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January 05, 1943 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1943-01-05

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Continued Cold



Reds Storm Large

Nazi Air, Rail

r .. f

* * *

* * *

French Stop
Axis Attack
at Fondouk
American Equipment
Utilized in Repulsing
German, Italian Tanks;
Allies Attack by Air
Associated Press Correspondent
NORTH AFRICA, Jan. 4.- French
forces using some American tank
destroying equipment among their
weapons smashed back a heavy tank
attack by Germans and Italians on
French positions at Fondouk, Allied
Headquarters announced today.
The Axis forces attacked with 30
or 40' German tanks after a heavy
bombardment, but were beaten back
after gaining some initial successes.
Fondouk is about 20 miles west of
the railroad-highway junction of
Kairouan in central Tunisia.
Make Effective Attacks
Allied fighters and light bombers
roared overhead making "heavy and
effective attacks" on the enemy arm-
ored forces, the communique said.
The Allied communique said the
French ground forces used Ameri-
can tank destroyer equipment which
had been turned over to them, al-
though an earlier French communi-
que reported the counterattack was
supported by "American anti-tank
When the French commander re-
ported in his communique that Amer-
ican anti-tank units had supported
the French, this was interpreted here
as meaning that American ground
forces were in action for the first
time in this sector.
Later the wording of the Allied
forces communique indicated the
French bulletin had been uninten-
tionally misleading.
' Two of the attacking German tanks
were smashed, four others burned out
and many more damaged, the French
reported. An Allied spokesman said
the tanks presumably had been un-
loaded at the port of Sousse, east of
French Troops Hold
The enemy's heavy ground attack
in the Fondouk area was thrown in
against positions held by French in-
fantry, motorized cavalry, some ar-
tillery and some anti-tank units.
With the effective support of Ameri-
can anti-tank units and planes, the
Frenchcommander reported, the Axis
was hurled back and both German
and Italian prisoners were seized.
Aside from this fighting, it also was
disclosed that Allied tanks in consid-
erable number had made successful
reconnaissance thrusts in force both
northeast and southeast of Medjez-
El-Bab. One force drove northeast-
ward six miles from Medjez-El-Bab
and to the right of the Tebourba
road, meeting only light anti-tank
Japs Try to
Supply Forces
on Solo mons
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4.- (A)- A
Navy communique indicated today
that the Japanese had made their
most successful attempt in six Weeks
to get supplies to their forces on
Guadalcanal Island in the Solomons.

Eight enemy destroyers reached the
vicinity of the northwestern end of
Guadalcanal Saturday. They were at-
tacked by torpedo boats which scored
a hit on one and possibly three hits
on two others. Enemy airplanes in
turn bombed the PT boats but in-
flicted only slight damage.
The communique did not say whe-
ther any of the destroyers got
through to Guadalcanal but since
only one was definitely reported dam-
aged it was entirely possible, unless
there was further American action
not yet reported, that some of them
at least did land supplies and even
some reinforcements.
Before the mid-November sea bat-
tle off Guadalcanal in which a pow-
erful Japanese armada was decisively
defeated, the enemy landed supplies
and reinforcements on the northwest-

Local War Plant Needs
100 Women Workers
Manpower Corps, War Activities Committee
Join Effort to Alleviate Critical Labor Shortage
Joining together in an effort to alleviate the critical industrial labor
situation, the Manpower Corps and the War Activities Committee for
Women yesterday offered women students another opportunity to step in
and do their share.
One hundred women are urgently needed at a local war plant to do
inspection and assembly work. They will work six days a week on one of
two shifts, either from 4:30 to 8:30 p.m. or from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Pay
will be at the rate of 65 cents per '? -_ ---
hour for inspectors and 59 cents per
hour for those working on the as-G
sembly line.
Although arrangements are as yet T S es
tentative, committee members are LX
working on a plan to enable two wo-
men to split the week between them, on Rum l Plan
each working three days. I ~~U~~
In discussing the plan, Dean of
Women Alice Lloyd said that no spe- Senate Chairman
cial permission would be required by Prediets Change in
those girls working the 4:30 p.m. shift
but that those wishing to begin at Income Tax Policy
8:30, p.m. would have to check their

scholastic and health records with
her office.
Representatives of the U.S. Em-
ployment Agency and the War Man-
power Commission will interview
prospective workers from 4 to 6 p.m.
Thursday at the League.
In disclosing the above plan, the
War Activities Committee revealed
that 60 per cent of those already em-
ployed in local industries are women.
New Law Hits
Any Majestic
Act Allows Buildings
Now Used to Operate
One more legal spike was driven
into efforts to reopen the fire-trap
Majestic Theatre building yesterday
as the Ann Arbor Common Council
heard a new revision of the city fire
The amended law, as proposed by
Ordinance Committee chairman John
B. Waite, would allow only buildings
now in use to operate while failing to
conform to city building codes. The
Majestic Theatre closed its doors last
The reason for allowing buildings
now in use to continue operating is
that materials for remodeling them
cannot be secured because of govern-
ment restrictions imposed by the war.
The Amendment stipulates that al-
terations not involving use of govern-
ment-allocated materials should be
made immediately and others as
quickly as materials become available.
The Council's Zoning Committee,
which drew up the ordinance, felt
that to close theatres and hotels now
open would only add to the present
housing shortage and would impose
unnecessary hardships upon Ann Ar-
bor citizens, according to chairman
The measure was passed to a sec-
ond reading at the next council ses-
sion on Jan. 18, after which it will
come to a vote.
First '43 Bombs Hit Ruhr
LONDON, Jan. 4.--(P)-The RAF
showered its first 1943 bombs on the
pock-marked German Ruhr last
night despite bad weather which lim-
ited the raid to a small number of
planes. Three were lost.
The target was not identified, but
the German market report broadcast
today failed to quote "Gelsenkirchen
Bergwerk" (an industrial combine)
shares, suggesting that Gelsenkir-
chen, near Essen, was the target.

WASHINGTON, Jan. 4.- (P)-
Chairman George (Dem.-Ga.) of the
Senate Finance Committee said today
he believed Congress would write into
law "some adaptation of the so-called
Ruml pay-as-you-go tax plan," by
"either writing off a year's individual
income taxes or postponing one year's
A, bill embracing the Ruml plan
was prepared by Rep. Carlson (Rep.-
Kas.), member of the House Whys
and Means Committee, for introduc-
tion Wednesday, the opening day of
the new Congress.
Under the proposal by Beardsley
Ruml, chairman of the Federal Re-
serve Bank of New York, taxes on a
previous year's income would be wiped
out and payments made on the cur-
rent year's taxes through weekly or
monthly deductions from an indi-
vidual's income. Special provisions
would be made for business men and
others whose incomes are not in the
form of regular salary checks.
"I am not sure that my thoughts
are entirely crystallized," George said.
"But I am inclined to favor the plan
in some modified form. Because of
the tremendous burden of wartime
taxes it might be necessary to post-
pone one year's income taxes to some
post-war period, when it would be
possible for the taxpayers to amortize
this obligation to the government over
a number of years without great in-
' Chairman Doughton (Dem.-N.C.),
of the House Ways and Means Com-
mittee, which will be first to consider
tax matters in the new Congress, fa-
vors putting income taxes on a pay-
as-you-go basis but expressed opposi-
tion to wiping out of one year's levies
to achieve this.
No 'Seconds'
on .ice Cream
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4.-(P)-That
second dish of ice cream Johnny
won't have this month will provide
butter for his sandwich instead.
The War Production Board for the
second consecutive month curtailed
ice cream production today in an or-
der limiting January output to 50
per cent of the amount each manu-
facturer made last October.
December production had been cut
to 60 per cent of the October output.
Thus today's order represented a fur-
ther one-sixth curtailment.
The action, taken at the request
of the Agriculture Department "to
further relieve the butter shortage,"
applies as well to frozen custard, milk
sherbet, other frozen desserts and ice
cream mix.

Exercises to
Be Jan.23
Marks First Mid-Year
Program in History of
University; Professor
Bryson to Be Speaker
Mid-year graduation exercises-:an-
other manifestation of the Universi-
ty's speed-up-will be held at 10 a.m.
Jan. 23 in Hill Auditorium.
For the first time in the Univer-
sity's history exercises at the end of
the Fall Term will be held to grant
recognition to students expecting to
graduate. Nearly twice as many Janu-
ary graduates as usual will receive
scrolls from President Alexander G.
The exercises, designedto give stu-
dents more time before leaving for
the armed forces, will closely dupli-
cate regular graduation exercises, but
none of the 829 degree candidates
will receive diplomas until they have
successfully completed their final ex-
No Procession Set
There will be no procession because
of the weather, but students and fac-
ulty members will take reserved pla-
ces in the auditorium. Students will
be seated according to colleges and
the faculty will take places on the
Academic dress will be worn by the
faculty and it is expected that stu-
dents will do so too.
Prof. Lyman Bryson of Columbia
University, a Michigan graduate, will
give the graduation address. He will
be introduced by President Ruthven.
Prof. Bryson now heads the Bureau
of Special Operations of the Office
of War Information.
ROTC to Bring Colors
After the members of the Board of I
Regents, the Deans, President Ruth-
ven, Prof. Bryson and others enter
the auditorium, an ROTC color guard
will bring in the flag. The national
anthem will be sung and the Rev. Dr.
Theodore R. Schmale of the Bethle-
hem Evangelical Church will give
the invocation.
After Prof. Bryson's address the de-
gree candidates will be introduced by
the Deans. ROTC candidates for
graduations will be introduced sep-
After singing the "Yellow and
Blue" and a benediction, degree can-
didates will receive their scrolls. As
the last degree candidate gets his
scroll and leaves, "Taps" will be soun-
ded and it will be followed by reveille
U.S. Bombers
Hit St. Nazaire
LONDON, Jan. 5. (Tuesday)-()-
German fighters used new "virtual
suicide" tactics Sunday when U.S.
airmen attacking the Nazi U-boat
base of St. Nazaire in France lost
seven big bombers in the heaviest cas-
ualty yet suffered by the Americans
in one raid, the Daily Express said
The Germans lost 38 fighters in
trying out their new technique
against the U.S. bombers, which were
identified as Flying Fortressps, the
newspaper said.
At least two of the U.S. bombers
were said to have fallen victim to
German anti-aircraft fire, the news-
paper said, without elaborating on the
effectiveness of the new Nazi fighter
U.S. Air Force Headquarters de-
clined to comment on the Express re-


Lake LadogaRUSw
ll Azov/ C tOELIO
Russian troops drove westward from the key town of V
and encircled Germans at Rshev (1), Moscow said, as the
in the continuing offensive southwest of Stalingrad captured
naya (2). It is in this area and northwest toward Millerov
newest gains have been made. In the Caucasus, Russians also
the vicinity of Elkhotovo (3). Shaded area is held by Germa
line marks farthest German advance in either 1941 or 1942.
CorSeS to e Gven t Fac

Concurrent with the series of "re-
fresher" courses to be given in phys-
ics, Prof. Sumner Myer of the mathe-
matics department yesterday an-
nounced that a one month course in
algebra, trigonometry and analytical
geometry for faculty members will
be started here this week.
The purpose of this course, he ex-
plained, will be to review elementary
mathematics for faculty members
3 More .Dail
Editors Hand
in Resignatons
Three more Daily editors yesterday
resigned their posts effective the first
day of next semester.
Morton Mintz, Editorial Director,
Vill Sapp, City Editor, and George
Sallad6, Associate Editor, gave their
resignations to the Board in Control
of Student Publications to leave the
five senior staff positiong open next
Homer Swander, Managing Editor,,
has already announced his resigna-
tion while Charles Thatcher, Asso-
ciate Editor, will graduate at the end
of this semester.
Sports Editor Bud Hendel and As-
sociate Sports Editor Mike Dann also
announced their intention to resign
yesterday. This will leave the top
two sports positions open.
All resignations were attributed to
a desire to open positions to junior
staff members who might otherwise
miss the opportunity of getting a top
Barbara de Fries, Womens Editor,
will vacate her position at the end
of the semester when she will gradu-
The Board in Control will inter-
view candidates for the open posi-
tions on the afternoon of Jan. 16
and will announce its appointments
in the evening.

outside the department
teach elementary mathem
es, thus freeing regular st
for teaching in specializ
such as the pre-meteoro
Faculty members wit
ground in calculus are
Professor Myer also r
in the pre-meteorology pr
a so-called "B" course
year of calculus as a pre
been definitely planned,a
requiring only the usual
mathematics as a prere
soon be given here. The
he explained is not bei
Michigan but at five oth
ties in the country.
Another "refresher"
mathematics may also b
ing the second semeste
Myer said.
The "refresher" cour
physics department will
at a preliminary meeting
today in Room 1041 of
Building, Prof. Ernest
chairman of the physics
also announced.
Turn to Page 4, C
Aerial Atit
in Pacific
Now Spor
(/)- With the Japanese
cleared out of the Buna
Guinea, warfare in the s
cific area Monday was co
ly to sporadic air attacks
Medium bombers (B-2
'00-pound bombs on La
160 miles up the coast
destroyed three grour
planes, and demolished
plane that had been dam
The area around the a
was strafed by light att
The combined attacks st
ber of fires. A B-24 heavy
a reconnaissance fligh
freight-laden Japanese
which was entering Fins
bor. Another Allied re(
unit machine - gunned
schooner in Jacquinot
southeast coast of New
Heavy bombers dropp
pound bombs on Gasma
New Britain, early Mond
considerable damage.
For the first time in
Buna area was not men
daily communique. Mop
progress in that area b
F actual1 twarfare is conrnr

in Pmeers
Moscow Radio Places
Them Only 45 Miles
Apart in New Drive
to Seal in Stalingrad
By The Associated Press
'K LONDON, Jan. 4.- The Moscow
RAKMAN Radio announced in a special com-
munique tonight the capture of the
big German air base of Chernishkov-
aspian skaya and the railway station of
Sea ; Chernishkov, an action which appar-
ently drove closer together the jaws
p ..of a second pincers closing about the
remnants of 22 trapped German di-
? s visions at Stalingrad.
KU . The broadcast was heard by the
'eikie Luki Soviet monitor.
Red Army Chernishkov, approximately half-
I Remont- way between Stalingrad and the Mos-
o that the cow-Rostov railway to, the west, is
gained in only about 50 miles north of Tsimly-
ns; dotted ansk on the lower Don where the Ger-
mans forced their crossing last sum-
mer to drive upon Stalingrad from
the southwest.
Reds Cross Don
er' The southwesternscounter-offen-
sive of the Russians already had
crossed the Don east of Tsimlyansk
Y and reached positions northeast of
ult the latter place.
The two arms of the pincers, pre-
who might viously reported as about 45 miles
matics cours- apart, now were apparently separated
aff members oy a gap of only about 30 miles.
ed programs This second pincers appeared to be
ogy course 40 or 50 miles west of the Russian
eligible, he none which has sealed the Germans in
at Stalingrad.
evealed that Chernishkovskaya is about 40 miles
ogram while north of Chernishkov. Chernishkov
requiring a is about 100 miles west of Stalingrad
requisite has and is on the Stalingrad-Likhaya
a "C" course railway where it crosses the Tsiml
high school river.
quisite may Soviet troops captured much booty,
"A" course, including 17 planes, 2,000,000 shells,
ng given at 50,000 airplane bombs and stores of
herguiver a- civilian and war supplies in the Cher-
ierunveri-nishkovskaya area, the special cam-
course in munique said.
e given dur- Ring Tightens on Nazis
r, Professor The regular midnight bulletin that
followed said of this middle Don drive
rses of the "our, troops continued to tighten a
be planned ring around besieged enemy garri-
at 4:30 p.m. sons."
the Randall "The Germans threw strong forces
F. Barker, into action in order to help one of
department, their encircled garrisons," it contin-
ued. "Enemy infantry and tanks
Col.3 Ilaunched repeated counterattacks.
However, the deadly fire of our artil-
lery forced them to roll back.
"More than 1,000 dead Germans re-
mained on the field. Twenty-four
Sa ks German tanks were disabled and
burned out."
Other Red Army units driving
ahead southwest and south of Stalin-
grad "continued their offensives and
adI captured a number of inhabited local-
(Tuesday)- Japs Fail t
e pretty well ft

area of New '1tFDR
Duthwest Pa- A bduct iDR
nfined large-
S. WASHINGTON, Jan. 4.- OP)- If
26's) dropped the White House and State Depart-
ae Airdrome, ment had accepted the urgent invita-
from Buna, tion of the Japanese, President Roose-
nded enemy velt might have been aboard a Japa-
another Jap nese warship, surrounded by enemy
naged earlier, generals and admirals, when the
irdrome also long-planned attack on Pearl Harbor
ack bombers. came about.
arted a num- This bit of Japanese planning was
iy bomber, on disclosed by a sequence of events re
t, strafed a ported in the American White Book,
supply boat issued by the State Department over
chhafen har- the week-end, although neither the
connaissance book nor an accompanying statement
an enemy by Secretary of State Hull made the
bay on the flat charge of a plot. The presentation
Britain. of events, conversations and docu-
ed thousand- ments, however, told the story.
tta Airdrome, Turn to Page 4, Col. 3
tay, inflicting
Garg Will Hold Poll for
n weeks, the A f
tioned in the Albm of Beauty Section
ping up is in In order to give the students an
ut so far as opportunity to express their ideas on
ned. the Thina n,+r - . . ;, i_1- ----1

University Will Continue Liberal Education

Liberal education at the University'
isn't a war casualty yet-and won't
be for a long time to come, Dean
Lloyd S. Woodburne of the literary
college said yesterday.
Dispelling rumors that recent Ar-
my-Navy pronouncements had scored
a direct hit on the University's liberal
arts-. ,rhnal. a. XffA'ItV Wnlirn d i tto,1 n.

those students who will still be in
The recommendations are based
upon a detailed study of the problems
facing the individual departments
and have already bee presented to
the faculty and department chair-
The Committee proceeded on the
A cclamtvi nirathait thaiir nlild hi-_a.nl

jected program now stands.
Changes will involve: bracketing
of some courses; offering of others in
alternate semesters; reduction of the
number of sections, in elementary
courses particularly; use of available
faculty men in other fields than their
own (after they have taken the prop-
er refresher courses); and, strangely
or nigh h +1,o iintinn of Pthe tpo ,4-ing

Committee will be the establishment
of a well developed training program
for women students to get them ready
for work in industry, business, public
health, social service, teaching and
the WAVES.
Woodburne emphasized that there
is "no time when the continuationof
liberal education has been more
nrasnarva hannaoiif +the fnt tha~t nwe

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