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January 05, 1917 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1917-01-05

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Prowlers Playing
Pullman Pranks
Musical Clubs Experience Everything
from Green Porter to Grip.

Schedule for First Semester Finals
Issued by Faculties Yes-
Special Times Designated for Several
Subjects in Engineering De-
First semester examinations sched-
ules for the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts and the Colleges
of Engineering and Architecture have
been issued as follows:
Monday classes: at 8 o'clock, first
Saturday morning; at 9 o'clock, sec-
ond Monday morning; at 10 o'clock,
first Monday morning; at 11 o'clock,
first Tuesday morning; at 1 o'clock,
second Monday afternoon; at 2 o'clock,
(and M. E. 2, Ch. E. 1), first Wednes-
day afternoon; at 3 o'clock, (and C. E.
10), second Tuesday morning.
Tuesday classes: at 8 o'clock, first
Thursday afternoon; at 9 o'clock, sec-
ond Wednesday morning; at 10 o'clock
first Tuesday afternoon; at 11 o94ock,
first Friday morning; at 1 o'clock
(and shop 3), second Tuesday after-
noon; at 2 (and C. E. 2), first Fri-
day afternoon; at 3 o'clock (and E. M.
1 and E. M. 2), first Wednesday morn-
Friday any hour (and E. M. 3), sec-
ond Wednesday afternoon; Saturday
any hour, second Thursday afternoon;
any day 4 to 5 o'clock, second Thurs-
day morning; drawing 4, 5, 4a, 5a,
first Thursday morning; shop 2, shop
4, C.- E. 3, first Monday afternoon;
shop 1, E. M. 4, first Saturday after-
The examinations will begin Mon-
day, Jan. 29. Hours of examination in
the Literary college are from 9 to 12
o'clock in the mornings and from 2
to 5 o'clock in the afternoon. In the
Engineering college examinations will
be four hours long, lasting from 8 to
12 o'clock in the mornings and from 2
to 6 o'clock in the afternoons.
Examination schedules are already
being distributed by the Engineering
college. They may be obtained today
by literary students in the registrar's
Eight Marriages and Two Engage-
ments Final Toll of Vacation
Adherents of single blessedness will
read with regret that decisions in
favor of the marital state have been
made whole-heartedly by several mem-
bers of the faculty, student and gradu-
ate bodies during the holidays. The
list follows:
Roscoe H. Baker, '13, and Mildred
R. Christen, "both of LeMoyne, Ohio,
were married at the home of the
bride's parents on Dec. 27.
Roscoe C. Gore, instructor in the
civil engineering department, married
Miss Ada Stewart of Tecumseh, Neb.
Miss Florence R. Lemebeck, '10, of
Cleveland, and Frank Gerow Thomp-
kins, '07, of Detroit were united in
marriage at Detroit, Dec. 23. Mr.
Thompkins was a member of the
rhetoric faculty for several years and
is now head of the rhetoric department
of Central high school.
The marriage of Miss Agnes Lucile
Kemp of Greenville and James Dot-

terweicii of Grinnell, Ia., was solemn-
ized Dec. 28. Mr. Dotterweich was
formerly connected with the Univer-
sity School of Music and is now di-
rector of music at Grinnell university.
Melvin E. Page, '19D, was joined in
marriage to Miss Daisie M. Andrus,
secretary at the University health
service. The wedding was held at the
home of the bride's parents, Dr. and
Mrs. George S. Williams, at Muskegon,
Dec. 27. .
Page js a member of Sigma Alpha
Epsilon. His bride attended the Uni-
versity in 1913 and was a member of
the Delta Delta Delta sorority. The
couple will make their home on Wash-
tenaw avenue.
(Continued on Page Six.)

Gov. Sleeper's Inaugural Message
Shortest'Ever Read Before Mich-
igan Legislature
Stringent but sensible prohibition
legislation, a budget system for the
state, better care for defectives, a

A University of Michigan Glee and
Mandolin club trip is as tragically
funny with its variety of incidents and
accidents as anything that can be
found in a business as serious and
hazardous as singing and playing.
Commencing with the joys of a
Pullman porter who was being broken
into service and ending with attempt-
ing to pile into a dress suit when all
the lights in the car have gone out, the
trip represents some phases of life on
the road that are not willingly ex-
perienced but much less cheerfully
"Speed," alias "Alcibiades," was
early attached to the dusky gent who
presided over the shoe brush and the
whisk-broom. Going out of St. Louis,
he had all but two lower berths made
up at 11:30 and the last upper berth
was "ready for occupancy, but with
danger" by a quarter to four. He
partially redeemed himself thought, at
the concert given at Sterling, Colo,
the lone city of Horace L. Davis, '11,
president of the combined clubs.
dressed in his uniform, he carried the
bass drum out onto the platform and
dusted it off. Then tipping his hat,
and wearing a smile that looked like
a five dollar tip, he withdrew, the hit of
the evening.
Blue Christmas at Larame.
Christmas was spent in Laramie,
Wyo., and from all accounts it was
blue, not even a nice bright blue, but
a blue a dull sodden tint. Here it
was that the men took full advantage
of letter writing inclinations, and the
mail that went out of Laramie that
night afforded a considerable amount
of exercise for a few of Uncle Sam's
Eighteen thousand people heard the
Glee club sing in Denver, Colo., at the
municipal Christmas exercises held in
Municipal hall. The clubs were forced
to lay over there for a few hours on
their way out and their concert was
given on the return trip.
The best audience attending a regu-
larly scheduled concert was at To-
peka, Kans., when 2,500 people at-
tended the matinee in the afternoon
and 2,200 attended the evening recital.
Newton Concert Abandoned.
The Newton, Kans., concert was not
given due to the opposition met with
on the part of the ministers. It is the
custom of the city to allow no Sunday
entertainments, and with but one ex-
ception the clergy signed a statement
warning the club that if they attempted
to give a recital in the city, an in-
junction would be secured restraining
them from playing. Rather than risk
the possibility of litigation, it was de-
cided to cancel the date.
Several concerts were given on the
train and on the Missouri Pacific go-
ing from St. Louis, Mo., to Laramie,
Wyo., the conductor cleared a car for
them and the club sang and played at
one end while the other passengers
were not slow in filling the available
seats. Many compliments were given
the clubs on their trip, but the best
was one that meant the expenditure of
real money on the part of the ones
giving it. Severalttimes when the boys
were singing in the diners, the pas-
sengers would give additional orders,
to the waiters in order that they might
spend just a little more more time and
money in the diner.
Pullman Athletics.,
The club's car was supposed to be1
the last one in the train, but several,
times the railroad became over-anx-,
ious of the carpets in the other cars
and hooked them on behind the diner.
There were 40 men on the trip and as
one of them expressed it, "each man
had three suit eases and two instru-
ments along." The result was that;
men, women and children on their way,
to the diner waded through a maze of

cow-hide receptacles, stubbing theirr
toes and intermittently doing the
"Liza on the floating cakes" act. 1
Eight concerts were given on the
trip, the itinerary including Ft. Wayne,
Ind.; St. Louis, Mo.; Laramie, Wyo.;t
Cheyenne, Wyo.; Denver, Colo.; Sterl-
ing, Colo.; Wichita, Kans., and .To-
peka, Kans. Although the club passed3
through Chicago on its return trip and
could have filled an engagement therec
very advantageously, no concert wasc
given, the efforts of the club to make1
arrangements with the Chicago alumni
having failed.t

New York, Jan. 4.-Thomas W. Lawson is sailing for Europe Satur-
day and will not be able to tell the house rules committee about the leaks
to Wall street, he announced in a telegram sent to Speaker Champ Clark
today. The telegram given out by Lawson this afternoon, read:
"I deeply regret that my long standing intention to sail for Europe
next Saturday will make it impossible for me to listen to some of the dis-
tinguished statements of the board, over which you preside so ably, de-
nouncing the knaves whose greed for easy, but dirty, wealth has made a
nasty dollar brothel of congress and Wall street.
"At the instigation of Chairman Henry I went into conference with
him. He showed me that the administration affairs of the government
were in such a condition that all good citizens should lend aid in smoth-
ering any investigation of recent financial fiivverings of public officials,
at least temporarily.
"If my testimony should be needed, kindly postpone the investigation
until my return."

Hint in German Circles at Wash!
ton That Teuton Peace Terms
Are Liberal

larger public service commission to
succeed the' present railroad commis-
sion, the development of public high-
ways, and the use of the University
and state educational institutions to
extend th benefits of the latest scien-
tific developments to the people, are
some of the important points made in
the inaugural message of Gov. Albert
E. Sleeper, which was read to the
Michigan legislature yesterday at
The message, which is the shortest
inaugural message ever delivered to a
Michigan legislature, summarizes 18
topics. The governor opened his ad-
dress with congratulations to the state
on its stable conditions, general pros-
perity, and progressive laws, but em-
phasized that the need is not for more
laws but "better enforcement of exist-
ing statutes and better administration
of public business."
Urges Laws Commission.
"Existing laws must be enforced,"
said the governor, "obsolete and im-
practical laws should be repealed and
many present and necessary and bene-
ficial laws should be perfected." He
urged commissions to consider the
.criminal laws andtprocedure and the
laws as to corporations.
Speaking of the budget system, Gov.
Sleeper said: "This question is so
comprehensive-embracing as it does
every department of state business-
all of which is interwoven, that the
greatest care must be exercised to de-
vise the best plan to be used. I urge
that at a very early date you adopt a
joint resolution authorizing a commis-
sion of three or five able men to be ap-
pointed by the governor or by the
legislature to immediately begin the
investigation of this important subject,
with the expectation of at least a partial
report within sixty days, which can
be used as the basis of legislation to
be enacted at this session."
Reformation, and not punishment,
should be the paramount consideration
in the administration of penal institu-
tions, said the governor. Similarly he
urged the study of the problem of car-
ing for defectives as an aid in "de-
vising adequate plans to stop this ris-
ing flood of unfortunates at its source."
Suggests Trunk Roads.
A series of trunk roads running
through the unsettled portions of the
state and connected with main high-
ways was urged. The construction was
recommended to be under state super-
vision and with state aid. Drainage
of swamp lands was mentioned.
"It is of great importance that we
continue our national guard," said the
governor. "It is the duty of the state
to investigate at once the needs and
wants of those dependent on our sol-
diers now on active duty and to im-
mediately provide adequate means to
care for them."
The governor also advocated disiict
agricultural schools, similar to the dis-
trict normal schools. He pointed to
Germany and France as models. "The.
marvelous ability of Germany to feed
herself during the past two years of
terrible war is the result of a half
century of scientific agricultural edu-
cation," he stated.
More state office buildings, better co-
ordination of public institutions, model
automobile regulations in view of the
increasing popularity of Michigan as
a summer home, extension of the ab-
sent voters clause, and uniform ac-
counting were other topics which re-
ceived special consideration in the
The governor in conclusion an-
nounced his intention of presenting
special messages from time to time
after he has familiarized himself with
the needs of the various state depart-

Fresh Law Class Meets Today'
There will be an important meeting
6f the fresh law class this afternoon
at 4 o'clock in room D of the Law
building. Urgent matters regarding a
picture for the Michiganensian and
coming social affairs will be decided.


University Officials Grant
Chinese Collection
for Play

Use ofI

Due to the untiring efforts of Prof.
J. Raleigh Nelson, production man-
ager of "The Magic Carpet," and Her-
bert King, '18, general manager, all
the properties and costumes to be used
in that play are in readiness. Undi-
vided attention can now be devoted to
the perfection of the various acts so
that the production will be complete
for presentation on Jan. 12, 1917.
Many of the costumes that will be
worn by the actors have been received
from foreign students, which others
have been contributed by owners of
rare collections. The University of-
ficials have given permission to Prll
fessor Nelsontto utilize the museum
Chinese collection, which was given to
the University about 25 years ago by
the Chinese emperor because of his
friendship with Dr. James B. Angell.
Among the curios were found six silk
bannersrbearing military insignia,
which are very applicable to the
Chinese sketch. A characteristic
Chinese wall and gate designed by Ho
Lee, '17E, and built by James Reeder,
'18, stage carpenter, will add to the
reality of the scene.
A message was received from the
Japanese consul at Chicago who stated
that he would offer his assistance in
order to make "The Magic Carpet" a
success. The consul is very interested
in Japanese students of Michigan, and
has visited them several times.
Special scenery has been ordered
from the B. C. Whitney company,
whici has made the scenery for the
Union opera for the last few years. It
will be absolutely new.
Waldo M. McKee, '1SE, Succeeds E. C.
Schacht, '18E, as Committee Head
Elmer C. Schacht, '18E, general
chairman of the J-hop committee, ten-
dered his resignation last evening at
the meeting of the committee at the
Union. The pressure of other work
made it impossible for him to give the
time which he deemed the office re-
quired. His successor will be Waldo
M. McKee, '18E, who received the sec-
ond highest number of votes in the
class lection.
IThe members of the committee were
all present and the reports of the sub-
committees were given. 'Although no,
contracts have been awarded as yet,;
the work is progressing very rapidly
and conditions look very encouraging.
The reports of the sub-committees,
showed that much of the Christmas
vacation had been spent in solid work
by the members.
Prof. Wenley Speaks at Marcellus
Prof. R. M. Wenley of the philosophy1
department will deliver an address at;
the union church services at SturgisE
Sunday, Jan. 7, on "Changing Amer-t
ica." He will deliver an address Mon-
day at Marcellus on "The Relation of]
Philosophy to Life."
Freshman Girls Give Party Tomorrow1
The girls of the freshman class have<
perfected plans for a party to be held,
in Barbour gymnasium Saturday. The
committee-in charge was composed of{
Katherine Loveland, chairman; Susan
Verlinden, Annie Hutchins, Nell Jarvis,
Louella Paul, and Lucile Taylor. The1
form of entertainment has been keptj
o Q-----f

Regents Grant Leaves of Absence to
Profs. Trueblood and
Women want representation on the
faculty of the University of Michigan.
Petitions from Michigan alumnae
flooded the room of the board of reg-
ents at its meeting Dec. 22, asking that
when a suitable vacancy occurred a
woman professor be secured to fill it.
The regents at their meeting did the
following: Prof. T. C. Trueblood was

(United Press Staff Correspondent)
Washington, Jan. 4.-President Wil-
son and Colonel E. M. House today are
working out details for the president's
next move toward peace. It is expected
to come shortly after this government
receives the official text of the entente
reply to the president's first communi-
cation to the belligerents.
While the president himself says
that he.has not made up his mind as
to what will be his next move, those
immediately familiar with his purpose
and methods of procedure, had little
doubt today that he will dispatch an-
other communication to the belliger-
ents as soon as the entente reply is
It was pointed out in connection
with indications of another note from
this government to belligerents, that
Germany cannot learn officially of the
entente reply to the president's first
communication nor the entente allies
learn officially of the Teutonic reply
unless this government officially ad-
vances these replies. It is assumed
that when the president takes this ac-
tion he will put in his second plea for
In German circles here it is hinted
the president knows of the "liberal
peace terms Germany would have of-
fered" had the entente allies accepted
the Teutonic overtures. Whether
President Wilson will transmit to Ger-
many the coming allied reply to his
note to belligerents will depend upon
the nature of the reply, the state de-
partment said today. The department
said the president probably would for-
ward the allies' reply if he deems such
action would furnish Germany an op-
portunity for another note to the allies.

granted a year's leave of absence,
Prof. Felix Pawlowski was granted a
leave of absence, and a new Library'
assistant was authorized.
The board referred to the building
and grounds committee a communica-
tion with respect to establishing on
the campus a master clock system,
when the chimes in the Library have
to come down. They accepted the of-
fer of the Association of International
Conciliation to pay four-fifths of the
salary of a lecturer on international
law 'and diplomacy for the summer
session this year.
In closing the board granted degrees
to the following people who have com-
pleted the required work in the differ-.
ent colleges:
Literary college-Bachelor of Arts:
Alfred Friedrichs, Traverse City; R..
A. Richards, Detroit. Bachelor of
Science: Vivian VanValkenburgh, De-
Engineering college-Bachelor of
Civil Engineering: Russell A. Hall,
Blissfield; Walter Sterling, Negaunee.
Bachelor of Science in Engineering
(civil): Arthur Burrell, Ann Arbor;
Frank Kaufman, Riverdale, Md. Bach-
elor of Mechanical Engineering: J. G.
Millikens, Bay City. Bachelor of
Science in Engineering (electrical):
Harold Roeser, Saginaw. Bachelor of
Marine Engineering: F. S. Altamirano,
Valdivia, Chile; H. E. Barrett, Kent
City. Bachelor of Architecture: R. S.
Westbrook, Battle Creek. Bachelor of
Science (as of the class of 1912):
Thomas Doran, Washington, D. C.
Oklahoma School House Wrecked in
Gale That Does Other Dsiage '
Tulsa, Okla., Jan. 4.-A country
school house seven miles from Block-
er, Pittsburg county, Oklahoma, and
about 25 miles from McAlester, coun-
ty seat, was completely wrecked and
eight persons killed by a cyclone to-
day, according to reports. by telephone'
from McAlester. Telephone wires
from McAlester to Blocker are down.J
Of those reported killed all are chil-
dren, five girls and three boys. The1
cyclone tore houses from their founda-f
tions at Featherstone and Quinton.1
Several persons were killed at Feath-f
erstone. Many town in the path of
the cyclone have not been reported.
Real Admiral A. M. Knight Promotedf
Washington, Jan. 4.-Real Admiral
Austin M. Knight, president of theZ
Naval college, has been appointed
commander-in-chief of the Asiatic fleetj
with the rank of admiral, the navy
department announced this afternoon.
General Winterhalter, present com-C
mander of the Asiatic fleet, has beent
assigned to duty with the generalE
board. Captain S. Sims will relievec
Admiral Knight as president of the1
Naval college.-t

Entertain High School Students in At-
tempt to Interest Them in
Cleveland alumni held a Joint holi-
day dinner Dec. 27, at the Hotel Statler
in Cleveland in the Electrical league
rooms. Michigan alumni of Cleveland
and the vacationing undergraduates at-
tended the dinner. Prominent high
school students were the guests of the
alumni and the efforts of the hosts
were spent in giving them impressions
of university life; and acquainting them
with some of Michigan's songs.
Harry B. McGraw, '91, president of
the University of Michigan - club of
Cleveland, appointed Paul S. Cramp-
ton, '08L, master of ceremonies.
On the same evening the Cleveland
alumni of Columbia university were
holding their annual banquet in the
same hotel, and some time was spent
in singing each other's songs. The
singing of the "Yellow and the Blue"
closed the program.
May Raise Postoffice Workers' Pay
Washington, Jan. 4.-An amendment
by Representative Ayres of Kansas
to the postoffice appropriation bill pro-
viding salary increases of ten per cent
for every urban and rural postoffice
emyloyee receiving less than $1,200 a
year, and five per cent for those re-
ceiving between $;.,200 and $1,800, wag
today adopted by the postoffice.
Naval Reserves Seeking Recruits
To bring up their numbers to the
regulation size, the naval reserves are
giving physical examinations every
night at 7:15 o'clock at the health
service. Recruits are taken in at this
time. Posters have been distributed
about the campus advertising the work
of the student organization and it is
hoped that the campaign will bring up
he membership to a full complement.


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