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January 05, 1912 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1912-01-05

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A Reliable Direcl
Reliable Bi



enting Regents,
y and Union
ut Today.

ingineering Profess.or, One of Twenty App0ointment Committee Places More
Experts, Chosen for Work. Applicants Than Ever Before.
Professor J. A. Moyer of the engl- During the past calendar year, the
neering department has been selected Appointment Committee has placed
more than 300 applicants in positions
as one of about twenty engineering ex- throughout the country. This is the


Manager Kent of Penn Team States
That Relations on the Dia.
mond are Welcomed
by Quakers.



several com-

s repre.enting respectively, the
s, the University Senate, the
i and the Union, on the question
University's Diamond Jubilee
held this morning at 10 o'clock.
unction is due to occur during
ut as a suitable place to hold
ebration is at present lacking on
npus it is doubted if it can take
>efore the completion of the new
rium, which cannot now be fin-
until 1913 at least.
igh it was decided by the Re-
at their December meeting to
hese committees appointed, no
r action on the matter was takenE
esterday when President Hutch
phoned the men who are to rep-
the various University bodies to
today. As there have been no
is conferences on the question
ard to foretell the outcome of
meeting. A general plan of
gn, however, for raising funds,
sing the celebration, etc., is ex-
to be mapped out.
men who are to serve on these
inary committees are: Regents
nd Bulkley, for the Board of
s; the deans of all the depart-
for the Senate; Professor Lane
ecretary Wilfred Shaw of the
i Association," for the Alumni;.
rofessor Joseph Bursley and
Ld Wells for the Union, as repre-'
ve of the student body.

nainly Prof. Josselyn, '05, Makes Comparative
nts. Statistics for Kansas.
a of a Prof. HN . JG~s'elyn, '05, now a mem-
:e last ber of the faculty of the University of
y, the Kansas, is in the city investigating the
vor of per capita cost of educating students
c is to in the various departments of the uni-,
Scci- versity. Prof. Josselyn has already,
visited the universities of Missouri, I1-'
d were linois, Indiar~a, and Ohio, and he will
of this investigate Chicago, Wisconsin, and
tition. Nebraska before returning to Kansas
;ineer- The University of Kansas is conduct-
ny in ing the present investigation, upon
which Prof. Josselyn is engaged, for
n was the purpose of comparing the relative
as not cost of training students in the several
z is a middle western universities. It is alse
it is a hoped to secure a practical basis upon
work- which to figure the per capita costs at
f pop- the University of Kansas.

perts in various lines of work, to pre-
'pare a general engineering hand-book
to be known as the American "Hutte."
The German handbooks prepared by
the "Verein Hutte" are known all over
the world and are recognized every-
where for their accuracy and up-to-
date information on technical engineer-
ing subjects. The editors will keep in
close touch with all the latest develop-
ments in engineering matters, and will
nake a thorough revision every two
Students Are Nabbed Passing
torgedi h cks iven Uut
By "i n cent"
Two students, who are devotees o
the "five card" game, are nursing fiat-
t.nedpocketbooks as the result of a lit-
tle vacation session with the chips.
Having corralled a youth, whom they
supposed was innocent and guileless,
they proceeded to take various and
sundry sums from him by means of
flushes, full houses and four of a kind.
But the youth had none of the coin of1
the realm so he gave checks, drawn
against a $200 bank account which he
professed to have. That was most sat-
isfactory to the "studes" until they a-p
peared at the bank to cash the paper
slips. Then their troubles began.
A minion of the law, known in plain
English as a policeman, informed them
that the checks had been forged and ,
that the youth had been "innocent"
enough to leave for parts unknown. As
a matter of explanation, the undergrad-
uates disclosed the fact that the checis
had been received across a tale of+
green baize.
"This way, please," spoke the officer
and escorted them to the station.
"What have we done?" queried the
"Gambled," was the stentrian reply
of the sergeant as he ordered them
transported to a court of justice. Later
they had emerged, haing been depriv-
ed of some of father's hard earned
shekels, which went to furnish the
county with funds.
Hired Sleuths Are Diggng Up Scan
, dal for Articles.
Two sleuths in the employ of R. T.
Crane have been hanging around the
University and student quarters for
the past six weeks, getting material
for the Chicago man's articles on the
"scandal of the colleges." When inter-
viewed, one of the men said that he
was working on a salary from Crane
and that "it was up to him to find ma-
terial for the latter's stories, regard-
less of facts." Statements concerning!
the conditions at Illinois are expected
some time in January.
A resume of college dramatics for
the last five years is being prepared
by the university news bureau. The
article will be sent to a large number
of eastern papers through the Central
Press Association c Cleveland.
The news bureau is also compilin2
statistieal naragraphs concerning va-
rious tests .onducted i: the engineer-
ing department. Corrective physical

training for university women is the
subject of another article in a series
to be dispatched to the state press at
an early date.

largest number for which the Commit-
tee has ever found positions In the
same length of time. Teachers have
been furnished for all branches of high
school work. Although over two-
thirds of the positions were in the
West, still several teachers were sent
to eastern states.
All students enrolled with the Com-
,nittee are expected to leave at the
.ffice four unmounted photographs of
themselves, which are used in the
work of securing appointments.
Editor is to Lecture Tonight
Under Auspices of Local
Socialist Clubs ca
The second speaker in the Socialist
Lecture Course, W. Harry Spears, will
talk this evening on "Why Things Hap-
pen to Happen." The lecture is given
under the auspices of the local socialist
organizations at the Trades Council
Hall, corner of Main and Washington,
at eight o'clock. Mr. Spears is the
manager of a co-operative group of
socialist newspapers at Findlay, Ohio,
which comprises over 100 papers.
His talk will be an exposition of the
socialist theory of Economic Determin-
ism, and will deal with the influence
of present day economic factors on so-
cial conditions and social evolution
The lecture is expected to be one of the
most entertaining of the series because
of the broad scope of the subject with
which it deals, as well as the clear,
forceful way in which it is known to
be handled by the speaker.'
This is the lecture to have been giv-
en by Rose Pastor Stokes, one of the
most famous woman socialists in the
country, but all of Mrs. Stokes' engage-
ments were cancelled on account of
her illness. The next speaker in the
course is Frank Bohn, brother of Wil-
liam Bohn who was at one time a. mem-
ber of the faculty of the University of
The schedule of the courses for, the
summer session of the law department
has just been announced.
During the first half of the term the
following subjects will be taught:
First year subjects-Agency, Contracts,
and Real Property I and II. Second
and third year subjects-Bailments
and Carriers, Constitutional Law, and
Equity Jurisprudence.
The courses for the last half will be
as follows: First year subjects-Con-
tracts (completed), Common Law
I leading, Criminal Law and Procedure,
and Elementary Law and Property.
Second and third year subjects-Con-
veyancing,. Domestic Relations, and
Club Banquet Truly Cosmopolitan.
The Cosmopolitan Club held its
Christmas Banquet at the Union De-
cember 24. Pres. Win. W. Welsh acted
as the toastmaster. Colombia, China,
Germany, Japan, Ireland, Turkey, and
U. S. were represented.
Dr. Tatlock at University of Chicago.
Dr. Henry Tatlock, rector of St. An-
drew's Episcopal church will be in res-
idence as university preacher at the
.niversity of Chicago for the first three
Sundays and iiitervening two weeks

this month.
Case has an undergraduate Senate
composed of representatives from each
of the fraternities, societies, and pro-
fessional clubs.

The University of Pennsylvania ac-
cepts as fact the rumors that Michigan
and Penn will meet in two games of
baseball this spring and looks on the
booking of the two games as assured.
Manager George R. Kent of the ePnn
team stated to "The ePnnsylvanian"
hat the two games were practically as-
sured and as Pennsylvania is anxious
that the games be arranged there
seems but little doubt that Michigan
and Penn will meet on the diamond.
In commenting on the establishment
of baseball rivalry between the two in-
stitutions "The Pennsylvanian" says:
"The commencemnent of baseball re-f
lations between the' two institutions
is particularly interesting in view of
the rivalry in other sports. Michigan,
together with Cornell, is the Red and1
Blue's most formidable opponent in
football, and the track connections
have always been close, the Wolver-
ines being annual guests at the Relays
and meeting Pennsylvania in numer-
ous indoor track contests. Last year
Michigan had games with Cornell inf
the East, but was unable co arrange a,
satisCactory date with the Red and

President B isi
Three Cand
1911 Chairm
at Banquet

Ferguson Suggests Forma
era Club to Create Entl
and Perfect Fu
President Matthew BHF
Michigan Union announce
opera supper last night
Fletcher, '13 E, had been
general chairman of the 19
Union opera. At the. begin
year Godfrey Strelinger, '1
Crane, '13 E, and Philip F1
appointed assistants to Chi
with the understanding t
would be competition betwe

._ _chairman of next yc
WAR CLOUDS SEEN, TO T HE EAST. contest for the place,

Plot to Usurp Masculine Prerogative
Is Unearthed.
A dark scheme is on foot! The Ypsi
"fusser" is to pass, and in his place is
to step the Ann Arbor "fusseress." Yes,
1912 is divisible by four,.and in the in-
terests of old traditions and women
suffrage, the beautiful girls, and ocher-
wise, of the famed city of Ypsilanti,
have decided to board the interurban
cars between their fair city and ours;
and usurp the last and undeniable
right of the college man-"fussin." At
least this is the rumor as it comes

was close, but Fletcher -a
awarded the position.
The choice is always mad
president of the Union with t
ance and advice of some of t
"It was mighty hard to d
the right one," said "ex-mana
last night, "for all three wer
such unusual ability. Presid
Blish found it a big job to r
Enjoy Last "Get-Togeth(
Over a hundred members
cast, chorus, and committees
Awakened Rameses" were p
khe annual supper last night a
Rameses for the last time. A
songs were sung over and
were made by many that were
:ta the opera. "Mat" Blish actec
master and General Chairn
William Restrick, Carlisle I
Earle Good, Harry Folz, M. F
Julius Wuerthner and Prof. H
I responded to toasts.
Carlisle Ferguson made a


from the town "only eight miles away."

The meek "cub" running down this
rumor hesitates to make bold enough
to suggest that the faculty commence'
legislation immediately, providing for
the departure of female visitors from
the Ann Arbor rooming houses at 9:30
o'clock on Friday, Saturday and Sun-
day evenings, the total prohibition of
any visitors on other days, and such
like. Also, that at least two other fel-
lows and the landlady act as chaper-
ones; not to mention a few other minor:
riles that might be passed for the safe-
guarding of the fair Ann Arbon col-
lege man.


all gov-

tter OMAHA, NEB., Jan. 4.-The eight
and Michigan "M" men now residing in
Omaha, Nebraska, will be the guests of
ant honor at a banquet to be 'held in this
[um city tomorrow evening. Hon. John R'°
>uld Webster, a prominent alumnus of Oma-
pa- ha, is sponsoring the affair, which will
the be held at the University Club of this
om- city. Sixty or seventy alumni friends
and of the university will be entertained,
,ug- and a message from President Harry
air B. Hutchins will be read.

William Howland, head of the vocal
department of the University School
of Music, spent the holidays in Chicago
and on December 19 sang at Evanston
in Handel's oratorio, "The Messiah."
This was the sixth appearance of Mr.
Howland in oratorio engagement and
his seventh appearance in Evanston.
Peter C. Lutkin, head of the North-
western University Conservatory of
Music commended Mr. Howland's sing-
ing at Evanston, most highly, before'
the music-masters at their convention
herq last week.

Preparations are. going on for the
joint debate with Chicago and North-
western to be held on January 19th
One team, composed of Reck, Gutnecht
and Curry will meet the Northwestern
trio in Ann Arbor and the other team
composed of Cram, Collins, and Fixel,
will debate the Chicago team at Chi-
cago. The teams are working hard in
the hope of winning both contests and
they promise to be the best debates
that have ever taken place at Michi-
"Con" Exams Begin Today.
Examinations will be held today and
tomorrow in the engineering and lit-
erary departments for the removal of
conditions incurred in June. Summer
school conditions may also be re-
moved at this time.
Blanks must be secured from the sec-
retaries of the respective departments
before taking an examination and in-
structors should also be consulted in
Wisconsin Coach Lectures on His Art.
John B. Richards, head coach of the
University of Wisconsin football team,
will give a series of sixteen lectures
on football at the Badger institution
for the benefit of those who expect to
combine teaching and coaching of ath-
letic teams. The course of lectures
will be supplemented by practical in-
struction in coaching players.

an opera club to get up mo
mosphere and enthusiasm,
acquaintance with the w
opera. He said that'in t
operas could be made mor
suggestions of proper t
should be in the opera wou
Director Bert St. John
Hudnut, the author of the
were unable to be present
ner. Philip Fletcher, next ;
man, was also absent as hi
to his home in Detroit wit
chicken pox. He is expect
to college in about two we
Senior Lits Hold First Din
The first of the senior
will be held tonight at 6 o
Michigan Union. Werner
preside. Other members
to give toasts are Mack Ry
Cox and Professor Jerome
will be the faculty repro
Earl Moore has promise<
the musical part of the pro
seventy-five are expected t4
Streets for Coasting to
The coasters will soon
along the streets again a
council, recognizing the d
lowing the lovers of the sl
on any street, has given the
mittee authority to desig:
streets upon which coastin
lowed. The saise plan in
slderable success last y
tions have been raised to
Catherine Street which
last year, however, as the
coasters was a great anne
general hospital patients.

rom tne
>r a se-
ents are
by cor-
ch were
w-ill be


Regent Barbour Plans Trip to Japan.
h Ex-regent Levi L. Barbour was in
s Ann Arbor on personal business Wed-
y nesday. Mr. Barbour will leave Janu-
- ary.28 for an extended tour of Japan
t and the far fiat.

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