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June 02, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-06-02

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Ijc U~. f
Al . Wlailj.
Nisi.. I.-,\ ,. 1 i.
T e is re~~~~puestod t~~~o, met at Wol- Iu lthesixth oui, first three meni up H R B AT N' Itslt vl~lis(t.s Il u ovrosIllleso h
11ss. ~pel is' 0'11 liii T i t tonine. is ie tihe s il the
1-E ILhYMIIJ) t I}1~l :. TL\ THE THIRDVICTORY. iris cudt wotshil l theitlsit
UV -IA byAD WTILEI Y[.IaN._____pitcliedhall. n tiler pitchesi
Tejis:ty Defeated by ain tlleewlielm ihals being flist b is liiswal.l, iirell-
lew \iVi'tlil'h 1,s B 1lls lif DIials. Atiii flit' ln; Score. lu saidtu iiriOl.
___II theii set oisl ic is ilnscuore'd sue
De~Iici FiiCAis I rs etli , 1av .,M II(e run by Miseans of is base oilisbails
witTOsTt'res' sitl s tlisa teir 1<ll'-l}it5 5 lssis iiis tI \ o t] a lr liv b IyIllil is sit a
lii sl)s11IsT ti i EIi lt'.CoI hi I iistlis 1lft\ildei1 iils lllill si lit to isIit i esls bs lsslsh.
1555llo 111the l ue e dlis lii t l1e u ~isisoilii' I siuii li ii lis iIi I i
:illd af lle15dIllseilltl tl a1 0 sh 1111 lner to lii i-ll als esi unsll ig
cli1IsC isster ll s uhs 1 ii I 1111ierisr l IiClill a B r w;ltiltlo t1ills 'XSeaitiosnst sliIlnl C aud hlsrssstss
101 ts(IiCii1 lul 11 1 1555 sils Ils 1I11sC iseit s 1 is Is ist st he 1 10 ' ilsl l ss stts
umillti'i'Ill theosi's sisils oas sfisoles lii
gal ,frstrili ~is t'redin hetlird illp seisset iii eliihr e op ii i' lls Ilse 1 i s's lsossaw-anohrrolls ss edso
Stilu Ci sslX I sslC1115 hs tsi l lilBitook s Usse I isPerson sills cii i s I i'si alreasdsyosstIsoes CCis toy
etC us 5 s i~~i 111CC isid hells s firsir. s inusi aisl (dd tr- utto a tisiItosssiui Isestie slsisr-C Ciim ' sesi
1111id siel} sis siietotissid aste il i ~ laize lci-alw ltt a is. Iia fP as nsfiap se al
1ae lole wa ade il t ho eil ethitsers.hls~ tl lsd ts cr-ok i s Isl 0
soinhsil us(7s11 treo 'CIsl Twre lilliS e r e tlitsie 55511 ntto b X ll itsss ithe essso.sv t ise s easT its y lmIsityw
scoe in tlsseCUaS 'vehs>1seinils b ulstsneof te wrdoasilistls-~i i ai sceso
Harvasisids ws sagerutuivlethse nith
Ingams wob ager wee heony sciresdoil icl's drive 1fo1 two)ibhsues. doublse, two Ubases ossisallstourstsoless
hits miaise ofoilIssd 'IX ilkiiisisiss erroir jhells strssek ott. Strongsustillsks lit Ubises tissil1isne error sgasve Iso Micigian
sand a sO sacfie. "Ssmmasry: EsirisedI ' I
11111 ittoi'Sitzeisr asdss okisi rs tlothe ths e Ilahst rmssscisrssd Isin(Conneicticuit
ru lclial bs n al, > alter's isisw Ithrow. ingslslasl i sis oil.
C( li 1,liiyIBates a;stolens Isses. wIsris e trlhast T esor olo s
In the iscostiasintkesillBoothINIissisi so)liv ilaIC'sN
111115 1 1 I 1..-) l. I ofVi. mad51e d u l y S izr n n errb
eigh i ts : stsissile ii2,isPetrsonisss, 555 C11111 i
51515ch la nettedI s13i.s;e" iie. sll.C i Is 1A. .
'slsiss iii l. T inity haililsihree 1mien it . - ---1 1, I u
S i i iilssat uthIpits. I'iiiiisIili atl l isIsiler ACiot 4 f _ Nr.I. __-:J G
to RiIll is 111111 Iisi ii Ilitto iii5utie n esis l n 5's i. ---
Is- s o r I----- 1 i i s ' i sses Isssl-4 li
sa~ail iii's's'sUssss i xo 'I i :-; I s oat idoutesWisills'niiiii.li4i" lissisi
I s ias ul i 'si ige li' i tis ti I ssist slice ill sh isl ii t 1.___
tisL i'it' pi tisesi slts s I sl lls issil s sts is 'I tkiisit
ui's'ts iitl willse iIIIil 'el ail et Us ist1 ItCe ssi Ist iltce if is coupleiCfIi ota is t'-----: i
thO4 iili' iiilii'i ;, pn h ir l l II uC slloub le siltelist hits i sinsnsio ier .i1s
II'ssvi sd a se t e i siser 5pec 0liar t liltd liii sisis in a i sty ii i f rs, ln i l i
siliateis tiiilitshller parsti ofitis sltit roihngs
Us thi tlsiCThesioelihis m deaislsltteils I 1 Ii lehhCi'tss t tte i l
sessestesn to eisist ii i I lahush o n th e bss hi one s t asfirst t oI trkigii I''
Harvs rdli uge ill Isis s areItIC bhi isa l ns k othler 551151's out too elol ses' I isses.s13. 5 i. I I is
si sho nth t eir wortk1 is apess i ated illlii li uslt fly tiseeissaesUsiss tuisi ili;suuoss1' ____t o z oi
di itoe sa il e i set sIniste fourIhC ii al his iist t e b l il ) ___--
quse t ei ll ison ifth sLaw 01;a dlu ,a dnbssikea cart5 c --u 1 « 01
lt iiss'is ue il"i Clii ftmisils.i.,Ci.is-11_i0Itsi0s t1e1se1I H
sssld C Iin iat 10.1.- us ill li e rain ls it I i ils o C5 astsree-bI Isisistoss sil 5 it s in t irlm n >-1 i
rie a 11 oI'lXck.silek team iAllsbe 'IXitli the Cyi C055510 sisss0i ii
se (aI ly si sisII1 Iisu s insh 1i)iy i Ke l is iootheenS itzseri 1
Frwnsrin tssds c o sil s sby iihe 1 u as Pott sil iu eue te os h tise, l si L'.ofMt} G tvi1Usi
Marie SA u hsil u s illiefo sluh i th ndell ub fsi nll ts s ashtoethrii Ha l inp.----0 4 l l t hfiis Is
ane ie llo w-inohwill huhMcishs ' lI wisisisuserrr. y 5 5055nan lt f .lest---h-se sill27,U
foadrs f litt esse ing: theC hllodeJstlenipth efs netted is wast suit nse iIsshii I ytd,7
IsE. heessff leA. IV to cllctsC. hT. sl s 5 Wto the, si ore oes g like ilsis 4'sissis
hisi ,('', uiliU.sl 1 tiisf' lisM.i.ssuh a-3eh u 1O 15 T E E ONti TO RY.1
derhl, tillB. ii Ic 1 and osH. sP. I irsDC ll. siier, C ouet have f sn stisg e i r inty----- 0 1 2 0 0
Fessewok ofre J L the1's canis Tith arliest iseomeit e ois s he Isi Es adrnsDefeaedo bal.Storeaoe
llanauond, I. K. ood, lyger did.. slo sch em tokfasidatoner ssolhal sto3
pusa wilathnliena'lis.cHornsowill gosietsstohohooah assi failesl hoire-r,
JamiesoAs rs s b 1.asdill asi. tiM. h K Iess h sirs faisu e as as e to hfrst bd sass~w C ssMy3.Ts
neyb.M areF MP ey as, rpiuer.ls rwHssls tl is a snishtweaeileyalsiofassdmhi.nf M.
aseleath.Lt ofdire cs. et'hs d yir nasIsit rm]eronhiihh t bhitchea rtb b eenod playesFridayut
suorliptie oh ny of14these.foll sti wasI copelfhMled to wdiog outil ll o teby abinwaspostod onacoun.o
aitehbenskcedtosiscllc seri-as awo teeasit ondlie raid aiwalaeaofthsmonngi
Tibas GideTe mih '1Ie mnge o e tefirom henidsiofthrateingweaberan
notcpiehonth acomusitte Theec omi't a o eldto tsgogicisih. bu w ichwas pesten eon aenl o
i AAX' 1S tieeixpseriences'osftCollege
.1) 'sts i iswio knows and hillsreciate
thse careful tscusillIf sollege SCu-
hdeists. yinvsg aslIsgeicops of 01skiliesd
DlesinerssiandIIseseless seeiaii
tralilisined islade and h hserjesselledi
wosrk. 11111)1hmss usis's'e do, directly
froms Pis Iondsonsandsitu istessdam
sutsDamsstdssianl oher preeius
S'tone.lic su e i's iin a iposts i ito'po
lisethC ti f liest pI is 111(1 jtwllesi
Soithi hules iof ill linstswhtih lie
- ii nfilss lrtushini thiis emitryi.
Wrigiht, Kay & Ca,
p~ro t, M z r'
Chap. Speller & .
Unriversity Otifiters
(Ii sssiumiid ii tlti'cd siJ.
I Io
Wil hTeachh Is _M tlsoshof
AndilFtcilitatinig Acuirsemsent of
Knsowledge us Fuse Lessonis.
To he continued Thursdays and
Mondays following.

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