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January 05, 1949 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1949-01-05

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Latest Deadline in the State


Chinese Students
Alarmed by War
U.S. Government May Grant Relief
If Nanking Government Collapses.
Bewildered Chinese students on campus are watching the disin-
tegration of the Nanking government with apprehension, doubtful
that the faltering government will be able to continue student
financial aid.
How seriously they as students would be affected if the National
government fell was a hotly contested issue. Some felt that the
surrender of Nanking Was imminent while others don't expect collapse
for some time.
* *' * *

MEANWHILE, the Chiang government is taking
sure lthat none of its nationals will be stranded in the

steps to make
United States.

Perkins Takes
Provost Post
At University
Former State Budget
Head To Aid Adams
John A. Perkins, former state
budget director, will return to the
University to fill the newly-creat-
ed post of assistant provost, Pres-
ident Alexander G. Ruthven has
Perkins, who was secretary to
the executive committee of the
University Institute of Public Ad-
ministration and assistant polit-
ical science professor, left the
University to become budget di-
rector in 1946.
* * *Y
HE WILL BEGIN his new du-
ties at the University as soon as
he can complete his work at Lan-
sing, where he has also been con-
troller of the new state Depart-
ment of Administration since Au-
II his new post, Perkins will
share the administrative duties
of 'Provost James P. Adams. E
President Ruthven explained
that it became necessary to create
the assistant provost's position be-
cause of the rapid growth of the
University's postwar enrollment,
now more than double what it
was in 1945 when Provost Adams
came to the University.
* * *
to the political science depart-
ment as a professor.
He took his B.A. at the Uni-
versity in 1936, following it with
an M.A. in 1939 and a Ph.D. in
From 1938 to 1941 Prof. Per-
kins was a teaching fellow in po-
litical science at the University.
He was an instructor from 1941
to 1943.
IN 1943 HE WENT to Lansing
to serve as representative and
consultant for the Detroit Bureau
of Governmental Research.
Raging Storms
Rava e Nation;
59 Left Dead
WARREN, Ark. - (/P) - Tor-
nadoes, exploding chain-fashion
across sections of Louisiana and
Arkansas, left 59 persons dead and
between 250 and 300 injured.
A number of communities - a
dozen or more-in the neighboring
southern states were hit, but the,
most violent twister developed in
this lumber mill town of 7,500.
Y m *
THE WARREN casualty list
alone totaled 54 known dead, four
of whom died of injuries in hos-
pals today. More than 250 of
the injured were counted in this
splintered town.
Elsewhere an estimated 8,000
persons were marooned by a rag-
ing-mideontinent blizzard.
Midwest 'headquarters of the
American Red Cross estimated
that 8,000 were stranded by snow
in southern Wyoming, northeast-
ern Colorado, and western Ne-
braska. An army troop train was
snowbound at Senaca, Neb., its
commander reported to Lowry
ficient food to last until Wednes-
day night.
Tejeira Will Speak
At Haven Today
Gil Blas Tejeira, Panamanian

t r aYtc nnt ati*wn n nr r ' tty+lM tst+' 'tf' er[t I ,

It has assured funds to students
who have not completed their de-
grees for the coming semester, ac-
cording to Dr. Esson M. Gale
Counselor to Foreign Students. So
far these funds have not been re-
ceived at the University.
Those who have obtained their
degrees or who wish to return
to China have been promised
passage home by March. If they
choose to remain in the United
States they will have to rely on
private financial sources.
If the Nanking government col-
lapses within the next few weeks
at least 60 of the 190 Chinese
students on campus will be strand-
ed, Dr. Gale said.
* * * ~
from a special grant by the fed-
eral government, and the National
Association of Foreign Student
Advisors is applying pressure to
the State Department.
Many of the students feel
that if Nanking falls to the
Communists, the National gov-
ernment will move south and
continue to send student funds.
Chee-Sun Mok and Hou Shyi
Cheng agreed that the American-
educated Chinese students need
not fear a Communist purge if
they return to a defeated China.
Others feared a purge within1
a year or two if the Communists
took over.
* ' * .
Chinese Grad
Denies Chiang
Fall I mminet
"The Chinese Nationalist gov-
ernment is not in danger of imme-
diate collapse," according to 32
year old William Y. Huang, Grad,
who has spent six years as a war
correspondent in China for Time,
Life and Chinese news agencies
Even if the Nanking government
falls after a few months, it will
move to the south and continue
to fight until a satisfactory peace
can be arranged, Huang said.
Chiang Kai-Shek will not surren-
der to the Communist forces un-
less they accept, the new demo-
cratic constitution.
* * *
HUANG, who also held posts in
the government, has interviewed
the Generalissimo and his famous
wife along with Communist lead-
ers. He has been studying interna-
tional relations at the University
during the past year.
"If the Communists lost a
decisive battle they may accept
a coalition government which
would be liberal-leftist with the
right wing expelled," he de-
clared. "But while the Commu-
nists are strong they will not
settle for a coalition or anything
short of complete surrender."
"The mass of the poor people
want peace at any cost," Huang
continued. "They are not swept
away by Communist doctrine."
"The National government must
be purged from within," the Chli-
nese student said.

Named as-
Other Orchestra
Not Yet Chosen
Elliott Lawrence, 23-year old
pianist, and his orchestra, rated
tops at college proms by numer-
ous polls, have been engaged to
play at the 1949 J-Hop, the com-
mittee announced yesterday.
Lawrence, who has sky-rocketed
to top name band status in three
years, provided "what the cus-
tomers ordered" at 89 college
dances last year, surpassing all
previous dance favorites in terms
of number of engagements played.
* * '
ACOMPANYING Lawrence will
be vocalists Rosalind Patton and
Jack Hunter. Announcement of
the other name band hired to
share the bandstand during four
and a half hours of continuousl
J-Hop music will be made soon,
the committee promised.
Sale of tickets will begin to-
day in the new Administration
Building for holders of accepted
applications only. Sales will
continue tomorrow and Friday.
Tickets will be sold at last year's
price of $7.50. Students will be re-
quired to present return accept-
uate students who neglected to
make application before vacation
may purchase tickets Friday. They
are reminded to show ID cards
at the time of sale.
Any remaining tickets will be
put on open sale Monday and
Tuesday for the benefit of late-
comers and lowerclassmen, an-
nounced ticket chairman Jack


To Give State of nion

essa et 8st Conress
So Was F
DETROIT-P)-"Was I sur-
prised," commented the hus-
band of Mrs. Rose Bennick, 39,
after his wife gave birth to a
seven-pound daughter unat-
fd"Sowas I," smiled Mrs. Ben-
nick, who had had no idea that
she was expecting. She had left
her job not feeling well. Her
husband thought she had a
cold and put her toy bed. The
child arrived shortly.
Mr. Bennick described his
wife as short and plump.

GOVERNOR SWORN IN-State Chief Justice Edward M. Sharpe (left) swears in Gov. G. Mennen
Williams at Lansing, Jan. 1. Gov. Williams will ad Iress the Republican-controlled Legislature for the
first time tomorrow.
Leg Islature T Consider 11'Request

Arrangements have been madeI
with the League and the Union toP
serve breakfast to J-Hop goersI
after the dance, the committeeI
* *
TICKETS for the meal will be
on sale at last year's price of'
$1.05 at the same time as dancef
tickets. Breakfast will be served'
Friday, Feb. 4 in the Union andI
Saturday, Feb 5. at the League.
In line with past tradition, the
humorously satirical J-Hop Extra
will hit the stands Monday, Feb.
7, according to committee and
Daily plans. This year's issue will
cover the bright spots of both
J-Hop and the newly established
Winter Carnival.
The Extra will be sold for the
benefit of (he -March. of Dimes
SL Will Elect.
New Cabiniet
The Student Legislature will
elect a new cabinet for next se-
mester at 7:30 p.m. today in te
Grand Rapids l?,oom of 01 1-
The new officers will take of-
fice immediately and guide the
Legislature through what retiring
President Blair Moody called the
most important semester in ST
Unofficially, the race for the
job of president is shaping up into
a contest between Bill Gripman,
Jim Jans, Don Rothschild and
John Ryder. No official announce-
ments have been made.
Besides a new president, legis-
lators will elect a vice-president,
treasurer, corresponding and re-
cording secretaries and two mem-
bers at large to the cabinet.
All Legislature meetings are
open to the students.

State lawmakers will roll upI
their sleeves and go to work todayk
in Lansing as teI L eg isiatIue
convenes its 1949 session.
Upwards of five months of labor
lies ahead for the Republican-
controlled legisla tive body, includ-
ing consideration of the Univer-C
sity's recquests for building and op-t
erating funds for the next two1
$8,275,000 for 1949-50 to con-
struct four new buildings. A re-
quested budget of $12,500,000 hast
also been submitted to cover op-
erating expenses for that period.

Included in the operating
budgt ire funds to add 73 full-
tim: faculty members, Univer-
sity vice-president Marvin L..
Nichuss has revealed.
The additional faculty members
and the new buildings would speed
along conversion to normal educa-
tional processes in handling what
he called the University's perma-
nently swollen postwar enroll-
EVENTIUALALY, the University'
must add 400 new faculty mem-
bers, he declared.
"It is unfair to faculty and
students to continue indefinitely

lrown ,Lauds Hou se Rules
Change To Expedite Legislation

I Prt .;;; N -, Browln, f rc r
United tats Snator from Mich-
igan, lauded new Congressional
organization procedures in a lec-
ture last night.
le expressed the opinion th t
the new changes in House Rules'
Committee procedure, which en-I
able the Speaker to get a bill be-
fore the Rol1i:( afte- 21 days in
the c('m'mjW W e., wm ill(O'tgreu
deal to acexl 'pleg sa ion.'U
(ler the old p7"oxediu( ', the conr
n ti teeas ble t o st fi fle 1le isia
tion indefinitely.

control bill which I helped draft
would hardly have passed," said
Brown, a former director of the
OPA. Brown also gave his ap-
proval to the housing bill which
Taft wrote and backed during
sessions of the 80th Congres.
The former Senator emphasized
the effects and tactics of lobby-
ists. Ile said that, in effect, "te
President, as head of the govern-
Ient, is the most effective and
powerful lobbyist in Washington.
His governmental lobby generally
works in the best interests of the

on the present emergency ar-
rangement," Niehuss said.
"The University must expect
enrollment of 20,000 or more stu-
dents as a regular event. Steps
must be taken to bring the fac-
ulty and the educational build-
ings into line with this htgher en-
funds would go toward building
additions to the General Library
and Angell Hall and plans for a
School of Music building and a
medical school classroom, labora-
tory and research building.
These four buildings were
among the nine major struc-
tures placed on an emergency
building requested submitted to
the Legislature in 1946.
Four of the nine buildings a-
additions to the East Engineering
and Chemistry Buildings, the
Business Administration Building
and the General Service Building
-are now in use.
Student Dies~
In Air Crash
'lhe crash of a B-20 Army
bomber took the life of University
student, Lt. Donald A. Streeter,
when the plane cracked-up two
miles from Willow Run Dec. 28.
Navigating the bomber on a
routine flight from Florida, Lt.
Streeter was one of four army
men killed in the disaster. He had
been a student in the engineering
college though still in the Army
Air Force.
Cause of the crash was judged
to be icing of the controls. The
wreckage was scattered over the
field, but did not burn.
Living at 625 N. Adams St. in
f Ypsilanti, Lt. Streeter is survived
by his wife and parents, Mr. and
Mrs. C. F. Streeter, of Detroit.
Cease Fire Ordered
BATAVIA, Java --- (/4) - The
Dutch army ordered a cease fire
on the island of Sumatra.

City Primary t
Races Draw
51 Candidates
Faculty Members
Vie for Positions t
A total of 51 candidates for
nominations are entered in the
Feb. 21 city primary election -
and the voters will choose 18 off
them for offices April 4.
HEADING THE slates are the
three candidates for mayor, Wil-
liam E. Brown, Jr., (Rep.) incum-
bent; Leslie A. Wikel (Dem.), local
druggist; and Prof. John F. Shep-
ard (Prog.) of the psychology de-
Candidates for president of
the city council are Cecil O.
Creal, (Rep,) incumbent; and
Richard W. Ryan (Dem.),
Four names are entered in the
race for city clerk: Fred Perry
(Rep.) incumbent; Fred C. Look-
er (Rep.) deputy clerk; Lawrence
W. Voelker (Dem.), and James
Terrell (Prog.). However, Looker
has said he will not run against
S* *
University who are candidates for
alderman nominations are:
First Ward-Peter A. Ostafin
(Dem.), lecturer in sociology.
Third Ward-Mrs. John H.
Muyskens (Dem.), wife of Prof.
Muyskens of the speech depart-
Fourth Ward-Robert Holston
(Prog.), teaching fellow in psy-
Sixth Ward-Prof, Arthur W.
Bromage (Rep.) of the political
science department and Joseph
Bursley (Rep,), Dean-Emeritus o
Seventh Ward-Lester Beber-
fall (Prog.), teaching fellow in the
psychology department.
IN ADDITION, two wives of
faculty members are candidates
for County Board of Supervisors
nominations :
Sixth Ward-Mrs. Samuel T.
Dana (Rep.) incumbent, wife of
Dean Dana of the forestry school.
Seventh Ward-Mrs. Jessie E.
Coller (Rep.) incunbent, wife of
Dr, Frederick A. Coler, chairman
of the surgery department in the
medical school,
'U Student Hurt
In Auto Accident
University engineering student,
Donald R. Campbell suffered a
broken collar bone and cuts about
the face in an automobile acci-
dent at Geddes Rd. and Prospect
Campbell's car collided with
one driven by David Tower of
Ypsilanti, who told police he
stopped at the intersection but
failed to see Campbell's car ap-
proaching along Geddes Rd.

o dar.,I
Harmony in
Seen in '49
Rayburn Predicts
New Labor Law
WASHINGTON - (A) - Presi-
dent Truman will tell the nation
about the "State of the Union" to-
day in a 30-minute address before
the new 81st Congress-and even
some Republicans seem inclined to
go along with his program.
The President's speech, starting
at noon, Central Standard Time,
will be carried over the four major
radio networks.
BUOYED by a smashing victory
in their first test of strength on
Capitol Hill, administration offi-
cials looked for no such obstacles
as blocked Mr. Truman's legisla-
tive proposals in the Republican-
controlled 80th Congress during
the last two years.
House Speaker Sam Rayburn
(Dem., Tex.) expressed this view
with dry humor to newsmen.
The Texan, who relishes under-
statement, said he thinks Mr.
Truman's recommendations will
be received by Congress "with
considerable favor."
Rayburn declined to predict
what President Truman will ask
in his annual message to the law-
makers. He did indicate, however,
some of his own views on the con-
troversial topic of the Taft-Hart-
ley Law.
* * *
RAYBURN predicted to report-
ers, in his first news conference
since he was elected 0o the H9M
leadership, that he believes Con-
gress will substitute some new leg-
islation for that law.
I should not think the Con-
gress would pass a bill repealing
all labor legislation and enact
nothing in its stead," he said.
Some other speculation on Cap-
itol Hill has centered on the pos-
sibility of repealing the Taft-
Hartley Act and leaving the old
Wagner Labor Regulations Law
While Rayburn shied at fore-
casting any specific points in the
President's address, other legisla-
tors expected Mr. Truman to
throw out a rapid-fire list of rec-
3mmendations-notably including
i minimum-wage boost, health,
:ducation, anti-monopoly and
iousing legislation, farm price
upports, and extension of the re-
iprocal trade program. Protec-
-ion of minority groups against
liscrimination may also figure in
its proposals.
U.S. Requests
Israel, Egypt
Quit Fighting
United States has urged both Is-
rael and Egypt to take no military
actions "extending the hostilities"
in Palestine.
The State Department an-
nounced this and said Israel re-
sponded by assuring this country
that all its troops have been with-
lrawn from Egypt.

MEANWHILE in Cairo the Min-
:stry of War said Jewish troops
were attacking forward. positions
toward Rafah, strategic Egyptian
air base on the Palestine-Egyp-
tian air base on the Palestine-
Egyptian frontier.
At the same time an Iraq
communique gave details of the
new fighting that has flared in
the Sharon Valley sector north-
east of Tel Aviv.
The Egyptian statement said
the attack in the south started at
Monday midnight but the attack-
ers were repulsed.
* * *
set forth in a note received here
have been communicated to the
British government, a State De-

GOP pol
eral thu

S'' , u IV ' rec(,l1, figUJ iI ~; I( a ntiLA V - ..,. 001I int V, l tn 1
11 N, shea of the
Ilcy commnittee, Brown de- IN AN INTERVIEW yesterday,
Taft as much more libi- Brown told The Daily that many
x his press notices would of the new members of the Sen-
-. ate look especially good, and that
bout Tafx's aid, the price the recent election definitely im-
-_--_- proved its personnel, He had spe-
cial praise for Senators Kerr,
Douglas, and Anderson, all new-
comners to the Senate.
/ IBrown, who is now chairman of
let Sta li uthe Board of Directors of the De-
t roit Edison Company, will de-
}de- liver another lecture on Congress
at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hal. His lectures are
INGTON T e sponisored by the political science
States rejected Russia's department, and are open to the
on thall th Soviet was public.

Restaurateur Plants Patch
Of Lincoln-Engrave( Lettue


Victory gardens may be out of
season but a State St. restaurant
and tradition campus gathering
place is growing a "Lettuce Box."
The "Lettuce" engraved with
portraits of Abe Lincoln on each
leaf, will be ready for student har-
vesting this morning. Any down-
and-out, hdven't - got - a -dine
scholar can 'pick' a leaf for a pe-
riod of one week.

is the name and address of the
horrower. Th'le card stays up
until the student gets his second
(financial) wind.
The loans arc officially for one
week, without interest.
* * 4'
THElI 'CATCh' comes at the end
of the week, if the fiver has not,
bee-n replanted in the L ettuce

not bound by a Four-Power agree-
ment callin" "for 'case of all
G ;ermn 11. war prisoer l by the end
of 94t8.
T'his rejection lamt??2C, on th
l)Vels of a US.k note demantudirlg
Ihat Russia a rount for an esti-
m ated 443,165 German prisoners
previously listed by the Soviet butl
as yet, unreturned to their moneg-
The Soviet propaganda line
-as Mat the deadline of last
De-c.. was rPrcnadtcrt on a
Ula" of repatriation to be worked
iut thirough. the Four-Power

Winter Carnival~~ ~nagr rudo

Come February 2 the legendary
groundhog who emerges from his
hole in the Arboretum will have to
dodge skiers and tobogganers
competing in the opening Winter
Carnival Contest events.
'le traditional winter event is

If the sleepy little animal sur-
vives skiing and tobogganing in
the Arboretum, he may get
around to the informal record
dance Wednesday night in the
"ski lodge." Winter sports
clothes will be the order of the

afternoon and night. Fancy skat-
ing, relays, and novelty acts will
be presented in the final event
Thursday night at Burns Park if
weather permits. There will be
competition in fancy skating and
the relays.

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