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Fift-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday during the summer session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
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of republication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, is
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by carrier
$4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1942-43
National Advertising Service, Inc.
Colege Publishers Representative
"Help! Give me elbow room,"
. t. y. f.
s . . .
Somer Swander
Morton Mintz.
Will Sapp
George W. Sallad6
Charles Thatcher
Bernard Hendel
Barbara deFries
" yron Dann .
Editorial Staff
. . . . Managing Editor
. . . . Editorial Director
. . . . . . City Editor
Associate Editor
. . . . . Associate Editor
. . . . . -Sports Editor
* . , . . Women's Editor
. . . Associate Sports Editor
Business Staff
g . . . Business Manager
Edward J. Perlberg
Fred M. Ginsberg
Mary Lou Curran
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Publications Sales Analyst
Telephone 23-24-1
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. .Q
Plane Production Alone
Is Major Allied Victory
THE UNITED NATIONS, turning promises into
planes, now have greater air power than the
Luftwaffe. British Air Ministry spokesmen re-
vealed recently that the RAF alone is stronger
than the combined German and Italian Air
Forces. And the United States alone is outpro-
ducing the entire Axis.
Production of this magnitude is a major
victory in itself. It demonstrates a resource-
fulness and eagerness to win that will speed
ultimate victory.
The immediate military importance of the
Allies' growing air superiority is to make many
important convoy routes safer from submarines.
And the new strength will make possible more
1,000-plane raids on the shipping and manufac-
turing centers of Nazi Europe.
BUT the air strength of the Allies has not yet
stopped growing. We may look forward to
the day when only Allied planes will take the air
to raid, when the enemy will be shot down when
he shows a propellor. - Lee Gordenker
BEW Should Be Given
Full Independent Status
ONE of the most urgent bills to come before
the new Congress, when it convenes Wednes-
day, is that involving the long-simmering BEW-
RFC dispute over RFC distribution of funds.
Actually, the significance of the bill involves
the future position of BEW's standing as a
government agency. A mere subonunittee of
the Reconstruction Fimance Corporation, the
Bureau of Economic Warfare in April asserted
that RFC had ineptly handled its authority to
accumulate stockpiles of essential commodities.
Result was that President Roosevelt stepped
in to give the Board power to issue directives
requiring RFC to close and finance BEW deals.
RFC head Jesse Jones, indignant at his loss of
power, hascountered with a letter asserting that
he has had to give money to BEW even when he
disapproved of the purpose. Vice-President Wal-
lace, director of BEW, when called in to testify,
said Milo Perkins, his administrator, had already
been forced to waste too much time being tactful
and that it was high time for BEW to hit harder
at its enemies.
S THE BILL granting RFC an additional five
billion to finance war activities swings into
the Congressional spotlight, public attention is
fastened on the heretofore relatively little-known
Board of Economic Warfare, which, with WPB,
forms'the Nation's high economic command.
Since April, when it gained a degree of power
in its own right, BEW has purchased over
$32,000,000 worth of strategic materials. Be-
fore April RFC's Rubber Reserve Co. had one
man in South America working on the develop-
ment of rubber; now, thanks to BEW, there
are over 100. Whereas RFC had spent not one
dollar on "preclusive" purchases (buying to
keep the goods out of Axis hands), BEW has
moved in to obtain a large number of critical
materials from European neutrals, often at
several times their value.
Although Jesse Jones himself has admitted the
value of BEW activities, which include the handl-
ing of all U.S. shipping except military and Lend-
Organization Should Be
Forged During Conflict
A YEAR after the signing of the United Nations'
pact, it is an inescapable conclusion that
the pact is just what Wendell Willkie recently
called it, "a mere euphonious phrase."
Four of the world's greatest nations-Eng-
land, Russia, China and the United States-as
well as many other smaller countries, have
supposedly been fighting hand In hand against
the common enemy since the signing of the
pact, but every day it becomes increasingly
apparent that each of the allies is playing a
lone hand.
True, real teamwork has been shown in the
coordination of the British and American war
programs, but China's recent disapproval of our
dribbling lend-lease aid, her objections to the
deaf ear we have turned to her pleas to reopen
the Burma Road, and the recall of her military
mission to this country all indicate that our
relations with the valiant Chiang Kai-shek and
his legions of soldiers and citizens are not all
that they could be.
IN the case of the Soviet Union, the Atlantic
Monthly reports that while cooperation takes
the form of a steady stream of supplies, there is
not yet full readiness on the part of the Soviets
to trust British and American officials with im-
portant information or to give full facilities to
.ur military observers. The Atlantic says, "coin-
pared with Anglo-American relations the U.S.S.R.
is fighting in isolation."
To allow this condition to exist among the
United Nations is a blunder on the part of
Americans and British alike. For once we should
realize that the real question is not so much what
we think of the Chinese, the Russians, the Indi-
Ins, and the millions of Southeastern Asia, but
what they think of us. We should therefore
take immediate remedial measures, steps which
thave already been suggested by such noted hu-
manitarians as Henry Wallace, Wendell Will-
kie and China's T. V. Soong through their pro-
posals for a United Nations World Council.
T'HIS world organization, forged during the
conflict for the purpose of not only formulat-
ing a grand military strategy of the United Na-
tions but for planning a realistic, equalitarian
post-war world pattern, is the one hope left for
more efficient prosecution of the war and for
(ecuring the future welfare of mankind. Russia,
China, England and America have the choice of
either developing a mechanism of working to-
gether that will survive after the fighting is over
or seeing all our w' aims discarded after the
armistice in a rush to lay down arms and con-
clude a peace.
More specifically the World Council would be
organized to deal with such problems as India's,
the post-war colonial world, the amalgamation
of our economic strength and war production,
the punishment of the Axis leaders, and the
countless other reconstruction problems. It would
surely be based, as Wallace has advocated, upon
liberty and unity and would have as its purpose
his lofty humanitarian ideals of the preservation
of liberty, equality and security for all.
F there is one lesson which the United Nations
must lean today it is that our enemies are
strong only in terms of cooperation among the
fighting democracies. The Iss understanding
which we show toward the Chinese, Russians
and peoles of Asia, the more time we lose in
I'd Rather.
1LBe Right_
NEW YORK-There is a difference between
liberalismn and namby-pambyism. Defense of
overtime pay is liberalism, because overtime pay
does not affect the war effort aid because its
elimination would run counter to even the con-
servative principle of not using the war to sneak
over fundamental social changes. But refusal
to support a universal war service act is not
liberalism; it is namby-pambyism.
We have to draw a line between what is lib-
eral and what is merely soft.
There is a kind of political slushiness which
passes for liberalism, but it is really a fake. To
allow one private car to ply the roads of the East
unnecessarily while even one home is without
heat is not liberalism; it is political goo, 'spread
on with a trowel, and it lacks both bones and
substance. To delay on universal service is an-
other clear case of administrative mushiness.
HE universal war service act is coming (as it
came to England two and one-half years ago)
but it is coming in. precisely the wrong way; it is
being "put over" on labor and the administration
by conservatives, in Congress and out; its mid-
wives are men and agencies that have never been
conspicuously friendly' to labor, and sometimes
raucously the reverse.
Mr. McNutt, the Manpower Commissioner,
speaks in favor of such an act, but few others in
the Administration do. Labor itself is fighting a
kind of rearguard action against this proposal to
assign .non-essential workers to essential tasks,
by government order, but on what ideologicaf
ground it is hard to see. Labor has decided that
the war is worth giving up strikes for, that it is
worth giving up its sons and husbands for, that
it is worth paying taxes for, but has yet to de-
clare coolly that it is worth giving up the right
to work at a useless job for.
THAT millions of Americans are working at
non-essential jobs is incontrovertible. (The
moment the war news gets a bit better, they
cling to these jobs all the more fiercely, I am
told by personnel experts; they fear the insecur-
ity of war work; the paradoxical result is that
the nearer the war approaches its peak, the
harder it becomes to shift these men and women
The wish to protect these jobs is certainly
not based on a clear and just estimation of
war needs; it is a kind of hankering; a kind of
reluctance to budge; it is not liberalism, which
can be firm and hard; it is that other, softer
thing I have mentioned. It is like the pacifism
that was still visible in portions of the French
labor movement in 1938; something remem-
bered from the past, once valid, and still cling-
ing on after its day is over.
It is too late for labor, even with all its just
fears of those who hate it, to behave automatic-
ally and instinctively.-
jT must behave consciously and knowingly. For
the soft, sluggish "state of mind" now dis-
played on the universal service issue, labor can
substitute the hardness and firmness of real
liberalism, which would accept compulsory job
directives, then insist on fair, temperate admin-
istration (actually, in England, "advice" to work-
TUESDAY, JAN. 5, 1943
VOL. LII No. 67(
All notices for the Daily Officiak Rml-
letii are to be sent to the Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m.. of the day preceding Its pbiica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30
Student Accounts: Your attention
is called to the followin rules passed
by the Regents at their meeting of
February 28, 1936:
"Students shall pay all accounts
due the University not later than the:
last day of classes of each semestere
or summer session. Student loans
which are not paid or renewed are
subject to this regulation; however,
student'loans not yet due are exempt.
Any unpaid accounts at the close of
business on the last day of classes
will be reported to the Cashier of the
University and
"(a) All academic credits will be
withheld, the grades for the semester
or summer session just completed will
not be released, and no transcript of
credits will be issued.
"(b) All students owing such ac-
counts will not be allowed to register
in any subsequent semester or sum-
mer' session until payment has been
-Shirley W. Smith,
Vice-President and Secretary
Mid-Year Graduation Exercises:
The Mid-Year Graduation Exercises
for all students who are candidates to
receive degrees at the end of the fall
term will be held in Hll Auditorium
at 10:00 a.m., Saturday, January 23.
The members of the faculty and of
the graduating classes and the audi
en~e should be in their .seats by 9:50
a.m. in order that the Exercises may
begin promptly as scheduled. Aca-
demic costume will be worn but there
will be no preliminary procession.
Further details will be announced
Ticket Distribution - Mid - Year
Grjduation Exercises; Hill Auditor-
ium, January 23:The admission tick-
ets for the Mid-Year Graduation Ex-
ercises will be ready for distribution
on January 12, 1943. Each of those
whose names appear on the list as en-
titled to receive a degree at the end
of the fall term should procure one
ticket for himself and he may also
have two others for relatives or
friends. Apply at the. Information
Desk in the Business 'Office, Room 1,
University Hall. Please present your
identification card.
-Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
Applications in Support of Re-
search Projects: To give Research
Committees and the Executive board
adequate time to study all proposals,
it is requested that faculty memers
having projects needing support dur
ing 1942-1943 file their proposals in
the Office of the Graduate School by
Friday, February 19. Those wishing to
renew previous requests whether now
receiving support or not should so
indicate. Application 'forms will be
mailed or can be obtained at Secre
tary's Office, Room 1006 Rackham
Building, Telephone 372.
- C. S. Yoakum
Detroit Armenian Gl mb Scholr-
ship: Undergraduate students 'of Ar-
menian parentage residing in the De-
troit area who have earned 30 hours
of college credit are eligible to apply
for the $100 scholarship offered for
1943-44 by the Detroit Armenian Wo-
men's Club. Applications must be
mnade by May 15. For further details,
inquire of Dr. F. E. Robbins, 1021
Angell Hall.
Choral Union Members: There will
be a full rehearsal of the Chorus
this evening, 7:00-8:30, at the School
of Music Building on Maynard Street.
Those who have not yet returned
their "Messiah" books and picked up
their copies of the "Requiem" should
do so before this rehearsal.
-Hardin A. Vai Deursen,
Fraternity and Sorority Presidents
are reminded that membership lists,
for the month of December 'are due in
the Office of the Dean of Students
on January 5.
Mail is being held at the Business
Office of the University for the fol-
lowing people:
Ancorka, Edward
Favorilli, Joseph
Frances, Mrs. John D-
Haynes, Mr. and Mrs. Ed
Kerth, Dorothy
Hupp, Mr. and Mrs. Arfhur
Kline, Harold
Meinell, Loine
Mosher, Lieut. and Mrs. Chas. A.
Muro, Dr. Felipe
Penfold, Chauncey, Sen 2C
Richardson, Jane
lever against, dilatory practices "by
Roem, Bob
Seifert, Mr. and Mrs. Harryl
Sharpe, Professor
Smith, Professor Robert
Stelson, N'. W.
Stephan, Prof: and Mrs. Fred 1 .
Steife, Mr. and'iMrs. Ralph
Stulzoff ,Dr. and Mrs. Joseph
Thomas, Dr. Donald G.
Violetta, Jane
The Bausch & Lomb Optical Co.
'are sorry they find it impossible' to
interview on campus this semester
as previously planned. However, they
are interested in receiving the' Per-
sonal History Forms from those stu-
dents who are interested in their com-
pany. Will all students who have
these forms out please return them
to us immediately, as we want to re-
turn them together. All students in-
terested in filling out application'
blanks, please call at our office at
-Bureau of Appointments
and Occuptional Information
To Students Whose Fathers are
Rotarians: Each year the Ann Arbor
Rotary Club gives a luncheon to the
students whose fathers are members
of Rotary International. The 1943
luncheon will be held at the Michigan
Union on Wednesday, January 13, at
twelve noon. To make certain that all
sons and daughters of Rotarians re-
ceive invitations, we ask thiat every
such student now enrolled in the Uni-
versity leave his or her name, and
Ann Arbor address, with Miss Velma
Louckes, Room 4, University Hall, as
soon as possible.
-An eArbor Rotary Club
Fred J. Hodges, President
All Students: Re istrtionhfor
Spiring Terma: Each student should
plan to register for himself during
the appointed hours. Registration by
proxy will not'lbe accepted.
Robet L. Wiilams
Assistant Registrar
Registration Material: School of
Music, Schol of Education, School of
Public Health, College of Literature,
Science, and the Arts. Students
should call for sprig term registra-
tion materials at Room 4, University
Hall, as soon as possible. Please see
your adviser and secure all necessary
Robert L. Williams,
Assistant Registrar
Registration Material, Colege of
Architecture: Students should call
for spring term material at Room 4
University. Hall at once. The College
of Architecture will post an an-
nouncement in the 'near future giving
the time of conferences with your
classifier. Please wait for this notice
before seeing your classifier.
Robert L. Wll ias
Assistant Registrar
Notice to Men Students: Men stu-
dents living in approved rooming
houses who intend to move to differ-
ent quarters for the Spring Term, or
who expect to leave the University at
the end of this Term, must give no-
tice in writing to the Dean of Stu-
dents before 11:00 a.m. on Saturday,
January 9, 1943. Students should also
notify their householders verbally on
or before this date. Forms for the pur-
pose of notifying the Dean of Stu-
dents may be secured at Room 2, Uni-
versity Hall.
Thie official closing date, for the
Fall Term will be January 30, 194'J,
and rent for rooms shall be coiputed
to include this date.
C. T.. Olmsted,
Asst. Dean of Students
Mr. J. E. Walters of Revere Copper
and Brass, Incorporated will be on
campus Thursday,. January 8, '1943 to'
interview Electrical, Mechanical,
Chemical, and Metallurgical Engi-
neers. Booklets and application
blanks are on file "in our office. Call
Ext. 371 for 'appointments.
-Bureau'of Apphintments
and Oceupatioal 'Information
201 Mason Hall
University Lectures: Dr. J. Harlan
Bretz, Professor of Geology in the
University of Chicago, will lecture on
the subject, "Life 'History of Lime-
stone Caverns" (illustrated) at 4:15?
p.m., Tuesday, ^January 12, in the
Rackham 'Amphitheatre, under thej
auspices of the 'Department of 'Ge-
ology. The public is cordially invited.
At 8:00 p.m., in Room 2054 Natural;
Science Bldg., Professor Bretz will
lecture. on "Tihe Scablanids of the
Columbia Plateau" (illustrated), be-
fore the faculty and students of the
Department of Geology; others who.
are interested 'are invited.
University Lecture: Dr. Jed B.'
'.Maebius, geologist for the Gulf Re-
fining Company, will, speak on the
subject "Geological Occurrence and
Development of Oil and Gas in Mich-
igan" (illustrated) at 4:15 p.m., Wed-
'nesday, January 6, :in the Rackham.
La Socedad Hispanica presents
Professor Albaladejo on the second
lecture of its sei'ies on Thursday, Jan.
nary 7, Room D, Almni Memorial
Hall at 415 m. His lecture title is:
"Cosas' Vividae y' Aprendidas'.
Academic Notices
Biological Chemistry Seminar will
meet on Wednesday, January 6, at
7:30 p.m., in Room 319 West Medical
Building. "Keto Acids in Blood and
Urine" will be discussed. All inter-
ested are invited.
Biological Chemistry 123-Blood
Analysis: It' is expected that this
course will be given on Thursday
mornings during the spring term. All
students who wish to register for this
course are requested to leave their
names in the office of the Department
of Biological Chemistry, Room 317
West Medical Building, as soon as
Physies 154; Electrical Measure-
ments, will be given at 10 o'clock on
Mondays and Fridays of the Spring
Term. Laboratory work one afternoon
each week, 1:00-5:00, on Tuesday,
Wednesday of Thursday.
--Arthur W. Smith
Graduate' Students in Psychology:
The next meeting of the Discussion
and Expeiimental Group will be held
tonight at 8:30 in the East Confer-
eice Room in the Rackham Building.
eThe program forthe evening will in-
clude a demonstration of phenomenal
memory by E. S. Glen. All psychology
students are cordially invited.
Doctoral Examination for Oliver
Johnson; field: Chemistry; thesis:
"Apparent Molar Refraction and Vol-
ueof Salts in Water, Ether, and
Acetone Solutions," will be held today
in 309 Chemistry, at 3:30 p.m. .Chair-
man, K. Fpajans.
By action of the Executive Board
the Chairman mnay invite members of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and he may grant permission to those
who for sufficient reason might wish
to be present. -C. S. Yoakum
Doctoral Examination for Beth
Vivian Heide, field: Speech; thesis:
"Systematics of Classification of
Speech Deviants on the Basis of Eti-
ology with Special Introduction of the
Syndromes of Dyssynergotal and Hy-
potonotal," will be held on Wednes-
day, January 6, in West Council
Room, Rackham, at 4:00 p.m. Chair-
man, J. H. Muyskens.
By action of the Executive Board,
the Charman mayinvite mebers of
the faculties and advanced doctoral
candidates to attend the examination
and he may grant permission to those
who for sufficient reason might wish
to be present. -C. S. Yoakum
Directed Teaching, Qualifying Ex-
amination: Students expecting to
elect D100 (directed teaching) next
semester are required to pass a quali-
fying examination in the subject
which they 'expect to teach. This ex-
amination will be held on Saturday,
January 9, at 1:00 p.m. Students will
ie et 'in the auditorium of the Univer-
sit'y High School. The examination
will consume about four hours' time;
promptness is therefore essential.
Teacher's Certificate, January 1943
Candidates: The Comprehensive Ex-
amination in Education will be given
on Saturday, January 9, from 1:00 to
4:00 in Room 2432 U.E.S. Printed in-
formation regarding the examination
may be secured in the School of Edu-
cation Office.
Men's Varsity-Debate: All men in-
terested in debate will meet in Room
4203''Angell Hall tonight at 7:30.
-Arthur Secord
Physical Education for Women:
Winter Sports Class 1:30 and 2:30 be
prepared to skate or ski today. Call
the Women's Athletic Building, Uni-
versity Extension 702 after 11:00 a.m.
for final instructions.
'Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: 'Forty-five prints, in-
cluding 'lithographs, etchings, and
'engravings by 'outstanding contem-
porary -American artists. Ground
floor corridor cases, Architecture
Building. Open daily 9 to 5, except
Sunday, through Jan. 5. The public
is invited.
Exhibition, College of Architecture
and Design: The 'American Academy
in Rome Prize Competition drawings
in Architecture for the problem "A
Supply and Maintenance Depot for
the U.S. Army Air Corps" are being
shown in the third floor exhibition
room, Architecture Building. Open
daily through January 7; 9 to 5; ex-
cept Sunday. The public is invited.
Events Today