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June 03, 1896 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1896-06-03

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'hreetines this year, their tralin' r,
* + f CM f f L fJ.UStagg, hisinad the hest of opportonii-
ties to see oor weak mlints. Wisen
Published Dailiy (Sundaiy exceopted) during we played ini Chieago, tile in~liel
the Cllegogene.01 -raind standl aiid tleacrs wero'ein-
TH UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. ieyfle ii rli 'ill~iliW
OreseE: Times building N. Main st., appositesloi.Atreeyiiiigfloir
post offien.I lo n Afeeerinigftmr
EDITOR! row's gliaehulletiiioWill hlienct to
rJ. F. T osuos. '97. W. W. THAYsER, '9 L. ('lileligo, wherea,Ir11ge Crowid is ex-
E. L GessosR, 'S L F. At. Looxcs, '98. ipeeteil to be waliticig to rec-eelieim.
0. 13, lAss, 'si. 0'. S. SessOs, '9i&.
R. C. onDoawOsO, '9s. C. .GREN, 99. lienliclago played the first gamiie
- 11111' flTR er te u'mioiier lit the yoicng ladio's ill
G. B. i3ARiSiY~,'96 L. attenldaio'e -wais very gratifying acdid t
- is to tie hopet that, ini view of the in-
L. C. 'IVLiKER, '51. Creased1impilortanre of tis glinier' the
ASSOC[ATaE EDITORS 1,1 ee iicooia large plort of
WV.X. liaghes, '93. S. fR. Smih,'9tL.
S.XW. sPith, '9. . P Mril,'9. thei'seais will he reserved for ltheml
J. L. Suloli, 'Si M. IT. 0. Skilloiasn, '98 L. 11n1d liie Athletic iBoard hope0s theiy will
C. B. Raei, '98 tD. Louise Dodge, '99.
B. B. Moiheosu, '99. Ii. toroisi, '. take aidva-ntage of tisi forethionghit.
Lola 1. Diekinso, 'll.-
Michigan Barnquet at Buffalo.
The subiscriptions price of the Daily bus-
biee edue o 0753 iso iadvance ear tho re-I 'Theis'ond-oillannl d iininer of lie
of tiie poe. Lease 'vibseriptions at cue
Dilypoofice or with P. C. .Meyor, U. of M. tieriyive'rsity Alunii Associatioii of uhif-
NiewasStoand. falo 1111(1'Westerni Noew'Yolrk, woas
hielod last liidaly 'vening lot iBuffailo.
Editor of today's taper, I 1 The ilffailo C'ourier gives the follow-
F. At. LOI)MtS, TS. ig t0005111:
XNini ilo'niing, '710, liii presidenofit0
Tho' (liie'igo ipallers Wive wreioc-tedi(liii lisoeitill, aceoo110toastmasiteor,

that iroof. Stagg is5l'nde'avorinig isoiir- a1n11 amonig those wvho 11111Moodi worola
rancge a game with Yale 01' Brawlstoo to oily wore Dri. (Grhim anodtas
be pdayo'd i Chilcagso'early next"to illiiiis, 0lofoliisto'c, I)..1. Slilodey.
o~f aiteo, J. IRyan, of -Meodila, aind Ild-
monthi. Notinlg odofinite his toe'o'ii 111 OlilT'I. ie, of this ei.
rangeod as yet, bt. it is said Olthat After the little talks were endeod
011110 with Yaile iosclot impricotale, as tocusiness cmaltters woiee takeci cup, 1111
the o' cal clinil i Chicalgo have 11'hequestionoilf adoplltinig a11 tcill a-
taikc'niholod of tile iiatti~. If this ionol'.1111formngall ii1lll
ognleaxtion to ifuitherl'the initorost:
Baiiie is secoired it will he wato-liedofteUirsyofclgaainhs
wcithliniterest 110 the ist westorni trill isocrt of thio'looctr Alts odiao'isseol.
of oie og the sirongNaoste'rni colle'ge Befori'adcournmeniii'ct tile followicig 0111-
ninels. It tOs 10ald'ebatabhle queotion I'lls wer'e'' ol'cte'o: Pcisiodeint, ENinl
wviotlein ilEastorn trill ii whiihatFlominig, '70; viceol'icsioll'it, Dri. St . .
tGr'ahaii, '78, oc ogheister; seretatry,
seril's of gaiiieo is layedcn e icto'saidCr .Ilolii 'i;adtrzsrr
too lbe a0 success5, leven1thloiughiSi'the ta' liii:."You Aroolo, 'l91.
inhg 11i110finishi it woithouot a defo'at. Amlonig those plre'se'nt s'o'i': ot-
it gives aimpiciressioni ofocinde lproiii- AIv'ild.T.i'o', 'Sot; 7.. . iiliai '011;
iceceo'givecn to atiile'ties atthe lash-trai t.Ie~coc,'1 .S cisn
iolcwhich socioualt the tecim. Buct '73; oC'iiitFeiong.'7; Di'. Pilo's
ill' ~llllOOl'i Ylei ilil~o iccloifFeb, '79; Franlk I". W'illiamcis, '77; tDr.
the ropsedYal-Chcag t~rir if I\ V.(Gcove, '781 JoohicA. Vou Ais
playe'diwill tako' ililel'rafter Yales Io''i;tr K."iedin'l;I.
commence'meniiii'5t 1a1111inithis ease ,theID. Shaive'i, '701.alil ogfBuffalo; Di'. "M.
objectioni vilot holod. E. Grahami '78,111101C'ass0W'illiamis,
___________________ 7'1,.of iiochester;tDwiglit B3.looL'ackn-
otose, 'ItS i'ii'xa; Dr'. Johnii . SI.aoer,
Thiec'o is every' trosplet thitith1110'.)1, iteriirec'; ohici..Ryain, ',tt, 1Me.
gacno' with ('lileago tomorrow aftor- oiiiia; allot I. A. Slcs'ley, '7(6, Ecro'.
110011 wilibo' witiio'so'oi Pg tiell'argo'st Mr. Sacsdl'y wsoapipointed a deli'-
crowdof tog hin seasoni. Parties of gate to reporesent tile osociationi nt
Michiigancialanini will eoiie frocm De- flu' eele'trtion of thle 25th aciciver-
trait acidothier eites acid resilient oars' of Dcr. Angeil's presidency of thte
- - tcivi'rsity, to he held June 24.

Gents' Specials in Colored Shoes
_All Gents' $6.00 Shoes go at $.39. Tese lpres include every Colored"
All Gents' $0.30 Shioes go at $4.9. Shoe in the oe in Itussia, Vieicand
All Cens' $.00 Shoes go at $4.49. Cacvas, in all the latest shade and
All (cents' $.00) Shoes go it $3.49. toes.
All tiecnls' $3.09 Shioeo go at $$2.9.
Aptroios of the'8peass-opioloect 1 dt{fli
lii tilt "iesphi tr ltoii0-lilclilxi-.1 iu Ill
tarrncts condictdo'otPtoy feIlitsso At
soalter at thtie Xesleyaii TI -lix Ii sits Silo
Iteview Oof teiesfslor Jlo'g p i islis
twsr' llyrterIt te sbSPECIAL SALE!
Awatr's icvestigaitionsoni axthe' oot-
ject of foods. It is not gin.raiiy
ltiosvi that this inuirico-is tililit'prios-~-F -
tiocal governmnct , 'lstttoo arti
cl" siis up te reoul bs 0 NECKWrEARaAND
liplora aw iat 011 ihsNEGLIGEE SHIRTS
ot1aise of toodlis, iliat c t 'ocsoc,'tootieevrTea
nuchiifat anti too litle of h flesh-.Thsilude evry iNce-
foiing scitstanccs, sucti 10 thie gluteii ligec Shirt in the stock.
of soheat, that we acfer firom iooer-
eaiting, acidithat o'ou notiods ot oktoilit-
hng ace geneorallys fauith..tooci'
prospetst of food supp' for ffutire' lj - IN C .
ploplaionis, 11hi ont'lsioishl veryX FUiiJRNISH-ERKS.
olhothsir.Io, t xt i o'eie'v'il oh it theo
denisest)p5opulaiton ill virbe11's-,o'1011'2f MAIN ST., - ANN ARBOR.
to) cocsumiit'the svegtabh'leproltls
umaoe plossible illtue futiureto x o91 llfl'Tr
othtiicg of artificial manfaciftocie at
Write to Fredecick Mains, Attiorneyo
Albtonoc, SIRi, inlla''~tici to tomn
r -arhctner'shiihisoithi a ssel est - o
isiohcc sicess. t thihiieo'sithi lny,
10111 of thre'oe attorcieys in three locl
ties. W1rite at anco.n
Stuioecntswso havrliacis thiycyshi
wsorkedt up initoiininig caci get theo
test and cheapest sork donce at the T
Argus icdery, aver the Ann Achoc
Savings hank,
Geontecen-If onswant to st
chancy on shoe repairinig call on0 A. Youo ouhi towearl a pair of
Levy 31 N. Slaici t.just beo hefl'Kolorel iO
hot office. Ahllsork irs class. Light ed S oe
sles 50 cent, heavy ales 60 cents. AND KEEP KOOL. ALL STYLES IN
Lost-At Lniversity Htll hst cigt KALF ORKID.
I1 pair o opera gasso's. Finder pleae B E A U S SB' e
return to 34 . Jeff'ersoci of. or Pal- ,5, 102' to
ciser'c drug sore and receive reward.
LOSTIn he ushon he thltic 6 N MAN ST. OPP. COURT HOUSE.
field Tnesdaty, Stay 20, a D. Ii. . fra 2 Se st r
ternity pil. Finder is reqested to d S -ie tr
leave at D. . . hiouae.
The exhibition f the Ann Arbor Art UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF DANCING
School is naos opect in the Mhsonic Opposite LAW building.
Block. Further notice tomorrow, TERMS $2 FOR THE REST OF THE YEAR.
Thin Daily fr the rest of 1110 year
for 75c sbncribe fr the Daily.
Randall, Argard & Co. Shoe stock, (Grand
Rapids, Mich., sold to us.
[Men's Hand Sewed Rusias $.00, ct to $4.5
a'ben's Hand Welt lRnssias, $5.0, cut to $4.25
Men's Dark Brown Rlussias, $400, cut o $2.8
Men's Pat. C F Bas Eussias, $5.00, cut to $3.85


stnudenits shionult cake every effort to
shiosv an eqicliamunut af enthnsiasnm.
Chiceagoos long trip iii the Nast has
gisenothieiti valnahle expoeriencce ani
with the exceptiocn of ode gamne they
shtooveithemsleves to he entirely
within the chaos of the Eastern teaims.
Since last Saturday they'htave been
practiring almnost canstantly and wil
canto bere determcined to show ns thiatt
they are still in thin- race for tile
Western Championship. Thiey will bn
accompanied by a large Chicago conl-
tingent who are still confident that
their team is equal to onrs. The re-
ports nay that their team work is
much improvetd and after meeting us,

Sleniorwmcnllsshio vishi to go to
Bay Viewv,'Miehi., fac' the season for
snarL, lplea~se tcill Tihucrsdaoy afternoon
oncly', at Na. 7 N. State st. Sirs. H. C.
W'anted.-Foaur energetic yonng lt-
dies or gentlemen too travel, salairy $43
and exipessa Also hsave 'profitable
emoploymnent far thiose desiring to work
dnrintg vacation. Call or address J. J.
Cargill,.185E3. Liberty st.
'tanted-Lady or gcntleman wsisil-
ig employment for snummner s'acation,
$1 per day. Address Slayfred Finn,
Anln Arbor Mich. 182
Swan Linen makes fine business pa-

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