January 05, 1897 (vol. 7, iss. 63) • Page Image 1
…,. t r ,Y t i +' :SDAY, JANUARY 5, 189t. FOLR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VII. No. 6'3. ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUI T1 TLL~ PRIZES FOR LAW STUDENTS. Itodeto of thele otoetoity oreo th" Harvard Catalogue. - 00110 111oil 4a doatt htet'o of f St- ill 111e in- -d ,(: f tloote or'9-E J)aji' alo oe norPi~ree Offers c 5 for titantycifthe fiet ore 00iltt' oie out on 1o. . It the 1I (lri~lol Research. oCtt011tito. I'~eOlit 10 ltorl101 e'ltttotd ol .- o~~~nx~~...…