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January 05, 1956 - Image 1

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VOL. LXVL No.. 69




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Senate Hearing

Activities Building Slated For

Center Parties








Communist Investigation Leads
To Editorial Denouncing Committee
WASHINGTON (A')-A Senate subcommittee's' hearings into al-
leged "Communist ipfiltration" of the press resumed Tuesday, and
led quickly to a clash with the New York Times.
That newspaper charged that it was being made a target because
of its condemnation of such things as school segregation and "McCar-
thyism and all its works." Sen. James Eastland (D-Miss.) chairman
of the Senate Internal Security. subcommittee conducting the investi-
gation, replied that "the New York Times denies when no one has
accused it." He said the Times is not under investigation.
The Eastland committee yesterday heard two New York news-
papermen testify they were Communists in the 1930's but quit the

Team by Edgar


SGC ecommends Four
Auto Ban. Procedures
Four recommendations to the committee- on implementation of


Poll Shows
Eden Losing
Newspapers Lead
Party Criticism
'LONDON (P-Political barome-
ters showed a sharp decline yes-
terday in the popularity of Prime
Minister Anthony Eden at a time
when he is planning his talks later
this month in Washington with
President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Eden's leadership has come
under attack from sections of his
own Conservative party. This has
given heart to his Labor opponents
now hammering at the 58-year-old
Prime Minister's government.
Laborites have accused Eden of
failing to make decisions on diffi-
cult problems. Now these charges
are being echoed in some Conserv-
ative quarters, including rank and
file Tories in Parliment and big
Conservative newspapers.
Newspapers Attack Eden
The Daily Telegraph and the
Daily Sketcl>, both Conservative,
have told Eden the British public
expects firm decisions.
Recent public opinion polls in-
dicated the Laborites might de-
feat the Conservatives if a na-
tional elections were held now.
Specifically, Eden's critics ac-
suse him of failing to deal ade-
quately with inflation at home and
foreign policy abroad.
Growing Russian penetration in
the Middle East, an area of tra-
ditional British influence, and
failure 'to stop anti-British out-
breaks in Cyprus have caused the
most concern.
Eden Government Embarrasse
The Eden government has been
embarrassed by disclosures that it
had failed to plug loopholes
through which private dealers
were able to send surplus British
arms to Egypt. The wisdom of the
government's approach to the
Israeli-Arab prblem also is quest-
Conservatives said the restless-
ness in their party began to de-
velop when Eden postponed re-
forming the government to his
own pattern. The reshuffle finally
came on Dec. 20.
Arsonist Sets
Three Blazes
An unidentified man, possibly
a teen-ager, is suspected of setting
three fires in the alley in back of
210 Main last night.
The fire department was sum-
moned to put out three small
blazes. Two were ignited rubbish
and a third was in the front seat
df a '48 Chevrolet owned by Murry
D. Wanty.
Wanty, owner of the Wanty
Shoe Store, was at work at the
time and reported he heard a car
' door slam and went out in the
alley to investigate. A man he de-
scribed as a teen-ager fled when
he saw Wanty appear.
The first fire was in some rub-
bish behind the Kresge store. The
second was just past Wanty's-
store, and the third was in the
front seat of his car which had
been parked in a small lot in the
A search of the area could not
find any trace of the suspected
Prentrn m fiffman

party in disgust and disillusion-
ment. One now works for the
Times and the other did so back
in the 30's.
The Times declared, in an edi-
torial, that it would not knowing-
ly employ a Communist. As for
those who had some Communist
association in the past or pleaded
the Fifth Amendment, it said it
would judge each case on its own
It seems an obvious conclusion,
the editorial said, that "the Times
has been singled out for this at-
tack precisely because of the vigor
of its opposition to many of the
things for which Mr. Eastland, his
colleague, Sen. William Jenner
(R-Ind) and the subcommittee's
counsel J. G. Sourwine stand.
"If this is the tactic of any
member of the Eastland subcom-
mittee, and if further evidence re-
veals that the real purpose of the
present inquiry is to demonstrate
that a free newspaper's policies
can be swayed by congressional
pressure, then we say to Mr. East-
land and his counsel that they are
wasting their time. This news-
paper will continue to determine
its own policies.

ARCHITECTS SKETCH - Student Activities Building will be located behind the Administration
Bldg. Scheduled for completion in early 1957, it will house student groups, deans.

groups that will be available when ro
After only one month of con- construction is finished. It
struction the Student Activities Panhellenic President Debbie in
Building, new location for all stu- Townsend, '56, commented yes- be
dent organizations, is rising rap- terday, "Here is physical proof of
idly, Lynn Fry, supervising archi- the University's endorsement of sid
tect for the University said. student activities as a natural and stv
Located on Jefferson St. be- important part of a student's is
hind the Administration Building career." Of
the new center is slated for com- Many small groups will benefit ou
pletion on Feb. 1, 1957. greatly by having a permanent ta
The excavation is almost com- meeting place instead of using any ha
pleted, cement footings for the!I e Csoo

om available at meeting time.
is hoped that student interest
joining campus activities will
The greater part of the west!
de of the building will contain
udent offices while the east side
reserved for offices of the deans.
ffices will be situated around the
utside windows with the secre-
riat separated from them by
alf partitions. .

the new driving ban proposals were drafted at last night's Student.
Government Council meeting in the Union.
Passed on straw votes after discussion of a list of administrative
proposals, the recommendations deal with registration fees, judicial
procedure, additional University enforcement powers and allocation
of fines.
The Council also approved the appointment to one-year Joint
Judiciary Council terms of Mike McNerney, '58L, Bob Burgee, '56,
Joe Collins. '57E, Shirley L wson,
'57, and Mary Nolen, '57 BAd. -- *"
Motion Defeated
In other action, the Council de-
feated a motion to require evidence le
of ability to fulfill one-year terms
on the part of all SGC candidates
except those serving previously on
the Council. Survey Savs
Also passed was a motion to/
hold all senior class electiops on a
day other than all-campus SGC By BILL HANEY
balloting. America's college fraternities
All Council members were pres- r
ent at the four-and-a-half-hour are still choosing their members
ong meigpeieoon a basis of race, religion and na-
Vice-President Joel Tauber. '57. ' tional origin according to a survey
Tnonpolicyconducted by the National Com-
and procedures relating to the tiotten Fraternities in Educa-
driving proposals accepted " in tion.
principle" by the Regents at their Dr. Alfred McLung Lee, presi-
December meeting will be reviewed dent of NCFE and chairman of
as presented by student members the department of anthropology
of the office of Student Affairs and sociology at Brooklyn College,
committee established to draft conducted the survey and made
administrative details. the results public Jan. 3, in his
eoi rarriiswtor. on

World News
L Roundup
By The Associated Press
DETROIT - The Detroit news-
paper strike passed the five-week
mark yesterday with a non-econ-
omic issue snagging the dispute'
Into one of the longest big-city
tie-ups in history.
And there was no sign of a
break thatrcould bring an im-
mediate resumption of publica-
tion by the Detroit News, Detroit
Times and Detroit Free Press with
their daily circulation of 1,300,000.
Jackson (D-Wash) said yesterday'
Russia may have guided missiles
that could- deliver H-bomb strikes
at targets 1,50.0 miles away-in-
cluding "virtually all" U.S. Stra-
tegic Air Command bases overseas.
Jackson, chairman of the Senate
Armed Services subcommittee on
atomic weapons, told reporters
"there is reason to believe" the'
Russians may have developed such
faster-than-sound weapons.
Antarctic expedition reported to
Washington yesterday that one of
its transport planes flew over the'
South Pole Tuesday - the third
time an American aircraft has
been there.
crats and the AFL-CIO jumped ion
Secretary of Agriculture Ezra
Benson yesterday for linking low
farm prices with city wage rates.
National Democratic Chairman
Paul M. Butler and George Meany,
president of the AFL-CIO, both
accused Benson of trying to make
city workers the scapegoat for
the "failure" of the administra-
tion's farm program.
WASHINGTON -Almond-eyed
Tokyo Rose, one of the siren voices
of the Japanese radio during
World War II, gets out of jail at
the end of the month.
Council Drops
Primary Vote
Feb. 20 primary elections to
choose party candidates for two
City Council seats were canceled
at a council meeting Tuesday
The election is not necessary be-
cause there is no contest within
the Republican and Democratic
parties for the two seats of alder-

foundation have been poured, and
wall construction has started ac-
cording to Theodore Mills, super-
visor of construction.
Original plans which specified
structuralsteel columns and beams!
have been revised. Cement is be-
ing used instead because steel is
too slow and would greatly reduce
chances of finishing the project
on time, Mills said.'I
When it is finished the build-
ing will contain offices of the
deans as well as facilities for stu-!
dent organizations, which include{
Student Government Council, In-
terfraternity Council, Inter-House
Council, Panhellenic Association
and Assembly.
In the rear will be a one story1
workshop where the various groupsc
can construct material items such
as displays and floats.1
Few campuses offer the type of
permanent facilities for student
'U'( ToBuild
AutoRam--p t
For Staff

IkeCo ress Move o Aid
Farmers, Cut Surpluses
WASHINGTON (P) - Congress and President Dwight D.
Eisenhower moved quickly yesterday to try to get more money into
farmers' pockets and cut down the vast piles of government-owned
u uThe election year race to help the farmers - whose income has
been falling while the rest of the economy booms - immediately
produced one big area of agreement:
There should be a "soil bank" or "fertility bank" scheme under
which the government would funnel money to farmers who retire
crop land from unnecessary p'ro-
duction.- ,
The White House announced ont I -U
this second day cf the new ses-
will send a special farm message P ogressive
to Congress on Monday.
toC nrs nM n a.Chairman Allan Ellender (D-La)
said the Senate Agriculture Com-
mittee had agreed to go to work
at once on a broad new farm pro-
gram and try to have it "on the Professor Fredrick A. Hayek of
President's desk by February 15th."' the University of Chicago said last
Ellender said he would try to! .niversityeolChicagosdls
keep the farm relief program out night that the only purpose of
of politics, saying: high progressive taxation was to
"The way farm prices have been f reduce inequality of income.
going down recently, it hurts Re- Speaking before approximately
publicans as well as Democrats." 150 members of the Economic,
White House secretary James C. club on "Progressive Taxation," he
Hagerty said at Key West, proposed a system of taxation
Fla., that President Eisenhower is whereby the maximum tax imposed
speeding his program'to Congress whrb hIaiu a moe
because of the great importance would be limited to the same
he attaches to the farm problem. rate as the proportion of total
e a esnational income used for govern-
Republican politicians have ex-nt ni ue. rg .n
pressed frank concern about the ment expenditures.
crop price situation, with both He said the high progressive
presidential a n d congressional taxation rates have not helped the
elections' coming up this fall. poorer section of the population
Democrats are blaming the ad- for whom they were designed and
ministration for the decline, while that evidence suggests high rates
Republicans reply that the drop are not necessary to raise the
got started under farm policies funds which government needs to
laid down by Democratic regime. meet its requirements.

Student Members Approved
Student members approved by
the Council were League President
Debbie Townsend, '56, Joint Judic
Chairman Fritz Glover, '56, and
former Daily Managing. Editor
Gene- Hartwig, '58L.
The recommendations were: (1)
That a registration fee of approxi-
niately three dollars be used for
proper enforcement of driving
regulations, but primarily for al-
leviation of the parking situation.
(2) That all justiciable infrac-
tions shall be handled by Joint
University to stop and question
Judiciary Council.
(3) That enforcement officers
be empowered, if possible, by the
students suspected of violating
University driving regulations.
(4) That fines collected from in-
fractions of University driving
regulations be allocated toward
construction of parking facilities.
Cinema Guild
Positions Open
Cinema Guild petitioning opens
8 a.m. today.
Petitions may be picked up at
the Office of Student Affairs, 1020
Administration Building, for four
Cinema Guild positions: public re-
lations,; sponsor relations, treas-
urer and secretary.
Positions are open to all full-
time students who meet the Uni-
versity's scholastic requirements.

book Frateritieswithout:both
Lee said 10 out of 61 leading
fraternities still have written rules
against members of certain races
and religions.
Sorority Restriction
Only one of 32 leading sororities
has such a restriction, he added.
Lee charged however, that al-
through most fraternities and so-
rorities do not openly acknowledge
discrimination in their rules, "in!
most cases it is very much alive,
even though underground." ,
"Very quietly-and, in all but
one case, without written state-
ments of policy-sororities segre-
gate themselves even more effec-
tively than fraternities do," Lee
added. .
Discrimination Termed 'Aryanism'
This underground discrimina-
tion is termed "Aryanism" by Lee.
"To the extent that Aryanism
persists in them; social fraternities
represent a basic threat to democ-
racy in the United States and to,
the effectiveness of American lead-
ership in world affairs.
"If men's and women's fraterni-
ties will rid themselves of this dis-
asterous theory and practice, they
will contribute to the development
of democratic leadership," Lee ex-
Lee blames "fraternity profes-
sionals" and alumni for prevent-
ing chapters from pledging mem-
bers of minority groups and in
general developing a variety of
subterfuges for barring undesired

Now Hold
147 Seats
Anti-Tax Group
Increase Power
P A R I S FP)'- Premier Edgar
Faure, who provoked the general
election in France by dissolving
the old National Assembly, con-
luded yesterday the results were:
not as disastrous as they first
He urged the center parties td
put aside their campaign hatreds
and form a governmental team to
rule France, and said it could be
Faure addressed the Foreign'
Press Assn. while the final official
results still were being tabulated.
Communists Gain Seats
These showed the Communists
will have 147 seats in the new As-
sembly-52 more than in the 1951
election-and that the followers
of Pierre Poujade, who first gained
fame by advocating a tax strike
among small merchants, wll have
49 seats.
These figures do not include
overseas territories for which re-
sults have not been announced.
The Premier attributed the
strength of ,these two extreme
parties to a wave of antiparlia-
mentary feeling throughout te
nation. Defending his dissolutiony
decision, he said that ending the
old Assembly had not created this
animosity to the legislators but
had helped reveal its existence
Now, he said, the middle-of-the-
road .parties must work together
"because if we leave our insttu-
tions in the condition they are
now, we will be submerged."
Same Parties Alternating
These parties of the center are
the same whose leaders have been
alternating in power at the head
of shaky coalition Cabinets for
more than eight years.
Faure asserted that the bloc of
stubborn opposition in the new
Assembly is not greater--and even
a little smaller-than it was imme-
diately after the 1951 election. At
that time there were 95 Commu-
nists and 107 deputies committed
to Gen. Charles de Gaulle and
pledged not to work with any goy-
The 1951 election law was de-
signed to reduce the number of
Red deputies. The same law wa
not effective this time because the
center parties fought among them-
selves instead of presenting a com-
mon front against the Commu-
nists. The result was that the
Communists have an Assembly
contingent more in line with thei
popular vote.
Prize Drama
Opens Today
Ann Arbor Civic Theater's pres.
entation of the Pulitzer Prize-win.
ning play "Picnic" opens at 8 p.m
today in the Lydia Mendessohr
Written by William Inge,"Pic
nic" is directed by Ted Heusel 3nI
features Al Douglas, Joan Con
over, William Taylor, Marilee Mer-
riman, Nancy Witham, Lois Sy.
mons, Autumn Routson, Pat Smit
and Carl Gingles. It will run
through Saturday."
"Picnic" also received the Ne
York Drama Critics' Award. I
played for a season and a half On

Tickets are available at the
Lydia Mendelssohn box office.
Law Test Set
For. ebruary
The Law School admission tes
required of applicants for admis
sion to a number of leading Amen

Construction of a parking struc-
ture for staff members is under
consideration according to Man-
ager of Service Enterprises Fran-
cis Shiel.
Shiel would not comment on
possible locations or details of the
structure but said it would be
financed by revenue from the Uni-
versity's parking program.
The University anticipates build-
ing a series of parking ramps to
alleviate the parking situation,
Shiel commented..
Only one is definitely being con-
sidered now but Shiel said they
would be built, "as we can afford
On Feb. 1 the University will
place about 1080 University Hos-
pital parking lots under the over-
all parking program. The lots are
now controlled by the Hospital.
Hospital personnel will either
have to buy parking permits;
which will cost $10 for the rest
of the year or else use metered
lots. Their parking now is free.
Three types of parking spaces
will be provided. There will be 580
reserved spaces (requiring the $10
permits), 220 metered spaces for
staff members and 280 metered
spaces for patients.
The .380 spaces behind the
School of Public Health 'are still
Shiel pointed out that starting
Saturday parking lots will be'
policed through Saturday noon in-

w M. ...v ...... . J _.___>- .r

SET $57,600 GOAL
Facis Dickinson Speak at Polio Drive Dinner

Washtenaw County polio drive got under way last night with
a kick-off dinner honoring some 125 volunteer workers and county
The financial goal set by the county chapter is $57,600, to be used
in the treatment of poliopatients in the local area. The campaign
will run through Jan. 31, with a special door-to-door "march of
mothers" drive, Jan. 26.
Guest of honor Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr., of the epidemiology
department and director of the recent Salk polio vaccine trials, told
an attentive audience at the Loyal Order of the Moose-sponsored
dinner, that more money is needed to find other, less expensive and
easier-to-use remedies for the disease.
'Accidents' Unexpected
Dr. Francis commented that the "accidents" in last year's spring
Salk runs had not been expected, but that all evidence points to the
essential effectiveness and safety of the new vaccine. He added that
present runs with test monkeys employing a new drug have been
successfu l.and that eventually something analogous to the iodine

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