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January 05, 1923 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-05

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)AY. JANUARY 5. 1923




ties, is acting as assistant dean o rn Castle Brintis ANew'1Dances
men of the University and is also anIrn
instructor in, the sociology depart- oO 1 T Tt r.adMs Agl il ae? I A g1,c' Abf C1 T TT o
E their home in Ann Arbor.




??apids on the subject of "Charlest The form of entertainment ranged The Michigan, Calendar-limited edi-
Pegny." from a dinner dance at the Hotel Tul- tion, 75c. Take one home with you.
ler in Detroit to a basketball tourna-' Waher's University .Bookstore--Adv.
IIAPPI 'VU AS CON VENTION t ment held in Waterman gymnasium.-
HIERE Dfl RIN (k11011) liAYS I - DANCE-tonight at Ypsi. Bergen's
New Tuxedos for rental purposes. first.-Adv.
hf2Nit, national general frater- Wil and Company.-Adv.
iJty, hld its annual convention in New Tuxedos for rental purposes.
1r ub.r during the latter part of Ptrnz Daily advertisers.-Adv. ,Wild and Company.-Adv.

_______________________________ Irene Castle, who has been called iperfornance are from 75 cents to vot
Although nothing definite has been "the hest dressed woman in Amien7 dollars.
decided as to whether or not thoi1rc," will give a lperformance of ball-s The Irene Castle concert tour is he t
Junior Girls' play will be presented t O11C room andl fancy (dancing next Thuzrs- ing brought here by the senior w o-
before the mhen as well as the women day night in Hill auditorium. A ten men of the University and the pro,
this year, other plans for the play. are -I_____________ piece orchestra which plays as Mrs..I ceeds, over expenses, are to go to tho
progressing rapidly. A large number i{Castle thinks a dance orchestra. ought ;Uieriyof 1IciaLeg.
of girls took part in the tryouts ;which All junior women are asked to pay jto play in order to bring out all the -____
wvere held in Barbour gynasiu just $1 ,dues forx.the Junior Girls' play' at! grace and beauty possible to the dlance ran
before Christmas vacation and the thle can dy booth in University hall to-I steps, will accompany the dlancer. flfl EX ESIN K
committee reports that some very day . "There's a swiftness in our 1)10(1od V
suitable material will be available, today that demands action and synco-
Whiile there was not a large number;i A party for, the members of the Wo- Ilpation" is Mrs. Castle Tremdan's be-
of manuscripts turned in, those thati men}'s league will be given from 4)) lief; and in her own dancing she ac- ON SchE1VIETlJf1
wor'e submitted showed originality ,)to'6 o'clock this afternoon in Barbour1 companies this with Boise and con-
and introduced new ideas. From the gymnasium. trol through all' the intricacies" of new( Five= University extension lectures
pla~ys that were written, five,. or sixj (lance steps.A
were set asidle and have° been givens os rsdns r euse o Gneral admtission tickets which are will be given in the state this even-f
special attention, and final choice willj bring the slips for signing out for the tolbe exclihnged for reserved seat ing by members of the faculty. Prof.
be made from these. All persons who' month of December to the, office of! tickets may be purchased today atl William D. Henderson, of the Extenz-.
stibiiitted plays which were rejected Dean Jean Hamilton. All houses who Graham's bookstores. Prices for the sion odepartment, will speak before the
will receive notice of that fact. A ,have not turrned in the slips for No- .j Methodist Brotherhood at Middleville
meeting was held yesterday afternoon vember are asked to do so immediate- PHI SIGMA SIGMA' on "The Re-Discovery of America."
for, those who are'Iterested in writ-j ly. Prof. Louis A. Strauss of the Eng-
in i lyrics, for the play.. INSTALLS HERE 1 lish department will give the fourth.
Aninounicemnents concerning those : ~laperdanes for the dances'this xveek of a series of eight lectures betfore
wlio were selected-to participate it; aeidiare as follows: Union, Friday-J Installation and, initiation cere- the Woman's club at Lansing on "The
th~e play will be made soon. Miss Martha Hills; Saturday-i~rs. H Series on Brownding."' At P'aw Paw,
0. Berger; Armory, Friday - Mrs.i monies, for the Eta chapter of Phi Sig- prof. John L. Brumml of the journal-
" b Yats Adms; atuday-Mrs.Philp 1ma Sigma, national wvomen's frafternity jlim departieut will address the Co-a
Li ReynodEx I were held at the chapter house ati terie club cn "Thrle Reading of mica
Library Exhibis Yat~4dams; aturda-Mrs. hi I11015aEast University on December 14 o. O usl asno
M a c ll cton A"e"n uies etn fMm Asa local sorority here the group PrfRuslWaonfth rczy
_____iers will be held at 4:1~ o'clock MoTn- has been known as the Phydelians. department will give ;'teIitfffth or
dayat he lph, Oicrn P htse Announcement. has been made a series of ten lectures at the Can(i.
A gou o ol rap- fomth dca-y05 Baldwin avenue.: the Phi Sigma Sigma house of the Rapids Public. Library on Wat lei
lection of Regent Lucius L. Hubbard engagement of Lillian Rosenbaum, igan is Doing in F'orestry.- 1.:_'
comprises the main part of .the ex- - '23, to William Kruger, '23M. Kruger Marcel Ciavelof the department of
hibition now on display in the lower Delegates from all houses interest- i a member of the Phi Sigma Delta Romance lang uages, will deliver t',s
ed nitrtuebsebl r e ilcrridor of the University library. qesed n inteueas ockeall are e- th ePhi Delta Epsilon fraterni- frsedlofaneisFf five lectures be-
There are about a dozen, all of them uese Qme t5ocok ody is7fr h llac rnas tcrn
II ! "1~~~a.n f 0 4... r 4 Y ,,~s r



t~i~o Ciris na.s Holidays. 'rhe enter-.
t,.inmc-nt , , rted with a smoker Dec.
", and ]ai tcdl until 'Tuesday, Jan. 2.
At, the various functions that were1
t iven i President, Marion L. Burton,
Dean IHugh Cabot, and Dean Joseph A.
u'sley were among the principal
A. 13. Sharpe, '22, w~as elected to the
.),tional governing body.
SHU 5F QT Nights 50-75-s$tO00
,H A Pop. Mats. Tues.,Thurs.
and Sat., 25o and 50c
liroi elOi Courtesy ,of Sir Baines Barrie,
6;s IBoxstelle Has Secured I
The World's GreatestE
axad Most t'harining Fantasy
R17 , 1Mats. wed. & Sat.
A IPeppy Revue, All New
1' CF S a Nigts 5e to $2.7n>
Mats. 44c to $2.20
i 61n LUNCH 49 1 11 l I1 ~li
Tnu piee ofour ie .
n~Ii he "ome Mde" F
tast forlunc tody !
Yo~~l! ag reewt sta
k siv unhtati

excellent examples of the' map-nick- I JU"' f
ers' craft of the time in which they !vote up{
were made. The majority of them league.
were made.in, the sixteenth .centutryji
Arid a few of them in the seventeenthl CLASa
The remainder of the exhibit is givj
en over to a 'display of a group of im-
portant early works oni.,cartography Two sl
and cosmography selected.- fro'oi the Whiie the~
niathematics department of the Uni- change,"
vexsity library. This selection ,of the{ I Jan, 12,11
mathematics library is exceptionall~i I). T. i-I
str'ong, much time having been devot- duction.
ed to the assembling of it during the free.
past two years by Prof. L. C. Karpin-; "Eugen:
ski of the mathematics department feet Curl
altrd Prof. W. J. Hlussey of the as- same, auE
ti onomy department. Most of these Jan. 16.
works also date from the sixteenth cents wit
and seventeenth centuries, althou~gh Iwihw
there are a -few on exhibition that)iche wa
wre in use during the discovery per- or exela
iod of the fifteenth century.
~A large part of the present exhibit' ac
has been saved over from the Christ- auy
rajas vacation when it was shown be-i the Facul
for~e the American Association of Ge-
ograpliers, who held their annualj t 2 o
convention here. At that. tine a hutm- 1 the home
Nwof r'are volumes belonging to. Re- Forest avi
gent William L. Clements were, The wa
brought froin his homie to form _a part ricka Gl
of the display, It was thought road- ing seeio
visaible to retain their as a part of the
pres~ent exhibit. Patron:
Instructor Marries During Holidays Sol
Announcement has been made of , $5.00
the marriage of Miss Margaret Bind- $S4.00
er, '22. of Ann Arbor, to Elmer Wirthi,
"'.SP, of Chicago, whichy occurred Dec. 604 C
.") in Ann Arbor. Mr. Wirth iIs a
mnember of Alpha Chi Sigma, Gan '____
ma Alpha, Sigmna Xi, Phi Lairnbda Up-
silon and Phi Sigmja fraternities. lHe
received his M.A. degree in 1919 and You 11
-is now An Instructor in the School of5
Pharmacy at the University of Ill-
Ilinois. Mr. and Mrs. Wirthi will reside
iln Chicago. AS

inL 1DVufLnUuE gymna~siumi toI
on an interhouse basketball I
short pla.ys, "Six Who, PassI
ie Lentel s Boil'," and "The Ex-
wlwill he given Friday night,
in University hall by Prof. R.
lollister's clas in. play pro-
Th' public will lbe'admitted
aically speaking" and "Per-
re " will be staged, in ; ie,
iditoriurm on Tl~esday nighe,
Admission of 75, 50 and 30
ill be charged .to these play;,f
vill be somuewhvat longer and'
.boraoedy givren than the onesI
YWomen, Arrange for Hik6
its of- the hiking section of
Aty Women's club will meet
,ock tomorrow afternoon at
3of Mrs. Willis Shippani, 1115j
alk will :be led by Miss. Fred-
lette, -chairman of the hik-
Gza Da~ily advertisers.-Adv.
(3 meals) $8.00
(2 meials) $4.00
Jiust of t Ett
Will .learn More IlAl1ldly
In a Few

-, U ,}
bu r ~U
f U ui 1
*IAAe go
. . . les
II ix~-~---~,
Crp dec ieoeboss
*eua~ $95Uo$5 r =
les. anmae Fenh oies
f orelv 5t 101r4-2pie
* Uyer~
® a ® ® 9 Ml 6 \T® 1 ® h 51 I'


_. _ e xn b ras

' )

.. ,

I , - F

LFashi ona le Foot ear isno

January Clearance Sale prices prevail in the shoe department and .Milady
mray meet her footwear needs at prices which will mean a distinct saving to
heer. Modish models suitogble for every ippe of occasion are included in the
s-ale at greatly reduced prices.-

Dorothy Dodd oxfords may be had in
black or brown calfskin in a model that
is ,dapted to street wear'. This model
has a flat heel that makes it popular for
wvalking and sports wear. The sale
price is $5.60.

Dr. Summer's formative straight last
oxfords are greatly favored for walk-
inf since they allow the foot to retain'
ana'tural posture. They may be had
in a style with a flat heel and a flexible
arch at t"e sale price of $5. 15.

Sued e oxfords are m -uch favored for
.:emsi-dress wear. Attractive- models
Ni ith patent leather insets on the side,

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