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January 05, 1923 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-05

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;, 1

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(Continued from Page
the evening of Nov. 26 t
Ag responsible for the an
"it is expected that freen
tures will be shown afterwN
theaters" which appeared

ru *:uing of the theaters on the night an investigation by Mr. Pardon, of the to detract from the credit due them, This report was unanimously con- Presumably word will come from
of Sunday, Nov. 26. . Buildings and Grounds department, it still feels that at least indirectly curred in by the remainder of th Paris if the French government see ADRIA
At the outset the council wishes it would be less than $100. it helped to bring the whole project committee who due to absence from hope in the American suggestion Sche
understood that its investigation was Whitney Never Rushed Before t the city at this time are unable to
nos prospted bytefttrmtatiin.iTaetnssign It pe Th reinder of Pha.nM a.ne egupsrsonalle.
not prompted by the fact that It felt in While as yet no direct charges have ertion is based on the fact that mem- the committee is as follows: amount Germany can pay but also th h 4 7
L3 II I L any way that the investigation carried benitefo tgainst the counl blas hersof the council committee inter-- HOWARD J. LIVERANCE, method of payment, be referred for
n by the UnersetyDisciplineom- t orhi nhe
onhbycthecUniersity Diacipinescorn-ar- viewed M9r. McIntyre immediately aft- LAWRENCE W. SNELL, Iadvisory recommendtmnn toan in- ~ 9

d!ue in Effect October 18, 1g2
Central Time (Slow Time)
:45 .... Adrian .,.. 12:45 8:45.
'T'ecumseh ... 12:15 8:15
R :30 (Minton .. 12:00 8S:00
:15 Saline 2 . :. 157:1s 5
:4S Arknn ArborLv.10:415 o:45
(Court H&o.e Square) A. M.
Daily, X-Daily except Sundays
lidays. Friday and Saturday special
studlert leaves Adrian i1:.4, iLcaves
rSor 4:45;L Tt
IES' It. ELLIOTT. Proprietor.
QzG-11Ad Tian, Mich.

e One) mittee would not be a thorough and cters tis seen tb iepressed
.hrogh e, ipar ai ne.But inc chagesters this sentimnent is being expressed
hrough be- iimpartial one. But since charges and so wishes to say just a .word In
nouncement arising'OUt o'f the disorders of that refutanion of this charge. To begin
moving pic- night have placed not only the coun- with, so far as could be learned, te
ards at: the cil but the entire student body in an wit tha had never been rush-
Witney theaterThadanevernbeen rhte
I in The unfavorable if not unfair light, the Aky.S, AYxf YtTl+A ~1Sl[ t. ilC t.~7

.- ebelore e.urig he man y ear s has
Michigan Daily, without authority to council feels that it would, by neg- been in business in Ann Arbor. This
make such announcement and without l-ctig its duty to the student body fact alone, we think; shows conclu-.
making arrangement for such mov- if it did at least inquire Into the in- sively that it was not reasonable to
ing pictures after the announcement cident. expect o foresee that the theater
appeared. Since there was absolutely no prop-e would be rushed, and we feel this fact
Took No Strong Stand erty damage done at the Arcade thea- Ildne shedaransweftethfacs
(h) hat fte thedistrbaces t alone is a fair answer to the accursa-
(h) That after the disturbances at ter and since the damage done at the tion that precautions should have1
the theater the Student Council took Majestic was practically neglible, this been taken by the council to forestal:
no strong stand deprecating the oc- investigation largely took the form ofI an anticipated rush.
currences and took no effective mea- inquiring into the Whitney theater In this connection also it niit be
surerhtoward the reimbursement of ru ntopis yonnecgoEhaggoriteto
t h r e o m a rop4 well to recall to mind that one of the
the theater owners for clans es an 1rley at g x et

losses sustained.

(1) That the faculty and many stu-
dents do not have confidence in Stu-
dent Govenment as it now exists.
(j) That student government is de-
sirabe but if it.is to survive at Mich-
igan, it must have the active sup-1
port and confidence of the students,
and that above everything else, it
must promote. a sentiment against
lawless acts and encourage a realiza-
tion on the part of the students of
their responsibility in maintaining the
good name of Michigan throughout the
country. Failing in these most im-
portant duties there is no justifica-
tiongfor its existence.
In view of the above findings, the
Committee recommends that the Sen-
ate Council, to which the Student
Council is responsible be requested to
work out a plan for the re-organiza-
tion of the Student Council.
Respectfully ubmitted,
University Committee on Discipline.
Eplis Cetnli Stad
After a conference with Professor
Tilley, chairman of the Senate Coun
cil Investigating committee, Vernon
P. Hillery '25L, ?resident of the StO-
dent council, handed to Professor Til-
ley the following report:
Dear Professor Tilley:-
I have had a nice talk with Dean
Lloyd, and also one with the Presi-
dent., concerning. recent events ad
the earnest desire of the University
adminfstration to better organization
of student life from the self-govern-
ment standpoint. I can assure you
that there is nothing nearer my heart
than to see a complete elimination of
some of the unsatisfactory conditions
and with this in view I wish to offer
you and the members of the Senate
committee my hearty co-operation
and that of the Student council.
While I do not for a moment con-
cede the truth of statements that con-
ditios are wrse this year and while,
to the contrary, I believe a survey
will prove conditions to be better than
at any time since the war, I will say
that there are matters of 'concern in
student life which I know can 1)0 bet.
4ered by the proper interest in them
by not only the students but .by the
members of the University adminis-
tration. At the time of the class elec-
tions you probably noticed my state-
rments which showed that the council
Ias already working on the organ-
zation of classes. We have for some
time had in our budget an item to cov-
er the publication of a new conc!:
constitution, but this work bad to
,wait, of course, until we were through
the strenuous fall season.
Cmups May Vote hin Sprig
There is no reason why with our
council working with the committee,
that an enlarged and well defined!
status of the council can be agreed
upon by the spring elections so that
the campus may vote upon it as is the
I am enclosing herewith a copy of
the proceedings of the student con-
ference at Lexington, Ky., of iat
year, and I believe this will give you
somewhat of an idea of a comparison
between Michigan and other schools. 1
shall be glad to prepare a brief on
what I think are salient points of our
present system and this, together
with any other information which we
can supply, together with conferences
between the faculty and council com-
nittees, should give us a common
basis for co-operation.
Assuring you of my hearty co-ope -
ration and that the Student council
will assist in any way possible, I am
Yours respectfully,
president, Student Council.
Council Committee Reporis
As chairman of the Student Coun-
cil Investigating committee of the af-
fair of Nov. 26, Jack Kelly, '24L, sub-
mitted the following report of the
committee's findings to the President:
Marion L. Burton, President,
University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
* Sir:
The following is the report of the
Student Council committee appoint-
®d by the president of the council on
Wednesday, Nov. 29, to look into the


As to what took place at the Whit- turbance was the action taken by
ney, the council strongly condemns Coinnilman Lawrence Snel, who was;
and deplores. But while it feels thatConcilmancLate Shlw. seI
nobody, least of all the ,council, woula that the Dean of Men waS unable to
try and justify this act of lawlessness, cnell,
the council also feels that reports orcompewith the situation Mr. gn ,
the incident, particularly concerning' pronpte by the feeling that hisnpot
the property damage have been s
greatly exaggerated. I the duty to do all he could to help re-
From several interviews with .Mr.' sore order, took it upon himself to
m eWntyre,mt hitney ave the theater and get in touch
cntrmanager of the Winy
theater, 1h5 council gathered the fol- with the President of the University
lowing information concerning the and inforr him of the situation. Ane
damage: That the amount f nyi as a direct result of the President's
refunded amounted to a ittle less intervention, which probably would
tfnd amouteto saltt less not have come into play but for the
than $1,050; that 225 seats were oto h tdn onimn h
knocked down but that when set upI act of the Student couniman, the
there was foundto be no dan&ge done disorder dcotinuelt id with far
except for a few b'roken cast Iron less disastrous results than might
braces, which Will be made at practi- otherwise have been the case.4
cally no cost in the University forge helped at Least IndlrIctly
iom; that a glass door in front and a And while the council warmly con-
wooden one at the side were damaged; gratulates the student committee ap-
in short that the actual property daim- pointed by the President to raise the
age as stated by Mr. McIntyre after funds, and does no in any way wisti

er its appointment and could have at HEROLD J. HUNT, t
that time procured a statement from ROBERT J. ADAMS, JR.,
him saying that he would accept no THOMAS J. LYNCH,Ic
damages, and the further fact that JOHN R. POLHAMUS. k
though the council committee's in- --
vestigation showed a rather large va- BREAK NEAR, THINKS c
riance between the actual .figure of OFFICIAL WASHINGTON
damages and those published by the -
reparation committee, still out o.
deference to your wishes and a desire (Continued from Page One)
to co-operate to the . fullest extent Washington, Jan. 4.-The dissoiu-
with the University Discipline com-I tion at Paris of tho conference of al-
nittee, the council refrained from lied leaders was regarded here as
procuring and publishing these state- bringing the reparations crisis mea-
menits and figures. surably near the point touched by
Counc lmen Uiannimous Secretary Hughes in his recent New
In conclusior the council wishes Haven speech. But although the al-
lied statesmen have failed to agree
to asure you that in the future, as among themselves there still stands
in the past, it will endeavor to do all before them an alternative to attempt
in its power to curb and restrain out- forcible collection in Germany pointed
breaks bordering on lawlessness out by Mr. Hughes.
There was no word available in
among the student body, and it sin- official quarters today to inicate thai
toel o h e s th afunto nas owh i h ri- i qu re s tda o i dia e t a
cerely hopes that no acts of either any further initiative was to be ex-
amrission or coitnissn by It will pected at this time from the Wash-
render it again necessary to delegate ington government. The only author-
to others the functions which ord ized comment on the situation was a
narily it should and ought to per- statement at the State department
fori. . Ithat Mr. Hughes' suggestion was putI
STUD NT COUNCIL INVESTIOAT- forward to "leave several doors open" I
ING COMMITTEE. to the premiers in the event of an
Jack Kelly, Chairman. emergency.
0rod .typewriters, various makes,
for sale or rent. Reasonable rates. We Call For and IDeleer
S. A. Moran, Room 2, 711 N. Univer- I HORACE iLYEAU
New Tuxedos for rental purposes. e S. STATomTil-
SWild and Company-Adv.


ernational commission of financial au- D9
Iorities unhampered by political and Ho
concernsor obligations. Ir. Hughes bus fo
ias- already indicated that American I Ani Ar
nanciers would serve on.such a " JAN

onmnission with the sanction of tho
government if they were invited.


7}14t"i :, f},



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