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January 05, 1946 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1946-01-05

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See Page 2




Great Lakes Swimmers Surprise

Michigan, 43-41,

in Strong Finish;

malt Ris Leads Bluejacket Victory

Capturing only three firsts on the nine-event program, Michigan's
1young swimming team bowed to Great Lakes, 43-41 in a thrill-packed
meet before 1,200 cheering spectators last night at the Sports Building
Not until the closing event of the evening, the 440-yard free-style
relay, was the outcome certain as the lead passed back and forth five
tines. Even then the sailors had less than two feet to spare. It took the
visitors' star, Walt Ris, swimming his third 100-yard stint of the evening,

Ground Broken
For University
Veterans' Clinic
Psychiatric Center To
Be Completed by Fall
Ground has been broken for the
new Veterans' Readjustment Center,
to be built northeast of University
"Not a large proportion of the re-
turning servicemen need help, but
those that do need it badly," Dr.
Raymond Waggoner, director of the
Neuro-Psychiatric Institute declared.
The new building will provide a place
where veterans having difficulty in
adjusting t6 civilian life can go for
a two to six week period. A gym,
lounge, hobby and craft equipment
as well as the necessary psychiatric
treatment facilities will be provided.
The Office of Veterans Affairs has
made plans for University supervision
of the' Center, which will function
through the Medical School and the
hospital. Upon recommendation of
Governor Kelly, the Office has set
up ten psychiatric fellowships, the
holders of which will assist in the
work of the Centet, aided by an ade-
quate staff of psychologists and so-
cial workers. Dr. Moses M. Frolick
of the Department of Psychiatry will
be in charge.
There are at present 14 psychiatric
clinics in the state, the busiest of
which are located in Detroit, Kala-
mazoo and Ann Arbor. The Veter-
ans' Clinic here has been functioning
within the Neuro-Psychiatric Insti-
tute since February, but will be trans-
ferred to the new building when it is
completed, probably in about six:
Army Delays
Troops' Return
Lack of Replacements
Is Reason for Move
army today slowed down the return
of soldiers from overseas.
The action may cause a delay up
to three months in the homecoming
of a soldier on foreign service eleigi-
ble for discharge. The priority in
whichrtroops will be returned, how-
ever, is unchanged.
Lt. Gen. Joseph Lawton Collins ex-
plained that voluntary enlistments
and the draft had failed to supply
enough replacements.
"Our overseas forces would be dan-
gerously under-strength in occupy-
ing hostile countries if all eligible
men were to be returned before suf-
ficient replacements had arrived,"
he told a news conference.
Under the revised program, ap-
proximately 1,553,000 men will be
shipped home during the next six
months, whereas three months would
suffice were all available shipping
used. The rate will be cut from the
current 800,000 or more monthly to
about 300,000 a month.
Collins, Army Director of Informa-
tion, said that in no case "should this
delay any man in the theaters more
than three months beyond the time
he became eligible for discharge."
Swing Concert
Will Be Given
Frank "Sugar Chile" Robinson,
seven-year-old piano prodigy from
Detroit, will be the feature attraction
of the Swing Concert to be held from
3 to 5 p.m. and from 7 to 9 p.m. to-

morrow in the Ann Arbor High
School auditorium.
Crowding three feet, the miniature
virtuoso became quickly famous after
crashing a contest for older musi-
cians held in Detroit. He is now un-
Aa inn- ararftyfhAf'CUm nf -nn -

-to nip the Maize and Blue's Dick
Weinberg by that margin in the fin-
Young Mann Stars
Michigan's Matt Mann I was the
meet's high scorer with a pair of
firsts but Ris was the shining star of
the night. Three times his amazing
closing 25-yard spurts ate up enough
distance to bring the Sailors home
a trio of firsts and 19 valuable points.
Individually Ris scored only five
points in winning the 100-yard free-
style by less than a yard from Char-
ley Fries, but his other pair of efforts
won both the 300-yard medley and
400-yard free-style relays for the in-
vaders. Each time he came from be-
hind in the last 25 yards to register
Mann looked good in taking the
220- and 440-yard free-style events
to add 10 points to the Michigan
totals. Both times he won handily
over Sailor Tommy Gastineau with
Wolverines Chuck Moss in the .220
and Neville Adams in the 440 garn-
ering thirds.
Divers Look Good
The other Maize and Blue first
came in the low-board diving where
Alex Canja and teammate Gil Evans
finished one-two over Great Lakes'
Carl Quaintance. Another Wolverine,
Ralph Trimborn, also topped Quain-
tance but was entered unofficially.
The diving event proved one of the
evening's brightest spots for Michi-
gan fans.
It was an ex-Wolverine, Dobby Bur-
ton, also coach of the winners, who
aided materially in the defeat of his
former teammates. Burton nipped
See NAVY, Page 3
T' Sailors Will
Combine Fun,
Music in Show
"Anchors Away" not "Aweigh,"
starring V-12 students Bill Goldstein,
John Rogers, Bob Shafer and Chrys
Chrys, will be presented at 8 p.m.
Wednesday in Hill Auditorium.
A musical comedy, written by mem-
bers of the Naval Unit on campus, the
plot concerns the trials and tribula-
tions of a sailor who is expecting dis-
charge from the Navy. He gets the
desired release, but in the three
scenes of the musical, encounters 12
blondes, three redheads who are Mar-
ilyn Watts, Joan Ling and Doris Klee,
a vision from the spirit world, a ma-
gician, professional dancers, the Navy
Dance Band and the Navy Chorus.
Scene 1 takes place in a train car-
rying three sailors to the east coast
for discharge. Succeeding scenes
concern the experiences of the sailor
and his buddies in New York's Cen-
tral Park and in a Gotham night
spot where Goldstein is emcee. En-
tertainers provide the program for
both the stage audience and the stu-
dent audience.
Shafer is producing the show, and
Carl Hemmer is director. George
Hawkins, head of the Navy Dance
Band, has charge of music, and Lyle
Schrum heads the ticket committee.
Tickets for the show are 50 cents
and will be on sale daily in the Un-
ion and the League.

News of
The Nation..
Assails President.. .
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4-(P)-Sen-
ator Taft (R-Ohio) termed some of
President Truman's legislative pro-
gram "Communist" and "left wing"
tonight and said "Congress ought to
get credit for a little delay."
'That was part of his answer to the
President's bid last night for more
action and less talk in Congress on
measures Mr. Truman recommended.
"To summarize" he said, "the Tru-
man program has been delayed be-
cause it is superficial and ill-consid-
ered, because it is a CIO-PAC pro-
gram and not a Democratic program,
because it adopts a philosophy with
which the people do not agree."
10 1.'.
Navy'sEvidence .. .
The Pearl Harbor committee heard
today that the Navy did scout for
Japanese attackers on the day they
came-but in the wrong direction.
It also received a claim that a
Naval officer predicted the sur-
prise blow in detail months before
it fell.
A long-secret report from the
1941 Secretary of the Navy, Frank
Knox, to President Roosevelt sup-
plied the first information the
Senate-House investigating com-
mittee has had that there was air
reconnaissance the morning the
Japanese struck, Dec. 7, 1941.
Strife Disorders . ,
NEW YORK, Jan. 4-(P)-Disor-
ders resulting 'in injury to four per-
sons and arrest of several others to-
day at two New Jersey plants of the
Western Electric Company marked
the second day of a two-state strike
by 17,200 union employes.
The walkout, begun yesterday by
the Independent Western Electric
employes association to back de-
mands for a 30 per cent wage in-
crease, halted manufacture of tele-
phone equipment at 21 Western Elec-
tric plants in New York and New
A new effort to settle the strike was
made today by U. S. Conciliation
Service Commissioner Jacob R. Man-
delbaum, who was allowed through
the picket lines to see Frank J. Ham-
mel, industrial relations director.
GM Called Evasive .
DETROIT, Jan. 4-()-The CIO
United Auto Workers charged to-
night that General Motors Corp.
planned a post-war 40-hour work
week, but later, decided to press for
a 45-hour week as a means of evad-
ing union wage increase demands.
Victor Reuther, director of the
UAW-CIO's full employment division
and brother of Vice-President Walter
P. Reuther, said the company's pro-
posal for an extended work week was
"a means of evading the demands of
its employes for a 30 per cent wage
Six weeks later, Victor Reuther as-
serted, GM President C. E. Wilson
proposed the longer work week as a
solution to the union's demand for
maintenance of war-time take-home
"The corporation's action is purely
and simply a trick maneuver to evade
fair a'nd serious consideration of the
legitimate demands of its employes,"
Reuther added.

Regents AllocateFundsfor illow
Village; Approve New Four-Year
MechanicalEngeerin ourse
Social Director Will Be
Employed for Veterans
Board Accepts Gifts Totaling $165,255,
OK's Research Contracts, Additions
' .2.:Employment of a social director for Veterans' recreation at Willow
Village was approved yesterday by the Board of Regents.
A sum of $2,000 for this purpose and for other expenses i reopenig
Community House at Willow Village was allocated by the Regents at a
monthly meeting here. Approximately 140 veterans and their wives are
now living at the Village, and the number is expected to increase to 500
couples by March.
Approved also by the Regents yesterday, a new four-year curriculum
-:2.:.::.:: ., in mechanical and industrial engineering will be offered in the spring
.term in the College of Engineering. The new curriculum, replacing
the present five-year program, leads to a dergee of Bachelor of Science
> in Engineering (Industrial-Mechanical).
S*...} Other action taken by the Regents included acceptance of gifts of
..money totaling $165,255.99. Largest sum received was $75,000 from the

Queens Jewels
Are Accepted
By University


Rare Books,

rying a sign reading="I'm. no GI, but gee I need a home," five-year old
Karl Wollfenden pedaled his tricycle around city hall in Detroit, as
the City Council discussed Detroit's severe housing situation. Mrs. Mary
Wollfenden, his mother, explained that she had been ordered to leave
their rented home by Jan. 31 and had no place to go.
Yam1agiwa Describes Effect
Of Allied Air Attack on Japan

(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the first of two
interviews with Dr. Joseph K. Yamagiwa
of the Japanse language department
who has just returned from an eight-
week leave of absence in Japan where he
served as a member of the U. S. 'Govern-
ment agency.)
Describing the physical results of
the Allied bombing of Japan as "dev-
astating," Dr. Joseph K. Yamagiwa,
Educational Director of the Army In-
tensive Language Training program
here, who has just returned from an
eight-week trip to Japan, said yes-
terday that the urban population
is hardest hit, by the near-total de-
struction of housing and the break-
down of transportation of food into
the cities.
Mrs. RobeSon
Will Lecture
Mrs. Paul Robeson, substituting for
Richard Wright whose illness has
made it necessary for him to cancel
his lecture tour, will deliver the fifth
Oratorical Association lecture Wed-
nesday, Jan. 16, in Hill Auditorium.
Wife of the internationally famous
actor and concert singer, Mrs. Robe-
son is a well known author and lec-
turer on race relations. She recently
appeared in the New York Town Hall
Mrs. Robeson's subject will be "The
Negro and the Pattern of World Af-

Dr. Yamagiwa was in Tokyo at the
Government agency's headquarters,
except for six trips within a 100 mile
radius around the city.
Wooden Buildings Destroyed
Except for spots missed by accident,
everything wooden in Tokyo was con-
sumed by fire-bombs, he stated. Pic-
tures showing buildings still standing
are deceptive; in many cases, close
investigation shows empty hulks with
no floors or furniture of any kind.
Many of those buildings which sur-
vived are now used by the Army of
Occupation for billeting and as of-
fices for the administration.
Ceiling Prices Violated
Estimating the difference in the
price of certain rationed and black
market foods as 60 times, or 6,000 per
cent, Dr. Yamagiwa said that be-
cause of the difficulties in transport-
ing food to the cities, the Government
must combat two tendencies. "First,
there is the reluctance of producers
to sell at ceiling price; second, hoard-
ing (almost impossible to estimate
accurately) results in starvation side
by side with luxury dinners enjoyed
by the well-to-do from their hoard-
ed supplies."
In the country, farmers and fisher-
men are doing "very well," Prof. Yam-
agiwa stated. People in urban Tokyo
habitually go out to buy from the
farmers once or twice a week. "Every
night the trolley cars in Tokyo are
crowded with people laden with food,
fruit, and fish which they have
brought back from the country, be-
cause of the uncertainty of regular
food markets."

The oft repeated "Let them eat
cake" was recalled yesterday as the
University Board ofsRegents ac-
cepted a Russian amethyst, emerald,
and pearl enameled necklace, which
once belonged to Marie Antoinette.
The necklace] presented by Miss
Isabelle Stearns, Worcester, N. Y.,
in memory of her brother, Chilton
Rupert Stearns, '97, was purchased
in Nice, France, about 1903.
Among several other gifts not in
the form of money were a large col-
lection of about 50 meteorites, in-
cluding a number of exhibition speci-
mens, valued at approximately $5,-
213.24. Everett D. Graff, Chicago,
presented a copy of the Narrative of
the Adventures of Zenas Leonard,
value estimated at $2,250, and rare
western Americans, valued at $1,305,
for the Clements Library.
Other gifts included a Denver Lab-
oratory Flotation Machine for the
use of the Department of Chemical
and Metallurgical Engineering and,
from the King-Seeley Corporation,
Ann Arbor, one inclined typeDMano-
meter, for the use of the Depart-
ment of Mechanical Engineering.
Also presented were 311 photo-
graphs of Modern Argentine Painting
and Sculpture for the Institute of
Fine Arts, three framed photographs
of Avery Hopwood for the Hopwood
Room, and a cavalry saber for the
armor collection in the Museum of
Art and Archaeology from Miss Eu-
nice-Wead, Ann Arbor.
The Propeller Division of the Cur-
tiss-Wright Corporation, Caldwell,
N. J., presented a _Curtiss C-53158
propeller suitable for demonstration
purposes and the necessary mechan-
ism and equipment to mount and
demonstrate the propeller.
Union Offers Plant
A solution suggested by UAW-CIO
Local 38 concerning the seven-week
old Hoover Ball and Bearing Co.
strike was announced last night, ac-
cording to J. Clisham, chairman of
the group.

4Jessie G. M. Clapp Trust, Cleveland,
0. Th money will be used to set up
a fund in memory of the late James
B. Angell, president of the University
from 1871 to 1909.
Also accepted were $1,000 from
Dean Joseph A. Bursley, for the
Marguerite Knowlton B u r s l e y
Scholarship fund; $3,000 from the
Galens Honorary Medical Society
for the Galens Loan and Scholar-
ship funds; and $134.07 from the
Class of 1945 Senior Ball Fund for
purchase of radio equipment for
student patients at the Health
Dr. George Kiss, in the Depart-
ment of Geography of the College
of Literature, Science, and the Arts,
from the rank of instructor to as-
tant professor, to be effective July
1, 1946.
Dr. Albert H. Marckwardt, in the
Department of English of the Col-
lege of Literature, Science, and
the Arts, from associate professor
to professor, to be effective for
1946-47 academic year.
Dr. H. R. Crane, in the Department
of Physics of the College of Litera-
ture, Science, and the Arts, from as-
sociate professor to professor, to be
effective for Fall Term 1946-47.
Dr. Wilfred T. Dempter, in the
Medical School, from instructor to
assistant professor of anatomy, ef-
fective at once.
Dr. Moses M. Frohlich, in the Med-
ical School, from instructor to as-
sistant professor of psychiatry. Dr.
Frohlich has been in the Army since
June, 1941, as psychiatrist with Uni-
versity of Michigan Hospital Unit
where he had rank of Lieutenant
Dr. Alexander Barry, of the De-
partment of Anatomy in the Medi-
cal School, from instructor to As-
sistant Professor. Dr. Barry re-
turned to the Department of Anat-
omy following service in the U. S.
Army Air Forces where he was a
Miss Grace E. Potter, assistant
editor of scholarly publications, to
associate editor of scholarly publi-
cations, effective January 4, 1945.
Miss' Potter has been in the waves
for the past three years with the
rank of lieutenant. (jg.)
Dr. John B. Barnwell, associate
professor of internal medicine was
granted a leave of absence for six
months to direct tuberculosis work
for the Veterans Administration. Dr.
C. Robert Plank, resident in the De-
partment of Roentgenology, also re-
ceived a leave of absence. He went
on active duty in the Army on Dec.
1, 1945.
Approval of the following appoint-
ments to committees and boards was
given yesterday by the Board:
Prof. Glenn McGeoch to mem-
bership on the Executive Commit-
tee of the School of Music for four-
year term starting Jan. 1, 1946,
succeeding Associate. Professor
Maude Okkelberg.
Dr. Howard B. Lewis as member
of the Executive Committee of the
Medical School for a three-year
term, Sept. 1, 1945 to August 31,
1948, succeeding Dr. Robert Gesell.
James R. Breakey, Jr., to Board of
Directors of the University Musical
Society, to fill the unexpired term of
office of the late Horace G. Pretty-

Prof. Pargment Stresses Need for Language Study


(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following article was written to acquaint students and
faculty members with the reasons for requiring language study in college. Other
faculty members are invited to submit articles explaining other proposed changes
in the curriculum.)
Stressing the importance of language study in the modern world, Prof.
Michael S. Pargment of the Romance Language department advocated that
all college students be required to study a foreign language for at least two
years and pointed out that the United States lags behind the other na-
tions of the world in this field.
He cited as reasons the value of foreign language in exercising memory

discussion of the. need for foreign
language requirements. The text of
his statement follows:
Q. How does the U. S. stand in
regard to proficiency in foreign
A. I am glad that I do not have to
answer this question myself. A quo-
tation from a letter written by a dis-
tinguished American writer, Pearl S.
Retill mrnm.i rip f-lp n-r..

was being said in the enemy lan-
guages on the air and on the
printed page, we had actually so
few persons who could under-
stand anything except English
that we were really endangered
by our ignorance. In the same
way when we wanted to spread
among other peoples, both enemy
and ally, what we felt should be
1- - c --n ah lf ho v r aA K

Q. To what is this deficiency
A. It is due mainly, if not entirely,
to the disesteem in which foreign
languages have been held by a large
proportion of those who are shaping
the destinies of our schools, which
has resulted in the following two de-
termining factors: 1) A very large
number of our foreign language

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