Appropriate for the present cold
wave which holds Ann Arbor in its
clutches, the cover of the January
edition of the Gargoyle depicts a win-
ter scene with cutter in the fore-
ground. The new number, which will
go on sale on the campus tomorrow,
inaugurates the new year with sev-
eral peppy features.
The introduction of wood-cuts to
done by Elbert Vyse, '28, and portrays
another reason why girls leave home.
D. Niral contributes the feature story
of the issue, "The Exposier of Jasmine
Jazinski." The usual large number
of Jokes and cartoons make their
usual appearance in this issue.
nOP unI Tn wPrw
PROFESSORS GOUL, rL i Ni', the cartoons which characterize the U 1. U U LLL I U JI L. 11
RICH, AND NELSON humorous publication is one of the
T OSPEAK new features. Two of these are in-
cluded, both done by Maurice Lich-
TWO MUSICIANS TO APPEAR ! tenstein, '28, who has done several
large drawings for the new issue as
Arctic Explorations, ('aincer, illotor well as these cuts. has Investigated Economic, Political
Noises, And l)raimatics Topics The other novelties of the January j Condition In Territories
Of Talks edition are a page of Garglegrams Of Africa
and a selection of poems under the
The first Michigan Night radio pro- heading "The Flyleaf." Continuation IS WRITER AND LECTURER'
grant of 1928 and the seventh of the of the Music Hath Charms and Books --
rcolumn complete the special items of " Xfrica mi International Problem"
1927-28 series will be broadcast from th e agye
the studio room on the fourth floor of the ne Gdigoy Is: is the title of the address to be g;ven
Books reviewed. this month arysA.
University hall through WWJ, the De- New Testament" by Sherwood Ander- by Dr. Raymond Leslie Buell research
troit News, tomorrow night between son; "Doug and Mary and Others" by director of the Foreign Policy associa-
7 and so'clock, Waldo M. Abbot of the Allene Talmey; "Face Value"'by J. tion, tomorrow afternoon at 4:15 o'-
L. Camnbell. lendor" by len Amesr i -n .
rhetoric depatmen~t, who is program
manager and announcer, said yester-
Mr. Abbot characterized the pro-
grain arranged for tomorrow night as
one of the best of the current series
and an excellecent one with which to
inaugurate the new year. Four speak-
ers will be heard through the micro-
phone and two musicians will appear
on the ttiusica side of the program.
Gould Will Speak
"Some Adventures in Remaking the
Map of Baffin Island," will be the
subject of Prof. Lawrence M. Gould
of the geology department. Professor
Could, who is a veteran explorer of
the Arctic, at the present time is one
of the leading candidates for member-
ship in Commander Richard E. Byrd's
South Pole expedition. While the per-
sonnel of the group will not be chosen
until March, it is quite probable that
Professor Could will be included as
chief geologist and geographer. Dur-
ing the past summer, Professor Gould
was in charge of the geographical
work of the Putnam expedition, and
before that accompanied the first
University of Michigan expedition to
Dr. Reuben Peterson, professor of
Obstetrics and Cynocology, and Bates
professor of Diseases of Women and
Children in the Medical school of the
University will be the second speaker
on the program, taking as his subject,
"The Early Recognition and Cure of
Cancer." Last year Dr. Peterson con-
ducted a state wide campaign for the
treatment of cancer.
Prof. Daniel L. Rich of th physics
department of the engineering college,
who is a specialist in the elimination
of noises in machinery, will be third
speaker on tomorrow night's program.
He will discuss, "Measurement of
Noise in Automobiles." Professor
Rich has done important work for
many large automobile corporations
and other manufacturing companies in
the elimination of obnoxious noises.
Recently, as the result of his research,
an annoying squeak was eliminated
from a milk separating machine, anl
he has also devised i more perfect
radio horn.
Will lear Nelso
"Dramatics and the University" will
be the subject of the fourth talk of
the evening by Prof. J.Raleigh Nelson
of the English department. Professor
Nelson has had charge of the Univer-
sity of michigan Comedy club plays
for many years and at the present
time is direcin - one of Barrie's plays
to be presented in fnn Arbor Jan. 11.
His talk will have a particular appeal
for those interested in amateur dra-
matics and the theater.
On the musical side of the program,
three musical interludes will be pre-
sented by Anthony J. Whitmire, in-
structor in the violin at the University
School of Music since 1913. Mr. Whit-
wire Vas for three years a pupil of
Witek and Barmas in Berlin, and has
given many recitals in this part of the
country as well as appearing in sev-
eral ensemble groups. His home is in
Ii addition to the interludes by Mr.
Whitmire, several vocal selections will
be rendered by Elizabeth Rarden,
soIiol of Music soloist who was award-
ed second place in the state Atwater
Kent audition contest recently. Her
home is in Greenville.
Many Letters Ileceied
More than 235 letters on the sixth
Michigan Night program, broadcast
Friday night, Dec. 9, have been re-
ceived at the local studio. This is the
largest number in the history of radio
broadcasting at the University, ac-
cording to Mr. Abbot, and letters are
still pouring in to his office. The great
IA.auatucio1 umm 1,y at~iucai coct. n Natural selence' auditorium.
iiam nd "D usty Answer" by Dr. Buell is assistant professor o.
TosaotId Lehmann. s s olonial Government at Harvard un-
The frontispiece of the new issue ms
Loughton Will Take
Originally Played By
Helen Mencken
Mimes will open its post-vacation
season next week with a presentation
of the Austin Strong play, "Seventhj
Heaven," one of the more recentj
Broadway successes. The vehicle has'
been in rehearsal for some time past,
as it was originally intended that it be
!given before vacation began. Opera
' preparations crowded the work and it
was postponed.
Helen Mencken, who recently played
the leading role in "The Captive," and
who is now in the London company of
"Seventh Heaven" played the part of
Diane in the original production.
Phyllis Loughton, '28, who last ap-
peared in the title role in Comedy
Club's "Dulcy" will carry the Mencken
part. Others who will feature the
cast will be Thomas J. Dougall, '28,
f William M. Lewis Jr., '29, Robert M.
Wetzel, '28, and Charles D. Living-
stone, '28L, Livingstone is also di-
recting the piece.
"Seventh Heaven" has been carried
over into the moving pictures, and
that version of it, starring Janet Gay-
nor and Charles Farrel, was recently
exhibited at a local theater. It has
b d of thfib. 10 best pictures
tversity and is well known as a writerI
and~ lecturer. Under the auspices of the
Bu1eau of International Research of
harvard university and Rfadcliffe col-
lege, lie spent 15 months during 1925-
1926 in Africa niaking an investiga-
tion in the territories. He visited the
Lnion of S'outh Africa, Basutoland,
Rhodesia, the Gold Coast, Liberia,
Tanganyika, Zanzibar, Kenya, Ugan-
da, Belgian Cono, French Cameroons,
Nigeria, Sierra Leone, and French
West Africa. He also visited the
European capitals responsible for the
administration of. many of these ter-
ritories, returning to the United Stat-
es in September, 1926.
Dr. Buell's report of lisAfrican
investigations will be published soon
in two volumes. The purpose of the
report is to set forth the problems
which have arisen out of theimpact
of primitive peoples with industrial
civilizations, and to show how andto
what extent these problems are be-
ing stved by the governments con-
The list of books and articles he
has written show the extraordinary
range of Dr.sBuell's technical know-
ledge. His books "The Washington
Conference" and "International Re-
lations" as well as his African stud-
ies, are all accepted as authorative
in their respective fields. He has
also written "Contemporary French
Politics," "The Native Problem in AC--
rica," "Japanese Immigration," "The
International Opium Conferences,'
and a number of other articles.
(By Associated Press)
NEW YORK, Jan. 4-Smoking and
drinking in moderation have nothing
to do with religion, in the opinion of
Miss A. Maude Royden, English wo-
man preacher, who arrived to/.y to
learn that lectures she had pannea
'to give in Chicago and Boston have
been cancelled because of reports
about her views.
Both cancellations were for lec-
tures to be given under auspices of the
Woman's Home Missionary society of
the Methodist Episcopal church. The
one in Chicago was cancelled when
it was reported Miss Royden smoLel
cigarettes and the one at Boston
when it was said that she believed in
companionate marriarge.
Miss Royden acknowledged that she
smoked, but she said she had always
opposed any form of companionate
Miss Royden is scheduled to speak
at a special Sunday nxorning con-
(ation in Hill auditorium here on Feb.
PI1'ay Productions 'io Sponsor Noted
Puppets In Twio Performances
Early In February
Pursuant of a new policy to bring
outside attractions to the campus,
Play Productions will sponsor the
Jean Gros French Marionettes in two
plays to be given at Hill auditorium
Feb. 2, according to an announcement
made yesterday by Earl Fleischman,
director of the department. Arrange-
ments for tickets will be announced
Jean Gros is one of the more famou's
makers and organizers of puppet
shows at the present time, and this
organization is reputed to be the larg-
lest and most complete of its kind in
existence. Performances have been
given at various universities and have
been highly commended by the dram-
atic faculty. The company is under
the management of . J. Rupert, who
was in Ann Arbor la'st fall to make ar-
rangements for the showing.
Two performances will be given, one
a matinee particularly for school chil-
dren, at which the attraction will be
"Huckleberry Finn," adapted from the
Mark Twain stories. At night the
play will be Maurice Maeterlinck's
"Blue Bird" produced with special
effects. The "Blue Bird" has a com-
plete musical accompaniment, and it
is claimed by those in charge that the
fantastic nature of the piece can bet-
ter be brought out by the puppet per-
sonfications than by regular stage
I presentation.
The marionette company is com-
posed of experienced actors, trained
to manipulate the puppets and speak
the parts from behind the scenes. The
puppeteer science is European in
origin and little is known of it in
this country. The Jean Gros company
has the largest stage and the largest
marionettes used in any 'show of the
I (By Associated Press)
PAWIS. Jan. 4.--secretary Kellogg's
note to Foreign Minister Briand of
December 28, suggesting that the pro-
posed amity pack to outlaw war be-
tween France and the United States
be enlarged to include other nations
was made public by the Quai d'Orsay
tonight. It was given the utmost
prominnnce in the French press and
became the center of discussion in all
circles of French life.
The impression gained in official
circles in Paris today was that France
and the United State's are approaching
the point where they will be able to
sign a pact "to outlaw war." The
negotiations, looked at from this end,
and in the absence of official com-
ment, appear to be near conclusion
although there was some apprehen-
iion as to the extension of the accord
'o an indefinite number of powers as
i s proposed by Washington.
The idea of a pact to outlaw war
which was generally popular here
when considered as a proposition be-
tween France and the United States,
becomes complicated in the average
French mind when it is proposed to
extend it to other countries.
The reason for this, it is said in
the best informed circles, is the feel-
ing that a general pact of such a sort
would look too much like competition
with the League of Nations.
Plunge Into Discussion Of Coolidge's
Nicaraguan Policy; Sidestep
S.4 Disaster
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4.--Refreahed
by the Christmas vaction, Congress
got back on the job today to plunge
headlong into discussion of adminis-
tration policy in Nicaragua, but to
face a neatly executed administration
coup de1s ignedtoemovethe S-4 dis-
aster fom' the p~resenit from thme realm
of debate.
It learned thrmough a Senate commit-I
tee that the celebrated Hearst Mex-
ican exposed documents were rated
as "spurious" by five handwriting ex-
ports, including three employed by Mr.
Hearst himself, the documents includ-
g that implicating senators in alleged
Mexican payments totaling a million
and a quarter.j
h .4
11'tWitll amBndolph ~II
Whose Mexican exposed idocumionts
were regarded as inug "spurions' by
five handwriting exprt' yesterday in
Washington. The 'experts inecluded
three employed by the failuous pub-
fishier himlself.
lBead Of Near East College Of Beirut
I Wi he Speaker In Ange l hall 1
Oi l Friday
But the Nicaraguan affair, inflamed ILL TALK ON EDUCATION
by casualties among Marines within,
the last week, brought a concerted at- President Bayard Dodge, of the
tack on administration policies, con- American Univcrsity of Beirut, will
fined to Democrats in the House, but deliver a lectur oe on , "'The Nneiatioiia 1
. . . O tlook iin thle Na r at' .4:10
including a Progressive Republican, i lookridn in er ' at Ang1
Fry ante: no onin rooii25 Aiigell
Nye, of North Dakota, in the Senate. 1all. The leouiire is mioder 1he al-
Resolution Sponsored spicks of the I'tiivrsituv and the plb- -
Nye sponsored a resolution to deny lie is invicd Ito alt L mot.
authority for use of armed forces by PrcsidieMet ljodge, :- o. the t lat
the President to settle disputes of (levelaznd 11. 1 )od-_e of New York -it y,
American nationals in foreign coun- is the iti in 1tiilute of a reimarika ble
tries. That was not strong or specific i New York fainiily of philaiiiithroists.
enough for Heflin of Alabama, who of- !le was graduated from Prineton iii
fered a resolution to repudiate the 1909 anti spent the year Wllowing his
Stimson Nicaraguan agreement and 1 graduation on a tour of the world. Be-
demanding immediate recall of the sides his degree from Princeton he
Marines. . graduated from the Union Theological
House activities did not go beyond seminary, New York City, and holds
speeches. No action was proposed, his masters degree from Columbia
but Representative Huddleston of Ala- university, and his LLD. from Occi-
bama, declared the "war" in Nicara- dental college.
gua was that of the administration, In 1913 President Dodge was ap-
not of the people. Huddleston is one pointed to the staff of the Amey;can
of the few House orators still clinging University of Beirut. In this he wNas
to the custom of talking from the j following in the general footsteps o
party leader's table, amid rows of his father, who had been connected
benches, instead of facing the House for many years with educational en-
Taudeville And Feature Picture Are
To Compose Regular Future
Policy At 31icligan -
Formal opening of the new Michi-
gan theater will take place a 7
o'clock this evening, Manager Gerald
I loag announced yesterday. The fea-
fure film will be "The Hero or the
Night," starring Glen Tryon, and Ida
\lay Chadlwick and her cast will g-re
a stage presentatiton entitled "Fi'om
Rags To Riches."
One feature of the program will be
the showing of the Kinogram news-
reels, which have not been seen in
Ann Arbor for a number of years.
1 Mlanager Hoag stated that there had
been numerous requests for these
Hoffman Is Organist
Floyd loffnan, organist of ten
year's experiemice throughout the
larger cities of the United States, will
hlay the new electric organ. Tho
ientiiro organ (consolle is mounted upon
an elevating platform so that. it caii
be riised in foll view o the audience
I during the solo numbers. iloffman
stated that the new organ was as sine
as any he had seen in the larger
th-ater-s throughout ltie country.
jvery orchestral instrument is re-
fpresented on the organ either in its
true tone or in a very good imitation
l of the true tone, he said. Special ef-
fects are obtained by a number of
feature stops on the instrument.
Karl Wiederhold, former director
of the Majestic theater orchestra, will
be leader of the new Michigan or-
chestra. Director Wiederhold was
former concert maestro at the Black-
stone theater of South Bend, Ind.,
and came here from Detroit where be
was conducting a school of music.
Thie orchestra will consist of two vio-
lins, one cello, bass, piano, flute, clar-
imet, trumpet, trombone, and traps.
The main portion of the orchestra
was brought from the Majestic tmea-
ter because of the satisfactory work
they performed there, he said.
Entrance to the theater is made at
Liberty street. A sign in the maize
and blue colors of the University
hangs above this entrance, and the
regular block "M" is placed above the
poster stands. Inside the first lobby a
ticket booth stands equipped with two
(modern ticket dispensers and change
n--akers. The usual crowd waiting to
gain admittance to the second niuows
will find ample room in this lobby,
officials in charge of construction be-
in Michigan Colors
Beyond the first lobby is the main
foyer. A carpet in the Michigan coi-
ors covers the marble folor and leads
up the grand staircase to the mez-
zanine floor, where patrons desiring
to sit in the balcony may enter the
main auditorium. Here also are the
I ttrances to two of the four rest and
1 smokingg roois in the theater. These
rooms are furnished with chairs and
tables and full-length miirrors, and
there are similar furnishings through-
(out the mezzanine floor. The walls
a rc mirrored and the domed ceiling
is done in decorative, vari-colored
Decorations thirouhiout the auditori-
num are in maize and blue, with com-
plementa'y colors in the backgrouiwd.
The seats, numbering over two thous-
and, are upholstered in blue leath-r.
Mi\anager hloag stated that these seats
weire of the full-spring type, provid-
ing a softer and n1-ore comfortable
suppor t.
Nlanager Hoag made it clear that
the theater was thoroughly modern
in every respect, Amon.g the equip-
merit ithe listed the oil buriing heat-
ug ou-ipmitnent, the washed and cool-
(i air circulating system, an electric
y bridge for stage scenery, a pre-selee-
t;v' stage switchboard, all new pro-
jection mlachilles and spotlight eqn;l-
iiucnt, anid nonierous other items.
"Thefli 'lcigaii' will be a revelation
to the student body," Manager ioag
1 prophesied. Ile stated that everything
wo""ld be one to make the theater
f thme year. rHolding their first meeting since
The play itself is of a war origin, the holidays the Student council held
the background for the plot being laid their weekly meeting last night at the
in France from the beginning of the Union. Reports of various commit-
conflict until the time of the armis- tees, and appointment of several more
tice. It is colorfully woven and re- occupied the principal portion of they
plete with both humor and suspense. busiess sessin.
Special sets are now being built on Jo Chamberlin, '28, managing editor
the Mimes 'stage by Frederick Red- ofTlie Daily,-and Charles Gilbert, '28,
mni, while the properties will in- representative from the Student cou -t
-lude a regulation taxicab. E. Morti- cil, gave brief reports of the Nit-
mer Shuter will supervise the prg(huc- tional Student Federation of Americat
meeting which they attended at Lini-
Seats will all be reserved as in the co1n, Nebraska, before the Christmas
past and may be ordered now through recess. Following their reports it
the mail. The regular seat sale will was unanimously vote] to pay the
commence Saturday morning at the dues of the University for next ycamr
box office in Mimes theater. in the organization, which have been
set at $50.
NOTED LECTURER Itas also decided to send a dole-
ILate to Aie Mid-West conference at
WILL SPEAK HERE Boulder, Colorado, on Feb. 22, 23, and
Dr. Ernest R. Hooton of Harvard 24, though selection of the man to
university, noted anthropologist, will make the trip was deferred until the
deliver a university lecture at 4:15 next meeting.
o'clock, Jan. 9 in the Natural Science The report of the committee appoint-
auditorium On the subject of "TPle ed to inve'stigate the means of obtain-
Study of Human Races an(! Types." l1g -the Burton Memorial companile
Dr. Ihooton, who is a. fellow of the will be heard by the council at its
Royal Anthropological association iext meeting, and the report of Russel
and has been curator of anthropology Sauer, '28, who had charge of the
at Harvard since 1914, is the author sale of tuber'ulosis Chnistmas seals
of numrous scientific works includ- for the council reported that the net
' ing "Ancient Inhabitants of the Ca- sale thus far amounts to $114 with
nary Islands," and "Indian Village several fraternities and sororities still
Site and Cemetery near Madisonville, to be heard from.
Ohio." He is at present also acting as
editor of "Harvard African Studies." NEW CLASSIFYING j
TO BE POSTPONED tMhre than 200 students completed
their classification yesterday aNer-
-- 1noon at the opening of the commt t-
Play Production has definitely post-
I poned its planned presentation of tees sessions to deal with elections
"Hell Bent Fer Heaven" by Hatcher for the coming semester. At this ses-
I lughes until 'shortly after the begin- sion those students were cared for
ning of the next semester. It was who have signed four or more blanks
originally booked to be at the Mimes signifying their intention of continu-
theater beginning Jan. 17. Definite ing in the same cours with the same
1 - ,..- inr etn..i nrt he..P., +. o .nmi4no.., cona
from the shadow of the speaker's*
rostrum. He had a large and appar-
ently interested audience of colleaguesI
as he tramped up and down behind1
the table, driving home his attack.
From the Republican side, Wain-!
wright of New York, and Begg of
Ohio, defended the Nicaraguan policy
as necessary to protect not onlyj
American but other foreign lives.
Documents Said False
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4.-The Mexi-!
can documents published in Hearst
newspapers were pronounced "spuri-
ots" today by five handwriting ex-
perts, three of them employed by Mr.
Hearst, in a report submitted to the
Senate investigating committee. I
Called to the stand after submissioni
of the reports, Miguel Avila, procurer
of the documents, insisted he still be-
lieved them authentic but added the
expert's findings might indicate other-
Avila quickly explained he never
had examined the documents, one of
which reported to show the creation
of a $1,215,000 fund for four Uniteds
deavors, both abroad and in New York
President Dodge was appointed to
his position as the head of the Uni-
versity in 1923. The significance of
this appointment was at once apprec-
iated, both in America and Syria and
created the greatest enthusiasni
throughout the Near Eastern world.
The American University of Beirut
occupies a unique and commanding
position of influence throughout the
entire southern Near Eastern area,
I The student body, numbering 1,215,
is highly representative tf the pro-
gressive elements in Syria, Palestine,
Asia Minor, Persia, India, Egypt, anti
I the Islands of tie Mediteranean. Na-
tive rulers and national leaders in the
Near East ecognize this imstitution
as an outstanding influence for tho
improvement and rehabilitation of
It is from such a backgroundl hat
President Dodge derives the materiali
foi. the discussion of the outlook for
education in that part o the worlt
in which his sphere of activity liLs.
States semators. lHe reiterated that
he saw some of them removed from JACK, PETERSON
official files in Mexico City but had no TO CONDUCT WORK
idea what was in the papers. The C N U T W [
documents, he said, were turned over
by him to John Page, a Hearst re- takition ema of te clse 0..
porter, without any inspection of theu- ohe taking over of the wassiledo
contents whatever by him and he did ;Professor Mallory, who waskilled
not know what was in them until they recently in an automobile accident.
were reprinted in the Hearst news- Two courses ."were scheduled under
papers. Professor Mallory for the remainder
In addition, at its session today of this semester. Course number 1G3,
the committee had before it James R. on the Short Story ,will be divided
Sheffield, former ambassador to Mexi- into two sections; one will be under
co, w io denied testimony that the Professcr Peterson, and the other will
American embassy had purchased be given by Professor Jack. Course
Mexican documents and emphasized number 167, "Interpretations of Lit-
that he had given orders that none of lerature and Art," will alo lie unter
the so-called Mexican papers should Professor J-ack.
be bought. Professor Mallory was to have
Itaught only one course during the
Nicaragua Considered jsccond semester. This course, dealing
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4.-The an- i with Book Reviewing, wxill be dividcOl
nounced policy of the Coolidge ad- into three sections, all of which will
ministration to reinforce Marine de- lbe taken by Professor Jack.
tachments in Nicaragua and c9operate-
fully in the establishment of order REEVES IS CHOSEN