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January 05, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-01-05

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The Weatlier,
Snow flurries with severe cold
wave, strong northwest winds
today; tomorrow cloudy, cold.

C, 110. r

4Ig an


How To Prevent
A Revolution ...
Stay 'Way From
The Clothes Closet ..,



Felt By Yost
Board Will Not Act Unless
It Gets Recommendation,
Aigler Maintains
Power His To Keep
Or Dismiss Kipke
Athletic Director Fielding H. Yost,
who has the power to say whether
Harry G. Kipke stays or leaves Mich-
igan as head football coach, admitted
last night that he is not "exactly sat-
isfied with the present situation" and
is "carefully studying the problem."
Further than that Mr. Yost defi-
nitely refused to commit himself.
Conflicting statements in Detroit
newspapers, some saying Kipke
would be fired as a result of three
unfortunate football seasons, some
saying tle coach's contract would be
renewed, Mr. Yost said, "didn't make
any positive statements" on which
he could comment. . "We are care-
fully studying the problems," he
asserted, "and, I guess, none of us
are exactly satisfied with the sit-
Board Can Act
Unless Mr. Yost definitely recom-
mends to the Board in Control of
Athletics dismissal, however, Mr.
Kipke is almost certain to remain at
Michigan. "It is extremely unlike-
ly," Prof. Ralph W. Aigler of the Law+
School, chairman, said last night,'

Leaders Of Opposing Sides In Michigan Strike

Above, left to
General Motors,

-Associatea Press Photo
right, are William Knudsen, executive vice-president of
and Isomer Martin, head of the United Automobile

General otors Victory Seen
In Present Labor Union Fight

George J. Andros, sports editor
of The Daily, summarizes recent
newspaper statements regarding
the status of Coach Kipke on the
sports page, and Bonth Williams
also treats the situation in hiĀ§
"Beneath It All" column on the
editorial page.
"that the Board will take any ac-
tion on matters of personnel unless
it receives a recommendation from
"The Board could, of course, act if
it wanted to,' Professor Aigler point-
ed out, but he minimized the chances
of such a situation unless Mr. Yost
submitted to it a definite recom-
The Board in Control, according to
Professor Aigler, has no meeting
planned and does not meet at speci-
fied times "unless the situation re-
quires it."
Mr. Kipke stated that the situa-
tion "is entirely outside my hands.
Naturally," he said, "I am not going
to leave Michigan unless I am told
to. I like it here, so well, in fact,
that I have built a home here."
Kipke Honored
Mr. Kipke, who was selected presi-
dent of the American Football
Coaches Association last week at a
meeting in New York, which was al-
so attended by Mr. Yost, evinced
considerable surprise at the athletic
director's statement that he is not
"exactly satisfied with the present
Mr. Yost left little doubt that Mr.
Kipke's status is occupying his at-
tention, but, on the other hand, he
indicated that action, if any, will not
be forthcoming until spring. "The
coaching staff has its contracts under
the budget just like everybody else,"
Mr. Yost said, "and nothing can be
done until the time for renewal."
Capitol Ready
For Beginn1ig
Of New Session.
Rayburn Wins Democratic
House Leadership ; Old
Friends MeetAgain
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4.-/P) -
Party pow-wows, the election of a
Democratic house leader, reunions,
back-slapping and a final polishing of
an already scrubbed and gleaming
capitol provided bustling prelimin-
aries today for the opening of a busy,
session of Congress.
With the convening hour set for
noon tomorrow, Senate Democrats
and House Republicans chose their
officers and then House Democrats
met to settle a bitter campaign for
the majority leadership between Rep.
Sam Rayburn of Texas and Rep.
John O'Connor of New York.
Rayburn won, 184 to 127. The
Texan has been a fighting New Deal-


Luchek Sees Compromise
As Probable Outcome
Of Auto Strike
General Motors Corp. will probably
emerge victorious in the present strike
of the United Automobile Workers
union in the opinion of Anthony
Luchek of the economics department
and of the bureau of industrial re-
search, a studenton labor relations
in the automotive industry.
"I would say that the labor groups1
have as their primary purpose the
winning of a contract from General)
Motors," Mr. Luchek said, "and the
General Motors officials are just as
anxious to prevent such a thing from
occurring. But I believe General
Motors has the power to wait the
strikers out.
"The present temper of the union
officials appears to be for nothing
less than a signed contract which
tvould provide for collective bargain-
ing between the Committee for In-
dustrial Organization officials and the
GeneralMotors plants."
If. John L. Lewis, director of the
C.I.O., fails in gaining a contract with
General Motors, or at least a satis-
factory. compromise agreement, he
will suffer a considerable loss in pres-
tige, according to Mr. Lucnek. The
strength of two C.I.O. unions, the
automotive workers and the Flat
Student Gone;'
Mother Seeks
Aid In Search

Glass Workers Union, are pitted
against General Motors, he said, and
the strike of the glass workers is
likely to delay automobile production
even more than the automotive un-
ion's strike because glass plants re-
quite more than a week to be re-
stored to productive condition.
Mr. Luchek pointed out that a pos-
sible result of the strike would be a
compromise agreement barring a con-
tract but allowing for recognition
which, however, would not be binding
on the part of either side.
The automobile industry strike was
not anticipated before late spring, Mr.
Luchek said, but he pointed out that
"some observers believe the failure
of Lewis to bring a quick settlement
of the steel industry strike necessi-
(Continued on Page 3)
Student Labor
Will Distribute
Bulletin Today
All Complaining Workers1
Are Asked To See Men's
Council Committee
The Student Workers Federation,
encouraged by interest expressed by
the administration and student body
planned last night to publish today,
a mimeographed bulletin announcing
meetings to discuss methods of bring-
ing the dissatisfaction to a head.
Tom Downs, '39, president of the
federation, suggested that employees
and ex-employees of the Michig-Inn
who have complaints, to register
them today at the regular meeting
of the Men's Council committee on*
labor. The committee, recently ap-
pointed by the council, will meet at
9 p.m. today in the Union. ToniSul-
livan, '37, is chairman of the corn-
mittee designated to hear student
At 4:45 p.m. tmoi row, according
to the bulletin, Michigan League em-
ployees, both men and women, will
meet in Room 302, the Union, to
discuss the decision of the Board of'
Governors of the League announced
yesterday. The Board announced
that it would not consider the ques-
tion until its meeting in July preced-
ing the writing of the annual budget.
Prof. H. C. Anderson, chairman of
the mechanical engineering depart-
innt, a member of the League Board,
who announcedsthe decision, was in-
vited to attend the meeting tomorrow
of the employees, according to Downs,
but declined the invitation.
Thieves Take

Nazi Actions
Bring Threat
Of New War
German Warships Patrol
Bay Of Biscay; To Halt
Spanish Ships
Spanish 'Practice'
On CoastArtillery
(By The Associated Press)
Europe rode last night toward a
swift climax at sea and the dangers
of widespread war evolving from the
Spanish civil conflict.
Nazi warships patrolled the Bay
of Biscay off the northern Spanish
coast, and Berlin announced they
would continue to halt Spanish So-
cialist merchant ships to avenge cap-
ture of the Nazi freighter Palos.
Baskues at Bilbao uncovered
heavy coastal artillery for "practice"
firing today-the range of fire to
encompass the patrol route of the
German Koenigsberg and the Ad-
miral Graf Spee.
Great Britain ordered her 17 war-
ships in Spanish waters to protect
the empire merchantmen after the
steamer Etrib was halted and the
steamer Blackhill shelled in the Bay
of Biscay by fascist craft.
French observers asserted "unde-
clared war" prevailed between Ger-
many and the Bilbao officials, and
sources close to the foreign office
said France and Great Britain might
seek to force arbitration.
A Spanish embassy spokesman in
Paris said his Socialist government
was considering an appeal against
Germany to the League of Nations.
In Madrid itself Fascist warplanes
killed at least 100 citizens, wounded
between 200 and 300, wrecked houses
and spread fires throughout a wide-
spread area. The bombardment
caused damage Tin the hitherto neu-
tral zone, and in other parts of the
city heaps of bomb wreckage were
a familiar sight.
The Berlin government confirmed
officially capture of the Spanish ship
Marta Juquera, in addition to the
Unless the Nazi demand for re-
lease of the Spanish passenger and
cargo of the freighter Palos is com-
plied with, attacks against Spanish
ships will continue, a Berlin spokes-
man said.
Berlin scorned the retaliatory order
by Bilbao to its patrol boats to fire on
any ships interfering with Spanish
merchantmen as a "childish threat."
First Witness
In Betty Baker
Trial Is Called
The first day of testimony in the
circuit court trial of Mrs. Betty Baker,
30-year-old wife of an Ann Arbor po-
liceman, for the murder June 29 of
Clarcnce Schneider, a roomer in her
home, began yesterday.
CoronergEdwin C. Ganzhorn, who
examined the body after the shoot-
ing, was the only witness called. He
took the stand after the early part
of the afternoon was spent impanel-
ling a jury.
Dr. Ganzhorn testified that Mrs.
Baker appeared calm after the shoot-
ing. Police were not called until
three hours after the fatal shots were
fired, testimony revealed.

Manufacturers, Strikers
Work For Public Favor


Violence Breaks Out

Automobile Workers Meet
And Consider Demands
Upon General Motors
Board Able To Call
A Complete Strike
Nearly 40,000 Men Now
Idle Because Of Strikes;
Governor May Mediate
DETROIT, Jan. 4.-(P)-The first
violence of widespread labor troubles
in the automotive industry marred
the strike front today as state and
Federal governments offered media-
tion services.
A police officer and two union pick-
ets were hurt slightly at Cleveland,
The "strategy board" of the United
Automobile Workers of America and
the Committee for Industrial Organ-
ization met to consider next steps to
enforce demands upon General Mo-
tors Corp., the industry's largest pro-
ducer, for a general collective bar-
gaining agreement. The board has
been empowered to call a general
strike if it deems such action advis-
Strikers Hold
Nearly 40,000 General Motors em-
ployes are idle because of U. A. W.
strikes closing eight plants, and shut-
downs of five other units of the cor-
poration's automotive divisions. Bar-
ring unforeseen quick settlement of
the disputes, approximately 135,000
will be without work by the end of
the week, a company official said,
adding that complete suspension
would cost employees $1,000,000 daily
in wages and the company approxi-
mately $330,000 daily in net profits.
At Flint, 500 strikers held to their
posts in two plants of the Fisher
Body Co., a General Motors division,
for the third day in the face of a
sweeping circuit court injunction ob-
tained by the company. No bench
warrants, a prerequisite to their ar-
rest or forcible ejection, had been is-
sued this afternoon. A copy of the
injunction however, was served upon
Homer Martin in Detroit today.
A committee of company officials
and attorneys labored to make the
working of thetinjunction flawless.
with a view to testing the company's
power to use that means of prevent-
ing "sit-down" or "stay-in" strikes.
Murphy Willing
Governor Frank Murphy and Ed-
ward F. McGrady, assistant secretary
of labor at Washington, expressed
their readiness to mediate in the dis-
pute between the union and the auto-
mobile concern.
Murphy, after a conference with
Homer Martin, international presi-
dent of the union, and other officers
of the automobile workers and of
John L. Lewis' Committee for Indus-
trial Organization, asserted "there is
not going to be violence" in Mich-
igan strikes. He added that "settle-
ment must be reached through ad-
judication and conciliation."
Washington, offering the Department
of Labor's services toward "an amic-
able settlement for both sides." De-
partment conciliators have been at
Flint for several days.

Sloan Claims Jobs
Will Never Be Shut
To Non-Union Men
(By 'ifle Associa Tct -ss)
Excerpts from the address of Al-
fred P. Sloan, Jr., last night fol-
First. let me say that General Mo-
tors products were never in greater
demand than today. This good bus-
iness insures plenty of jobs, with gen-
erous hours of employment, for some
time to come.
Yet under these conditions you are
being forced out of your jobs by sit-
down strikes, by widespread intimida-
tion, and by shortage of materials
produced by similar tactics in many
allied industries. Your employment
and wages and the welfare of your
families are being endangered by ac-
tions beyond your control and that
of your company. The same ruth-
less tactics are threatening the gen-
eral recovery of business, in which the
automobile industry had the leading
You are being told you had better
join a union. You are being told that
to bargain collectively you must be
a member of a labor organization.
You are being told that the automo-
tive industry is to be run as a closed
shop. You are being told that if you
do not join now it will be impossible
for you to work in any automobile
plant when the union wins, unless you
pay. In other words, you will be
without a job, therefore you must
sign up, pay dues; or Llse.
I want to say to you most frankly,
that this is positively not so. Do not
be misled. Have no fear that any
union or any labor dictator will dom-
inate the plans of General Motors
Corp. No General Motors worker need
join any organization to get a job or
to keep a job.
Varsity Cagers
Engage Butler
Squad Tonight
Near Capacity Crowd Is
To Greet Home-Town
Boy, Townsend
INDIANAPOLIS, Ind., Jan. 4.-
-(Special to the Daily)-With its
opening Big Ten encounter but four
days away, Michigan's varsity bas-
ketball team will meet Tony Hinkle's
Butler University squad tomorrow
night at the spacious Butler Field
House, where a near capacity crowd
is expected to welcome back a home
town boy, Jake Townsend, who made
good as the Wolverine pivot man.
Captain John Gee, towering center,
has returned to regular playing con-
dition and will be listed in the start-
ing lineup. Long John received a
broken nose in the first encounter
with the Washington Huskies, played
at Seattle during the Christmas va-
Bill Barclay, erstwhile quarterback,
will also be in a starting role, follow-
ing his excellent performance against
Toledo when he tallied ten points. He
replaces Ed Thomas at a forward'
post. Thomas is a first year man
who has been troubled with a char-
ley-horse recently, but he may never-'
theless see considerable action.
Butler University already has a vic-
tory over a Western Conference five
and is eager to chalk up another. The
Wisconsin Badgers fell before them in
a one-sided game, 41-23. However,
the Bulldogs provided little opposi-
tion for a strong Indiana team and
were trampled over Friday to the
tune of 61-27.
Michigan will be able to use its
superior height to an excellent ad-
vantage, as did the Hoosirs, an ad-
vantage which may determine the
ultimate winner.

The Butler offense has been only
mediocre so far this season and far
below its usual standard. However,
(Continued on Page 6)
Graduate, Former
Goshen Mayor, Dies
GOSHEN, Ind., Jan. 4.-(P)-Wil-
lim . T Charnlev 4. former mavnr

Workers' Union Men Say
Knudsen Really Opposes
Say National Move
Must Come First
Munger Asserts U.A.W.
Has Only Ben Keeping
To Standard Practices
EDITOR'S NOTE' The Daily has sent
one of the members of its editorial
beard, Ralph W. Hurd, to the strike
area in Flint and Detroit to report the
controversy between the United Auto-
mobile Workers and General Motors.
DETROIT, Jan. 4.-(Special to
The Daily)-At the headquarters of
the United Automobile Workers here
today it was apparent that of the
many phases of the strikes against
General Motors the struggle to enlst
public opinion in the cause of one
side or the other is of immediate and
fundamental importance.
.Both sides seem agreed that the
public believes in workers' rights to
collective bargaining, but are uncer-
tain of the popular attitude toward
stay-in methods, picket lines and the
activities of union organizers.
Knudsen's Attitude
Union officials contend that the
statements of William S. Knudsen,
executive vice-president of General
Motors, in favor of collective bargain-
ing are for public consumption only
and do not indicate the real attitude
of the corporation. In the words of
William Munger, research director of
the union, "General Motors is opposed
to' collective bargaining and for the
corporation to request local dealings
between the union and plant man-
agers is to deny true collective bar-
gaining altogether."
(Knudsen has asked that the union
negotiate with individual plant man-
agers throughout the country because
of varying wages and conditions in
different regions.)
Defeating Bargaining
"The plant managers are complete-
ly subject to the dictates of Knudsen
or Sloan (Alfred P. Sloan, General
Motors president),' Munger contend-
ed. "If we were to go to a plant
manager for a settlement of basic
issues," he said, "he would do nothing
without the complete approval of the
central office. Therefore we must
have a national agreement on such
fundamental issues as speed-up, min-
imum wages, and collective bargain-
ing rights before grievances of a
purely local character can be settled."
Both the corporation's policy of de-
centralization and its ability to shift
production from one plant to another
(a strike reserve plant of Fisher Body
in Detroit, formerly idle, is now being
utilized) tend to defeat the collec-
tive bargaining rights of the corpora-
tion's employes and make impossible
local bargaining, Munger asserted.
G. M. Policy
"Moreover," he continued, "in seek-
ing a national agreement we are only
following standard trade union prac-
tice as illustrated by the United Mine
Workers, and the Amalgamated
Clothing Workers. The fear expressed
by Knudsen that a national agree-
ment would lead to a closed shop is
only a front and has no justifica-
tion in the present situation."
In a press conference late yester-
day, Homer Martin, president of the
U.A.W. stated that the action of Gen-
eral Motors in securing an expartite
injunction against union activities in
Flint without a hearing or testimony
"demonstrates how much General
Motors believes in collective bargain-
Still, later, in another respect, he
oberved that labor concessions in
one plant with a tightening of policy
in others "act to defeat rather than
promote collective bargaining."
Tern Registration

Starts On Feb. 11
Student registration for the second
semester will begin Thursday, Feb.
11, to continue until noon Saturday,
Feb. 13, Shirley W. Smith, secretary
of the University, announced yester-
The student body has again been
divided into alphabetical group,


From University
Dec. 2; School
Had Been Poor

The disappearance of William Earl
Mcrse, '40 missing since Dec. 2, was
disclosed for the first time yesterday
by Joseph A. Bursley, dean of stu-
When Morse, whosL home is in Jo-
liet. Ill., disappeared from his room-
:ng house and failed to appear at
his classes, his mother, Mrs. Cora
Morse hoped that her 19-year-old son
would return during the Christmas
Vacation and asked that no police
search be instituted, Dean Bursley
said. Following her wishes, he ex-
plained, no publicity was given the
missing student until yesterday.
With the hope of his return during
the holidays shattered, Mrs. Morse
wired the dean yesterday asking that
the police and newspapers be in-
formed of his disappearance.
Morse lived at 431 S. Division St.
and was taking seven hours in the
literary college at the time of his
disappearance. He had been doing
poor work in his classes and had
also been suffering from ill health
according to Dean Joseph A. Bursley,
who assigned these conditions as pos-
sible motives for his disappearance.
In a letter to Dean 'Bursley, Mrs.
Morse conjectured that he might
have gone to Chicago. ! Cognizant of
this the Ann Arbor police have
broadcast his description.
Because of the lack of publicity
given Morse's disappearance, Dean
Bursley declared that it was not im-
possible that he was still in Ann Ar-

Neutrality, Labor's Relations
To Industry Face New Congress

More than $116 and a radio were
taken at about 6:30 p.m. yesterday
from the Delta Gamma sorority, 1205
Hill St., when bui'glars entered the
second story of the house while mem-
bers were eating dinner.
Most of the girls in the house suf-
fered losses, Virginia Van Dyke, '38,
a member of the sorority, stated.
Winifred Arnold, '37, lost $48, Mary
Alice MacKenzie, '39, $12, Opal Mc-
Credie, '37, $16, Joanne Westerman,

Neutrality legislation and the re-;
lationship of labor to industry prom-
ise to be two of the most important;
problems that the 75th Congress,+
which assembles at noon today, will
have to face during the coming ses-
"The question of American neu-
trality policy is one of the significant+
issues that this Congress will have to
deal with," Prof. Howard B. Calder-
wood of the political science depart-
ment said yesterday.
The neutrality legislation contain-
ing the munitions embargos which+
was enacted during the Italo-Ethio-
pian campaign expires May 1 and
new legislation will undoubtedly;
come up in Congress to supplant it.+
Especially urgent is the need for
some definition of foreign policy to-
ward countries engaged in a civil war,
as in the case with Snain at the+

along political fronts that the present
legislation has other inadequacies in
addition to its failure to apply to
countries engaged in civil war. Presi-
dent Roosevelt desires "discretion-
ary" powers of embargo and some
members of Congress back this plan,
while others wish to make it man-
datory that embargoes be immediate-
ly forced upon belligerent powers.
Michigan's Senator Vandenberg
and others feel that if discretionary
powers are given the President they
may be used in favor of one belliger-
ent and opposed against another.
Confusion seems to exist over the
term "discretionary." The President
apparently wishes discretionary pow-
ers in the sense that he can add to
the list of embargo items.
The position of labor and its pow-
er to bargain collectively with in-'
dustrv have hecme inereasinrivnur-


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