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January 05, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-01-05

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Lw '43UU


Latest Deadline in the State PARTLY CLOUDY, WARMER

VOL. LXIV, No. 74






U.S., Russia 'U' Rege
May Discuss .
Atom Pools Buildn
Molotov Hints $5,700,000 Progr
At Meeting Soon In May; Four S
WASHINGTON-()-Secretary Plans for a $5,700,000 Univer
of State John Foster Dulles and get under way by May have been
Russian Foreign Minister V. M. Announcement of the progra
Molotov probably will meet and nix Memorial Laboratory, the Ch
discuss President Eisenhower's library stack and storage unit a
proposal for a peacetime pool of lowed the December, 1953, Regen
atomic energy when they are in*"
Berlin for the Four-Power con- AN ADDITIONAL $2,500,000
ference opening Jan. 25. later in the year if the State Le
This was announced yesterday University's capital outlay reques
by the State Department. - The Regents also accepte
their Dec. 18 session.
PRESS OFFICER Henry Suy- Biggest of the four construc
dam said American Ambassador Children's Hospital. Work will b
Charles E. Bohlen discussed the
President's proposal with Molotov
in Moscow last Wednesday. .4JTegents
Suydam said Molotov took
Bohlen's remarks "under consid-
eration" and promised to get in
touch with him later.
A reporter asked whether Dulles
intends to discuss the President's P s io
proposal with Molotov at the Big
Four conference.
"I would assume so," said Suy- BY WALLY EBERHARD
dam tersely, , Faculty appointments and leave
EISENHOWER proposed in an nearly filled the agenda at th
address to the United Nations D meeting of the University Boar
8 that an international pool of of Regents Dec. 18.
atoic ateial beestablished for In addition, a memoir was ap
atomic materials be eabihdfrproved and gifts were accepted fo
research on peaceful uses of atomic Clements Library.e
energy. sL *
Suydam spoke to reporters at NICHOLAAS H. Kuiper of th
his usual noon conference. At Agricultural University of Wage
one point, he said, the Russians ningen in the Netherlands was ap
"had accepted the President's po ite eterlndmaeati
proposal." hinted lecturer inmathematic
Newsmen asked whether he for the second semester of th
meant the Russians had agreed present academic year.
to start talking about the Presi- Frederick H. Wagman, direc-
dent's plan, or whether the So- tor of the University Library,
viets already had accepted the idea was given the additional ap-
of a peacetime pool of atomic pointment of professor of library
energy. , science and Howard H. Peck.
"There has been no develop- ham, director of the William L.
ment since Ambassador Bohlen Clements Library, was appoint.
called on Molotov," he added. ed associate professor of history.
New leaves of absence wer
granted to:
Prof. William W. Gilbert of th
Jfail Sentence production engineering depart
ment, for one year beginning Feb
Il8, to study manufacturing pro
Inl Local Court cesses in the plants of the Gen
eral Electric Company.
* * *
University senior James Balog,
member of the varsity football PROF. MISCHA Titiev, of the
team, pleaded guilty in Municipal anthropology department, for th
Court on Dec. 28 for assault and second semester of this year to
battery. teach at the Australian Nationa
He was fined $16.25 in costs and University in Canberra, Australia
given a two day jail sentence. under a Fulbright award.
Balog was charged with the Dr. Fred J. Hodges, chairman
slugging of Guy Foster; '57, fol- of the department of radiology
lowing an argument. Dec. 10. in the School of Medicine, from
* * * Feb. 1 to Aug. 3 for visits to uni-
Twenty-six candidates for po- versities in Sweden and radiol-
sitions on the City Council and logical centers in Finland and
the Board of Supervisors have Denmark.
Slied petitions with the city
clerk. Prof. Freeman D. Miller of the
.clderkastronomy department for Octobe
uIncluded In the group are 14 and November to serve as a con-
Republicans and 12 Democrats. sultant on a classified project un-
One hundred percent of the der a request from the Office o
city public school teachers, who the Secretary of Defense.
are membershof the Ann Arbor William J. Schull, assistant ge-
Teachers Club and Local 284 of neticist in the Institute of Humar
the American Federation of Teach- Biology, from Jan. 2 through Apri
e aresinanerhtikes.fTrag- 15, to go to Japan to work for th
ers are asking wage hikes rang-AtmcB bCaulyC ms.
ing from $500 to $900 from the Atomic Bomb Casualty Conmis
An Arr oardto$frucaton.h sion of the National Academy o
Ann Arbor Board of Education. Sciences-National Research Coun.
Goeffrey C. McGlashan, '54, cil.,
was sentenced to two days in the IN ADDITION, an extension o
Ann Arbor jail and fined $16.25 a half-time leave for Prof. Roberi
for simple larceny. He was found C. Hendrix of the medical school
guilty of stealing food and water for December, 1953 and January
pitchers from the local Legion Me- -- -_-J

morial Home. . 1954, was approved.
Walter Pear, '57, Allan Hansel- Dates for sabbatical leaves al-
man, '57, and Joseph Haselby, '57, ready granted to Prof. Charles
MacGlashan's alleged accomplices N. Davisson of the School of
at the time of the theft, will be Business Administration and
tried in the municipal court on Prof. Hide Shohara of the Jap-
January 14. anese department were advanced
* * * to the fall semester of the 1954-
Two Ann Arbor deaths resulting 55 school year.
from a Geddes car accident
brought the total of Washtenaw A memoir honoring Prof. Carl
county traffic fatalities for 1953 E. Buck of the public health school
to 57. who died Nov. 21, 1953, was alsc
* * * adopted by the Regents.
Letting of a $1,000,000 bridge Two volumes of photomicro-
contract for a new Whitmore Lake See 'U' REGENTS, Page 6
Rd. structure was delayed last
week, but is scheduled to be given 1000 BARRELS A
later this year. The proposed new
bridge will replace the narrow
bridge new in use, and will chan-
nel traffic from US highways 12 uSCO n
and 23.
Oil was discovered on a farm
IFC Committee one and one half miles north of
Clinton in Washtenaw County just
Petitions Due Soon before Christmas.

nts OK
fr Plans



mies To Maintain
To ward Prosperity

am To Begin


ty construction program which will *
pproved by the Board of Regents.
, which includes building of Phoe-
dren's Hospital Psychiatric Unit, a
an addition to Couzens Hall, fol- Om_
10* Dor
worth of construction may begin
islature approves two items of the
$111,063 in gifts and grants at
on jobs is the psychiatric unit for 1OfDue
gin next month on the $2,000,000 $30
>State financed structure in the
campus Medical Center area. Mon-
ey for the Psychiatric Unit was Bn
appropriated by the Legislature
from the State's hospital construc-
tion bond issue. New Assessment
University revenue bonds will Added to Deposit
provide an estimated $1,400,000 t
for the Couzens Hall addition.
The project, which should start in By JON SOBELOFF
May, will double Couzens' housing Beginning next fall, students
capacity and add dining room now living in the Residence Halls
* * ,will have to put up a $30 rent pre-
A MARCH ground - breaking is payment in addition to their $10
set for the Phoenix Memorial room deposit.
Lab. The North Campus structure They'll have to pay it by June
will cost an estimated $1,200,000. 30 and they'll forfeit the prepay-
Funds for the lab were raised as ment plus their room deposit if
part of the Phoenix Project, the they break their contracts after
University's war memorial dedi- that date. Incoming freshmen next
cated to peaceful uses of atomic fall and from then on will furnish
energy, a $20 room deposit instead of the
About $470,000 from funds present $10 plus the $30 prepay-
appropriated by the Legislature ment, for a total advance bill of
will be spent on the library stack $50.
and storage unit. Construction THAT'S WHAT University offi-
is slated for a February start on .
the North Campus. cials told .a special meetng of
the ort Camus.about 50 Residence Hals house
On the possible list for 1954 will officers who gathered yesterday
be a $1,800,000 Automotive Engi- afternoon in the luxuriously mod-
neering Laboratory and a $700,000 ern Regents Meeting Rm. of the
addition to the Law Library. Administration Bldg.
Since they planned how to Inter-House Council president
spend; more than $5,000,000 on Roger Kidstn, '56L .id after
construction, the Regents also ac- the meeting that the new plan
cepted more than $100,000 in gifts will be "no great hardship" for
and grants-with $10,374.14 from ,students A few sharp questions
the Rockefeller Foundation as the were asked by two or three of the
largest single contribution, student leaders, but the group
The Rockefeller grant is for for the most part accepted the
continuation of "methodological announcement with unenthus-
research in the field of human re- iastic, but not unfriendly, silence.
lations" being carried on by the
Research Center for Group Dy- Manager of University Service
namies. Enterprises Francis C. Shiel ex-
* * * plained that the new plarn is an
HERE ARE the other gifts and attempt to avoid recurrence of a
grants: situation like last fall's, when so
See CONSTRUCTION, Page 6 many men cancelled housing con-
tracts that West Quad's Chicago
House had to be turned over to
women at the last minute.
Regents Dr*p* *
Health Lecture SHIEL POINTED out that the
new oomcontactpolicy involves
three major changes from present
Compulsory freshman health procedure.
lectures died quietly at the De-p
cember University Board of Re- 1) The deadline for returning
gents meeting, applications to the student affairs
The Regents adopted a recom- office has been moved up from
mendation by Dr. Warren E. For- Aug. 15 to June 30.
sythe, director of the Health Ser- 2) The $10 room deposit will
vice, eliminating the compulsory beraised to $20foralstudent
feature of the talks,.b rasdt $2 for al stdns
featre f th taksentering from now on, beginning
Dr. Forsythe commented yester- next fall. Students presently liv-
day that although several polls ing in the dorms will not have
taken among students after com-
pletion of the six lectures since
their inception in 1918 have shown 3) A new $30 prepayment of
about 85 per cent approval of the rent must be .paid by all residents
idea, it seemed to be difficult to by the June 30 deadline. The pre-
keep them going. payment will go towards paying
Student indifference and resent- the student's first dormitory bill in
ment at taking a required, non- September.
credit course were cited by Dr. For- Failure to turn in a contract by
sythe as chief reasons for elimi- June 30 would cost a student his
nating it from University require- room deposit and his room assign-
ments. ment priority. A student cancelling
his contract after June 30 would
Ex-Professor Dies forfeit both his $10 or $20 room
deposit and his $30 prepayment
Professor Emeritus Otto J. "except for reasons to be enum-
Stahl of the music school died erated and published."
Friday, Dec. 18 in Ocala, Fla., en
route to St. Petersburg. OSA Administrative Assistant
He would have been 73 years Karl D. Strieff told the group that

old the following Sunday. Ap- freshmen could be sure they had
pointed professor of music theory housing awaiting them at an ear-
at the University in 1939, he re- Her date under the new plan.
tired in 1951. See PREPAYMENT, Page 6








a. ',

CENTER DUEL-Michigan Center, Harvey Williams (right) and Buckeye pivotman, Paul Ebert
(left) staged a scoring duel last night in the Wolverines 85-76 win over the visitors. Ebert tossed-
in 35 points while Williams countered 24.
Wolverine Cagers Clip OSU, 85-76


Big Ten victory number one was
racked up last night by Michigan's
cagers as they withstood a fourthI
period surge by Ohio State and
whipped the Buckeyes 85-76.
The Wolverines, bouncing back
in fine fashion after Saturday
night's heartbreaking loss to In-
diana, made use of their height
advantage to score from under-
neath and out rebound the Co-
lumbus five.
THUS, despite the fact that the
.losers connected on close to 40
percent of their shots as com-
pared to Michigan's 36 percent,
the Wolverines still hit more floor
Harvey Williams, who fouled
out of the last contest in the
first half, was a different ball-
player yesterday as he led Mich-
igan scorers with 24 tallies. Wil-
liams, at 6-8, four inches taller
than any Buckeye who played,
made good use of his advantage
as he scored the bulk of his 11
field goals on tip ins.
For Ohio State, Paul Ebert was
just about the whole story. The
New Currency
In Engraving
foff ice Stolen
WASHINGTON -- (A') - A dar-
ing thief stole $160,000 in new $20
bills from the Bureau of Engrav-
ing and Printing by switching two
dummy packages for the real
thing, officials discovered yester-
It was by far the biggest theft in
the bureau's long money-making
history, and apparently occurred
over the holiday weekend when
Christmas-wrapped packages were
* *

6-4 senior started out red-hot as
he hit four straight outside shots.
* s
EVENTUALLY Ebert missed but
he managed to connect enough'
times to be the game's high scorer
with 35 markers. Included in this
tally were 13 fouls made out of 13
attempted, tying a Big Ten record'
for consecutive free throws.
For a while in the fourth
quarter, it looked like Bill Per-
igo's five might have to wait for
another day before it saw a one
in the win column next to
Michigan in the Conference
standings. Led by Ebert and
Chuck Ellis, who threw in 14
and 8 respectively in the final
stanza, Ohio State almost
caught the local dribblers.
The Yost Field House crowd
saw the winners' 13 point third
quarter lead dwindle to one as the
Buckeyes pulled up to 68-67. How-
ever Jim Barron, Maize and Blue
guard who garnered 20 points in
the contest, came through with a
field goal and six foul shots and
the Wolverines pulled away.
* * *
MICHIGAN followed the same!
pattern of most of its games thisI
year and got off to a very slow
start. With Ebert making like
George Mikan, Ohio State raced
off to an 18-10 lead.
The Wolverines slowly came
back and just before the end
of the initial period, Paul Groff-
sky connected on a three-point

play, to tie the score at 21.
Michigan gradually pulled ahead
in the next quarter and almost
broke it open in the third 10-min-
ute stanza. Williams put five bas-
kets and a free throw around a
pair of one pointers by Groffsky
and the Maize and Blue found it-
self 13,points to the good.
* * * .
IT WAS AT this point that the
winners got cold from the floor
and started losing the ball on bad
passes. However they found the
range just in' time and Coach
Floyd Stahl's outfit never did re-
gain the lead they lost when
Michigan scored its 24th point.
Particularly outstanding for
the Wolverines yesterday was
Don Eaddy. For the second
straight game, he was given the
job of guarding one of the
toughest men in the Conference
and for that matter in the
After doing an outstanding job
on All-American Bob Leonard in
the Indiana encounter, Eaddy
came right back to hold the soph
sensation Robin Freeman to 13
markers, seven below his average.
What's more, he contributed 15
himself to the Michigan attack
including a clutch basket follow-
ing his alert interception in the
fourth and nearly fatal period.
* * *
OFF HIS recent performances,
it would seem that the 5-11 jun-
See CAGERS, Page 3

TV Address
Hits Sellers
'Of Gloom'
Lists Past Gains
Of Republicans
Eisenhower solemnly assured the
American people last night that
"every legitimate means" is being
used to maintain the nation's pros-
perity "and will continue to be
used as necessary."
But, the President said, he does
not intend to deal in "pie-in-the-
sky promises to all, nor in bribes
to a few, nor in threats to any."
* a
IN A 15-MINUTE nationwide
television-radio talk Eisenhower
hit out at "self-appointed peddlers
of gloom and doom" and said his
Administration will not tolerate a
boom-and-bust America," depend-
ent on war or threats of war for
In a report on what he de-
scribed as past accomplishments
of his Administration and a gen-
eral look ahead at the 1954 leg-
islative program, Eisenhower
said the realities of living-
peace In the world, cost of food,
clothing and shelter, taxes and
income and savings and jobs,
schooling and health-are of
"deep concern" to his Adminis-
Eisenhower said that "help" is
the Administration's key word and
the key word of the program it will
lay before Congress Thursday
when he delivers his annual state
of the Union message.
"We do not mean monuments to
costly and' intolerant bureau-
cracy," the President said. "We
mean service-service that is ef-
fective, service that is prompt, ser-
vice that is single-mindedly de-
voted to solving the problem."
AFTER ticking off a dozen ac-
complishments with which he
credited the Administration in the
past year-the end of fighting in
Korea came first - Eisenhower
added one more. He said this was
the groundwork that has been laid
for sustaining "the basic prosperity
of our people."
"Every legitimate means avail-
able to the federal government
that can be used to sustain that
prosperity for this purpose-will
be used-if necessary."
The President, topping off a
busy day of legislative conferences
with his Cabinet and Republican
Congressional leaders, added:
"This Administration believes
that we must not and need not
tolerate a boom-and-bust Amer-
Ica. We believe that America's
prosperity does not and need not
depend upon war or the prepara-
tion for war."
Sound planning and aggressive
enterprise, the President said, must
be accompanied by faith in Amer-
ica's growth and progress, "a faith
which cannot be shaken by self-
appointed peddlers of gloom and
City Council
City Council Alderman Gene D.
Maybee last night urged Council
members to set up a joint commit-
tee of councilmen, members of
the Board. of Supervisors and the
local Board of Education to "dis-
cuss mutual problems and to strive
for better cooperation."

The request arose from what
council members described as
"presentation and discussion of
major differences only through
newspaper articles."
Other business discussed at the
Council meeting included the pass-
ing of a motion to set up six 15-
minute parking meters on corners
in the State-North University
area. The meters will/be used on
a three month experimental basis.

orld News Roundup
. A' By The Associated Press
DETROIT - Defense attorney Ernest Goodman attacked
government testimony and witnesses yesterday to support his
motion for a directed acquittal of six Michigan Communists,
charged with violating the Smith Act.


* * *
LONDON - Scientists are now
planning to send an unmanned
rocket to the moon to take photos

f Ysa v M 3.L .VV if


Bred in Was htenaw County

THE AUDACIOUS switch was and bring them back, a British as-
discovered when a bureau em-a
ploye lifting a bundle of money de- tronomer said yesterday.
tected the bogus packages. They John G. Porter, an official of
were lighter than the ordinary the Royal Greenwich Observatory,
eight-pound bundles and con- said that space trips by humans
tained only paper cut to the size also may be possible in the future.
of money. He said the planet Mars as well
Henry J. Holtzclaw, assistant as the moon might be "well worth
director of the bureau, called a visiting.

i (tt

* * *
MONTREAL-The U.S. Senate
investigating team has completed
its questioning of Igor Gouzenko,
the former Soviet code clerk who
turned informer on Russia's atom
spies in 1945, it was announced
WASHINGTON-Supreme Court
justices late yesterday watched a
private showing of a crime movie
called "M," in preparation for a
final decision on whether a state
may ban it as being harmful to

Up to now, most geologists
have considered southeastern
Michigan as unlikely to produce

THE WELL on the Curtis farm
is not a "gusher." Oil is being
pumped to the surface at the rate


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