the . o
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VOL. VI. No. 179.
SIN"r =Mgl== E= 111 UNIVERSITY RFVIEWFI) lgs by till others. Apparenly the FINALS IN FIRST CLASS.
WeMustMove_ thleitic -sirititis rising, tani te (are -______
Wei us Xv lettt t ilittitee. if it be1 not gtosittg.
- The store we now ocupy has i Our Life and Methods Presented is asstriumtiore tin abtit foriati.Wlh Sabury Wins From IDanforth in
ml ben sld:we mst seek nets byof.Iisdl. rtlts thotl are estimtedet ttttl tttFive Sets.
quarters.byiItof t(nsdi5.
04 We lMust Close u I N -_cibtl.oleroesrsh
I O f1 t oui O~ I Professor hB. A. ltttsth tit stritbutedle eraintit odutt ti onlioit i 5itl's5ils s Yest~y ttaternion ai larg rwd-(
Iicycle. iVeotestiicesw ich an ait ilticI o te dcatio l is tihistowtte tits Sis lt otti f settos swts ttrtiry silt Ili
W i i il ools d oif ote prices I o Aptril andslMay ott "Tie Spirt tti ntai Ii~t it, tlt t enn ittis ttttitttsttti et hett tit iriito
nssyts5 i CbYer ie s st dsiltgtce~iy f~s naystl thih thetclss' IS a iiatttr sitges from Datforit, 1-6. 7-1, t64,
!THIS MEANSiBUSINE~SSI fillwhich i voI ll o ls rai y of rtil itterests . sieintheit it ay )-7.1 Thie tth sitoeliby
pp uu everyon itteestti itt te ittrivesi far1wi-t u -15 ttcr it(lolt tite bes: tetnis of thle ourntatmett
d m s oot wnae c tris t hi s I roeso ilitsittic ist' at shoti, itba ihIu'ttttItt il it t-t t i ttihet stott' sows tati ii t s t
muitis e u si 2hiBl elttii 5it ii tiist tti.i siosiifoith ttoiii lut sti rttttr Iiy
NN THE AN N A BOR ORGAN COB, it0 tititi c eoes i lss taliio . h is ai slter te sTppa t:ti t istf sit s i stfls it i' i ittii- tts
O, til tit'e ioat it 'int it-i neO k. o u et
S. M AIM ST. ifs tf te i dttiiiiooriits f the I lii-whtittt ot 11n1wittt st . atiitt1h I itt eli 011,0 cos' 1nd11ecitingit ettts. 'fTe
BUlE-U BCCEr ity ofessor Hiiisuiale saty: t th it iietith- is Ictrtasiig; bu t itlst istaintdis itsitty it
°I'heHB CY LE . Urttivt'rsity saititiis. wilt its 7 1ho bd rerensi hihtemthstleto eoug isaay
i t 1 tt iitiitg aitt'iiu i-lI tiiscragt tf ipurpose,aplica t , itatid lifuiu iiss''r ito tsgiitutt
til r tthemu t h l~tsu ittly tttoir i ferdiwli-isInclined to Unit. ititdntttonlyh 5111testi. flilfiian111
It's a L lI at e t ts gciats u eos aules eim Str s srm ls n
1 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ n illts 1t titti its get am ill s idtis it tills 1115 tnd tundit tii hsiisihitt i' lalld the iit ' t s ti t-tsg bouth mi'enuuweres
its iit s c to si svra s tt l iii frti t eoiiie ttf thue tsllu 1 nio ofs ii 'tilgo Itenis ga it, gi uiti sitrtx
su laet o tui tgt her f i ~ieft-si th sttti liaat' usetil stglla i'5 nt dneiiga esvia huts ie(ti
iliteiea oilltwe a i ies nd tts" uden suiretais troni- th ' is f lternooitt lditu s c-l ueditche'ianal- lii'be fore teste ut's 'won. T in s ttisi
stl a e c rti Nuts tl leetuutlslii ift' . i t llfor tnth itrsit li thetuiwthile te'thegmits'hsxDtatitoithis'latyed' rihleryi
profcss im l sthos o e as'e athltofi ii' fruilrl iu it' wastsin sipoiti f liii' hti' uhteasyi' tr.ii'ghtt an t
itulic~x-a gti e bsi t kitt's f orfti 'thi u n 'in fTet'r icil intti t.e is tiutt- tclut l iii bsittottesi f lastng ftu is lobiit-
I sts f 1t'ut-it'r hut us btiert Lin i w si th' Ino hi (' ithritu Cosi ls- igiwa fu ite tiuttti tiian t tiu s ht
on h n Lnd m sI esetN bisnipise tstls i at'- toItlPliutt aluieutea onchut ibeheiuti ittddsicr fafsieln
fully soliit 3-our atro - tiisar o u t t tittitit dhit fattiuttyiot-e d i fra'i ternity dth le P esi id dries i ulusi usif ii tst
ag .it' alfl sistuiscottusis ti-i tlyto ug f ecanteswllb edTttl
S V ir l f e d hfo u'ssilot o clu tcs-o ttsirtihtli' tiyu att- 7Dr. 1 'pitsi' ituhrItfo r itafte en.4-'ueii ;tedthil tmre brttiit'
,Woreron Stret. mosr essii tsto altnit' arc s i sg li- ma's tt forthl't us uiis' ustsdielii ir t tut itt ll lth yiis iuliii'
taitlo'i i tgo it's frwrd.ttlsth re o iti-sIt' ttfra tue itygc ofhits'eei tusla t-,itheiutlri's itt hi s huu stf siii hut-i
t y~g y i o tsr fBitt P r itt' l']t01'uite as ituiti' E p litttutiP.As.s ot mantt si t Ulips tiyi tt' its'or tt h i a isip ftti e
on ha d ndhettep ct o tcrom itt t iti'u s s t h e irhdie- Ito;tOucLN SpIulding,9 Atuo ttg suthuir ' itWttuus Loi t-l ult
ill olctyo rp tr n tiae til ttu ttu e AtI-I'ie o uo' li- IuuuS. 'Tremti' e.suuZuethi uuusiu Pc isitI utpe it uotut it s f the S iio it
uly s titu fle t ues eroutled suti byn esil tJrlui ufIi t -s 5 ii'isuuts yeMs terdayH Iriubeat
acgre, V I ... rtuul ier ttt 0his uistfltl T wotttuu Pati pertsrmsi chsu i ugy. Fraist6-3,sftu'ruootu Psiute beat critck
andonl diectImprte inti mact ly sgto huse s t her t hn t o th 'u i veyat etn fteStia - 'clus' xttsiuuis in t t hitbls ill'icu ut-
has jnu T ecived his n iire tock o ,t f iart ut e herti f t he tt n1 Q est' I d Poi zo n Asoi atol ogbe.eld lt rtbly tettbes'lil ti ite i fuiose
Foreignand11om stic Woions fo gis' it etsuith' 15patre-ut of Litr ntairices.sers.,atul hue Among otuher lthe wott stiouia u it ilts' ol t 51
Sprin andSunoner '0, a sdatur. gSlutce al"ln 'h-ti tuietitsts lits paprsutioi beiii' its sts of ctin rtitu s feiteoingy; o 'ttettylstt 9l t
G .H ronthiioktstt' ot:f l- lStansf sord gy ,Ui sity, co io ley i day aftrnoonie June-atfdlry; wi u's
N 2E WAHNTN S.NER m n taoly;eutthey 111o15th neu i nu nu-l an yPoeso ole, fteIln- M dclEx mnto s
ThtedigT ilr teu ll ot r i utt eif;hof sitnIC a- ietri' illof htao ot lr ltut h utt Iuut iA
andolydiressSt s p u ntcits ty ,toghtseeninsottyr. usaas Su- us tg iaNsiuts'tuttuiitshuot h h e exa inautios le medoc aldep
hs jus reevdh stiestc ofhratiesic eteuls ofthesti crsdIt Prui ze s i PahI oy 1ussusen wsiullut behidrsotlow
Sprng nd le . sis, t sytr tfithfiuse arstudtlas f sueuni f $the beAstitoetd"awig sttHis~tolog u esdy, Jullt ine 9,49111
N0 2E.WAHIGTNuusNERuAI. ioy c btt muy oo l usors' tnl y t- itspatrh gy tuthie siloset tn'of $et lasstiio gic 'tuChem ist ; ; 'rus'
B s al S ppis La n Thesseo cs ~s The f ttc s ttlI t ur iuu niypa1tolgyytt rayin-(a} ltt 7 WdTehmu se h9iPn itnurilSn-
TenniDssa SutsaSpciL .arenn s een'ut ih' i usny foey;s.ue ditP5 suttin g. r.Alu edeon atet i tesuhonrt ti yThutIrs;
wil cy rnielu fasuhoitu,111 i stiis ies, aig pesnain seeh aln PhysiictsAupp itiietutrem
(1pplies prig od fstudiostexusoftecisaostu hilliAms, J T sio t atewamdefrs
eSeypecipton Sale maol refreteittit thn for r- erc tsofu1;m V Auebi tie , '1ii not ohomre-onday ue 9 p iut.M
tiltburt t e taiuiya sinur et h unit-,vmstoadedthesecnposi I $6.its ,terioedic;lCesy J ues0-
to he xtrmesof hescb,. .his SsanAndrsn, 97 I, . R da, usnOe1,1 t iric ienetHygilts'
sebURSaClAlRCSupplieilLa unThe ues socisoaos fsteomtua-his igs ireality suInd o.nJ-ofito'1u0gaule d11sdayt,Sorery; tottell. r-
Teni Rckts LwnTenidway;widhothe rai rte vase elandal recietorbek mtuenudtote beout egonlAntoy
and Sheymrihfemlesio orfaie snsPpoohoulDetoitaasrthpyhstlletsttttu
Suples Sorin God ur ad tofsliing.odeate nodemsodaeordisi t tetiellturo
evr eoipin r alrpeene.ISoreeer uors-Tlndy Tusue 10,59a. s, a
makg am ooro t i h agreschaos te .Eo ,ed iDrtAthor eutuu eve o aul ernObtoo cy; Wednedy, :oneI
U Ton nws Tos, bysome erson deplred b otlurod Faciscoi atoday will re hsilon-sNrun tsess b
Usivesmlty Bookstore, opposite CurtaHouse
meStes. 4 N Main Sn. and wtnessed withu conflicting feel spend tie summner. pilot