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January 05, 1924 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1924-01-05

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Prof. T. H. Reed To Speak Before len
Working On Canpaign At
Cltture Pinner
Annual campaigning for the Stu-
dent Christian association financial
drive has been set for next Tuesday
continuing through Jan. 8, 9 and 10.
The goal of the campaign is' $5,000
which is less. than one-fourth the
total budget for the association during
the fiscal year. J. S. DeTar, '25M,
will act as general .chairman of the
drive and the contributions will be
received in cash or pledges.
. To Continue Present Polic
The' funds that are to be - raised
will be used in continuing the pro-
gram carried out by the Student Chris-
tian association so far this year. 'Un-
der campus service the organization
plans to form new discussion groups
next semester; to have a special con
mittee make regular hospital visit-
ations giving aid to individuals when
necessary; to continue the reading
room, checking stand, information
bureau, ocatoal council work, and
to furnish meeting places for various
campus organizations.
Under religious work, the associ-j
ation. will _continue -with the 'pper
Room" Bible class under."Father"
Iden,the University services, and will
institute a new series of religious ser-
vices. Other activities to be support-
ed with the funds derived from the
campaign Include ,international group
meetings, fostering -inter-denomin-7
ational fellowship, the extention de-
partment, and- the fresh, air camp.
Prominent :f nts that tok .place
under the association's auspices lastI
year are the Older Boy's conference,1
attendance from Michgan to . the
World Student Volunteer convention,
the special Aristic and 'Thanks-
giving services, the Interchu6h
Dramatic league, and the numerous1
Christmas Eai ivites
The organization's annual financial
drives in the past few years have
failed to attain the mark desired, and
the association has been finding itself
more deeply i debt fromyear to year.
The stabilization of the Student
Christian association and its con
tinuedprominence as acampus or-
ganization depends to a larger ex-
tent, therefore, upon the success of
this year's campaign.
President Marion L. Burton, in
speaking about the organization says,
"As a rule the things that really
count in life deserve more attention
than they really receive. This is pe-
culiarly true today where so much
is being questioned and doubted The
Student Christian association aims.
to meet this primary need of every)
student. It stands for sanity and hon-
esty in religion 'and life."
Prof, T. H. Reed of the political
science department will speak to all
men who are to work on the financial
campaign at 5:30 o'clock Tuesday
night in 'the Methodist church. Din-
ner will be served to the campaigners
and the drive will be formally opened
following the meeting.
Tech Instructor
Killed By Fall
Colorado Springs, Colo., Jan. 4.-

(By AP)-The body of Everett D.
Jackson, formerly an instructor in.
mathematics at Massachusetts Insti-
tute of Technology, was found todayE
in Cheyenne Canyon. Searching part-
ies had been looking for Jackson
since yesterday. He apparently had
been killed by a fall of 75 feet. Jack-
son was the the son of the late W.
S. Jackson, millionare mining oper-
Pawhuska, Okla., Jan. 2.-Two un-
tional bank at Shidler, near her, to-
masked men held up the First Na-;
day and escaped witth $8,100 In cash.
"There is no failure in giving
up, no real fall as long as one
still tries; for seeming set-backs
make the strong man wise;" Low-
ell. Jimmie believes this, that is

Wickenden Deplores .Engineers'
NeglectO'''f Humanistic Studies
A higher type of professional expert political activity rest upon questions
who will coordinate with his technical of human behavior, it seems clear that
knowledge a more highly socialized the engineer to qualify for leadership
leadership than is prevalent among of great public and industrial under-
engineers of today is needed in this takings must be more broadly trained
country if we are to hold our own in on the humanistic side.
World competition, is the opinion of! "At the same time it is realized that
W. E. Wickenden, head of the national for a considerable number of men
investigation of engineering education' of high scientific gifts, it is necessary
which is being conducted' under the to provide a much more thorough and
auspices of the Carnegie foundationf extensive training on the technologi-
and the Society for the Promotion of cal side. The only possible hope in
Engineering Education. Mr. Wicken- either respect lies in training men
den arrived in Ann Arbor yesterday more effectively for study after they
morning to confer with the local com- { have left college. We must produce
mittees whose work in a local investi- efficient self-educators." .
gation of conditions in the engineer- In a careful outline df the organ-
ing college is the most comprehen- ization and purposes of the body
sive yet undertaken and which will. which hopes to make a thorough
serve as a model for similar investi- enough study of engineering educa-
gation in all technical schools of the tion so as to recommend changes
country. which will react in the best way, Mr.
"It is the purpose of the various Wickenden took great care to empha-
committees who will soon be at work size the fact that the investigation is
in colleges throughout the country," not a diagnosis by an organizaion -or
he said, "to find out what alterations person outside of the schools. It is
in our system of engineering educa- essentially a survey of the nation'r
tion will be necessary to get technical technical schools, carried on for and
leadership in conjunction with real by these institutions. The Carnegie
social understanding. Because final Foundation has donated toward the
decisions in fields of industrial and I (Continued on Page Two)

Ways and Means Committees Reject
Rainey's Stock Dhidend
Tax Bill

Reports Show 35 Dead; Hospitals
Crowded By 100 Injured

Replaces Donahue, '24, Unable To Athletic Association Has Again Leased
Return On Account - Old Building for
'Of Illness Student Use
Harry F Hoey, '2 , city editor of Ice skating in Weinberg's coliseum
The Daily, was appointed managing began last night with the opening of
editor for the remainder of the coil- that building by the Athletic associa-
tion which has leased the rink for the
ege year at a meeting of the Board winter season. The regular periods
in Control of Student Publications of skating are from 2 to 5.o'clock ev-
held yesterday afternoon. ery afternoon and from 8 to 10 o'clock'
'Hoey was appointed to the position each night.
lnft vant hy th~ Inbility of h1Is '"Last year the coliseum was leased

Washington, Jan. 4.-(By A. P.)- Pekin, Ill., jwn. 4.-=v AP)-The
President Coolidge is opposed to any dead andamissing in yesterday's ex-
attmpt byConres t aler he s-plosion at the Corn Products Co.
attempts by Congress to alter the Os- plant here today stood at 35, with 11
sential provisions of the administra- bodies recovered. Others of the 100"
tion's tax bill. injured may die. The severe cold
This announcement was made today will have frozen to death any work-
at the White House as the House ways smen who ecapewacsneaton, ta
and means committee continued its more would be rescued alive as work-
consideration of the measure and Re- men proceeded today to remove de-
publican leaders of the House redoub- bris.
led their efforts to postpone action on In hospitals here the injured so
the soldiers' bonus until something filled receiving rooms that physicans
affirmative is done on tax revision, had difficulty in moving about.
Outstanding in the developments of the Virden Glazebrouck, a nervy youth
ways and means committee's consid- of 18, believed fatally hurt, only com-
eration of the draft submitted by the plained because a doctor had stepped
treasury was the rejection 'of an on him trying to get over the bodies
amendment to make gains from stock in the receiving room.
dividends subject to the regular in- Walter Stewart, one of the surviv-
come taxes. Representative Rainey, ors, said he was working loading
Democrat, Illinois, proposed the sacks yesterday when "suddenly I
amendment which was voted down 12 was smacked on my back on the floor.
to 11. He announced later he would Then I knew huge pieces and particl-
bring up the question again. es of starch were flying about me
If the bill is not amended in this I through the air. I don't know how I
respect, gains from the sale of stock got up or got out. I found myself
dividends will be taxed only to a max wandering down the aisle between the
ium of twelve and one-half per cent, buildings to the first aid. Now I am
the regular normal and surtax rates here. I don't know a thing more."
prevailing within the two year period.
The committee pressed forward un-
der its agreement to consider thc
administrative features of the bill, 1T
then to determine whether a bonus ai
bill should be passed, and finally toN
act on proposed changes in tax rates
A new system of distributing grades,
arising from a desire that students pay
'NN less attention to individual grades in
courses and more attention to the sub-
jects treated in the courses, was pass-
ed on at a meeting of the faculty of
the Law school, and will take effect
immediately In' that school.
Thousands Forced to Take Safety By the new plan, students will not!
in Boats or e to Rely n know what grade they have received
Boat Services i in any particular course. They will
1be informed only of the number of
hours of each grade which they re-
LARGE APARTMENT BUILDINGS ceive during the semester. Only in
SWEPT AWAY BY RAGING TIDE the case of failure to pass a subjectj
will a student be informed of his!
Paris, Jan. 4.-(By A. P.)-The rise grade in any particular course. a
in the flood waters of the Seine was The. purpose 'of the new plan, ac-
slower today than yesterday but the cording to Prof. E. R. Sunderland, of
the Law School, is to remove from the
level reached during the night was student the desire to take certaini
sufficient to cover large areas of new courses because a higher mark mightI
territory, and thus compelled thous- possibly be obtained, and thus to aid
ands of additional waterbound people him in selecting courses which will
be of more help to him. It was point-
to take safety in boats or to rely on ed out that it is not individual grades
boat services for supplies. i which interest the officials of the Law
Many of the big apartment build- school, but rather the general condi-
ings in large towns just west of th' tion of the students' work. This is
city, such as Asnieres, Colusbes, and especially true in a professional1
Argetuil have been cut off. The au- school, Professor Sunderland explain-
thorities found it impossible to get ed, because the courses have not that
all the inhabitants out of the build- diversity of subject matter which
ings so a sort of omnibus -skiff service characterizes a general curriculum.
was organized to take housewives to They all treat, broadly speaking, of
the markets and business men to their the same material, he said.
trains. t This system of mark distinction will
The number of people driven from not take effect in any school or col-
their homes increased during the day lege of the University except the Law+
by several thousand. A large num- school.
ber of these were removed from Al-(
fortville, where a majority of the
houses have become uninhabitable. Rif l IL I ! U # 111

The Day's News At
/The Capitol.
Pilots and alternatives for the
round-the-world flight were announc-
ed by the War department.
James C. Davis, director-general of
railroads announced the settlement of
all claims arising from wartime rail-
road control.
President Coolidge, it was said, will
elevate one of the present commis-
sioners to the chairmanship of the
Shipping board.
Secretary Weeks announced the
sale of 5000 rifles, 5,000,000 rounds of
ammunition and eight airplanes to the
Obregon government of Mexico.
Harry F. Sinclair gave the Senate
public lands committee additional de-
tails on the financing arrangements
for operation of naval oil reserves
leased to his enterprises.
Officials expressed doubt of the gen-
uineness of the registry of the British
rum runner Tomoka, the release of
whose crew has been asked by the
British government.
The White House stated that any
attempt by Congress to compromise
the principles embodied in the MellonI
tax reduction plan would meet the op-
position of President Coolidge.
The House ways and means come
mittee rejected an amendment to the
tax bill under which gains from sale
of stock dividends would be subject to.
normal and surtax rates.
By direction of the president, of-
ficials were said to be considering the
purchase of ships from the Shipping
board and the Navy, for use in com-
batting the rum runners by the coast


Note Alleges Ship Was Own
Nova Scotia And Had Leg
tiniate Commerce
London, Jan. 4.-Great Britia
asked the United States for t
lease from bail of the Britis
Canadian members of the crew
British schooner Tomoka, allege
runner seized last November 1
the 3-mile limit off New York.
Demand Cargo Return
New York, Jan. 4.-Great B'
request that the United States r
from bail nine Canadian and I
sailors of the rum ship Tomoka
manded by 'William ("Rummy
McCoy, was accompanied by a d
that the Tomoka and her 200
of cargo impounded here, be
back to the owners, Thomas B. F
counsel for McCoy, disclosed to
Failure of the British to mak
demands earlier, said Felder,
based on that government's dou
the Tomoka, as alleged, was
and registered in Canada.
consular and embassy officials h
at any time considered condoni
seizure because it took place
the proposed 12-mile limit,- sai
er., J
Canadian government invest'
recommended that prisoners,
and ship be released after havin
bsfied themselves that the 'I
had been sold by McCoy last A
the Ocean Trading Co. of H
said Felder. At the time of s
he said, McCoy was "merely n
a couple of trips as commander
Tomoka, under a written and
fide contract, because he had
ence in the business and kne
Doubt Registry
Washington, Jan. 4.--Official
have had some doubt wheth
British registry of the rum
Tomoka was bona fide, and the
made an extensive investigati
the subject with results tha
are not yet ready to reveal.
The Tomoka had been wani
weeks before she was taken in
tody by revenue cutters, and
ury officials believe there is
evidence that. she was violati
American prohibition laws. V
that fact justified her seizur
time when she was outside the
mile limit, however, is a q
which the courts eventually ma
to decide.
State and Justice Departme
cials declined to comment in a
on the British request for rel
the Tomoka. The communica
j understood to hold that the sl
owned by a shipping concern i
Scotia and properly register
Nassau, Bahamas".


': '

predecessor, Howard A. Donahue, '24,
to return to the University on account
of illness.
The new editor has worked on the
Daily for three years. Last year he{
was night editor and since the beginn-
ing of the present semester he has
been city editor, positions which have
given him an intimate acquaintance
with all phases of newspaper work.
Hawley' Tapping, '16L, field sec-
rotary of the Alumni association, yes-
terday announced his plans for the
present month. These include a ten-
day trip through the northern part
of the state, one to Cleveland and
near-by cities and possibly a one-day

by the Athletic association for student
I use and it was found to be so popular
that we are again taking it over for
the season," Tad Wieman, assistant
athletic director, said yesterday. "We
are giving the students special admis-
ison prices and are trying in every1
way to foster this healthy form of out-
door exercise among them."
The regular admission price is 25
cents a skating period. A 40 per cent
reduction may be made by purchasing
a season ticket which allows the hold-
er 40 admissions to the rink. This
ticket may be purchased by. students
for $3 on presenting student athletic
coupon books, and for $5 by towns-;
people at the Athletic associatiow,
George Moe's, and Weinberg's coli-
Plans are now being made by the
Athletic association to hold an ice
carnival next Saturday night at the
time of the Notre Dame hockey game.
This carnival will consist of two
eight-lap races, one for students and
nL~a Pr~na-fn . LtI, . f y UUU srl1iLfir

Supreme Court Will 'Hear Case'
Michigan Public School
Defense League




I ___-1t0Akon -one tree-tor-all fancy and exhibition
journey t Arj.
Torey to Akrong. igI skating by professionals, general skat-
The trip through Michigan will' nfoevrnadthhckygmI
be mainly with the purpose of found- ing for everyone, and the hockey gamel
ing or re-organizing alumni clubs. which will be the first one of the
He will also address several meetings year.
of graduates in different towns. His George Moe has offered a pair of
itinerary includes Sault St. Marie,' automobile skates to the winner of
Jan. 15; Marquette, Jan. 16; Duluth, the student race. Greenwood and Kil-
Jan. 17; Irontown, Jan. 18; Iron Mt., gore's amen's shop will give a slip-over
Jan. 19; Calumet and Houghton, Jan. I sweater to the free-for-all champion.
21; scaabaJan 22;i~lnomieaEntries to the races will be taken be-
21; Escanaba, Jan. 22; Menominee, fore the beginning of the carnival.
Jan. 23. 1 '0- ---ti.

Lansing, Jan. 4.-(By A. P.)-Argu-
ments on the petition of James Ham-
ilton, head of the Michigan Public
school defense' league, to compel the
secretary of state to place a proposed
anti-parochial school constitution
amendment on the ballots next No-
vember will be argued in the Supreme
court Jan. 22. Attorneys for Hamil-
ton agreed on that date with the
Attorney-general today.
Secretary of State Charles J. De-
land refused to accept initiating pe
titi6ns for the proposed amendments
on the grounds that they were not
filed in accordance with the law.
Justices of the Supreme court plan
to hold a conference next Monday af-
ternoon and there is the possibility
that a decision in the Agricultural
board-Administrative board case will
be made. The agricultural board, as
an outgrowth of the controversy be-
tween the two boards over the Michi-
gan Agricultural college extension
work, asked for a writ to compel the.
administrative to release the legisla-
tive appropriation for country agents.




InuIu rir fhiI n IuutJun

R Practice may be held in the colise
Re-oganiatin metins wil b


h eld In Ironwood, Iron Mt,Calumet, um y aspirants any Time ns wee t.r
and Menominee. The general admission price to the New York Jan. 4.-(By AP)-
On Jan". 28 or 29, Mr. Tapping will carnival will be 60 cents. Tickets will Huddled in a dripping tunnel 90 feet
go to Cleveland, where the first an- go on sale the latter part of next:I below the surface of the Hudson riv-
nual meeting of the third district of week. Wilmington, Del., Jan. 4.-(By A. er and 1600 feet from any exit, a
the re-organized alumni association) ~-jP.)-The Federal government has lost group of transit officials, electrical ex-
will be held Jan. 30. This meeting Trthe decision in another of its big court perts, "sand hogs," and newspaper-
has been called by the director, Harri- actions growing out of wartime activ- men tuned in today on radio concerts
son B. McGraw, '91, and is for alumni ities: broadcast from Pittsburg and a half
in the state of Ohio. 'r.rr Federal District Judge Morris. in an dozen nearer stations. The experi-
President Marion L. Burton will bellF ENT ES;ST$90 opinion filed here yesterday, orderedI ment was conducted at the farthest
the principal speaker at a banquet GTI dismissal of the suit in equity brought end of the uncompleted Jersey-Man.
in the evening which will be held in lto force return of the 5,700 seized en- hatten tube of the dual vehiclar by
conjunction with, the district meeting. Robberies reminiscent of the "Lone emy dye and chemical patents sold to technicians of the Radio Corporation
From Cleveland Mr. Tapping will go Kid" activities of last year, but this the Chemical Foundation, Inc., by the of America, the Westinghouse Elec-
to Pittsburgh, and will also visit Un- time directed on fraternities, occurred alien property custodian in 1919, 1920 tric Manufacturing company and the
ontown and Johnstown, Penna. in four fraternity houses :'on the and 1921, for approximately $271,000. New York and New Jersey bridge
campus early yesterday morning. Noc- The government has a right of ap- and tunnel commissions.
turnal visitors entered the Theta Chi, peal, however, and department of jus- The radio programs were heiard dis-
CHANGES MADE IN IPhi Psi, Alpha Sigma Phi, and Sigma tice officials at Washington have tinctly both by ear phones and loud
CHEMISTRY ROOMS Nu houses between the hours of 3 and stated steps will be taken as expedi- speakers.
5 and stole watches, jewelry, clothing tiously as possible to carry the case'
and cash. to a higher court. It is expected the Detroit Has "U. of X. Week"
Repairs' in the Chemistry building More than $500 in cash was taken, suit will come before the United' Detroit alumni and students were
which started after the removal of the and 30 watches are missing. Articles States Supreme court for final adjudi- not allowed to forget their connection .
chemical engineering department to of Jewelry, but in no cases fraternity cation. with the Universiy during the holi-
its new building, are now half-com- pins, were collected, and clothing in 1 days. The ,Capital theater held a
a smallqatt iaperd h ashing hi A.
pleted. Prof. H. H. Willard is the s quantity disappeared. The: Washington, D. C., Jan 4.-(By A. special "University of Michigan
latest to change his offices. He has total loss of one house alone is esti- P.) -Attorney General Daugherty, in a Week," -during which time Paul Wil-
mmated at more than $1,200. In one- in- statement tonight regarding the deci- son's "Wolverine" orchestra played.
moved from room 228 to roor 208 and stance, a watch and chain were taken, son of Federal Judge Morris at Wil-
210. Prof. C. S. Schoepfie, who form- while the gold football which hung on mington Del., dismissing the suit of J-Hop Committee Attention
erly occupied room 278 has moved to the chain was removed and left in the government to force return of the Members of the 1925 J-Hop com-
206, while H. R. Snow is now in Prof. plain sight. Fraternity pins were re- seized enemy dye and chemical pat- mittee will meet at 11 o'clock tomor-
Schoepfle's former quarters. Follow- moved from all clothing stolen, and ents sold to Chemical Foundation, i row in Spedding's studio for the com-
ing the completion of repairs Profs. small articles of considerable intrin- Inc., by the alien property custodian, mittee picture. All members of the,
C. C. Meloche, A. L. Ferguson, and sic value and personal worth were un- declared the government "will prompt- 1committee must be there in order to


Stockholm, Jan. 4.-(By AP)--
Swedens Imports for the first 10
months of 1923 exceeded the exports
by about $54,000,000, as against an ex-
cess of $10,000,000 for the correspond-
ing period of 1922.
The principle commodities are
grain, fuel, Illuminating and lubricat-
ing oils, coal and vehicles, including.
'automobiles. The bulk of the imports
in each class cited came from thf
United States.
Start More Bonus Agitation
Agitation in favor of the soldiers
bonus has been started by the Michi-
gan Veterans of Foreign Wars through
their state commander, Dr. Clarence!
L. Chandler. In a telegram to all
overseas veterans at the University
he urges that all men interested in
getting the bonus by 1924 write to
him at the General Motors building,

Washington, D. C., Jan. 4.-
P.)-Sale of 5,000 Enfield rifles
000 rounds of ammunition I
guns and 8 D. H.-4 surplus al
to the Mexican government w
nounced today by Secretary
The transaction was complel
ing the day when word came
to Mexican agents that the
ment had transferred funds ne
to make one-half of the payn
cash, the balance to be paid w
days. The terms fixed by Se
Weeks were equivalent to a cas
saction and were expected by t
ican government paving the a
immediate delivery for the w,
nitions at the army depots whe
are stored.
Orders were issued at once
livery of the military supplies
ignated Mexican agents. Th
reach commanders of the de
Although the statement iss
Secretary Weeks did not disc
total amount of money involve
sale, on the basis of prevailin
it would appear to be les

G eology Faculty
Attend Convei
T1--P 't'tW±1 L - MTI ot. In,

Heston, Grid Star,

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