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January 05, 1926 - Image 1

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VOL. XXXVI. No. 76





IfNSfPPhE [I Clements Library Gets Papers
F ATrni Of Revolutionary War Generals

F He Is Man OfHTour

-lullUII1 L1 ILI UIIU}
Tfln n rerrnr'ii


Newer Aspect Of History Mobilizes
Efforts Of Various Scholars;
Cross On Committee
Addresses by Prof. Charles McLean
Andrews, of Yale university, retiring
president, Hon. Albert J. Beveridge,
former U. S. senator from Indiana,
and J. Franklin Jameson, of the Car-
negie Institute of Washington, D. C.,
and the election of Prof. Dana C.
Mnro, of Princeton, as president for
the coming year, were outstanding
events of the 40th annual meeting of
the American Historical association
here Dec. 29, 30, and 31.
At the business meeting, Prof. Ar-
thur L. Cross, of the history depart-
ment, was elected a member of the
nominating committee. Other officers
chosen were, Henry 0. Taylor, author,
of New York city, first vice president,
and Prof. J. H Breasted, of the Uni-
versity of Chicago, second vice presi-
dent. Professor J. Spencer Bassett, of
Smith College, and Charles Moore, of
the Library of Congress, were re-,
elected as secretary and treasurer,
Sees History As Aid
Senator Beveridge spoke at a
luncheon conference in the interest
of the proposed increase of the en-
dowment of the association from $50,-
000 to $500,000. He declared that in
nearly every polictical controversy,
knowledge of the history of the ques-
tions involved would aid in the solu-
tion of the problem, and cited ex-
amples to show how a lack of that
knowledge is a disadvantage. The
purpose of the hreased endowment,
was outlined by Prof. Evarts B.
Greene, of Columbia university, chair-
man of the committee in charge.
At the same conference, Dean Guy
S. Ford, of the University of Minneso-
ta, spoke of the newer idea of hitsory,
mobilizinfi the efforts of researchers
interested in all aspects of the life of
the period studied, and mentioned the
fact that the interest of the historian
is mingled with that of the.psycholo-
gist, the scientist, the archaeologist,
and representatives of other branches
of study.
Prof. Arthur M. Schlesinger, of Har-
vard university, stated soni of the
aims which he hoped to see accomp-
lished with the increased funds. He
desired to see the "chaotic library sit--1
uation," which confuses and hampers
the researcher, cleared up; to see a
survey of research issued, "telling
what research is going on, what isn't
going on, what ought to be, and what
can be,-mobilizing the efforts of scat-
tered workers;" and he expressed the
wish that a system of conferences and
co-operation might be employed
among researchers, bringing together
men interested in special fields.
The visiting historians, who came
from institutions in all parts of the
country, were guests of the Board of
Regents at luncheon Thursday, Dec.
31. Professor Cross was toastmaster
on this occasion, at which J: Franklin
Jameson, of the Carnegie Institute,
exhorted the writers of history to
make their message heard more effec-
tively. "Young men," he said, "should
think of the ultimate consumer,-they
should think of the way they write."
He mentioned a book which will be
published by the association on meth-
ods of writing history.
At the same time, Prof. Dixon Ryan
Fox, of Columbia university, appealed
to instructors to consider the in-
dividuals in history, noticing how in-
dividuals solved their ethical prob-
lems, and drawings lessons from that
study: The instructor, he said, "should
have some friends, even some heroes,
in history, and point out their char-

University lieu Talk
Prof. Arthur E. R. Boak, of the his-
tory department, addressed the group
meeting on ancient history, giving a
report on the excavations of the Uni-
versity expedition in the Fayoum dis-
drict of Egypt.
Prof. L. C. Karpinski, of the mathe-
matics department, read a paper be-
fore the history of, science society on
"The First Textbook in America.'
Other speakers from, the University
were, Randolph G, Adams, custodian
of the William L. Clements library,
who read a paper on the relatiorship
of the historian to libraries of rare
books, and Professor Cross, who was
chairman of the group dealing with.
"Personalities of Tudor Stuart Eng-


Acquisition for the Clements Li- lude Cornwallis' letter announcing
brary of the papers of Maj. Gen. the surrender at Yorktown, and his
Nathanael Greene, second in command corresopndence with Benedict Arnold,
of the American forces in the. Revolu-! and Major John Andre, which give
tion, and of Maj. Gen. Sir Henry Clin- valuable information on the treason
ton, commander in chief of the British of Arnold and the execution of Andre.
armies in that war, was announced by j Many of the letters are in cypher, of
Regent William L. Clements at the which the solution is available.
meeting of the American Historical Sir Henry Clinton wrote a history
association here during Christmas va- of the Revolution after the war, which
cation. has hitherto been unpublished. This
The Greene papers, it was stated, manuscript, which is included in the
are the most valuable, except those collection will be published in two
of Washington, relating to the Ameri- volumes. There are also the maps
can side of the war. General Greene, which Clinton used in his campaigns,
as commander of the armies of the letters from him to the British secre-
South, succeeded in driving Cornwal- tary of war, to other British generals,
lis back to Yorktown. The collection and to the commander of the Hessian
includes more than 4,000 items, among troops employed by the British. The
which are more than 500 letters from Clinton collection numbers more than
Greene to Washington, 50 from Wash- 14,000 separate items.
ington to Greene, and letters between The papers obtained by Regent
General Greene and numerous revolu- Clements also include those of Gener-
tionary executives of the colonies, and al Clinton's father, who was colonial
other generals of the American forces. governor of New York from 1742 to
The manuscripts of Greene are well 1752, which provide important ma-
written, and thus are rendered more terial on the vents leading up to the
valuable as source material for a Revolution.-
study of the American Revolution, Mr. Adams states that "outside of
according to Randolph G. Adams, cus- the Washington papers themselves, it
todian of the Clements Library. would have been impossible to get
The military, political, and private 1 anything much more important than
papers of Major General Clinton in- these."



University Broadcasting Station Will,
Feature Talks And Musical

Situation In

Transylvania, Eastern
And Rumania Most


(By Associated Press)
PARIS, Jan. 4.-Transylvania, East-
ern Hungary and Rumania present
the most critical situation in Europe
which is slowly emerging from one of
the worst floods in its history.
The number of dead in these coun-
tries and the amount of damage in-
flicted probably will not be known for
several days, pefhaps weeks, because
of the demoralization of comniunica-
tiois and because vast areas of the [
territory are likely to remain under
water for some time. But it is cer-
tain that there will be a tremendous
[death roll and huge financial loss.
The swollen rivers and canals in
Belgium and Holland are going down;
the German and Polish rivers also are
receding. The situation is France re-
mains at a standstill, but the rain
there continues unabated.
Details of the casualties and the
suffering in Transylvania, Hungary
and Rumania are slowly reaching Bud-
apest and Bucharest. It is variously
estimated that between 500 and 1,000
persons have perished, while the loss
in cattle and the damage to spring
wheat and property is tremendous.
Most of the deaths occurred in iso,
lated hamlets and on small farms
where the residents had noswarning
of approaching danger. This makes
the task of a close computation of
casualties almost impossible. Many
died of hunger or exposure as they
waited to be rescued from their house-1
tops or other vantage points.
Eastern Hungary has suffered great-
ly but the wheat reports are more re-
The worst situation exists along the
river Theiss, where thousands of in-
habitants still remain on the roofs of
their flooded houses awaiting rescue.
Spotlight Vaudeville show entrants
will hold their final rehearsals at 4
o'cldk today in Mimes theater in
preparation for the annual Mimes
vaudeville tournament which will be
presented Thursday and Friday even-
ings of this week.
A majority of the acts have already
been selected, although contestants
will still be considered this afternoon.
As in the past, the tournament is
open to students and organizations on

Talks by four men closely con-
nected with the University will be
transmitted tonight from the Univer-
sity radio broadcasting station in the
regular bi-weekly IMlichigan Night
program. Musical numbers by stu-
dents and faculty members of the
School of Music will be included on
the program.
Regent Junius E. Beal will speak on
the subject of "The State and its Uni-
versity." A talk will be given by Dr.I
Randolph Adams, custodian of the
William L. Clements Library, on the
General Nathaniel Green papers which
were presented to the University re-
cently by Mr. Clements of Bay City.
Professor J. R. Hayden of the politi-
cal science department, who has made'
an extensive study of the situation in
the Philippines, will discuss that
topic. Coach Elton E. Wieman will
tell of new athletic and football de-
velopments as discussed at the Na-
tional Collegiate Athletic association.
and National Football Coaches associ-
ation meetings which were held inj
New York city during the vacation
Two violin duets will be given byl
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Lockwood ofI
the School of Music. 1. T. Susamago,f
S of M, will give three tenor solos.-
Past Michigan Night programs have
been approved by alumni of the Uni-
versity from all parts of the country.1
One alumnus has asked for a Michi-I
gan Spirits Night program with Pres-
ident Clarence Cook Little, Coach
Fielding H. Yost, director of intercol-
legiate athletics, and Dean Mortimer
E. Cooley of the Engineering college,{
as speakers; with the Glee club andi
the Varsity barf(d providing music;!
and with Joe Parker to end the pro-
gram by making the old familiar an-E
nouncement, "It's ten o'clock, boys."I
The program will be broadcast fromi
9 to 10 o'clock by stations WCX andI
.lawyers Plan '
Second Smokerl
Lawyers club will hold its second
smoker of the year sometime during
the next two weeks. Th'e social com-j
mittee has not as yet set a definitej
t date.
The principal speaker will be a
lawyer or judge, eminent in the legal

Ask Bigger Decrease; Democrats Also
Demand Greater Cut Than
Scheme Provides
(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4.-The tax re-
duction bill was started on its way,
in the Senate today, making it a
three-cornered fight.
Secretary Mellon expressed the ad-
ministration's position generally by
warning the Senate finance committee
that the measure as passed by the
House represented the total amount
of tax reduction which the condition
of the treasury warranted-about
$330,000. This sum was the surplus
the government had, he said, at the
close of the last fiscal year.
Before the day was over, however,'
both Republicans and Democrats of
the committee met in separate confer-
ences to discuss possible changes in
the bill.
Senator Simmons, of North Caro-
[ina, ranking Democrat on the corn-
ittee, announced later that Ie was
issatisfied with the House bill and
hoped that Senate Democrats would
urge greater reduction than it pro-
vided, mentioning $400,000 as the
Chairman Smoot, spokesman for the
Republicans, meanwhile has under;
consideration some changes in the
rate of schedules which would not
disturb the total amount of tax reduc-
tion. He is considering increasing
the exemption from the admission tax
from 50 cents to one dollar. He would
offset this, under the tentative plan,
by repeling provisions in the bill
cutting in half the alcohol levy.
Republican insurgentstare expected
o wage a fight for restoration to the f
bill of the provision permitting pub-
licity of income tax returns.
Both insurgents and Democrats also
are considering a fight for higher sur-
tax rates than approved by the
House, with the objective an increase
in the maximum rate from 20 to 25
per cent at least.
In their program for greater tax re-
duction, the Democrats would repeal
all the excise and stamp levy, a plan
to which Senator King, of Utah, a
Democratic member of the committee,
today announced his adherence.
Italy Mourns
At Death of
Queen Mother
BORDIGHERA, Italy, Jan. 4.-As a
family might mourn one of its best
loved members, Italy tonight mourned
the loss of the Dowager Queen Mar-
gherita, of Italy, mother of King Vic-
tor Emmanuel, who died peacefully at
11 o'clock this morning surrounded by
her immediate family in her modest
villa on the sunny shores of the Ri-
Although her death was not unex-
pected, it brought forth a spontane-
ous wave of characteristically intense
emotion from the entire land, plung-
ing the Italians everywhere in sorrow
for the passing of the gentle old wo-
man, known as "the Italian Queen"
because she alone of Italy's feminine
sovereigns was born on Cisaltine soil.
Contractor Held In
Collapse Of Stands
PASADENA, -Calif., Jan. 4.-Blame
for the grandstand collapse here New
Year's day, which resulted in three
deaths and more than 200 injuries
was placed by a coroner's jury late
today on Paul F. Mahoney, who built
the stand, and the building inspection
department of Pasadena. "Careless-
ness and neglect," were charged ir

the finding.
Basketball Scores
Northwestern 57, Mercer 34.
Ohio State 47, University of Pitts-
burgh 34.
Illinois 30, Kansas Aggies 29.
OurWT eaTher.Mn

Dr. Anthony Svehla
Dr. Anthony Svehla is the man of
the hour in Czecho-slovakia as a re-
sult of the elections, which increased
the power of the Agrarian party. He
is the organizer of the agricultural
unions, and has been a power in poli-
tics since separation of the country
from the Austrian empire.j
ASKS $000lO

President Coolidge Places Question
U. S. Patrticipation Before
Congress In Message


(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4.-President
Coolidge today put the question wheth-
er the Unit4l States should partici-
pate in the League of Nations' pre-
liminary disarmament discussion up
to Congress.
In a special message, transmitted
to both the House and Senate, he
recommended a $50,000 appropriation
to defray the expense of American
participation. Acceptance of the
League council's invitation to take a
hand in the work of the preparatory
commission, he said, "involves no
commitment with respect to attend-
ance upon any future conference or
conferences on reduction and limita-
tion of armaments; and the attitude
of this government in that regard can-
not be defined in advance of the call-
ing of such meetings."
The message was read in both
houses and referred to the Senate for-
eign relations committee and the
1 House foreign affairs committee. In
as much as an appropriation, which
must originate in the House, is in-
E volved, no move was made in the Sen-
ate toward complying with the re-
In the House, however, Represen-
tative Temple, of Pennsylvania, rank-
ing Republican on the foreign affairs
committee, in the absence of Chairman
Porter, introduced a resolution to au-
thorize the appropriation. It was re-
ferried automatically to the foreign
affairs committee, which will meet
Wednesday to consider it.
There has been no indication of an
I organized fight in Congress to pre-
I vent ,acceptance of the disarmament
invitation, and leaders in both houses
predicted that the authority to expend
$50,000 would soon be conferred on
the president.
Operators, Miners
Gather For Parley
NEW YORK, Jan. 4.-Members of
ithe joint committee of miners and
operators entrusted with the task o1
endeavoring to end the prolonged
strike of 158,000 miners in the Penn-
sylvania hard coal fields, arrived to
night for resumption of parleys at the
Union League club tomorrow after-
Spokesmen for both sides said ther
had been no regular conferences dur-
ring the recess. No new proposals
have been submitted, it was under-
stood. When the committee meets
various phases of the proposals made
by Alvan Markle, chairman of the
joint committee, Governor Pinchot, of
Pennsylvania, and others will again
I be considered as a basis for settle

BOSTON, Jan. 4.-The College
for Women at Boston University
has just instituted a "Chair of
love and marriage." From now
on the college hopes to put love
and matrimony on a strictly sci-
entific basis. "No longer will a
young man find himself married
to a woman in recklessness and
ignorance; he can now demand
that his bride have a degree,
such as C.B., Certified Bride,"
those directing the school say.
All departments of the college
will contribute their aid for the
efficient operation of the new
department, including the psy-
chology, economics, philosophy,
and sociology departments. A
Mrs. MacDonald, was has been
appointed official "bridetrainer"
believes in epigrams in teaching
the prospective brides. Among
them are the following:
"Never marry a man just be-
- cause you love him. Love in
Ia cottage is a fallacy ; money
talks. A good provider wears1
better than a dancing partner."



Survey of the land on which, the
new architects building is to be lo-
cated, in the block between Haven,
Monroe and Tappan avenues, has been
started by the engineering department
of the buildings and grounds depart-
From the results of the survey, a
contour map will be drawn, showing
the location of the basements of build-
ings which now stand on the land,
along with wells, cisterns, and other
Work of razing frame dwellings
which now occupy the block, has also
been started. One building has been
torn down, while plans have been
completed for the moving of five
others to other properties of the Uni-
versity in the near future.
The $400,000 provided by the state
legislature for the construction of the
new building, will become available
early this year.
Ford Interests
Secure Site For
Flying Terminal
CHICAGO, Jan. 4.-The Herald and
Examiner tonight says the Ford Mo-
tor interests have purchased 1,400
acres of land in the Hammond-May-
nard territory contiguous to the Illi-.
1 nois-Indiana state line, to be used for
a large flying terminal.
Located on the sight will be equip-
ment for the manufacture, assembling,
and testing of airplanes on a whole-
sale scale, says the newspaper, in
connection with the extension of the
Ford air lines throughout the west.
The attached flying field will be ade-
quate for the accomodation of large
flights of planes.
The site was reported as having
been purchased by Edsel Ford at a
price of $700,000.
Miss Florence Sunderland, A.B., '03,
f A.M. '16, died in Ann Arbor Dec. 30.
Funeral services were held Jan. 2, at
- the home of her brother, Prof. E. R.
Sunderland, 1510 Cambridge road. She
was buried in the family lot in Forest
- Hill cemetery.
Miss Sunderland was teacher of
English in the George Washington
high school, in New York city. She
was recently president of the Uni-
versity of Michigan Alumnae associa-
tion of New York, and was active in
ethe University Women's club of that
city. She died very suddenly and un-
IStaebler Better

"Everyman Interviewed" Is Slogan Of
Solicitors; Thirty Teams
With a slogan of "Everyman inter-
viewed," the annual three day financ-
ial campaign of the Student Christian
association will open tonight with a
mass meeting of more than 250 stu-
dent-workers to be held at 7:15
o'clock in Lane hall. J. Fred Lawton,
'11, of Detroit, author of the "Victors",
will speak to the campaign workers.
Harry Messer, '26, chairman of the
drive, and Rensis Likert, '26, presi'
dent of the S. C. A. will also address
the gathering.
Cup Is Offered
Final instructions to the captains
and the members of their teams will
be given at this time. Following the
precedent of previous years, a silver
loving cup will be given to the student
securing the largest amount in sub-.
scriptions. This year's cup has been
donated by O. D. Morrill, local mer-
chant. It is mounted on an ebony
base and stands 16 inches high.
The Student Christian associa-
tion is a fundamental and im-
portant part of the student life
of the University of Michigan. It
carries on, its activities on a
broad and non-sectarian basis.
It represents a point of contact
between 'those who are Chris-
tiansebuttnot attached to any
denominational organizations. It
also is the basis for inter-de-
mominational cooperation. As a
straight investment in building
tolerance and liberality in the
minds of the students, it is a
first class business proposition
worthy of serious and sympa-
thetic consideration by any
fiiend of youth.
The organization of the drive pro-
vides for 30 teams headed by an equal
number of captains for general solici-
tation. In addition, a special com-
mittee containing 25 speakers for ad-
dressing and campaigning fraternity
houses has been organized. For solic-
itation among independents, 250 lists
of 20 students each have been pre-
pared. Each of the general workers
will cover one or more of these groups.
In campaigning fraternity members,
it is planned to have special speakers
visit thie houses immediately after
dinner, and address the students there
on the needs of the S. C. A. Follow-
ing the talk the representative will
receive the subscriptions which the
men wish to make.
The aim of the drive is not only to
secure the necessary financial aid but
to secure it from as many students as
possible and to acquaint them with
the functions of the organization. It
was with this in mind that the motto
"Every man interviewed", was adopt-
Y. W. Also In Drive
Following the example set last year
the. S. C. A. and the Y. W. C. A. will
cooperate in theirfinancial drives,
holding them simultaneously, yet each
retaining its own identity.
The S. C. A. budget for this year
has been set at $26,000 of which the
association wishes to raise $5,500 in
this campagin. The money to be
raised will be apportioned to the sev-
eral departments of the organization,
and will be used for their promotion.
The most important of these are the
University service department, which
provides the Sunday night services
in Hill auditorium; and the extension
department which sends student
f speakers throughout the state, to
'conduct church services and establish
contacts with prospective college stu-
dents through hikes, parties, and
other group gatherings. In all, 18 dt-

visions of the association are bene-
tfited by the drive.
The S. C. A. also maintains the an-
nual fresh air camp. However, the
money raised in the campus drive will
not be spent for this or for the sal-
aries of employees.
T .,hpninm, will ho 'ervcl + the

the campus. The silver cup, now on! profession. Several musical numbers,
display at Graham's bookstore, will ( most of which will be furnished by
be awarded the act judged best by the residents of the club, willrmake up a
audience. large portion of tie program.
Mellon Calls Debt Settlements
Just; Makes Plea For Approval

(By Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4-Approval
of the war debt settlements negotiated

lars and cents as a prosperous Europe !
as a customer. He described the set- 1
tlements as just, and "in the real in-

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