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January 05, 1962 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1962-01-05

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GC Motion Raps Governor's Decision


Predict Broad Changes
In Psychology Curricula

McCluisky Views Difficulties

Student Government Council
ednesday night passed the first
ction of a seven part motion on
ithority over Student Rules and
)nduct proposed by Daily Edi-
r John Roberts, '62, and Brian
.ick, '62.
The section deals with the Res-
ence Halls Board of Governors
cision not to allow women in
e quadrangles.
The only successful part of the
otion was passed by an 8-6 roll-
11 vote. Thomas Brown, '63BAd,
aron Jeff rey, '63, Thomas Moch,
E, Bea Nemlaha, '62, Robert
ss, '63, Steven Stockmeyer, '63,
ick, and Roberts were In favor
the proposal.
Michigan Union President Paul
rder, '62, Richard G'Sell, '64E,
hn Martin, '62, Interfraternity
esident Robert Peterson, '62, As-
nbly Association President Sally
Sawyer, '62, and John Vos, '3,
posed the motion.
'Strongly Disapproves'
The motion in part states that
Kr "strongly disapproves" of
e Board of Governors decision,
d that SGC "is greatly disturb-
at the Board's apparent disre-
rd of the wishes of the quad-
igle .residents on this matter."
Two paragraph, numbers three
tudents Set
or Skirip
(early half of san- expected
Inber of 150 students signed up
the first day of sales for the
ion-League Ski Weekend.
Tie Weekend, Feb. 2-4, includes
full days of skiing, meals,
ging, tows, two dances, a ski
son and transportation at a
gle price of $36 (or $29 without+
nsportation). Sign-ups will be1
the Union desk from 11 a.m.-5
n. 'through Wednesday, or ass
g as the tickets last.,


and six of the first section of the
motion were deleted. Paragraph
three stated "The Board of Gov-
ernors was clearly not responsive
to the expressed wishes of the
large majority of students;".
Vos, who moved to make both
deletions, stated it was not the
place of the Board of Governors
"to mimic the wishes of the stu-
Value Judgment
Ross felt in this motion SGC
was making a value judgment on
the Board's decision and that it
must judge the action as good or
bad according to the students'
Glick pointed out the problem
resulted from lack of a clear state-
Gits Reach
GN ew lRecord
The University of Michigan
Alumni Fund received a record
total of $435,947 in contributions
from approximately 19,000 alum-
ni and friends last year.
The fund, a unit of the Univer-
sity's Development Council, raises
money for academic projects and
needs which do not receive sup-
port from state appropriations,
such as scholarships, faculty
awards, student loans, research,
and others.
A. H. Aymond, Jr., the fund's
retiring national chairman, said
the total was up approximately
$100,000, representing a 30 per
cent increase in contributions from'
last year.
"These privately supported pro-
grams make it possible for more
needy students to complete their
education and for faculty mem-
bers to achieve important researchj
objectives. It is essential that this
educational service be continued,"
Aymond said.

ment on exactly whom the Board
is responsible to.
Moch noted that the basic
question is "how much power the
students should have in governing
themselves." He pointed out that
the Board seemed much more re-
sponsive to the community than
to the students.
Moch said that apartment vis-
iting permission was granted be-
cause it already existed. He felt
it was "ironic" that dormitory
permission, handled through prop-
er channels, was not granted.
Delete Motion
Paragraph six of the motion al-
so was deleted. It stated that SGC
"encourages all students to ex-
press their disapproval of the
Board's action in any lawful and
dignified way."
Miss Sawyer moved to delete
paragraph four, which stated that
SGC "strongly disapproves" of the
decision. By roll-call vote of 8-6,
the paragraph was retained. Miss
Sawyer explained her motion as
necessary since SGC does not
know the grounds of the Board's
After the vote was taken, Pe-
terson commented on his disap-
pointment in the vote since it is
"an important issue that SGC
must not blindly pass motions on
something the Board carefully
considered." f
Providing Education
in' answer to Miss Sawyer's
comments, Ross explained that
"the function of the University is
not creating images but providing
education. It is despotic not to
allow students to live a certain
way because of a small interest
Moch said that he did not feel
the Board had taken the quad-
rangle residents wishes into con-
sideration. "The Board's reasons
for voting against the motion had
not changed after my presentation
of the counter-points," he stated.
SGC adopted a motion propos-
ed by Ross to "investigate orien-
tation programs that more fully
indicate the nature of the educa-
tional enterprise" and to recom-
mend changes in the present ori-
entation program.
Problems of Peace
The Council also gave its sup-
port to a motion calling for a
course in the Problems sof Peace
in the Nuclear Age.
The original petition recom-,
mending the University offer such
a course was made by Americans
Committed to World Responsibil-

The fall semester of 1962 will
be a time of broad changes in
the curricula of the psychology
department, Prof. Wilbert Mc-
Keachie, acting chairman of the
department, said yesterday.
Commenting on the report of
the Michigan Conference on Un-
dergraduate Curricula in Psychol-
ogy, he said that most of the rec-
ommendations offered by the con-
ference will be adopted at the
Last fall the introductory course
was revised according to the find-
ings of the conference. Following
recommendations of a psychology
curriculum committee headed by
Prof. Edward L. Walker of the
psychology department, the for-
mat was changed to provide in-
creased flexibility and interest.
The changes include the presen-
tations of lecturers who speak in
detail about their field of inter-
Two Courses
Another change is the splitting
of the introductory course into
two courses. In one, psychology is
approached from the biological
viewpoint and the other from the
social science point of view.
The course was designed to cen-
ter around the discussjon section
where readings are assigned and
discussed. Optimally the sections
would have twenty students andi
each instructor would teach two'
Lack of funds and available
staff make it necessary for teach-
ing fellows to carry a load of six-
ty students, Prof. McKeachie not-
Not Clear
The conference report was con-
cerned that general principles were
not being made clear to the begin-
ning student and it outlined an
approach to remedy this.
Prof. McKeachie said that it is
difficult to tell if this goal. had
beenreached, because of the lack
of controlled comparison with
courses taught in the past.
In trimming the curricula the
department has eliminated '"left-
overs" from years before. Fre-
quently a teacher will teach a
course which he has a special in-
terest in, but when he leaves the
school or retires the course may
not be dropped.{
The committee recommended
Watson To Deliver
Psyehology Talk

,.. predicts changes
that such courses be pruned from
the departmental offerings. This
streamlining has freed faculty
members so that they could teach
other courses.
Looser Requirements
An important change in the
psychology curriculum for majors
is the loosening of requirements
for a degree. Majors in the fall of
1962 will have a much wider choice
in the courses they may elect to
qualify for a degree.
Anotheraddition to the curricu-
la will be the presence of more
laboratory experience for the un-
dergraduate student. It is hoped,
that the acquisition of the neces-
sary equipment will be made pos-
sible by a grant from the National
Science Foundation, the group
that sponsored the conference.
"We conducted a survey among
the graduates of this department
and found a striking result-most.
of our graduates were working in
an administrative position where
they were required to deal with
people. Because of this we have
decided to place greater emphasis
.on the courses dealing with hu-
man relations.
Liberal Education
"We are trying to insure that,
our students are getting a liberal
education in psychology," he ex-
plained. "In this direction we re-
quire our seniors to take a course
called "Modern Viewpoints in
Psychology." This is a coordinat-
ing course which sums up the rep-
cent research in all the fields of
"In addition, majors are requir-
ed to take both semesters of the
introductory course and the lab
that is offered as .an option to
other students.

Frederick Y. McClusky, a mem-
ber of the Peace Corps unit in
Colombia, almost became the first
person to resign from the corps.
Discontented with the situation
in Choachi, Colombia, where he
was assigned to work, McClusky,
a 1960 graduate of Oberlin Col-
lege, seriously considered offering
his resignation, but changed his
mind because of a promise for re-
Choachi is one of the many
villages selected by the Peace
Corps an4 the Colombian govern-
ment for community development.
It has a population of 3,000. "It's
hard work, around the clock, and
there is some tension," McClusky
No Regrets
However, he doesn't regret the
experiences he encountered in
South America and feels that he
has accomplished something.
Part of his trouble in the for-
eign country was his assigned
roommate, whom McClusky felt
tried to attempt too much in a
short time. "When you're stuck
off in a place like Choachi with
one other guy, it's important that
you get on well together. There's
a lot of discontent if you don't,"
he explained.
Unlike other corps teams that
work on various construction proj-
ects, McClusky and his co-work-
ers are attempting to motivate
Colombians to adopt modern ag-
ricultural practices and to take
advantage of the government
programs available.
Slow Life
"The standard of living is low,
to be sure, compared to ours, but
the people are no less happy for it.
Life is very slow, tranquil; the
people are friendly and happy and
long-suffering in the face of ap-
parent .hardship."
"And so, you may ask, what
are we doing here if the people
are satisfied?" he said. There are
three basic improvements which
Grant' Offered
For Seniors
Applications for the Student
Leadership Fellowship at the Uni-
versity of London are now avail-
able in Rm. 2011 Student Activi-
ties Bldg. for all interested gradu-
ating seniors.
Applicants will be judged on the
basis of both scholastic achieve-
ment and leadership in a major
campus extracurricular activity.
All applications must be returned
to the scholarship office by 5
p.m. Jan. 12.

must be made, and which the
Peace Corpsmen are attempting
to institute. 'These are the food
problem, reduction of disease and
a basic education program.
One complaint which McClusky
expressed about the Peace Corps
training program was the unpre-
paredness for the sights they saw
upon arrival in their foreign coun-
tries. Although all the corpsmen
knew what kind of conditions
existed before going to Colombia,
they had not envisioned the ac-
tual situation.
To correct this, he advised the
use of pictures and movies during
the training period so that the
volunteers would get a more ac-
curate idea of what to expect.
The most difficult adjustments
stem from the unhygenic condi-

tions. Water and milk must be
boiled before use, and even then
it is a risk to drink them. One of
the first problems the Colombian
corpsmen tackled was the water
Good Aqueduct
"An even sadder aspect of the
problem, however, is that the town
already has installed a perfectly
good aqueduct which yields ,good
water from high up on the moun-
"The people living near the
source of water attack the aque-
duct, dynamite the pipeline and
harrass the workers, claiming that
the town is stealing the water they
use for irrigation," McClusky said.
Among other discomforts, he
cited the lack of electricity, which
often forced the volunteers to use

u _ t

"WHEN RELIGION, shorn of its supersti-
tions, traditions, and unintelligent dogmas,
shows its conformity with science, then there
will be a great unifying cleansing force in
the world, which will sweep before it all
wars, disagreements, discords, and struggles, DAHA'I TEMPLE
and then will all mankind be united in the Wilmetta, III.
power of the love of God.--'Abdu'l-Haha'
OPEN MEETING: Friday, January 5, 1962 8:00 P.M.
418 Lawrence Phone 663-2904

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Kay Pomerance, '63, resigned as
a National Student Association
President Richard Nohl, '62BAd,
reported on the Big Ten Student
Body Presidents' Conference which
he attended over Christmas va-
cation. Among the topics discuss-
ed were the problems which going
to the Rose Bowl creates, such as
supplying tickets to various peo-
ple, and the need for a student
defender. Ohio State is the only
Big Ten school which has a stu-
dent defender who will advise art
student before trial by a campus
judicial authority.
Survey Cites
Student Fees
A recently completed survey of
83 American colleges and uni-
cersities who enroll. more than
100 foreign students indicates that
in state supported institutions for-
eign students are required to pay
the higher 'out-of-state' tuition
while in private schools the tuition
is the same for all students.
The report further states that a
substantial minority of the schools
make the provision for lower fees
for foreign graduate students en-
gaged as teaching assistants or
Few institutions, both public and
private, aid foreign students fi-
nancially. A majority give less
than 20 per cent of the students
financial aid through scholarships,
grants or waivers; a large minori-
ty help less than 10 per'cent of the
foreign students.
Robert B. Klinger, counselor at
the International Center and sur-
vey director, pointed out that al-
most 20 per cent of the institu-
tions surveyed reported giving no
financial help to foreign students.

Prof. Andrew S. Watson of the
medical school will discuss "The
Conjoint Psychotherapy of Mar-
riage Partners'' at the psychology
colloquium at 4:15 p.m. today in
Aud. B.
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