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January 05, 1934 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1934-01-05

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The~ Weather
lain or snow and slightly
mer in southeast portion to-
tomorrow, cloudy.




Norman Thomas
Lecture Tonight.




St. Lawrence Waterways
Project To Be Presented
At Present Session
Houses To Adjourn
Between May 1-15
World Court Issue Evaded
For Present Because Of
Complex Situation
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4- ()--
The Administration program for
Congress began taking shape at a
White House conference late today,
with the St. Lawrence Waterways
Pact written on the list for this ses-
sion and the protocol for adherence
to the World Court being rubbed
Silver also came to the fore in the
President's discussion with congres-
sional leaders today, and there were
intimations of new administrative
moves on this subject with a di-
minishing prospect of legislative ac-
Senator Joseph T. Robinson, of
Arkansas, Democratic leader, can-
vassed the whole legislative situa-
tion with President Roosevelt.
Sidestep World Court
"We feel that- the situation in
Europe is so complex," he said, "that
this is not an opportune time to
proceed with the World Court reso-
"A St. Lawrence treaty is on the
Calendar and I believe that the Sen-
ate will take it up in the early fu-
Robinson said that he was confi-
dent that Congress could adjourn be-
tween May 1 and May 15.
Robinson said that he had not dis-
cussed the prospective tariff and war
debt messages which P r e s i d e n t
Roosevelt will send to Congress, and
there was no indication today that
they were imminent
After receiving the President's
budget message, Congress snapped
back into routine and set about the
work of giving Mr. Roosevelt what
he asked for.
Debates Liquor Tax
After a brief pause to absorb the
formidable facts and figures pre-
sented by the budget message, the
House settled down to debate pre-
liminary to passage of the liquor tax
measure. The Senate listened to the
budget message and adjourned.
From indications during the day,
there will be a number of partisan
skirmishes over the Economy Act
which last session reduced the com-
pensation of thousands of veterans
and slashed the pay of Government
employees 15 per cent.
Picard Seeks
A Id'OfDetroit
On Glass Sale
LANSING, Jan. 4.-(')-The
State Liquor Control Commission
asked the Detroit common council
today for a recommendation as to
the number of places to serve hard

liquor by the glass in the metropol-
itan area.
Under the law, Detroit may have
as many as 2,093 glass sale establish-
ments. Chairman Frank A. Picard, of
the commission, said he hoped the
maximum, however, will not exceed
The commission opened another
state store in Lansing today and Pic-
ard expressed the opinion that three
more will be opened shortly. The one
at Flint will start some time this
week, he said, while others at Port
Huron and Ham ramck will, openr
within a week.
Only two customers were present
at the opening of the Lansing store.
The management estimated its stock
at 23,000 bottles of various brands.
Soplh Cabaret Fiancial
Success, Figures Show
Larger than the profits from any
preceding cabaret was the net gain
of $712.65 turned in by the 1933
Sophomore Cabaret, according to the

Montevideo Parley Successful
From U.S. View, Rohrer Says

From President Roosevelt's address
to the 73rd Congress: "The delega-
tion representing the United States
(at the Pan-American Conference)
has worked in close co-operation
with the other American republics
assembled at Montivideo to make
that conference &n outstanding suc-
From the Dec. 27 issue of a popu-
lar weekly magazine: "The unanimi-
ty and good temper of the Pan-
American Conference at Montevideo
are a measure of its failure."
Obviously, either the President or
the periodical is at least partially
And, according to Harvey V. Rohr-
er, instructor in the political science
department and until recently United
States trade commissioner at Ma-
nila, it is the magazine, not the
Chief Executive, which must figura-
tively be placed on the spot. Mr.
Rohrer thinks that the Rooseveltian
open diplomacy has cleared the La-.

tin-American air and has made Mon-
tevideo a place of worthwhile diplo-
matic business.
"When judging the success or
failure of the Montevideo Confer-
ence, one must consider its objec-
tives," Mr. Rohrer said yesterday.
"The agenda of the Conference con-
tained a rather formidable list of
items but it is generally considered
that the major attention was cen-
tered on improvement of organiza-
tions of peace, the principle of inter-
vention, and the improvement of eco-
nomic relations between the various
countries represented in the Con-
"We probably expect too many
concrete results from conferences. A
study of history will indicate that
such concrete results are not always
evident. Delegates are very apt to
'let off steam,' thereby exposing or
covering some national motive.
"The Roosevelt Administration has
had for its basic objective the im-
provement of Latin-American rela-
(Continued on Page 5)

Six Injured
As Tornado
Hits Florida
Unofficial Estimates Place
Damage ,t $100,000 On
Pensacola Waterfront
-ale Stirs Up Two
Large Watersponts

Norman Thomas

Congress Asked To
Approve Greatest
Spending Program

Young Child May Die;
Houses Demolished
Negro Section


Alumnus Will
Change Dates
Of Publication
Wilfred B. Shaw To Edit
New Quarterly Issue Of
A new magazine,' in reality a quar-
terly edition of The Michigan Alum-
nus, will make its first appearance in
March, according to a recent an-
nouncement which appeared in the
weekly issue of that publication.
Edited by Wilfred B. Shaw, Direc-
tor of Alumni Relations of the Uni-
versity and for 25 years Editor of
The Alumnus, the new publication,
which is to appear four times year-
ly, will supplement the regular issues
of The Michigan Alumnus, now ap-
pearing weekly during the school
year. Under the new schedule The
Alumnus will appear 26 times a year
instead of 36.
The regulation size of the regular
Alumnus will be 16 pages, the larger
Quarterly containing approximately
100 pages. Under this plan it is ex-
pected that readers of The Alumnus
will be provided about 100 more pages
of campus news and items concern-
ing members of the Alumni Univer-
sity than they have heretofore.
As has been the practice for sev-
eral years, The Alumnus will appear
once a month during July, August
and September. These issues will con-
tain about 28 pages except in July,
when Commencement reports have
always increased the size of the mag-
azine. From December through June
the magazine will appear twice a
month. One of these bi-monthly is-
sues will be of regulation 16-page
size and the other will contain 28
During October and November,
after the opening of the school year
and during that period when the in-
creased interest in University news
warrants such increased publication,
The Alumnus will appear weekly.
PHILADELPHIA, Jan. 4. -(A') -
The Delaware County Hospital has
posted the following notice in the
"From now on a charge of $5 will
be made for application of the stom-
ach pump on inebriates."
They used to do it for nothing.

Freneh Editor
To Speak Here
On January 10
Robert De Saint Jean To
Open C e rc I eFrancais
Lecture Series
To open the Cercle Francais lecture
series for 1934 M. Robed de Saint
Jean, editor-in-chief of the Revue
Hebdomadaire, has been brought
here. He will speak in the afternoon
January 10 at the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre on "Les Ecrivains Francais
de Naissance Etangere en 1933."
Monsieur de Saint Jean is one of
the leading literary critics in France
today. He was promoted to the edi-
torship of this journal at the age of
26 in 1927.
Prof. Hugo P. Thieme, head of the
Romance Language department, will
deliver the second talk on the pro-
gram February 14. His subject will be
"Souvenirs de Voyage en France."
Professor Thieme spent last year
there on sabbatical leave.
On February 28, Prof. Charles A.
Knudson, Jr., of the French depart-
ment will talk on "Les Sports et Les
Jeux du Moyen Age." Prof. Anthony
J. Jobin of the French department
will relate the customs and identity
of "Les Premiers Francais dans le
"Un Chef de Brigands au Dix-hui-
time Siecle: Louis Dominique Car-
'touche," will be portrayed by M.
Louis Chapard of the French depart-
ment March 28. Prof. Rene Talamon
of the French department will, April
18, give the concluding address on
the character of "L'Academie Fran-
Seniors May Still Get
'Ensian Pictures Taken
Seniors who were unable to have
their pictures taken for the 'En-
sian before the holiday vacation
may still do so, it was announced
yesterday by Arend Vyn, Jr., '34,
business manager.
Those who wish to avail them-
selves of the opportunity must
have the pictures done immediate-
ly at any of the three regular
photographers, Dey, Spedding, or
Rentschler. The regular price of
$3 will remain.

PENSACOLA, Fla., Jan. 4 - () -
After whipping up lofty waterspouts
in the harbor here today, two torna-
does lashed suddenly at the city,
leaving six persons injured and prop-
erty damage unofficially estimated at
Three-year-old Marion Kenneth
Rigby, most seriously hurt, may not
Others seriously injured:
Proctor Guernsey, cut by flying
Rev. Thornton Crews, also cut by
flying glass.
Three negroes, Betty Baldwin,
Elizabeth Morris and James Dexter.
Many others were slightly injured.
One of the storms lashed westward
along the waterfront, turned north-
ward along the dge of the business
section and veered again to the
northeast, strikirg a negro section
and leaving a svath 150 feet wide
and three blocks long.
At least 30 houses were demolished
in the negro section. Debris was
thrown half a mile.
The other storm skirted the shore
and threw a roof off a magazine at
the naval air stat on. Damage there
was estimated at $2,000. There was
no damage from the waterspout.
The Rigby chill was blown from
the arms of his father and tossed '
against a tree 20: feet away.
" s
Objectors Act
At Ohio State
COLUMBUS, Ohio, Jan. 4. - ()-
Ten men students at Ohio State Uni-
versity today came to grips with
President George W. Rightmire on
the question of compulsory military
One of them, Donald Leach of Co-
lumbus, wrote the head of the insti-
tution that he would take the course
under no conditions, but he would
not, on the other hand, leave school
without being expelled. Dr. Rightmire
replied that he would not reopen his'
The ten had protested against
compulsory drill on the ground that
they were conscientious objectors.
They were from among a number
whose pleas for exemptionwere
turned down by the President's com-
mittee of three named to pass upon
all cases of conscientious objectors to
Letters posted during the Christ-
mas vacation advised them the com-
mittee had refused to accept them.
The letters, from Dr. Rightmire, ad-
vised them to enroll for the military
courses this quarter.
Besides Leach, the recalcitrants are
Douglas Dodson, Paul Sutley and
Thomas Stoner, of Columbus; Rich-
ard Baumgardner, Cambridge, O.;
Edward Lepon, Cleveland; David Tel-
sair, Sabina; Robert Hare, Paris,
France; Russell Banner, Girard; and
Paul Nassau, Pittsburgh, Pa. Hare is
a son of Russell Hare, international
lawyer and Ohio State alumnus.
At a meeting of the objectors held
yesterday, one student took exception
to the method of the committee in
disposing of the cases. He said the
members reviewed his case for only
ten minutes, then refused to exempt
All said they would continue to
fight compulsory drill.
Mussolini Confers
With British Envoy
ROME, Jan. 4.--(,P)-A continued
effort to find a solution to the Fran-
co-German disagreement impasse oc-

cupied Mussolini and Sir John Si-
mnn nthe 1 £Rrvti c h f.jrirv,, 0arr~~ar

Socialist Party
Leader To Open
Leeture Series
Norman Thomas To Give
Address Tonight In Hill
Best known for his Socialist party
presidential candidacy in 1928 and
1932, Norman Thomas, who will
speak at 8 p. m. today in Hill Audito-
rium on "Students and Social Revo-
lution, is famed for activity in varied
social and economic fields.
He will be introduced by Prof. Wil-
bur R. Humphreys, assistant dean of
the literary college, while the meet-
ing will be precided over by Kendall
Wood, president of the Vanguard
Club which is sponsoring the League
for Industrial Democracy lecture
series. Mr. Thomas is executive di-
rector of the League.
Educated for the Presbyterian min-
istry, his Christian ideals made it
impossible for him to support the
World War. When he found socialist
philosophy coinciding with Chris-
tianity more than the cries of those
who were urging support of the war,
he entered ,the ranks of the Socialist
Mr. Thomas was onetime editor of
"The Nation," and -is at present an
editor of "World Tomorrow." Two
of his books, "As I See It" and
"America's Way Out," have attained
wide popularity.
Not an academic socialist, Mr.
Thomas is always on the firing line
in workers' struggles, addressing or-
ganizations and strike meetings of
trade unionists. He helped found the
Emergency Committee for Strikers'
Relief, is a director of the League
for Industrial Democracy and on the
board of the American Civil Liberties
Union, which is financing the de-
fense of the accused in the Scotts-
boro case.
This lecture is the first of a series
of seven to be presented through the
help of the League for Industrial
Democracy under the local auspices
of the Vanguard Club. Single tickets
cost 25 cents, and $1.00 is charged
for the series.
To stimulate discussion at the lec-
tures every holder of a season ticket
is given a pamphlet, "Looking For-
ward," which contains bibliographies
and outlines for group discussions.
Lectures areplanned to cover ques-
tions of national and international
interest, and persons of prominence
in world affairs have been secured
to interpret these questions.
Mr. Thomas will also appear this
afternoon in two local high schools.
At 2:15 p. m. he will speak at Ann
Arbor High School, and at 3 p. m. at
University High School. A dinner for
him will be given at 6:30 p. m. in
the Union.

Peae Of Campus
Disturbed By Roar
In Engineering Lab
The usual calm, sophisticated Uni-
versity campus is once more in an
uproar. By the time this reaches the
eye of the morning reader at the
breakfast table, the droning, monot-
onous roar will" be again heard from
the Automotive Mechanics Labora-
tory in the West Engineering Annex.
Much to the sorrow of occupants of
the Lawyers Club, Martha Cook, and
other residents of the vicinity, the
test must go on. Temporary relief
was obtained from noon yesterday
until this morning as the test of the
1934 Chevrolet motors, running at 60
miles per hour under a full load, was
discontinued due to necessary motor
repairs. The test will continue for
three days, but will not be run on
Sunday, engineers in charge an-
nounced yesterday.
Despite much complaint from the
neighborhood, which resulted in an
investigation by the police depart-
ment, nothing was done to stop the
test. The officers entering the noisy
building found it necessary to write
all communication with engineers in
charge. The desire to get as far from
the confusion as possible seemed to
be the only motive of the law.
Officials of the Engineering Re-
search Department conducting the
test, explained that the excessive
noise was due to the old building,
built during the war, and is not suf-
ficiently sound-proofed for the ex-
periment. Laboratory equipment has
not kept pace with the times, it was
At least, "It's all in the name of
Mrs. Hinsdale"
Dies Following
A LongIllness
Mrs. Estelle S. Hinsdale, 79 years
old, wife of Dr. W. B. Hinsdale, pro-
fessor emeritus of medicine, died at
1 p. m. yesterday afternoon at the
residence at 716 Forest Ave., follow-
ing a lingering illness during the past
few years.
Mrs. Hinsdale was born Nov. 6,
1854, in Hiram, O., was educated in
Garrettsville, and continued her edu-
cation at Hiram College. She was
married in 1875. They came to Ann
Arbor 37 years ago.
She was a member of the Collegiate
Alumnae, and was active in many
women's clubs in Ann Arbor. She was
interested in the Needlework Guild,
and aided various charity organiza-
tions. She was also a member of the
Congregational Church.
Her son, Dr. Albert E. Hinsdale, a
member of the Ohio State University
faculty, died about 10 years ago at
the age of 42.
FRANKLIN, Pa., Jan. 4. - (A') -
John W. Bennett, 59, oil lease oper-
ator, saw a derrick pole toppling to-
ward a team of horses and he ran
to get the animals out of the way.
The pole struck between the horses
without harming them, but killed

Acceptance Of President's
Proposal As Presented
Is Deemed Likely
Firmly Backs Plan
Government Borrowing Of
Ten Billion Foreseen If
Measure Is Passed
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4 - () -
President Roosevelt today asked
Congress to approve the biggest
peace time spending program in
American history and, despite some
head-wagging, it was soon apparent
that his recommendations would be
enacted in much the same form as
he submitted them,
Some Democrats were surprised at
the size of the figures proposed,
while the Republicans expressed
amazement and a few of them con-
The President's party with its
huge majority rallied staunchly
around him, however, and support,
or at least no intention of opposing
the program, was indicated by some
members of the minority.
Reduced to simplest terms, the
budget for the fiscal year ending
June 30, 1935, and estimates for the
remainder of the current year fore-
Government borrowing of ten bil-
lion dollars in the next six months.
Expenditures for the two years to-
taling $16,529,805,667, receipts aggre-
gating $7,234,604,234, a deficit for
the two years combined of $9,295,-
000,000 and a consequent increase
in the public debt to $31,834,000,000,
the highest point it has ever reached
Of these disbursements, $5,07,-
488,467 were listed as general out-
lays for the ordinary expenses of the
Government, and the remainder,
$11,512,317,200, was set down as
emergency spending intended to fur-
ther the recovery program.
Should Hold Down Debt
"It is my belief that so far as we
can make estimates with our pres-
ent knowledge, the Government,
should seek to holdthe total debt
within this amount," said the Presi-
dent, referring to his $31,000,000,000
"Furthermore, the Government
during the balance of this calendar,
year should plan to bring its 1936
expenditures, including recovery and
relief, within the revenues expected
in the fiscal year 1936."
Thus, the executive served notice
that after June, 1935, he intends to
put the Government on a "pay-as-
you-go" basis with the. added asser-
"We should plan to have a defi-
nitely balanced budget for the third
year of recovery and from that time
on seek a continuing reduction of the
National debt."
In addition, Mr. Roosevelt recom-
mended that the present rate of
three cents for non-local letter mail
be continued and-asked that the
present ban on automatic pay in-
creases for Government employees
be lifted so far as Army, Navy and
Marine Corps personnel were con-
Turns Over Control
To provide a co-ordinated control
of emergency expenditures, he an-
nounced that he had given the Bud-
get Bureau supervision over such
outlays and had given to Comptroller
General John R. McCarl, the respon-
sibility of auditing them.
The President's optimistic phrases
as to the business outlook encour-
aged Wall Street to a rally which
transmitted itself to the grain pits.
Members of House and Sette
were quick to offer their views on
the President's message as soon as

it had been read to the two houses
by their reading clerks, a desultory
performance, which found the mem-
bers chatting with each other gen-
erally and a few following the
printed text with which they had
been supplied.
Recalled For Work

Un1iversity Zoolo gists Doubt
Reality Of Scotch Sea Monster

University specialists in amphi-
bians and fishes yesterday said they
were extremely doubtful of the exist-
ence of any "sea monster" in Loch
Ness, Scotland, whose reputed pres-
ence has caused considerable com-
motion in the British Isles - so much
interest, in fact, that the London
Times, stately organ of what good
Tory Britishers ought to think, has
sent photographers to the loch and
they have come back, according to
reports, with pictures of the "mon-
Dr. Helen Gaige, curator of amphi-
bians, division of reptiles and amphi-
bians, Museum of Zoology, said that
the "monster" could not possibly be
a sea snake, because these creatures

creases in their imagination." Sea
snokes swim along the top of the
water, although they may descend
under the water for a considerable
length of time, she said.
The reports from Loch Ness, which
is a lake about 23 miles long and
about one mile in width in northern
Scotland about eight miles from sea
water, describe the "monster" as a
huge creature with eight or nine
humps and a long, narrow neck. It
has been seen, reputedly by a number
of people.
First reports concerning the "mon-
ster" were not taken seriously, but
the London Times decided that if
the monster really did exist in the
loch he was a British subject, and,
like all other British subjects, was

Commodore Fellowes To Tell Of
Everest Conquest January 25
A first hand account of one of the colder than the temperatures en-
momentous events of the year - the countered by Admiral Byrd on his
aerial conquest of Everest -will be Antarctic exploration. The crest of
arldconqesteaderofheeredwillobethe mountain is 29,141 feet high and
told by the leader of the expedition, the two planes had to attain an al-
Air Commodore P. F. M. Fellowes, titude of 33,000 feet to avoid the
on the fourth lecture of the Oratori- danger of down draughts. At one
cal Association series, Thursday, Jan. time the ceiling reached was ap-
25' proximately six and a half miles.
While the two planes of the Hous- Because of the intense cold every bit
ton expedition were fighting a 110- of equipment used had to be heated,
mile gale over the range which has including the cameras, film, flying
been called "Nature's Stronghold," suits, and goggles.
motion and survey cameras were As for Commodore Fellowes, he is
making pictorial records of the dan- known as one of the leading aviators
gerous undertaking. It was only on of Great Britain. Originally with
the condition that it would bring the Naval force, he was transferred
back worth-while scientific results to the Royal Air Service in 1915 and

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