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January 05, 2000 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 2000-01-05

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2A - The Michigan Daily - Wednesday, January 5, 2000


Israel, Syria resume talks

SHEPHERDSTOWN, W.Va. (AP) - "They both want an
A procedural hang-up resolved, Even so, State D
President Clinton brought together son James Rubin sa
Israel's prime minister and the foreign accord can be reach
minister of Syria for face-to-face nego- week on peace term
tiations yesterday aimed at setting their on the Golan Heigh
countries on a course toward peace. arrangements on the
Clinton held a half-hour meeting with This is the firstt
Prime Minister Ehud Barak before years that Israel an
including Syria's Farouk al-Sharaa in the deal with issues o
meeting. A similar three-way session was Barak and al-Shar
canceled Monday night in a wrangle over face-to-face, under
what should be negotiated first. gives new meaning
"I think they're both very serious,' U.S. drive to gain At
Clinton said before leaving Washington. Jewish state in exchi
Continued from Page 1A
created a maze for spectators, and several thousand while try-
ing to find a location to watch the ball drop in Manhattan.
Many New York City residents left the city for New Year's
Eve in an attempt to avoid both the crowd and difficulties cre-
ated by the deadzone. Regardless of whether they planned to
attend the Times Square activities, many said there was a
sense of uneasiness.
Actions by city officials to reduce the possibility of terror-
ist acts such as bombings added to the feeling of unease. The
removal of garbage cans in Times Square, welding shut of
manholes, influx of both uniformed and plain-clothed police
and the covering of every garbage can in Manhattan created
a feeling of lock-down and anticipation.
But with police roaming the area in groups of two to 50
helped to reduce concerns among celebrants. At times it
appeared there were as many uniformed officers as pedestri-
The final deadzone spanned length wise from 29th to 59th
Street while the base went from Sixth to Eighth Avenue, creat-

epartment spokesper-
aid it was unlikely an
hed by the end of the
s, an Israeli pullback
hts and new security
e Israel-Syria border,
time in almost four
d Syria have met to
f substance. Having
aa talk about them
Clinton's auspices,
to the decades-old.
rab recognition of the
hange for Israeli-held

territory. Rubin would not say how
Monday night's dispute was smoothed
over during a meeting between Secretary
of State Madeleine Albright and Barak.
"We got a good start (Monday),"
Rubin said. "There was a procedural
hang-up in the evening. That hang-up has
been overcome."
With a light rain falling on the old-
est town in West Virginia, where talks
are being held at a federal center off-
limits to reporters, Clinton arrived
from Washington in a motorcade for
his second consecutive day of mediat-
ing with Barak and al-Sharaa.

ing a 90 square-block area of mostly dead space according to
officers on the scene. Times Square was filled by people who
had been eager enough to arrive early in the morning.
Some tired to be outwit officers by taking the subway to
Times Square after it had been sealed off came out of the sub-
way tunnel, looked at the ball a block away, and were then
told to move along out of the deadzone.
Most of the crowds who weren't actually in Times Square
saw the ball drop from intersection on Sixth Avenue or
Broadway at a distance from behind NYPD barricades. The
concentration of people at the intersection barricades brought in
the new millennium with noisemakers and 52 plastic-glasses in
the shape of 2000.
The crowds cheered every five minutes of the last hour of
the 1999 and then began to count in unison the year's final
And when the ball dropped the people cheered, couples
kissed and corks popped as the New Year was brought in with
crowd's cheering, hugging and wishing each other a happy
new year.
Then the small crowds of people dispersed, heading
through the now open police barricades at Times Square.

Continued from Page IA
AEPi President Brad Lundy, an
LSA sophomore who purchased the
gun, has not been charged.
According to his lawyer, Peter
Kelly, Marwil "stood mute" yester-
day in front of Magistrate James
Sexsmith at the arraignment. The
court considers standing mute as a
plea of not guilty. Marwil is current-
ly free on a personal bond.
Marwil, a Rhode Island resident,
was described as a "pledge educa-
tor" by Pi pledges. He was in charge
of pledge activities, which allegedly
sent three other pledges to the hos-
The incidents included pledges
being forced to drink until they were
sick and one pledge being hit with a
snowball containing a rock.
The house is currently on suspen-
sion by both the University and its
national chapter pending further
investigation into the incident,
which is expected to resume this
A date for Marwil's a preliminary
hearing has not yet been set.
Besides the criminal charges,
Marwil is also being charged under
the University Code of Student
Conduct, but no further information
was available.
There was also no information on
the condition of the injured pledge,
whose name has not been released
at his family's request.
Y2 K
Continued from Page IA
nerable," McCord said.
He added that the University then
worked with software manufacturers to
replace, modify or upgrade problemat-
ic systems.
Gloria Thiele said the University
primarily worked with the city and
Detroit Edison to deal with concerns
sch as water, energy and telecommu-
nications that are externally provided to
the University.
As of Monday, Griffiths said, ITD
polls of each University department
showed no negative reports.
While the University did not experi-
ence any major problems, Griffiths said
the only inquiries students and faculty
have made to the University's Y2K hot-
line involve "a few devices that are
showing the wrong date"
Griffiths also said some students and
faculty have had problems with the
University's server.
Students who have used the
University's telephone grade reporting
system are able to retrieve their grades,
but the system does not recognized the
new century.
Students are given the option to
retrieve grades for "winter 19-zero"
and "fall 19-one" instead of winter
2000 and fall 1999 semesters, respec-
But, Griffiths said the University's
plans for New Year's Eve were not a
waste of energy or money. "All of our
testing shows that we would have had
failures otherwise," Griffiths said.
She also explained that the extensive
preparation offers benefits that will be
useful in the future.
"For the first time, we have a com-
prehensive institutionwide emergency
plan," Griffiths said.
She also said the University now can
react to an emergency quickly with a
command center like the one prepared
for New Year's Eve.
"It was worth the extra planning,"
Peterson said. Although the command
center has been shut down, Griffiths

said students and faculty can request
help for Y2K related problems by call-
ing the University's Y2K number at l -
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Greenspan nominated for fourth term
WASHINGTON - Alan Greenspan was nominated for a fourth term as chair of
the Federal Reserve yesterday by President Clinton, who praised the 73-year-old
Republican economist for helping pilot the U.S. economy to what will soon become
the longest economic expansion in history.
In accepting Clinton's request to stay on the job another four years, Greenspan joked
that it was "like eating peanuts. You keep doing it, keep doing it and you never get
tired, because the future is always unknowable."
Although Wall Street holds Greenspan in the highest regard, the announcement of
a fourth term did not prevent a plummet in stock prices yesterday. The Dow Jones
industrial average suffered its fourth-worst point decline in history, dropping 359.58
points to close at 10,997.93.
Analysts blamed the precipitous drop on rising fears of further Fed interest rate
increases rather than the Greenspan announcement. But some did say those rate
increases were more likely now that Clinton has removed any uncertainty about
renominating Greenspan.
Clinton, who praised Greenspan's "rare combination of technical exper-
tise, sophisticated analysis and old-fashioned common sense," announced
his decision during a brief Oval Office ceremony with Greenspan at his @


Gene link cited in
lung cancer risk
WASHINGTON - A gene that is
more active in women than in men may
explain why women smokers are more
than twice as likely to develop lung
cancer as men smokers, researchers
Researchers studying the genetic
structure of lung tissue cells removed
from both men and women found that
a gene linked to abnormal growth of
lung cells is much more active in
"Women are more likely to develop
lung cancer after less smoking expo-
sure than are men,' said Sharon
Shriver, a Pennsylvania State
University biologist. "Also a nonsmok-
er who develops lung cancer is three
times more likely to be female than
male. Our study may provide an expla-
nation for this."
The study showed that the action of a
specific gene increased lung cancer
risk in both women and men smokers,
but tle risk- was 12 times higher for

women smokers with the active gene
and only 2.4 times higher for men
smokers who had the active gene, said
Shriver is first author of the study
appearing today in the Journal of
the National Cancer Institute.
Dole to endorse
Bush for nomination
BEDFORD, N.H. - George W. Bush
picked up the endorsement of former
GOP rival Elizabeth Dole yesterday and
took dead aim at his leading challenger,
saying John McCain's tax-cut plan
would not do as much for lower-income
Americans as his own $483 billion.
Dole compared him to President
Reagan, calling him "my kind of con-
servative" and saying he would restore
trust in a tarnished White House.
"Today we rally to another Western
governor, just as bold at challenging the
status quo, just as resolved to restore
pride in our institutions, just as deter-
mined to be himself," Dole said, recalling
Reagan's tenure as California governor.




Israel, Palestinians
end land dispute
JERUSALEM - Israel and the
Palestinians agreed yesterday on the
transfer of more West Bank land to
Palestinian control, resolving a seven-
week dispute and putting their negotia-
tions on a final peace accord back on
track, officials said.
Both sides expressed satisfaction
with the deal and said the hand-over to
the Palestinians of an additional 5 per-
cent of West Bank land will begin today
and be completed by Thursday.
The agreement also appeared likely
to case Palestinian concerns that the
government of Prime Minister Ehud
Barak was halting progress on
Palestinian peace talks while it con-
ducts intensive negotiations with Syria
that are now under way near
Washington. ,
"This is a parallel track to the Syrian
track," Palestinian chief negotiator
Saeb Erekat said after yesterday's
announcement. "It's not a competitive

The two sides also confirmed that
another Israeli troop withdrawal, from
slightly more than 6 percent of the West
Bank, will take place as planned Jan.
20, the same day that Palestinian'
Authority President Yasser Arafat is
due to hold talks with President Clinton
at the White House.
Yeltsin Warned
Putin of resignation
MOSCOW - About 10 days before
the New Year, President Boris Yeltsin0
interrupted Prime Minister Vladimir
Putin at a routine meeting and said he
intended to resign to give Putin a polit-
ical head start in the election campaign,
Putin recalled yesterday.
Yeltsin's decision to leave office.
Putin added, was a difficult one for
the 68-year-old president, who had
spent nearly a decade at the highest
levels of power.
- Compiledf iom Daily wire reports

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I EDITORIAL. STAFF Heather Kamins, Editor in Chief

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EDITORS: Nikita Easley, Katie Plona, Mike Spahn, Jaimie Winkler.
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PHOTO Louis Brown, Dana Linnane, Editors
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EDITORS: Toyin Akinmusuru. Rachel Berger, Paul Wong
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