___ _ t _.
t abort liveel is easy to miake bot ]bard
IL o f f P a L~I"~,to prose. _To obtaiii reliable sttis~tics
is practtic ally jiltoosible, for :all 'ola-
Published Daity (Sand.ays excepted) daring pilaions yet ioadie leave' ensir ply ait
the College Year, at
THE UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. of cosioderation ttie fact tit non-
oFGein: Times buiiling, 79 S. Maln St. be- collegiate aililetes live niotorioslytv is-
tweea Liberty and Wiliam Sts. sipated ives wheicoumt of tri.iliic.
14LN AGING EDITOR tieeis wat Dr. Dhoning, of ltelord-
5. F.Toosab, 7.ital facolty. lisa to Say onnthis psiill:
0.11IIiANS, 'so "I rio not b l that li t sarni'
EDITOeS lltt lie n-ijority of college ItIlleios
E. L.OCosro1, ci L. F. S. iiora. '55. never ireach tidilli' sgc). It sotlas
B. B. 1aIttsoeaav'. 1i. 0. aios.ai~As. 'lb L.
F. BZ. LOsaie. '98. 11. IH. Coowiv '5.1. bit oiily' ill adlviseid, lit .as lloiiiicliit.
C. ai. boatS, 99. Athletic Editor. 11t eenli madeIititi slliotly is et of
ASSOCIATES EDITORS irliat it cliv t-expressed. 'f le ' ll-glisltI
W. W. ilages. 'it. S. W. 5Stli, '197.
F. A. Facil,i,5 L. oolser bodge, 'lil. ii' a loug' lived l itlull. APo i~t
W. P. Meorrill,'98l. IButler Lamib, 190. ismoreiin't ere''ist'dil l i hei 11tli
A. a\I. south, '9i. C. Lull, Jr..,a9951.
thei'Etiglisli. Aild lthiys ir'ehnttills'
as lithun'sleil bitlheli rauct.'ice''1luil l's
isreaici. heirIs li iu iio t i s-i' o
The tubia-'ciuticui pr ice of tbe Daily is -32501
for thii'cokle!g(' year. wititraergiilar c tie -y a atdeiitillili;' 1Ii in-eli'.\\ill)ili c
before noi e eteltday. Niticescommittc
floes. cund othre matter uinteidedifotoe eoilieii' seWirk sir 'uninig his li'lsit'os f c's 'I
tionoiust betchandedin atiitheiDaily o ' tt-
foe ep. ii., cr rsashed tasthe 'ieditorlo(' :buyill-iit'lim11ntller' is thait 1xi1to'
P. III. of the day previos to list onti, ic
they are esicuteulco at pear. betue lii's i t bill Illy ci u's ciii' this
ro bscritils oMay be left at Tleiii'lily <f(11or it ild ci))eI
ofilier,Meyi'r's or 'Stoicet s Ne stand, o' iioutra i
WtttBuisinss liinge.tSubacribers.tiilnccon
in'ri a eorby tepitr titicpromtitlly at tith Iis I htficilaullis blisInttl iiiisuiuui '
ofcealiyfiiure bf carriers to i vertpaper,.
it ii iii i'ili'g's. Ill' i1t,~illlill Ic ill 'tll li Ii t i'iiii i. 111 liii' 111it1i:,
ble t tle i(~sit greiIti lieoftiltciStte'- e115'iii' icitualtim'111(1, 'itiIize'Thaet
1Tea'cherg'iilly i'm' iittIlt'itit: osi c 511 ' 1 unth lath is I iuuiriaiotic f lit of
grett it 'isi iiiii f' tiuS 11111. lit' 'i'1 iia i iiItt u ii111(11 iss i(olto .'I'ii ll
colee datleiiti.Ie Vi 1tslitallsect' e i 5 iii itnibintendecyis i' 1 it's <l
ti til.t olegeds. Itilit sisuditilotoa evstaishttts titS UOte brfi'utl-i
-, _ :
Ali ' ,a y v ''+ ^ 5s , 'r ! ,
Y..' tiF'. i 4 - -, - . tier { j i /
I 1 \ ! i
, ; .
-- f : y +
s . i i ,_..;
r 1_ .
wine the jory of oboe buyers anad it's
ours by a heavy majority. Footwear
shoold be lop quality. The feet can't
stand anything else. Prices asold be
leow, ao as to keeplthle shoe taxv within
boisnds. Toss won't feel our oboe
prices, bitt they will make you feel
fleased. There lire no corn groers
like bad oboes. Camue to its end get
soehinig that youi can wear yourself,
instced ofthit alot'evwearing yor foci.
N S.Ia St.'
L. GRUNER, Ariser.
, M1Foir a brpyain in at Tailor-Macin Over-
Ft' olt-Soilithig; choic e at a loy
Figucre. This wveek we wil offer you
I ; - -then. hicue of ouir $18.00 itnid i0.41.3t
i - inte Osve1coaits at
OVERCOAT._U_ U Nbes Star Clothing House.
benited, wh s'lile' sevriai thioun-d tltupicolar]e;utuare o' f iiwilltlets fl--iit 1
o tt~ i thit'life t'ili'tisie yt' ii tiltu' t'.t itit'I u li' sis ul s-
s short, beause oftf l' l'sul t.'1114,1 ltut tan ily' Wotuiuu' s ota'fi'
footbtil lis brutaltansit mmouitrafl int tcdt I mgotit'as 'iliratfitf suit( iitutlt'.' l'flute
envy. Not situ' tf iit'e l"tucuuuu'use1 t uti i'it-iu'iiitl ttu 111't utonebro ent-i l,1.ihii' q,, rM -
be sttefthod-f'licllitit. I t'bel iv..1oi tic' 4i)1'1utile ,h4i- I."
Flue state'men'it ictut'that£1 ty a ue i ' ufourui' .iscltonfettat
s students ntatre uiuul ti uuiu 1a' it iabotiut t vo ii lutiuii 211(f1t t ~i nyu ,
athletic's isy tot i ae'irds~uec 5 1 i ii l iii te' " t o l etsa. 'f'iuu'11'1'0 'uere, I
facts. Take liii'c-seou' otur o n i' ito, fits'I 11 ishtoted akl's .tutu1 kiteus.
veisily. 'lucre set-r iftutiitug l.fish th e iii' loiuy ifthotiset'Ass''u i
at-ason at leatal10 foottbtul lutuuuls. i.\0it 1io't.tltc're i'tiuthe g tll t s It-' bee
citidig;suibstituites,.ech Win 11h0u t i h''iiii' ucf''i'' fra utIuf' i
least 20 pilye'rs. This 11uu1uus 9(itu)uuu y'ta
Add to this 7: iiihociiedfur tis P i11."10f'uh i itcr li''ac'TeMaragement of floe
anch wes--ca' usiustu -tfuul aiifs1'1 is-'1 u weti ihliii ie li
total of 275 'flit-it nively u-igogt(Iinaiisiiitiiitt'aufli''ui'osr IvrIr A AIJs P g.u
situL'fut huerare ofteaslis tft L g t IIIAIIII ld VUIIDIt IIIC R
footbsall. TVisitiehalf0coltbe idi000(1lil n lan lil m u. . n....... s
at feath1005 fhr tu'uiii, 7 it:')ttra -etn em aetod~uct
athletics, anti 21011fur liii'14 or 15 bat'- dsrb h hril rtlto
ball tibias rganizecdi iin esrig payhuht'uticltcatusedifti." to take piace in their ARMORY, Jan. 12 to 161
huihh-gi'athleht it' soeutilinis tssliut
This uulaes itgrandtSlf is ihuslsi- undueui'propouurtion',usin ettllegs'lift'. buti call your attenltion to this space. Watch it,
inatefp- 50 tnt-tiwho taslattie'patrt this I iii'hefattsof tuner-ealotis pith-
in college athletics. This''"ioeni or' 55o 1 tilts. Ct'iiily aitioti'fe sl'irformitua
tucit argiumeintaloes, itsainsu 1- Thtitlist:et ttli' Wefu1io lii iihuking tile-hi1 The LUCKY CURVE of thu1 e AR E
speatioti. Niii'is tileall; for, if i-oh- slush nstt isisi-ie'irtis of the -f-e. ihatereritohn xUfL 1U. u
asitenhetsef'4todlayp, and thiey-shiuuldf.
la-ge athiletics were abolihedcl as5 th' tie ti' hu'ii-ti'ig t.i t'iit f-
doctor desires, .this'athuletitcsp irit ly uttiukedil We uwosiuli-ertaiiily ex- Wihat Bait Bearinigs are to thin Bicycle. A perfect Pee and warranted by the Parkas
whichi the work of thest'50inn (tmouu s'' u uure' usiseu'atis'e andetirefuil Fee Compeny, Janesvile, Wis. 3 .FED 9,4 .UirriyAe
ceatesneotld, also edisaipietir at ii th pinuiioiu firutil oshl~gh anithtulority is
this would go ptractically all udesire far Dr. Vauighnsi. ANI. l THE PHOTOGRAPHE T OF M. SHBAYING PARLOR and Bath-
RNURLLHE romm. Aul appointments first class.
systematic exercise of any kind. 21) S. Ingalls street, purlor sito', Washington Block, Imported ad domestic cigars. Ladies' artis-
The tatmen tha atlet,; ae frnae 'Bat i~rit ad bth,$3.tic hair dressing and bathing parlors, up
Th>ttint htahee iafraefnl ih ndbtl5$.Ann Arbor. stairs. J. R. Trojanowskil30OS. Statest.L