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January 05, 1962 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-01-05

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See Wage 4

Seventy-One Years of Editorial Freedom


High 31
Freezing precipitation this
morning, turning to light snow.


LU LXXII. No. 7 5





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SGC Debates Student Authority)


To Receive


At the center of the debate on
the Roberts-Glick motion, which
Student Government Council de-
feated Wednesday, was the issue
of increased student responsibility
in campus government: whether or'
not the students can and should
govern themselves.
The rationale, which was in
favor of an increased responsibil-
ity, stated the principles on which
the motion was based.
It noted that "present Regents'
Bylaws set four general rules re-
garding conduct of students en-
rolled in the University and am-
biguously delegate, authority to set
additional rules to other individ-
uals and bodies.
"These include the Vice-Presi-
dent for Student Affairs, the Dean
of Men, the Dean of Women and
the Committee on Student Con-
duct (which has since 1947 in, turn
delegated its authority to a sub-
committee on Student Discipline).'
Enforcement Power
"The power to enforce these

rules is also ambiguously delegated
by present Regents' Bylaws to the
above individuals and groups," the
rationale explained.
Recognizing that rules to protect
property and personal rights may
become necessary in a large com-
munity, the rationale expressed the
belief that these rules should be
set and enforced only by bodies
responsible to the governed. .
Ideally, according to the ra-
tionale, this body would be elected
by the entire University commun-
ity to act in lieu of a Board of
Regents. Since this is not possible,
the motion proposed that students
should set and enforce the rules
themselves, subject to review only
by the Board of Regents.
The motion continued, "SGC
believes that students should have
this responsibility for genuine self-
government, not only as a matter
of principle, but because it would
benefit students, the University as
an educational community and the
society at large.

"SGC is concerned with the
effects of the absence of this self-
government. SGC believes that a
University experience lacking in
extensive opportunities for inde-
pendent examination and decision
by the student in his life outside
the classroom adversely affects the
intellectual examination and deci-
sion which the University Strives
to promote."
The rationale expressed fear this
would discourage "persistent ex-
amination of values and ideals
without which a society cannot
progress," .and that a University
experience which denies students
the right to make and carry
through important decisions stifles
"the development of that informed
and responsible citizenry which is
essential to the successful opera-
tion of a democratic society.
Cynicism, Disillusion
"SGC fears that a student gov-
ernment powerless to govern pro-
duces not responsibility and ex-
perience in the democratic process,

but synicism, disillusion, and the
feeling that the democratic process
is sham."
The rationale further noted that
basic rights are not guaranteed to
students and proposed "constitu-
tional limitations on bodies which
set and enforce rules" in the form
of a "Student Bill of Rights."
(This "Bill of Rights" was also
defeated and the remaining por-
tions of the entire motion with-
drawn by the makers.)
Sole Authority
Opening debate, Steve Stock-
meyer, '63, agreed the citizenry
has a right to govern themselves
in a democratic. society, but ques-
tioned how far this could be ex-
tended. Within the University the
students can't expect to be the sole
authority, but must share this
power, he explained.
John Vos, '63, expressed his be-
lief that an increase in authority
"has to be based on a trend grant-
ing increased responsibility to the
See SGC, Page, 5

On New Aid' to Educatioi


Arno Eyes New Guinea
MAKASSAft, Celebes, Indonesia (JP)-President Sukarno vowed
before a cheering crowd that filled Makassar's public square yesterday.
that Indonesia wil take Dutch New Quinea this year, either by talking
or fighting.
"No fleet, no army, no force will stop us," he declared.
The Indonesian President delivered the first of five speeches to
whip up national fervor'in his explosive dispute with the Netherlands.


Plans for scholarships for 20
Latin American students to study
for a year at the National Music
Camp at, Interlochen were an-
nounced. .
As part of a three-point pro
gram for improving cultural re-
lations between the United States
and Latin America these scholar-
ships will be provided by an oil
Included in the program, which
is sponsored jointly by the Pan
American Union and the Nationa
Music Camp, is a possible tour o1
Latin America by some of the
United States' young musicians.
There are also plans to dis-
tribute used United States musi
cal instruments in Latin America
by the touring United States
youths. This would be done on a
person to person basis.
These plans were disclosed by
the director of the camp at In-
terlochen,- Joseph E. Maddy, pres-
ently a member of the music com-
mittee of President John F. Ken-
nedy's People-to-People Program
The National Music Camp, is
affiliated with the University. I
was started by Maddy in 1928, a
the summer home of the Nationa
High School Orchestra.
One scholarship has been pro
vided for one student from each
of the 20 Latin American repub-
lics, however only 19 would prob-
ably be selected this year, Guil
lermo Espionosa, chief of the musi
division of the ,Pan American Un-
ion, said.;.r
There has been considerable in-
terest developing in Latin Amer-
ica in the possible establishment
of similar camps there, Espionosa
'U' Explorers,
Fail to Radio

-He said he came to Makassar, a
city of about 85,000, because "this
area is a jumping off point for any
action we take over West Irian
(West New Guinea), Makassar has
a good harbor, our men-of-war
can anchor here, Makassar has a
good airfield, our jet bombers can
operate from here."
He declared he will agree to take
his demands for New Guinea to
the conference table only if the
Netherlands gives advance prom-
.ises to transfer administration
over the 159,000 square miles of
jungle and mountain to Indonesia.
Under Pressure
A high government source said
l Tuesday Indonesia, under pressure
from the United States and Aus-
tralia to negotiate, has abandoned
demands for a prior cession of
l sovereignty over New Guinea's
f 700,000 Papuan people, but still
insists on receiving control of ad-
ministration. Eventually, the Pa-
- puans would be allowed the right
of self-determination, the infor-
mant said.
s Refering to Dutch Prime Minis-
E ter Jan De Quay's offer to nego-
tiate without prior agreement to
y his long-standing demand for rec-
- ognition of the, right of self-
- determination, Sukarno said the
- Netherlands was 'starting to yield
- to our determination" but still has
. not gone far enough.
s At another time, he said, "am-
t bassadors, if you want to avoid
s bloodshed, tell the Dutch they are
1 wrong. Tell them that if they
don't understand our determina-
- tion we will attack West Irian and
h throw the Dutch out."

Seeks Unity
On .Budget
Gov. John B. Swainson met with
Democratic state legislators to
gain their support for his record
state budget.
Meeting in Detroit he outlined
the increased funds planned for
mentalhhealth, higher education,
and other aspects of his fiscal re-
form program.
Swainson didn't discuss any
specific measures for raising the
additional revenue. He only com-
mented that the funds lost in the
tax relief granted to business and
industry would have to be replac-
Swainson is expected to present
a program that will yield an ad-
ditional $80 million to $100 mil-
lion to offset the present $70 mil-
lion deficit to the state Legisla-
ture next week.
He reportedly will recommend
again a 3 per cent income levy on
individuals and corporations which
is expected to yield $230 million
a year.
Tax relief slated for business
presumably take the form of re-
peal of the business activities tax
and the present levies on personal
industrial property.

'U' Sources
See Nothing
New, Radical
College Needs Slated
For Greater Priority
The program under preparationI
for aid to higher education' is
welcome, nothing new and radical1
and poses no serious constitutional
problems, University sources com-
mented yesterday.
They were specifically com-
menting on Health Education and{
Welfare Secretary Abraham Ribi-
coff's indication that federal aid
to higher education will be em-,
phasized in the coming congres-
sional session.
Prof. John White of the political,
science department is "not sur-
prised at the administration as the
financing of higher education is
certainly a problem." He sees no
constitutional hurdles with any of
the proposed programs at the fed-
eral level although some state con-
stitutions might limit distribution
of money from state grants to
~Cites Precedents
Constitutional precedent for
scholarship grants for teachers for
continued studies was set with the
GI Bill and there has already been
direct aid to .institutions so federal
grants to institutions would not be
contestable, Prof. White said.
Provides Range
Ava W. Finister, associate study
director at the Survey Research
Center, sees most of the program
as an extension of the NDEA pro-
visions, just providing a greater
range and amount, of aid.
Although, if passed, the state
could "hardly turn down" the
grants for special projects, she sees
a danger in impeding research by
too closely earmarking the grants
for existing projects.
Dean Willard C. Olsen of the
education school thinks the bill,
or any aid to education is "won-
derful" but is wary of counting on
aid until - it is actually through

Enrollment, Degrees
increase at Rackham
The number of students attending the Rackham Graduate School
and the number of degrees awarded increased during the last half
of the decade 1950-59, a report released by Howard Bretsch, associate
dean of Rackham, shows.
Enrollment increased in all areas of graduate study except the
biological sciences. The number of Master's degrees conferred rose.
considerably during the last five years of the decade with only
the biological sciences and social sciences awarding fewer degrees.
Doctrates Increase
Doctorates also increased between 1955-59 as compared to 1950-
54 except in the biological and physical sciences.
But although the total enrollment and number of degrees in-
creased only about ten per cent who entered received master's and
even fewer received doctorates for the whole ten year period.
Sociology, for example, which had both enrollment and degree
increases, had 1,403 students duringthe ten years while 152 master's
and 39 doctorates were granted. Mathematics had 4,373 students and
conferred 533 master's and 99 doctorates during the period 1950-59.
Greatest Increases
The greatest enrollment increases were in the engineering
sciences, language and literature, arts and area studies and health
Education had the largest total enrollment followed by chemical
engineering, English language and literature, speech, library science,
psychology, physics, chemistry and mathematics.
All enrolled over 3,00 students during the ten year period.
Lists Drops
The languages and literature, engineering and engineering
sciences conferred more degrees during the last half of the period.
Only the biological sciences and the social science witnessed a drop
in master's degrees.
The number of doctorates conferred by the arts and area studies
jumped 90 per cent between 1955-59 as compared to 1950-54. Most
of this increase in doctorates came in philosophy which doubled
the number of PhD's awarded (20).
The total number of Master's degrees in the arts and area studies
were 921 and 135 doctorates were awarded.
Biological Sciences
In the biological sciences, which suffered an enrollment decrease,
bacteriology, biological chemistry, botany, physiology and szoology all
conferred less Master's and Doctor's degrees during the last five
years of the decade.
Although the physical sciences had an overall enrollment increase
and conferred more Master's degrees, there was a drop in the
number of doctorates, especially in Chemistry, Mathematics and
Both Chemistry and Mathematics also granted fewer Master's
Social Sciences
In the social sciences economics, political science and geography
had less enrollment and granted fewer Master's degrees. Anthropology
had a lai-ger enrollment but granted fewer Master's during the last
half of the decade.
Psychology and Sociology had increases in both enrollment and
Master's degrees.
All fields in languages and literatures experienced a marked
increase in enrollment, Master's and Doctorates. English language
and literature, Germanic languages and literature and -linguistics
had major increases on all three levels. y
Large Increases
The largest enrollment increases came in communication sciences
and Russian language and literature.
Psychiatry, 'neurology and oral surgery all had a decrease in
enrollment and psychiatry awarded fewer Master's degrees during
the last half of the decade. Surgery also had a large decrease in
Master's conferred.
Pharmacy, orthodontics and ophthalmology all had increases
in both enrollment and Master's conferred.


$120 Million
Program To Provide
Increased Facilities,
Scholarship Funds
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - A new $120
million-a-year federal program for
education, emphasizing aid for
higher education, will be propos-
ed to Congress this year.
Informed-sources said yesterday
that the administration proposes
to improve the quality of public
education by providing better
trained teachers and the incen-
tive to states to improve their
instructional services.
This will probably be done by
aid to higher education including
funds for scholarships and facili-
ties for medical and dental
Ask General Aid
Health, Education and Welfare
Department Secretary Abraham
Ribicoff has said that the ad-
ministration will go through the
effort again of trying to pass a
general aid bill but it faces tough
sledding. Emphasis, however, will
be on quality improvement.
In a year-end statement, Ribi-
coff stated that the schools are
overcrowded and that "higher ed-
ucation is in trouble, and will be
in more serious trouble unless we
act now to relieve the mounting
pressure. Congress will be asked to
increase the federal committment
to the all-important task ahead."
The program as now being de-
veloped is reported to include $66
million yearly for improvement of
instructional services and $54 mil-
lion for scholarships and insti-
tutes to provide advanced study
for teachers.
Outline Program
It would include:
1) Scholarship grants for ele-
mentary and high school teachers
for one year of study in their
chosen fields at colleges or uni-
versities. The scholarships would
be for about $5,000 each.
2) Grants to colleges and uni-
versities and teacher coileges to
strengthen teacher education pro-
3) Federal aid for short-term
institutes for advance study for
teachers, similar to those now pro.-
vided under the Defense Educa-
tion Act.
4) Grants to 'the states for spe-
cial propects such as programs for
gifted or retarded children,. or
for underprivileged or difficult
children, or for programs for de-
veloping new types of instruction
or improved equipment or better

Plan Seeks

... may use force
NEW YORK 4')-Walter Ul-
bricht, Communist leader in East
Germany, said last night that be-
fore too long visas would be re-
quired for entry into East Ger-
many from the West.
Asked in a taped interview made
in East Berlin if he intended set-
ting up a visa system for foreign-
ers wishing to enter the Commu-
nist sector of Germany, Ulbricht
"This will be established in
exactly the same way as any other
country has. When we will intro-
duce it, we will see."
Asked if such a system might
be put into effect, he said
"There are no final decisions on
this as yet."

Al umni Association Plans
Conversion of Teke Hose
The men of Tau Kappa Epsilon may have to vacate their house,
but definitely "not this summer, at the earliest."
The Alumni Association, which owns the Teke property, is plan-
ning to use it as part of a permanent residence unit for University
alumni, John E. Tirrell, secretary of the association, announced yes-
Plans Tentative
This move, however, will have to wait until: 1) if and when the
City Council rezones the area between Cambridge and Oxford Roads,
t2) architectural planning is com-

Experts Doubt Biblical Value

There is no evidence linking the
Dead Sea Scrolls to early Chris-
tianity, two University theological
experts said Wednesday, concur-
ring with Dr. Samuel Sandmel,
president of the Society of Biblical
Literature and Exegesists, the na-
tion's foremost group of Biblical
Speaking before the society's an-
nual meeting, Dr. Sandmel stated
that although the scrolls were his-
torically useful, they were not
nearly as significant as the public
had been led to believe.
The Dead Sea Scrolls have

aroused much controversy since
their discovery in 1947. However,
the layman was not appraised of
their apparent importance until
the appearance of "The Scrolls
From the Dead Sea," written by
the critic and author Edmund
Wilson in 1955.
Trace Orgin
The scrolls were apparently writ-
ten by the Essenes, a 2,000-year-
old communal Jewish cult. The
main question concerning these
scrolls was whether or not they
contained teachings later incor-
porated into Christianity.
Sandmel admitted that the
scrolls had value to historians,
explaining, "What I am denying
is the high importance originally
attached to them and the specific
connection seen by some scholars
between the scrolls and early
He went on to discount the
"many unmistakable resem-
blances" mentioned by Wilson,

pleted and 3) enough alumni in-
dicate an interest in the project
to make it financially feasible.
Because of these considerations,
the fraternity will definitely not
be interrupted until at least the
summer, Tirrell said.
Teke President Douglas Kirby,
'63, recommended that "we have
been looking around for a new
house since the beginning of the
semester. We are contemplating
leasing or purchasing an old build-
ing, or building a new house on
North Campus."
Planned To Move
Although the Teke's liked the
house, they were planning to move
anyway, as "there were getting to
be too many men for the capacity
of the house."
Financing of the purchase will
be made with funds from the lo-
cal, the national and Teke alum-
ni, Kirby said.
It was owned until last sum-
mer by Kappa Nu, now extinct as
a national fraternity. Before it
merged early this fall with Phi
Epsilon Pi; the national Kappa
Nu sold the house to Paul Kempf,
a member of the Alumni Associa-

Special To ThetDaily
Corps will begin training liberal
arts graduates in February or
March for Community Develop-
ment Projects, William Haddad,
associate director of the Peace
Corps in charge of Policy Plan-
ning and Evalpation, said.
Plans are being made now for
City Refuses
Inter gration
MONTGOMERY (')- - A city
spokesman said last night seats
will be removed from municipal
airport. waiting rooms, toilets will
be padlocked and water fountains
plugged today in the face of an
integration order.
City attorney Calvin Whitesell
announced the plans after two
federal judges declined to stay the

the training school in Barranqui-
tas, Puerto Rico.
The Program will consist of a
17 week training course with an
expected 150 students for each.
Change lasis
Previously Peace Corps volun-
teers have been selected on the
basis of the skills they already
had, Haddad. said. This will be-
the first attempt on such a large
scale to train volunteers with non-
technical backgrounds to work ,in
the underdeveloped countries.
The Peace Corps plans to draw
on the University of Puerto Rico
for assisting the volunteers.
The Community development
projects will be set up primarily
in South America, Haddad said.
The Peace Corps' goal is to help
South Americans find solutions for
South American problems.
Plan "Assistance
The volunteers will be able to
do this by assisting the villages
in organizing themselves and rec-
nii "I .iL nw nrn m si T

Corps Plans- New Program,

oriented. The Universities a
contacted to set up training ce:
ters on their campuses in a
cordance- with their specialti
such as agriculture or geology.
There have been training ce
ters at the University, Universi
of Texas, Harvard, UCLA, Iou
State University, Northern Illino
University, Rutgers, Penn Sta
University of California at Berk
ley, Colorado State, Columbia a:
Notre Dame, Haddad said.
R ihts'Bil
Debate Set'
LANSING () The recepti
was quiet yesterday for a propo
ed "declaration of rights" repo
ed out of committee to the Cci
stitutional Convention.
But the future appears storn
for the proposal, drawn up
the nommittee on Rights, Su

... historic contribution

Reverend Dewitt C. Baldwin, co-
ordinator of religious affairs, re-
leased the following statement re-
garding the matter: "It is true,

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