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January 05, 1923 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-05

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_ ri
Law and r'renen rremier Mutually
Friendly, Refuse Any Com-,
promise 1
Paris, Jan. 4.-The alliance between
France, Great Britain, Italy and Bel-
gium fell apart today over the treat-
ment of German reparations. The
Latin powes, France, Italy, and Bel-
gium, remained loosely grouped to-
gether on that subject, while England,
although separating from them, ex-
pects to co-operate, especially with
France and on other questions.
The conference of the premiers
which has been in progress here since
Jan. 2, ended with simply words.
No vote was taken, the French say,
the expressions of various delegates1
making it clear balloting was unnec-
Bonar Law IssuesStatement
A formal statement by Prime Min-1
ister Bonar Law just before the con-
ference broke up said that the Brit-
ish considered that the French pro- 1
posals if put into effect, were likely
to bring disastrous results to Euro-
pean economic life. At the same time,
France was assured the British gov-
ernment, and, it was believed the
British people, retained unchanged
their feeling of friendship for France.
Premier Poincaire, in reply said pro-
longed study of British proposals had
convinced him that they meant over-
throw of the treaty of Versailles as
well as a considerable reduction of
the debt due to France, which could
not accept them. Mr. Poincaire ex-
pressed thanks for the statement of 7
the British and declared the feeling
of France toward Great Britain re-
mained unchangingly cordial.
Exchange of speeches brought thel
conference to a close.
Mussolini Tours France
Premier Mussolini turned the scale
decisively against the British plan.
The Italian delegate had reserved the
final declaration until today and this
morning it appeared that.they were
inclined to support Mr. Bonar Law's
proposal with slight modifications. At
telegram received from Rome just be- t
fore the conference opened, instruct-
ed them to vote for the French plan,
as against the British in case they
should find it useless to push their
own plan.-
Mr. Poincaire is not elated tonightt
over his success; he is described a
in sober mood, displaying great anx-
iety. He will proceed warily and will
report to the French parliament on
its reassembling next Tuesday. In1
the meantime the reparations com-
mittee will meet on Tuesday to pass
on coal deliveries and also upon Ger-
many's request for a moratorium.
The British will make special ef-
forts to continue their work under
the entente in all fields of European
politics accepting Germany's repara-
tions. Mr. Bonar Law's conception1
appears to be that France may try a
free hand with Germany for a few
months, until she becomes convinced
that the plan will not fulfill expecta-
tions, and that then she will turn
again toward England.y g h
Air. Bonar Law deeply regrets the
outcome of the conference. He said,
tonight it was apparent that at the re-
cent London meeting that the breech
dividing the French and British re-,
parations views was too wide to ad-
mit of a compromise but that this did
not prevent him from coming to Paris

in the hope of finding some last min-
iite solution of the problem.
Fear French Guarantees
The British are fearful of the rei
sult that would follow the appljca-
tion of premier Poincaire's guarantees
in the Ruhr and the Rhineland. The
same British officials profess a doubt
that France will actually carry out
its threat of independent action al- {
though the only definite action which
has been suggested is reference of
the whole problem to the League of
(Continued on Page Two)
Tickets for the Illinois-Michigan
basketball game will go on sale at 9
o'clock this morning in the Athletic
association office. They are priced at
75 cents. Staff members in the Ath#
letic office report that there are a
few "group books" left on sale. They
will be sold for $1.75. The books of
tickets including the second book of
games will be sold for $2.00.
Tickets will not be sold beyond the!

"Surprise," Sass
indicted Official

t LL
Benedict Crowvell
"The whole thing is a surprise to
me," says Benedict Crowell of Cleve-
land, former assistant secretary of
war, commenting on the indictment
of himself along with six other men
by the federal grand jury at Wash-
ington for alleged conspiracy to de-'
fraud the golernment in connection
with the construction of army can-
tonments during the war. The menj
indicted were interested in .privateI
construction concerns or activities at
the time of or before the alleged acts.

~t~f 1 V li L9I~U, '.~ ~3UIU ' ~2I uk,7.AU IJ L


New $2,000,000 Struc-
A new and important unit in the
plans for the future Michigan cam-
pus will be started about the middle
of February when ground 'will be
broken for the new Lawyer's club
and dormitories which will be located
on 'South University avenue at the
corner of State street. The magnifi-
cent building will require 18 months
for completion and it is hoped to
have it ready for occupancy in Sep-
tember 1924.
An expenditure of more than. $2,-
000,000 will probably be involved in
the construction of the building Thor
land which it will occupy has either
been purchased or will be .acquired
through condemnation' suit to be in-
stituted this month. The land is ex-l
pected to cost approximately $500,000.1
Plans Drawn Up
Plans for the new structure have
been drawn by York and Sawyer, New
York architects, and will reach Annj
Arbor by Feb. 1, it is expected. Finalf
details of the work were agreed upon
when President Marion L. Burton vis-
ited the unamed donor of the build,
ing during his recent trip in the
Removal of the Psi Upsilon fra-'
ternity house, the oldest fraternity
house in Ann Arbor and of the Aca-
ca fraternity house, recently built,
will be necessary first steps in the
project, according to Prof. John F.
Shepard, supervisor of the building
Despite the advent of the winter
weather progress on the University
buildings now under constructioq
has not been retarded. All the win-
dows are now in place in the Clem-
ents library and alarge part of the
interior wood paneling has arrived.
The Lorenzo decorators have practic-
ally completed their blue and gold
painting of the entrance.vaulting and
have submitted a 'sample for the cof-
fered work for the main reading and
exhibition room.
New Lit Unit Progresses
The building advancement most to
be noticed is the pouring of the foot-
ings and other concrete work for the
new literary unit. All details for the
foundation work have not been sub-
mitted by the architects, but. it is
anticipated that these plans will be
ready as soon as they are needed.
Floor plans for the remainder of the
structure are partially complete.
Nearly all of the reinforced con-;
crete structural work for the Engin-
eering Shops and Laboratories unit
and for the Model high school haq
been finished. In the former case,
some of the exterior stone work for
the first floor is already in place. The
deep sub-basement of the Physics
building has been finished and it is
expected that the first floor work
wil be poured within ten days. All
work is suffering from difficulty in
getting pipe while other steel work
has to be ordered far in advance in
order to insure delivery for use.

Purchase of Isle Royale Recommended
as Conservative
(Note: The portion o Governor
Groesbeck's message dealing with
the needs of state educational In-
stitutions is printed in full on page
(By Associated Press)
Lansing, Jan. 3.-Generally favor-
able comment was heard in legislative
circles tonight on the message o;
Governor Groesbeck, read before a
joint session in the house chamber
this afternoon. The executive cover-
ed a wide range of subjects, many of
which already have been discussed
and publicly endorsed by numerous
state political leaders.
Continuation of the highway pro-
gram, establishment of the definite
fiscal program and revision of taxa-
tion laws to increase emergency tax- 1
es and nord a measure of relief for!
property holders, were among the
governor's suggestions that appeared
to find..popular favor. .
The governor's reference to the
centrallzed state government was
generally taken to mean that he fav-
ored some extension of the powers of
fhe Administrative board which, he
declared, had operated to the benefit
of the state. No mention was made in
this respect, of the desire for elimina-
tion or consolidation of existing state
department, although such a plan will
probably be advanced during the se-
Institutions Should Be Patient j
State institutions, the governor a-
serted, siould not be neglected, but
he indicated a feeling that they should
be patient with their elaborate build-.
ing progra ,u with tihe necessarily
large appropriations, and give, the
state "a breathing spell".
The uildihg of two new prIsoe,
one to replace Jackson, abandonment
of which he recommends, and another-
institution at Okemos, exclusively for
women, to cost $200,000 was recom-
civil service and an eight hour day
for state employes revision of the
Corrupt Practices act, regulation of
motor truck and bus lines, state con-
trol of 'private bnks, more extensive
supervsion of fire insurance rates
nd bureaus and a sales tax on fish
taken for commercial purposes from
Michigan waters, are other recom-
Laws to prohibit track gambling,
establishment of the state ferry at
Maciinaw and the building of a hos-
pital foi' crippled children were urged.
Recommends Isle Royle Purchase
The governor recommended that
Isle Royale be taken over by the state
as a conservative measure.
The joint session was staged with
the usual formalities. The Supreme
court judges and state officers were
guests of honor.
In regular session, a few bills were
introduced in each house, after which'
adjournment was taken, until 8 o'clock
Monday evening.
There were ne* evidences today
that the present session will cover
much more ground than its predeces-
sors, leaders on both sides indicating
every effort would beadirected towards
obtaining speedy action on all mat-
Bills Ready Soon
The first of next week probably

will see some institutional appropri-
ation bills ready for presentation to
the respective committees. Budget Di-
rector Henry Croll expects that by
mid-week some of them will be
started out, both by. the house and
the senate. Heretofore it has been as
late as February before the Ways and
Means committee chairman has com-
pleted the preliminary recommenda-
Lansing, Mich., Jan. 4.-Resignation
of Attorney-General Merlin Wiley was
announced today. Mr. Wiley plans tq
practice law in Detroit. The vacancy
will 'be filled by appointment by Gov-
ernor Groesbeck. No intimation ate
to the' possible successor has been
given out.
Governor Groesbeck tonight an-
nounced he would send the name of
Andrew. B. Dougherty to the Senate
for confirmation to succeed Merlin
Wiley as attorney general.


Editor Of
London Times?

Geoffrey Dawsou
According to reports from London,
Geoffrey Dawson probably will suc-
ceed H. Wickham Steed as editor of
the London "Times", which the late
Lord Northcliffe owned. Steed is re-
tiring. Dawson was at one time the
right-hand man of Northelffe, a dif-
ference of opinion over policies caus-
ing Dawson to resign from the staff.
He is knownbin journalistic circl s as
Geoffrey Robinson..
Prof. W. W. Denton of the Engi-
neering school gave a' brief address on
the National Council for Prevention
of War and its work at' the meeting
of the Liberal club held last night in
the Union.
Plans for the meeting of three Eu-
ropean students who are touring' the
country werealso discUssedc they-
are making a, survey of. American.
universities ald the club will eidev-
or to have them meet portons of the
student' body. "-The Euroopans wil
arrive the week beginning Jan. 14,
and are exepcted to remain several
days. Following the discussion a
short business meeting was held.
A reception will be held at 7
o'clock Saturday night in the Union
for members of the Liberal club to
meet Frederick J. Libby, executive
secretary of the National Council for
Prevention of 'War, preceding his
speech at Natural Science auditorium.
Mr. Libby will be entertained at
luncheon by the Twentieth Century
club of Detroit Saturday noon. After
the luncheon a meeting will be held
by representatives of the cities of
Michigan to organize a state council
to affiliate with the National Council
for the Prevention of War. Michigan
students are invited to attend.
Mr. Libby is touring the country in
the endeavor to raise a strong sent-
ment for peace. He is the author of
numerous articles and pamphlets. His
subject for Saturday night will be
"War on War".
Lansing, Mich., Jan. 4.-Two bills of
major importance were among those
introduced in the house today. They
propose amendments of the corpora-
tion tax law and the corrupt practices
act. The first is designed to provide
for a more equitable distribution of
the corporation fee, by fiing "the rate
at onermill per dollar of capitalstock
while the.second would prohibit assist-
ance of voters at-the polls and have
the effect of depriving illiterate per-
sons of suffrage."
In the senate, bills to require licens-
es for stationary engineers, give mar-
ried women equal contract rights and
make it a niisdeamnor for any person
to interrupt a religious service or
ridicule a clergyman or'other cburch
dignitary were offered by Senator
Comdon of Detroit.

Council Passes
R esolutionOn
Death Of Kirk
The Student council at its regular
meeting last night passed the follow-
ing resolution:
"WHEREAS, the force of ,Fate has
impressed itself unmistakably on the
minds and hearts of Michigan men,
when on the 23rd day of December a
shock was inflicted, which because'
of itsmagitude, left those who were
brought the -tidings of it at first up--
able and unwilling to accept its itotQ-
"WHEREAS, on the 17th day of De
cember our fellow student, Bernard
Kirk, was fatally injured in an antt ---
mobile accident, and six days later
lost in an unequal fight for life,
"WHEREAS, he, our late fellow stu-
dent, has- endeared himself in the
hearts of his fellow students by his
outstanding qualities so that none
will, forget the- earnest and determin-
ed manner .in. which -he =undertook a
thing; his frank and straightforward
manner; his unaffected attitude to-
ward his associates which marked
him for a man among men,
"WHEREAS,' there is nothing
sttange in the fact that "Bernie" had
so many strong friendships since he
gave so twich inreturn, and since his
coolness in judgment and action, to-
gether with other of his attributes,
made for a spirit that will always be
linked up ;with the memory of him
"BE IT RESOLVED, by the .,student
body of the University of Michigan
through' its student council, that this!
resolution be, included in the minutes
of its' roceedings and a copy of it
be sent to h4s bereaved parents, Mr.
nd Mrs. John P. Kirk, this fourth day
of January, 1923."
"Co-eds" Featured.
In January Ch imes
Featuring the "Co-Ed" and contain-.
inf stories a d pictures of her, the
January issue: of ..Chimes, carpus
opinion, monthly, will make its ap-
pearaince on the campus ,today. The
cover, drawn by Albert T. Peck, '25,'
gives the key to this month's issue.
It is no less ~ian ,one of the fair dam-
sels Who has been seen 'perhaps
apbout 8Q'cdck in the, morning rush-
ing across the campus to make that4
daylight 'class.
Appropriate to this issue are sqv-
eral articles written by women. The
fist 'is entitled, "Real' Work is Life"
by 'Jean Hamilton,. dean of women.
Aleta Este s Munger, secretary of the
Michig'tn branch of the Women's
party, is another contributor.
"Thirs", y John Mitchell, is one
of the Pure fiction stories in the issue.




ana ro . rvausnsolruvo vi ai t
The appointment of the reorgani-
zation committee came as the climax
of a several weeks' investigation of
the student government situation at
Michigan by the University Committee
on Discipline. In its detailed report
to President Marion L. Burton, notice

San Francisco, Cal., Jan. 4.-Dr. is taken of incidnts beginning with
William Wallace Campbell, director last spring.
of Lick observatory, Mt. Hamilton, Deals With General Situation
The discipline committee previously
California, was today unanimously reported on the outbreak of Nov. 26,
named president of the University of but .the. report which is made public
California by the unmversity Board of this morning deals pretty generally
Regents. He succeeds Dr.' David with. the student government situa-
Prescott Barrows at the end of the witts
present college semester. tion.
peent egetsageedtr. r s In the work of reorganization of
The Regents agreed to a proposal the Student Council,. Professor Tilley
by Dr Campbell that he remain as is thet representative of the University
director of the Lick' observatory as Comhm.ttee on Discipline, Dean Lloyd
"dollar a year" man. He will take ofthe Senate council, and Professor
office July 1, when Dr.Barrows will Holbrook of the Senate Committee on
become a professor of Political Student Affairs
Science. Student Affairs.
The first step looking toward the
instructor in formation of a plan for a reorganiza-
Dr. Canmpbell was rity of Mih tion of the Student Council will be
astronomy in the University of Mich-, Itaken at 4 o'clock this afternoon in
igan - from 1888 to 1891:.the office of Dean Lloyd in Univer-
sity hall, when the , committee will
imeet with the presidents of the var-
Y Eous senior classes, as representa-
Y7"'~vsRA I ~t=ives of the student body, and the five
WASHINGT N' N members of the committee which rais-
i ed the money to re-imburse the thea-
ters for losses Nov. 26. Other stu-
The Cappers Products bill was fav- dents will be called in 'from time to
orably reported by the Senate Bank- time at subsequent meetings of the

Pioneer Michigan
Educator Honored

'T]ffE 'ZYT IrA&I MT A "A T Ck-rF T

izng committee. committee.
Ac u rY SEVERS *""" .nMake Full Report
STANF ORD'S LINE ' The House judiciary committee dis. The report of the Committee on
cussed the Keller impeachment Discipline is as follows:
Stanford University, Calif., Jan. 4. charges against attorney general President Marion L. Burton,
The faculty of Stanford university lit- Daugherty but failed to take final ;niversity of Michigan.
erally tore a hole through the Stan- laction.DeTir r
ford line .far' more impressive than This report deals with the disturb-
any made by a gridiron opponent Oral argument in the appeal of for, lances at Ann Arbor theaters on the
when it suspended seven pigskin stars eign and American shipping commit-- I eening of Nov.s26.
for scholarship deficiencies according tees from the lower , court decisions In fiing responsibility for the acts
to an announcement today. Three track which upheld the Daugherty ruling 26 it has been necessary to give con
men were also suspended. was begun in the supreme court. eration to other lawless acts which
The football men, seven in the reg- re nteet u'n h
ular varsity and four in the freshman The federal coal commission in a ;whie occurred in the cty during the
squad will be ineligible to compete telegram to representatives of coal i) A few months. The findings and
nxua wll be ineligible to compete operators and miners conferring in'x(')rlnY ndation of the Committee are
nex6 fall. Chicago urged continuation until a i'ollows:
AUTO LICENSES NOW READY April 1, 1924, of the present wagq The committee finds: (a) That there
,AT COUNTY CLERK'S OFFICE scale in the event of failure to reach seems to be a wrong impression
any other agreement. ; among students that certain laws of
T hu d u oe c ene city and state relating to order
Ten.thosand auomoble icene jand decency do not apply 'to them.,
plates are ready' for distribution in BRIDGE COLLAPSE "(b That outbreaks of lawlessness,
Washtenaw County by County Clerk TAKES HEAVY TOLL of which the hazings of last spring
A. Clay. These are obtainable f, J nd theater rushes this fall are ex-
upon the ;ipresentation of a'tide of Ks J - n amples, are due to an unchecked spir-
ownership of the machine. Those who Kelso, Wash., Jan. 4.-Dragging the i of irresponsibility on the part of a
,do not have, such paper at present, swift waters of the flooded Cowiltz relatively small number oif students
will have -until Feb. 1, the date set~ river and checking lists of missing.n htti pri flwese.
by the Secretary of State as the last persons, Kelso tried today to determ amgtde-ntappers t s
day that these plates will be obtain,. ine accurately the toll of lives taken among students appears t'o e grow-
able. The urpose of this title is last evening when the snapping of M A t s bilit
the reduction of auto theft. It is es- the cable of a bridge between here'()Ta h tdetCucl en
timatedthat there was a decrease in and West Kelso precipitated the spa (c) That heStuent Council, being
intoth teamthe representative body of the stu-
stolen automobiles of fifty -per cent into the stream. s dents, must in a large .measure ac-
uring the year 1922. on account of rom 20 to 30, admitted their -de cept the responsibility for the acts
this act. rm2 o3,amte hi figure:]~testdns
The price of' ,the licenses will be were guess work, for in addition to ) of the students.
based on horse-power and weight, the known list. of missing which ( Toa the tuet ip ito fos-
r____ _. stood at 17 there was no way of tell- teron the campus a sentiment against
HE S;MAN SIGNS 'CONTRACT . ng how many persons on the bridgq lawlessness and mob rule, and to ex-
TO COACH W. AND J. GRIDDERS at the time of the collapse went to ercise ans ail to px-
their death in the icy current ant ervse aery. means avairro.pr-
Washington, Pa., 'Jan. 4.-John W. were carred into the broad Columbia, serv ha anddm
Heisman, former University of Penn-, I two miles below this city. '(e) That as individuals the nthem-
ylvania and Georgia 'Technicalfoot- George O. McDonald, of Vancouver, best of the Student Council are of the
ball coach, has signed a three year Washington, who was dragged from respect of their fellows; that the
contract to coach the Washington and the river shortly after the crash an! Council has, in many respects, served
Jefferson gridiron squad, it was an- Harry Kirk, of Kelso, who was in4 a useful purpose and acted effectively
nounced here tonight by R. M. Mur- jured, died today. in certain specific instances, but that
phy, graduate manager of Athletics Eight boats patrolled the river b the occurences of Nov..26 is but one
at Washington. and Jefferson. He low the collapsed span, dragging for in a series of incidents showing the
succeeds Earl A. Neale, the big league bodies. One body was pulled to the ; inefficiency of te Student Council in
ball star.I surface. inefcec fteSuetCucli
ba_______r.____fac_._its main function of fostering and en-
eicouraging among the students a son-
King George's Sister Ill Mitchell's Flying Record Approved timent of respect for law anid de-
London, Jan. 4.-A medical bulletin Paris, Jan. 4.-The International cency.
issued from Sandringham says that Aeronautical Federation has officiallyi (f) That the original verdict of
Princess Victoria, sister of King credited Brig.-Gen. William Mitchell, suspension from the University last
George, has been suffering for sever- assistant chief of the American air spring of the four students found
al days from bronchitis and pulmonj force, with a world record of 224.05 guilty of hazing was changed by put-
a..v ane'ngtiAn Annar.,tl' 1er enn- nm il an hour in a flip'ht fr timAesac s nc., ,* .a.

'.'' 1't

A f4d( of 1:)f0 has been put aside ( !1ULU 1NAKY ; !I '
by e iDetroit Council, Knights of TO BE TAKEN TODAY
Colun:bus, to provide for a marble
:'' totdent t omuiuications ona
tablet to the memory ot Father Ga- Twater Rushing InvestIgation
S h rie Richard in the new library Made Public
which will bear his name. Madeubli
Father Richard in conjunction with
a Presbyterian minister founded a 1;'organization of the Student
school which developed into the pres-1 Cu c ii will be undertaken by a com-
ent University of Michigan imttee appointed by the Senate Com-
Father Richard enacted a promin- mittee on Student Affairs. The final
ent part in the early history of De- r'port of the University Committee on
troit and Michigan, bringing the first Discipline carried a recommendation
printing press to this state. His statue 'tr t his action and at the same time
at present adorns one of the corners iha the report was accepted by the
fthe cityhall inDetroit.,eate committee the following were
o e ciy h. appointed to serve on the reorganiza-
tion committee: Prof. Morris P. Til-
ley of. the literary college, Dean Al-
NAME W CAM EL fred H. Lloyd of the graduate school,
a.d P f EJJ.nL H. .l4 k of the l w

But not all the effects. You
probably promised that girl at
home a date for the
if you could possibly get a tick-
et. Another had the ticket but
didn't make the promise. Why
not get together?

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