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January 05, 1923 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1923-01-05

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4 i , nr'i ni xcept Monday
dinn t ve, ty ear by the Board in
Mihm ol WVesr Cin ierence ffdaorial
The Associatedi Pre,", is exclusively en-
titled to the use for republication of all
news dispAtchea nredited to it or not other-
wise credited in this paper and the local
news published therein.
En'ered at the postoffice at Ann Arbor,
Michigan, as second class matter.
Subscription by carner or mail, $3 50.
Offices: Ann Arbor Press Building, May-
nard Street.
Phones: Editorial, 2414 and 176-M; Busi-
ness. 06o.
Communications not to exceed 300 words
of signed, the signatuire not+ necessarily to
appear in print, but as an evidence of faith,
and notices oft events will betpublished in
'ihe Daily- at the discretion of the EYditor, if
kIt at or mailed to The Daily office. Un-
signed cotinun ications willreceive no con-
sictration. No mpanuscript will be returned
unless the writer encloses ppstage. The Daily
does not necessarily endorse the sentiments
expressed in the communications.
Te eph-3nes 2414 and 176-M
News Editor............. .Paul Watzel
City Editor..............James B. Yqung
Assistant City Editor.........Marion Kerr
L-.itoriai Board Chairman........E. R. Meiss
Night Editors--
Ralph flyers Iarry Ioey
~J.1'. Dawson, Jr. . E. Mack
L. J. Hlrshdorfer DoaC. Moriarty
It. A. Donahue
Sports Editor.................F. II. McPike
Sunday M',agazine Editor..Delbert Clark
Women'sEEditor.E...t........Marion Koch
Humor Editor....... .........Donald Coney
Conference Editor..,.........H. B. Grundy
Pictorial Editor,...............Robert Warr
Music Editor...................E. H. Ailes
Thelma Andrews John Garlinghouse
J. A. Bacon Walter S. Goodspeed
Stanley M. Baxter Portia Goulder'
Dorothy Bennetts Ronald Halgrim
Maurice Berman Franklin D Hepburn
Sidney Bielfield Winona A. Hibbard
R. A. Billington Edward J. Higgins
helen Brown Lowell Kerr
W. h. Butler l izabeth Liebermann
11. C. Clark John McGinnis
Eugene Carmichael, Samuel Moore
A. B. Connable M. H. Pryor
Bernadette Cote W. B. Rafferty
Evelyn I. Coughin - Robert G. Ramsay
Wallace F. Elliott Campbell Robertson
Joseph Epstein J . Ruwitch
Maxwell Fead Soil J. Schnitz
T. E. Fisked .11. Stoneman
A. P. Webbink Frederic G. Telmos
Telephone 960
Advertising..............John J. Hamel, Jr.
Advertising..............Edward F. Conlin
Advertising....... .Walter K. Scherer
Accounts. ............ .Lf awrence H. Favrot
(ircaun...............Twnscnd 1. Wolfe
Publication..............L. Beaumont Parks
Copyrighting ..............David J. M. Marx

so necessary to any real creative;
work, likely to thrive.
iBnythe is one of those unusual in-
dividuals who actually read their
rhetoric assignments. He justifies him-
self by saying that they are some-
times worth reading and often tinged,
with humor-and anyhow, it is inter-
esting to see what sort of thing pro-
fessors have a weakness for.
But even Smythe's curiosity will not
be sufficient to keen him in righteous;
paths if he is compelled to do his
work in the rhetoric library much
longer. He grows emotional in speak-
ing of it. The ghosts of a thousand
dead colds leer at him from the dus-
ty racks until he longs for clean, col
air, heavy footsteps wrack ancient
stairs until his nerves cry out for
peace, faculty members converse to-
gether in funerealy hushed voices or
arouse a troop of dismal echoes by
their cautious chuckling, until Smythe
wishes he had the courage of Everett
Smythe likes best to read under a
mellow light before a gently crackling
fire. He doesn't mind a little noise, or
a little stir about him, as long as it is
frank and'healthy, and not too bois-
terous. It's the half-subdued, tiptoe--
ing, consciously hushed but irritably
intruding noises that destroy his abil-
ity to concentrate. Smythe says the
rhetoric library should be kept abso-
lutely quiet, or the books should be
moved to' a room in the main library.
They do little good where they are.
Mr. Steinmetz, king of electrical wiz-
ards of the world, has said that if the
available water supply of New York
state were harnessed the country
would not have to use any coal. The
statement, aside from being a mental
relief to those who fear the ultimate
exhaustion of our coal supply, gives
evidence of the vast amount of work
nature could do for us if we were but
to take advantage of her seemingly
endless reserve, of potential capacity
for doing work, a never tiring flow of
energy, many times more powerful
and steadfast than human faculty for
The peoples of today work no harde
nor more zealously than those of the
pi e-Industrial Revolution era - it is
very probable that they do not work
so hard - yet the least blessed in
material gain of them live more lux-
uriously than the lords and barons of
old, they who reaped the returns of
hundreds of laborers under their po-
tentate. We have harnessed nature
to our machines, and she has made
possible a higher mode of living and
a return of a thousand fold for our
But the results are merely 'a sam-
ple of what may be accomplished an
the amount of human effort that may
be saved - and after all the aim of
progress is to get increasingly more
out of life than one puts into it in per-
sonal effort - if more of nature's ever
accommodating power is utilized.


Editor, The Michigan Daily:
I should like to ask of the student
body if a woman at Michigan is not a
member of her class when privileges
are concerned just as much as when
responsibilities are in question?
Women students are expected to

1-7 ,A'S or

M 10 H I G A N




The want ad is a noble and glorious
thing. We endorse it heartily. We
give it the stamp of our approval. As
a means of discovering how many
rooms there are for rent in the great

* *

A*T ' :o


and growing city of Annarbor or for ;pay dues and serveas class officers.
ad oing c o Their parents are taxed for the
disposing of( at high pecuniary gain,
t support of this institution under the
the G-melody sax your room-mate re-smecsdraisas ho f
sarme considerations as those of
fuses to let you learn to play it is un- men.
I-^vAie.Nw wh shudauno wmn

_ ;


{' G

rivaled. Now, why should a junior woman
The aspect of the want ad we object be figuratively slapped in the face be-
to (Yes, there was a hook to it-not cause she presumes to apply for a
all those bowkays for nuttin'.) the ticket to the "Hop"? As evidence that
aspect, we say, we object to is that of something is radically wrong I offer
self-aggrandizement. For instance, a my experience. My self addressed
lad advertises for a pocketbook he lost envelope was returned to me with the'
containing $10. Why brag about it, number six thereon. (You will re-
why brag about it? member that applications were to be
* * * filled in the order in which they were
Professor McFebrile reecived.) Yet inside that envelopeI
Was highly cerebral eas a blue card decreeing that 1, a
An erudite, learned savant; meriber of the Junior Class, would
Of genius prolific not be allowed to purchase a ticket
In fields scientific, to this, the function of the year. The
His mind was omniscient, reason stated was that "men are given'
His memory proficient; preference in distribution".
No task could his intellect daunt. After an appeal to the powers that
be, the mistake was rectified, but it is
A mathematician regrettable that any student should
And finished technician be occasioned such inconvenience,
In each mathematical art, and it is to be hoped that in the fu-
He knew the essentials ture it can be avoided.
Of calc differentials, EVELYN M. EVANS, '24.
Studied the function
Of logs with great unction,
And knew all the cosines by heart. EDITORIAL COMMENT
And yet, Cal, you know as well as I -
do that the dear old apple couldn't; DEPENiPABILITY
distinguish between Whimsies and the(
catalog of the Architectural School!T Ohio State Lantern)
CHICLETS. One is pleasantly surprised upon
S* * arriving -at an appointed place at the
COURSES THAT MIGHT BE GIVEN time set to meet some friend to find
- Pedestry the friend there waiting to fill the ap-,
1. Elementary Course. Two hours in
credit. pointment. When one loans a book

Ann Arbor and Jackson
(Eastern Standard"Time)
Detroit Limited and Express Cars-
6:oo a"., 7:0o a.m., :oec a.m., 9:05
a.m. and hourly to 9 :05 p.m.
Jackson Express Cars (local stops
west of Ann Arbor)-9:47 a.m., and
every two hours to .9.47 p.m.I
Local Cars East Bound-7 :oo a.m.
and every two hours to 9 :oo p. in.,
1i :oo p.m. To Ypsilanti only-i :40
p.m., i:is a.m.
To Saline-Change at Ypsilanti.
Local cars West Bcund-7:5o a.m.,
12 :I0 p.m.
To Jackson and Kalamazoo-Lim-
ited cars 8:47, 10:47 a.mn., 12:47, 2:47,
4 47 p3..
To Jackson and Lansing-Limited at
8:47 p.m.
1923 JANUARY 1923
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12 13
141 15 16 17 18 19. 24)
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
2 29) 34) 31t
We do all kinds of Cleaning
and Reblocking of bats at
low prices for HIGH CLASS
617 Packard Street Phone 1792

$5.00 Gillette Razors .................. ....99c
$1.00 Gillette Blades (Dozen) ............ .. .79c
Player, Navy Cut Cigarettes......................Oc
Virginia Brights Cigarettes, 20s............... . .1 2c
$1.50 Dixie Bell Chocolates, 16 oz..................59c
$1.00 Funck's Chocolate, 16 oz....... . . . .. .39c
Fresh from Factory every week and guaranteed right
or your money back. Made especially for the United
Cigar Stores only.
Jetter & DeFries

The elements of maintaining the
balance on a slippery sidewalk.j

or perhaps a bit of money, it is a
surprise if the borrower returns the

Kenneth Seick
Veorge Rockwood
Perry M. Haydein
Eugene T. Dunne
W. Graulich, Jr.
John C. Haskin,
C. L. Putnam
E. D. Armantrout
Herbert W. Cooper
Wallace Flower
cR 1. Tr.
Edward B. Riedle
harold L. Hale
Wm. D. Roesser

Allan S. Morton
James A. Dryer
Win. IT. Good
Clyde L. Hagerman
Howard Hayden
Henry Freud
Herbert P. Bostick
D. L. Pierce
Clayton Purdy
J. B. Sanzenbacher
Clifford Mitts
Ralph Lewright
Philip Newall'

Lab. work. in collusion with Health loan at the time set.
Service. Dr. Ruhm of the bootleg-iPromptness in keepingngago-
go-chemistry department willl give ments or in repaying loans should
special lectures on the fallibility of not occason surprise, but it does, for
the eyesight (half-seas-over), the reason that one so seldom meets
with it. IHours are wasted standing
7x. Principles of graceful falling.,
Five hours credit. Hospital on corners waiting for tardy friends.
Fee required. Patience is lost and friendships are
A lab course in how to fall down broken because.borrowed articles are
.i.not returned when they are expected.
gcefull if you mt. SepaDependability is not one of the vir-
tues of the -.odern young man or
But, as they said in Rome, even woman. They are not dishonest; they
SNiagarafalls. fully intend to meet their obligations
Niagara!at the promised time,- but something
Ag.n LiI Elizabeth always seems to interfere. Never a
dear caligtlla one but who has a good alibi, but ali-
feeling a lyric outburst bis do not make up for lost time or
. . . .repair broken friendships.
i decided to put it into intelligable
form so When one does meet a dependable
composed the following bit person he clings to him with cond-
of whimsical dence, for he has here something
metrical sure, something upon which he can
nonsense cofnt. The person may not be as
brilliant as his erring brother and he
let me :sing of a whale and the headmay not be as interesting company,
of a nil wbut one knows that he means what he
ana the root of a telephone tree says when be says it.
of the blade of a knife and a turbu- The dependable man is the man
who will make the success in life. He
S lent wife
and'atmaid with a liquified knee may not be at the head of campus
n activities, but one can usually find
.de r .a .m that he is a member of one of the
but i die to reply with a stye in my committees that helped to make the


With the winter season comes the
AN IN*YTATION announcement that the Coliseum is to
Students for the most part would be taken over by the intramural and,
like to come into more intimate cons intercollegiate departments for skat-
ing and hockey, following closely up-
tact with their professors, even on the news that the latter game had
though members of the latter group been given the status of a minor
are not always aware that this is the sport on the campus. The University
case. The impediment to a realiza- has recognized the necessity of en-
tion of this fact seems to be that un - couraging winter sports, and these are
der our present academic order no the initial moves for expansion in this
provision is made for informal gath- field. Heretofore, Michigan students
erings' between professors and stu- have not been afforded the advantages
dents other than the more or less of an ice rink primarily for their own
perfunctory consultation which is, as use, but with the active participation

i i

and a wart on the end of my toe
that the thing that i dread like a pail
of wet lead
is the caw of a dapple grey crow


a rule, limited to formal matters con--
cerning one particular course. Per-
haps, the most effective manner of
fostering the desired personal com-
munion and one that has already been
practised advantageously by certain
professors on the campus is for fac-
ulty men to invite students to their I
homes for informal talks under condi,{
tions most favorable to freedom of ex-
The student gains much from-these
informal talks that it is practically
impossible for him to derive from a
class. The professor is merely one of
the group and the human element'
present in him of which the student
may not have been aware before is
brought to light. The mature view-
point of the former serves as a guide
to the latter's mental outlook which
is apt to be somewhat narrow. But
most of all, students profit immeasur-
ably by becoming intimately acquaint-
ed with a well developed personality.
Because of the success the plan
has met with in the few instances it
has been carried out, and the advan-
tages enumerated above which appear
to be linked with it, it might be ad-.
visable that this custom be adopted
more generally on the campus. A
professor whose class is relatively
A ail might invite a part of the mem-
bers to his home for discussion at l
different times during the semester,
"nntinc it _n ihl fra non 5tltip t.

of the athletic offices in the manage-
ment of the project; new interest
should be awakened.
Many schools have laid a great deal
of stress on hockey, skiing ,and skat-
in, and Dartmouth has been famous
for years for her winter carnivals.
Now Wisconsin is awakening to the
possibilities of such an affair and hasj
engaged special coaches for skiing
and skating. Michigan, while not
given the advantage of long cold
spells, has enough cold weather anat
heavy snow to afford much vigorous
exercise, and with an excellent in-
dor rink kept in good. condition, as
the Athletic association has promised
the Coliseum will be, the healthful
and fascinating ice sports should re-
ceive their full measure of attention

. f
Ex-Half portion?
I'd like to find another moon
Just half as full as I,
A merry, dainty, silver maid--
One winsome, sweet, and shy.
As soon as I had found her
I would to a florist fare
And order seven dozen buds
Of roses strange and rare.
I'd have to have a taxi--
I'd start to dress at noon-
Because I'd feel so happy
To be calling on HALF MOON.
* * *

work a success. le may advance
more slowly in the first few years out
of college and not make so many
friends among the influential mem-
hers of the community, but in ten or
twenty years be will be one of the
influential leaders, while the one who
was brilliant, but less dependable,
{ will be hanging on the edge of the
circle or will have dropped into ob-
Students who have pamphlets loan-
ed them by the office of the Dean of,
Students concerning the work and
possibilities of the United States con-
sular service are asked to return
them as soon as they have completedi
reading them. More than 150 pam-
phlets of this literature have already
been given out and there are still
many students who desire to obtain
the literature. The material was
placed at the disposal of Dean Burs-
ley by the director of the American
consular service.
The unusual interest exhibited in
this particular phase of the depart-
ment of State is thought to have its
origin in the increasing attention be-
ing shown by the world to interna-
tional problems.
Indiana Coch Ieturns from ExamIn
Bloomington,,Ind., Jan. ,. --- wald
0. (Jumbo) Stiehrn, Indiana Univer-
sity athletic director, returned today
from Rochester, Minn., after a second
examination. Coach Stiehm under-
went an operation at Rochester last
fall. A turn in bis condition induced
him to undergo further examination.

dear caligula: we note with
prise and wonder (though with


1U-- . . 4A--4- 411- ..l..

from the student body. wonder than surprise) tnat tne main
__officeof the dental building is adorn-
We can't all be Phi Beta Kappa ed with a picture of a Venetian'
students. And when the folks at! bridge. Dentists do have one-track
home try to pry loose some of our minds, dont' they?
"education" with impromptu quizzes nameless.
about everything under the sun, we * * *n
know it more than ever. E Pluribus Unum
I had a' chicken at Joe's last night.
There seems to be a decided effort When I asked her what she'd eat,
to get the Prince of Wales engaged,- She looked at the bill o' fare and
especially upon the part of some of said,
the young English queens who hope "I'll eat'it all if it strikes me dead."
someday to wear a crown. 'Twas lucky my pocketbook felt like
For a while the country was over- When I had this chicken at Joe's.
m winh Avi-no w m with hAnz FULL MOON.

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