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January 05, 2000 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-01-05

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Today: Partly cloudy. High 28. Low 19.
Tomorrow: Snow. High 39.

One hundred nine years of edntonlfreedom

January 5, 2000:


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Y2K prove

tob e ective

By Jewel Gopwani
Daily Staff Reporter
Nearly two years of preparation seems to have
paid off for University and Ann Arbor city offi-
als who remained on call during the turn of the
illennium Friday.
University Spokesperson Julie Peterson said
she spent a quiet evening at the emergency com-
mand center located in the Public Safety
Building without any disruptions due to Y2K.
Officials were focused on problems that could

have occurred if computers failed to properly
recognize the "00" date.
Thirty University officials staffed the com-
mand center beginning at 6 p.m. on New Year's
Eve including Peterson and ITD Chief
Information Officer Jose-Marie Griffiths.
But by 2 a.m. on New Year's Day, Griffiths
said she let most of the staff go except for a
"skeleton crew" of about three or four ITD
staffers who handled callers on the University's
Y2K hotline. During New Year's Eve, Peterson

said ITD officials held conference calls every
two hours so representatives from University
departments could give the command center sta-
tus reports on their systems. Those who staffed
the command center, also followed CNN's cov-
erage of New Year's Eve, held meetings through-
out the night and updated its Website,
wwv;.e Lar2O.umich.edu.
Griffiths said at least three ITD staffers were
on duty at the command center until yesterday

Mayor Ingrid Sheldon said the city also did
not have any probiems with its computers.
She said the city spent "seeral millions of
dollars" on re-evaluating and updating its com-
puter systems. "It was stuff that had to be done
eventually but we did it sooner rather than later
because ofY2K issues? Sheldon said,
Sheldon added that about 300 city employees.
one-third of the city's workforce, were on duty
on New Year's Eve.
University Health System spokesperson Kara

Gay ins also said University Hospitals did not
experience any Y2K computer problems. While
the irst birth of the new millennium did not
occur at Unix ersity Hospitals, Gavins said a kid-
ne' transplant was performed at 11:58 p.m.
IT , Director of Operations Management Al
MeC ord said the University spent about two
years preparing for the new millennium.
"We went through a very extensive analysis
process to determine which systems were vul-
See Y2K, Page 2A

Y i , ti
' c 2 ,




n overtime
By Andy Latgck
aily Sports Editor
MIAMI - It came while players and fans
alike were catching their collective breath,
preparing for this wild battle to stretch even fur-
ther into the hours of the morning. As
Alabama's point-after attempt sailed outside the
right upright, the roaring crowd turned silent
before realizing the game was over. But as
shocking as the conclusion was, it was a fitting
ending to one of the craziest - and best -
Michigan games in recent memory.
The eighth-ranked Wolverines twice battled
Hack from two-touchdown deficits to defeat No.
5 Alabama, 35-34, in overtime of the Orange
Bowl on Saturday. The game ended abruptly
when Alabama kicker Ry an Pflugner missed an
extra-point on Alabama's first possession of the
"I stood on the sideline, and the thought that
went through my mind was, 'It's going t be a
shame for someone to lose this footbai game."'
Michigan coach Lloyd Carr said. "Both teams
layed with everything they had."
The game shaped up as if it were a
Hollywood script - one with plenty of plot
twists but nevertheless a happy ending for
Michigan (10-2). Senior quarterback Tom
Brady made sure his last collegiate game was
also his finest. And in writing the final act of his
Michigan career, Brady also rewrote the record
He completed a career-high and Orange
Bowl-record 34 of his 46 pass attempts, throw-
ing for 369 yards, four touchdowns and no
But the final scene almost turned into a hor-
ror movie for Michigan. Brady had driven his
team down the field, as he has done time and
time again this season. setting up the game-win-
ning 36-yard field goal with two seconds left.
But Hayden Epstein's kick was bloc.ed. extend-
ing the improbable game to overtime and
putting a heart-stopping Michigan comeback
temporarily on hold.
Brady had been putting Michigan in a posi-
ion to win all game, though. so there was no
reason he couldn't continue to do so after the
time in regulation had expired. On ichgan
first play of the overtime period Brady Ihun
tight end Shawn Thompson over the midl hr
a 25-yard touchdown pass. Epstem added a
seemed like a routine extra point : the me u
it would soon turn out to be the diIrcice in t
Alabama (10-3) scored tw) plays Pter on a 21-
yard touchdown pass from Andrew Zow to
Antonio Carter. but Pflunger mis th pOini-
afterattempt. bringing the wacky gaie to a clse
Michigan's rushing atac ws dom tr c


Members of the Michigan Football team celebrate their 35-34 victory over Alabama at the Orange Bowl in Miami's ProPlayer Stadium on New Year's Day.

enire game. so Carr was forced to rely on Brady's
arm to lead Michigan to its third straight 10-win
eason. And the coach wasn't at all surprised with
the way his senior captain responded.
"Tom Brady has everything you want in a
quarerback,' C'arr said. "The guys aroLind him
love him and believe in him and if yo knew
him, you'd bei.eve in hir too."I
Mihgnfs receivers certainly believed in
Brady, and wxith the gtooxc the quarterback was
in, they couldn't help but get involved in the
otlensive explOsion. Brady found eight different
reC cis on the day as he calmly picked apart the
A.bamav secondairy. exhibiting the fearless brand
If )eYo leadership he has become known for
dowy.d~gu-wenchin season

"If you're quarterback, you want everything
on your shoulders," Brady said. "You want to be
the onr to make the decisions,"
Brady's outstanding game nearly overshad-
owed another heroic performance, this one by
w ide receiver David Terrell, who was also
named the game's Most Valuable Player. The
sophomore was the entire Michigan offense for
the games firs three quarters, accounting for
the Wolere' first three touchdowns in a 10-
catchl. 150-yard performance.
In fact, shortly after halftime, Alabama
versus Michigan vvas shapig up more like
Terrell against Shaun Al exander. The
Michigan receiver and the Alabama running
back ,Ccounted for six of the game's first

seven touchdowns, and Alexander's impres-
sive showing rivaled those of Terrell and
Brady. The senior rushed 25 times for 161
yards and matched Terrell's total of three
touchdowns, as Alabama established its rush-
ing attack early while taking a 14-0 lead.
But Brady and Michigan battled back to set
up the thrilling conclusion that left everyone in
the stadium, whether they wore maize and blue
or crimson and white, drained and exhausted.
And Brady couldn't think ofa happier ending to
his time at Michigan.
"Ten and two, Orange Bowl champions,. beat-
ing the SEC champions," a beaming Brady said
after the game. "It's a great way to end your

_ __

tifor ew

AE i member
pleads not guilty
By David Enders
Dlv Set Reporter
LSA sophomore Zachary Marwil, the aleged shooter of
an Alpha Epsilon Pi fraernity pledge in December was
arraigned in \Washtenaw County Court yesterday morning.
Marwil was charged with a misdemeanor last month with
"ibar ins a firearm wihout malice" said Washtenaw

By Jon Zemke
were sparse but cntal on t
The combined 5.000 oleishoo i

ask~d~.undcti id xxoinaii
'1" h e o i o irc_ " N . ! I n
~~~in ~ ~ ~ i we e.to;h r0c1
r a .n .. . i . ,
'Rii I\it iclre olte polie-
L~t i'. w lot IR in >ecthebal

The police closed dnn blocks in the
deadaone beginning a 6p.m. as they
led ating th I'ims Square and
pan nn out as night covered the city.
thou n limes Suare was packed
tbr)tC,)~i n r ;i fi t. CtLr


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