. ('. llatr-
tihcn shroitldntourr nagtcmleunt itigtotr I swill Itwa. r
rut' I.- 'is t' - '. i ItTlhav s t . . -ort
tliow tithmloddlandatrt sI had a mpu ltits, l-s itvertcltatitdtl iitth
Islace in 1-tibinisrurntnd irbott as cli tt ttr ltic t ~.it ii moS. ,Tttr'e-rs-t. Afu sr '1,'T1'<'50 1 to~ooltebter fteU fA1s
tire btttcrycif th I. ci ratnt uttisintssu5ftrtstudtents tcortlers.
Their isork corils thtentile scutmipacctttredE u ri f SDunlcanlt>1tE. Slot -NO. 12 W. TIU RON ST.
ansI mnty dispultes itt cegard tieS.,AnnAror
Stouventir Slunutis iat ILtA-M lt-
wvhichi is the supecrior settled. 115' NOL 5. fCCiIZ
al en ieu nectn ae Ourctrade ittn musicalnercetantiise JQ)1 )LJC
Salmanu ier satditnanihasa exceedeexecetlitionts. We htave
ati'ty sold tlte UInest lute of goodts in thtis
-"- ' --- city. -Nosy for tte tatattce of this UNERt--EWt IANAOEIMEN't,
Tusi tts i sseofteschI ool yealr ve wilt give yoti a benefit.
DIYfrtis coelategesear. tie Thlere is busitness in this. See our Is beuig tluorottglly retnovated
DAIY fr tis ollge ear Westock, get otir priees. We guaranitee
have no reason to complain of the otir 10c. strings equialto any inathtecity, and re-furntislied. We should be
a any price. 2-5 So. Fourth Avenue.
first year of the DAILY. Although WILSEY'S MUSIC STORIE. pleased to see all old patrons of
it has not been a great financialth hos an alne oe.
success, we feel that it will favor- Better than a Gymnasium.- h os n loe ns
ablycompre i lierar mak-up Students desiring work on a fruit
ablycompre i lierar mak-upfarm Saturdays at 10 cents an hour 14 A No ln
with any of the other college can call at my place on Geddes ave.,
one mile east of the University.
dailies in the country. It has taken A. A. CRtOZIER. Proprietor.
The Adonis,
and Hellos
1. & AtSS TE~STI ('(itAI:
r2 . S'T'A\T Ti., A\N Xlitt-.
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
Time Tabte going Into effect, Monday, Fri-, tt-
Mtattistee ExpssiV and uMail...... .4oain i.
Mi. Plertsant Paussen gee..... ......5 UT).
APliuesantEr est ....... ...11 '5 it-.in
Genu. Pass. Aet. tretal Attent
A. C. McClurg &~ Co.
Special origittal designts with esti-
tnates will he furnished 011 rrquest for
(ommeneement Invitations. Class-Day
Programmes, Fraternity Stationery,
Menu anid Guest Cards for Btanquets
and Club Dinners, Danee Programmst
and all other kinds of college work.
Our stationery is always notable for
its handsome engraving, correct form,
and moderate prices.
A. C. Mc(LURG & CO.)

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