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January 05, 1983 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1983-01-05

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Sit s ian
Ninety-three Years of Editorial Freedom





Vol. XCIII, No. 77
Roses i

Coovright 1983. The Michiaan Daily

Ann Arbor, Michigan-Wednesday, January 5, 1983

Free Issue

Fourteen Pages,




30% cut



In Pasadena;
By BOB WOJNOWSKI "I think this game was a case where
The sun was still glistening off the we turned the ball over again and
snowTcaped an Gaiel Muntai on hplayed a team that didn't turn it over,"
snow-capped San Gabriel Mountains on said Schembechler. "I'm not here to
New Year's Day when Michigan quar- make alibis because I lost my quarter-
terback Steve Smith went down with a back and my best tackle."
shoulder injury. But for the Wolverines Even before Smith was injured on an
it was strictly "lights-out" thereafter EvnbfrSmtwaijueonn
as sh ic hig an, 24-r4,fin option play that picked up eight yards,
theUCLA humbled Michigan, 24-14, in Bruin quarterback Tom Ramsey had
the 69th annual Rose Bowl nPasade flashed the form that would win him co-
Smith's injury, on a hit by Bruin plyrothgaendivUCAed
safety Don Rogers, came midway player y gae nd gie UCL head
through the second quarter and stalled coach Terry Donahue his first bowl vic-
an already sputtering Wolverine offen- tor in his first Rose Bowl as Bruin
se as UCLA handed Michigan head coach.
coach Bo Schembechler his sixth loss in "THIS IS my finest moment as a
seveRoe Bols.Tbelorshisrsoxehasswoncoach," said Donahue, who wrapped up
seven Rose Bowls. The loss broke a two- his seventh season at UCLA with a 10-1-
game Michigan winning streak in 1 record and a fifth-place finish in the
bowls, and left Schembechler with a 2-8 national rankings. "This is the pinnacle
post-ason record 14 seasons at of college football."
MiHIganE. osofSit n tcl UCLA grabbed the early lead when
WHILE THE loss of Smith and tackle Ramsey snuck across from one yard
Rich Strenger, who went out on the yam yysckpa-rdsdr e ard
third play of the game with knee and out to cap a 79-yard drive. The touch-
ankle injuries, is the easiest alibi for the down was the first against the
Wolverines' loss, a more telling factor Wolverines in the first quarter since the
was turnovers-Michigan had four and
UCLA had none. See UCLA, Page 13

The University's top budget comm-
ittee has endorsed a plan to cut the
School of Natural Resources budget by
one-third, and greatly reduce the num-
ber of undergraduate students in the
If the recommendations are ap-
proved, most of the reductions in the
school's $2.6 million budget would come
from personnel cuts, according to Billy
Frye, vice president for academic af-
fairs. The cuts would be spread over
five years.
THE BUDGET Priorities Committee
also recommended boosting the
school's doctoral program, increasing
its research effort, reducing the num
ber of master's students and
reorganizing the school's curriculum.
The full report of the subcommittee
which reviewed the school will not be
released until tomorrow, but it does not

contain any "hard and firm numbers"
as to exactly how much should be cut,
according to Mary Ann Swain, who
heads the University's Budget
Priorities Committee.
She said it will be up to the school to
develop specific plans for dealing with
the overall cutback.
- WILLIAM Johnson, the school's
outgoing dean, said he doubts his school
can reduce its budget that much and
still achieve the committee's quality
Responding to the report, Johnson
recommended a 20 percent, instead of a
30 percent cut, with most of the savings
coming through attrition.
The committee's other major
recommendation - to greatly reduce
the number of undergraduate students-
would give professors more time for
research and let the school be more
See SCHOOL, Page 2

Divestment bill

app roved;


eyes resistance,

Michigan tailback Lawrence Ricks
linebacker Blanchard Montgomery
Pasadena, Calif.

Doily Photo by DEBORAH LEWIS
is about to be brought down by UCLA
in last Saturday's Rose Bowl game in

W Profs give staff Christmas bonus

It was a Christmas straight out of Dickens for the
English department last month when professors
donated nearly $2,000 from their own pockets to give
bonuses to their secretaries.
The money, which amounted to $177 for each of the
department's 11 employees, was given anonymously
by professors to augment this year's "inadequate"
salary raises for office staff.
PAY INCREASES for office staff fell well below
those for faculty members across the University this
year when the administration for the first time gave
different pay hikes to the two groups.
In a written memo of thanks to the professors,
secretaries expressed both the joy of finding such

compassionate and generous bosses and their dismay
with the administration for leaving them behind this
"Your generosity of spirit is pivotal, because it con-
firms the commitment in this department, at any
rate, to the human values that I hoped to find in my
place of work when I first sought employment with
the University," wrote one secretary.
ANOTHER SAID: "Not only does the money help
to offset the difference in the University's raise and
inflation, but the spirit behind the action more than
offsets the administration's bureaucratic attitude,
and makes one realize that such decisions are often
not made with the individual in mind."
Added Karen Van Raalte, the department office

coordinator: "In all my years at the University, I
don't ever recall so magnanimous a gesture from
faculty to staff."
The University made a value judgment by
distinguishing the faculty from the staff and by
showing its commitment only to the faculty, Van
Raalte said.
THE GIFT was not meant as a protest but as an at-
tempt to supplement the insufficient pay hikes the
secretaries received, said English Prof. Hubert
English, who acted as intermediary for the faculty
"That was very nice of them," said Billy Frye, the
budget officer who was responsible for the University

University officials are headed for a
collision with the state over recent
legislation that requires the University
to withdraw its investments from com-
panies working in South Africa.
As one of his last acts in office, for-
mer Governor William Milliken signed
a bill - approved in mid-December by
the Senate and earlier by the House -
that bars state colleges from buying or
maintaining stock in U.S. corporations
with divisions in the racially-
segregated nation.
The University has until April 1, 1984
to divest from some 40 firms, including
large multinationals such as General
Motors Corp, and Ford Motor Co. In-
vestments in the companies concerned
represent about one-fifth of the Univer-
sity's entire $420 million portfolio, ac-
cording to officials.
But many University administrators
and Regents, who have long resisted
divestment, are questioning the con-

Council pressed to put,
'pot law on city ballot

stitutionality of the legislation and
suggesting that the University just
ignore it.
Although no decision has been
reached on whether to obey the law,
many University officials believe the
state does not have the authority to
establish rules on University financial
"The legislation is unconstitutional,"
University General Counsel Roderick
Daane said yesterday. The Michigan
constitution states that the Regents
have "control and direction of all ex-
penditures from the institution's fun-
But Rep. Perry Bullard (D-Ann Ar-
bor), who sponsored the-bill, has said
that the state can enforce what it con-
siders civil rights legislation.
Regents contacted yesterday were
unsure of what they will do about the
new law. Several said they had not yet
read it and were unprepared to com-
See MILLIKEN, Page 10
State debt
tops $700
ml lon;
'U' exp ects'
major cuts
An expected $700 million state budget
deficit and a new governor have left the
University's finances in a state of flux
and University officials in a state of
The question is no longer if the
University's operating budget, which is
heavily dependent on state aid, will suf-
fer cuts, but how much those cuts will
be. Both University and state officials
said they are expecting huge cuts that
could do substantial damage to the
GOVERNOR James Blanchard, now
See STATE, Page 10

After failing to come up with enough
signatures to put a proposal to repeal
the city's $5 pot fine on the April ballot,
a group of citizens has asked the Ann
Arbor City Council to do the job for it.
Richard Draft and David Logan, both
local physicians, asked City Council
members last Monday to put the
proposal on the city's ballot. Since sup-
porters of the ballot question were able
to gather only 2,000 of the 5,200
signatures necessary to put it on the
ballot by voter petition, city council
would have to act in order to give city
voters a chance to decide the question.
BRADLEY Spencer, a teacher at
Huron High School, said the reason the
petition drive failed was lack of time.
"We only had about two weeks," he
said. "There was more than enough in-
William Bullard, another Ann Arbor
resident active on the repeal campaign,
said the group originally thought they
needed only 3,500 signatures. "We were
told by the city clerk that 3,500

Voters to consider
"weatherization" proposal on
April's city ballot. See story,
Page 3.
Candidates line up for city's
mayoral race. See story, Page 3.
signatures would put it on the ballot,"
he said. "Later, they said they had
inadvertently told us the wrong num-
ber. State law states that we have to
have 5 percent of the voters of the city
"I'm personally not discouraged,"
Bullard said. "We got over 2,000
signatures in about a week and a half-
without organizing. We just weren't
able to do it in the time we had," he
BULLARD SAID he thinks city coun-
cil will put the proposal on the ballot.
He said that because the repeal cam-
paign has brought the issue to the atten-
tion of the public, councilmembers "are
See COUNCIL, Page 3

'Twas the season
Workers remove a giant wreath from the Ann Arbor News building, signalling the end of another holiday season.

Dogmatic doggy
HE WAS EULOGIZED as the founder of the
Dogmatic Party and a champion of canine
rights. Edward, the 12-year-old mutt, was buried
Monday at the Denver Pet Cemetery. His owner,
Estelle Hadley of Commerce City, said at the funeral that
Edward should be remembered for "trying to make it
easier for people to have dogs to protect them." "He really
fonht fnr ale stringent dn cnntrol laws" Hadlev said.

Penny payment
P HOENIX TRUCK driver Herb McDaniel became a
victim of his own cash n carry. McDaniel, 54, with
the help of two other taxpayers, dragged two plastic
buckets full of more than 41,000 pennies up the steps to the
Internal Revenue Service offices to protest alleged IRS
mistreatment in its efforts to collect $410.59 in back taxes.
But he emerged from the office with the coins still in tow af-
ter being told that federal agencies need not accept pennies

They're gone!
D UE TO POPULAR demand, the Daily has dropped its
TV Listings section. Since we began running the
listings in September, the paper has been beseiged by com-
plaints they're "ugly," "a waste of space," and "an insult
to our intelligence." To the majority of you who disliked the
listings: Congratulations, you've won. To the rest of you
who came to rely on us for the schedule: We extend our
apologies (but you shouldn't be watching so much TV

" 1952-a federal judge agreed to grant a stay of
execution for the Rosenbergs, in the famous spy trials, if
they filed for presidential clemency from charge of treason.
" 1955-the Daily reported that the University had for the
first time sanctioned support for a student government. The
move came after a 5,102 to 1,451 student vote in favor of a
student government.
" 1979-President Carter paid homage at the French
beach of Normandy to the soldiers who participated in the
D-Day invasion., He vowed that European freedom would
never be endangered again. [




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