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VOL. VII. No. 6'3.
T1 TLL~ PRIZES FOR LAW STUDENTS. Itodeto of thele otoetoity oreo th" Harvard Catalogue.
- 00110 111oil 4a doatt htet'o of f St- ill 111e in- -d ,(: f tloote or'9-E
J)aji' alo oe norPi~ree Offers c 5 for titantycifthe fiet ore 00iltt' oie out on 1o. . It the 1I
(lri~lol Research. oCtt011tito. I'~eOlit 10 ltorl101 e'ltttotd ol
.- o~~~nx~~iccai~( 'orket'rod : ''4'to i tttt trn ipl op-11 1100 1 Egt'01
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( 1Ii slo ii~ wii sdtitl.t)FULL SS SUITS A SPECIALTY )1 il' wo Lft lil lttu !pl li'lt oftP Ili rit astl
NO. 2 E, WASHINGTON ST. NEAR MAIN. bb.1111 eill' tetlhotil' 11 'llol'o". 11110' l ti ln l~i n l ol 1 rlt11' ll'11tnwi oe hits
#Rob Roy 0
1001ae ofthe new perfumes thact s
a 0 or~xe. We h1e toOin b ull.
.It'150 cnts aoncetp.
We hlve a clomplete lice of0
perfumtrosoote hy So~ePlonPler
# of Necw11101.0j
45 S6. STATE ST. 0t
anld arc selling their entire
stork of Good SHOES otr at a SAC,-
IFICE becaulse tihey wanlt to goI
out QUJCK, hlaving malde othler
plans for thle 1n0ar future.
H3oliday Goods
B3rown.m's Drug Store.
Corer lof 911111110n11110roty.
0~ Ait ttoL<411.1ctet rLI
fended1'lu111il 1)1c. 2,1'. It iwoo l'ei''1li
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In Early Days,
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I cl's1(10. 'Phe 1'ofll tit' (11100 iot e orse
fron1 tiltif55 tto 4115'Ilit 47t 'tilttl in
loosert." 1102 to13110.
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TuelO F' DNo IN S.i't' Oneitt' doer Etast It tiittio ilitI E(1 , - ;lirt lit' 'toiy iclto tt 111 ltlO 11Yle Catalogue.a
Dainty otal Giftli Books il Proset. li ot
Every ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I on inviat~t.ted to iiou tw .1.I.1115, the A. 111. iit 1050.
iIO t-0 ltt e 'it eo flail 0' ('ioi i~pcpti l b ill ' wov ill ttol'tl'ilel
stores.~;-Iitri f le e i tl~iro trl~ii t!t ot in l t0i ' flit' olff -- 111- 111
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27 T o so Oown , Tow ofu 1.e Cocixtlt o _ tut~ilxi : 1.1 rln e ttt Deitr t . i1110 ''15a t he 0,11 " sltolis 7Itlt;- watt s pils i hoto'
155,lt S~rde~ atti~l Opposlite Gaut us
-n-r AT-- itI. cl, t1rcnt4 lP i~ i 111 e itlegstuireoli tnoil power' toeel.