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January 05, 1944 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-05

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U~ain and Colder'

VOL. LIV No. 45




Smash Japanese Counterattack

Pu lverize



r ve 200 Enemy
Slaughtered in
Japs Forced7_Wck ew Britain
]w~w 1 JiNA tVlit- Ph ~I15 Miles
VNE --JN F , , 'wl 0 Is A I

Reds Capture
Belaya Tserkov
German Counterattack
Wiped Out by Soviets;
9,000 Die in Two Days
Associated Press Correspondent
LONDON, Jan. 5 (Wednseday).-
The Russians smashed a weak Ger-
man counterattack near the pre-war
Polish border, killed 4,000 more Ger-
mans and destroyed 65 of their tanks
yesterday, while to the southeast ano-
ther force captured the stubbornly-
defended strongpoint and railway
station of Belaya Tserkov and 40
other Ukrainian towns.
The Russians, who have killed 9,000
Germans in the border area in two
days, were reported by Moscow to
have advance guards already operat-
ing across the former frontier.
Nazis Stopped Cold
The Moscow midnight communi-
que,, recorded by the Soviet Monitor
from a broadcast, told of a Gnnan
infantry counterattack with two bat-
talions-perhaps 1,500 men. This
force "succeeded in breaking through
to the position of Soviet troops," it
said, but "our units encircled the
enemy formations and wiped out the
Hitlerites. Over 400 prisoners were
taken." ,I
The Red Army troops' also de-
stioyed 22 bigGerman guns, 180
trucks and capturedseven tanks and
47 guns in .the area.
Rail Line Cleared
Another 1,100 Germans Were killed
in the White Russian .battlefront
around Nevel, where resurgen4t So-
viet .drive to the north captue4 100
populated places and cleared te 40-
mile Nevel-Velilde Luki rail line of
With the fall of the German fort-
ress of Belaya, Terkov -annoiced
in a special orde of the day by Pre-
mier Marshal Joseph Stalin-more
than a half million Germans in the
Dnieper Bend faced the fate of the
German Army of Stalingrad unless
Field Marshall Gen. Fritz von Mann-
stein orders a mass retreat.
Supply Route Threatened
This great southward bulge, biting
into German defenses protecting
Dnieper Bend forces, was nearing the
vulnerable throat through which all
supplies to these troops must pass-
Zhmerinka on the Odessa-Lwow rail-
Way. As this bulge widened and ex-
tended at a pace of ten to 15 miles a
day, the Germans were faced with
the increasingly urgent decision be-
tween retreat to Bessarabia or risk
complete entrapment.
Red Advances
Rock Satellites
LONDON, Jan. 4.--()-The Red
Army advance into old Poland shook
the Bulgarian government of Pre-
mier Dobri Bojilov today, while new
peace cries were sounded by the
Hungarians, and the Poles described
the Russian thrust as the "most seri-
ous political and moral crisis of the
whole war."
The Polish cabinet met today and
announced afterwards that the gov-
ernment's attitude on the situation
"will be made public in the near
(Although Sofia still remained cut
off from the rest of the world the
Nazi-controlled Bulgarian home ra-
dio said Allied planes had flown over
the capital again Tuesday and
dropped bombs "on several places."
The broadcast was reported by U.S.
government monitors.)

New Student Group
To Meet Tomorrow
The new anti-fascist Student Vic-
tory Committee will hold a mass or-
ganitational meeting at 7:30 p.m. to-
morrow in the Union.
The temporary organizational com-
mittee of the SVC has drawn up a
proposed constitution and program of
action which Will be presented to the
group for approval at this meeting.
Included on the agenda is the for-
.atn f mmits to tn h in group

Heavy Hog Run Hits Midwest

-Associated Press Photo
Meat packers were unable to cope with the huge shipments of hogs which poured into the 12
principal livestock terminals in the corn belt. The worst congestion was in Chicago, largest hog butcher-
ing center, where 54,000 pigs squeezed into the bulging pens. Two strings of unloaded stock cars push
away from the unloading pens (above) in Chicago. The supply in Chicago was the largest since 1934.

German Rail Traffic at Turin
Disrupted by Flying Fortresses

By The Associated Press
GIERS, Jan. 4.-German supply traf-
fic through the big railway bottle-
neck at Turin in northern Italy was
disrupted and a ball and roller bear-
Itg works at nearby Villar Perosa
(CQ) shattered by a heavy and accu-
rate onslaught of U.S. Flying Fort-
resses yesterday, photographs showed
A hundred direct hits were scored
in the heart of the Turin Yards by
the raid, blocking at least temporar-
ily all through lines from France and
Milan that converge at Turin to form
the principal west coast route down
to Genoa and Rome.
Bearing Works Smashed
Simultaneously, two other waves of
fortresses struck in clear cold weather
at the bearing works at Villar Perosa,
nestled in the Chisone River valley
23 miles southwest of Turin, and
turned it into a shambles. The huge
main building of the plant, which
produces eight percent of the Nazis'
Married Suitor
Kills Friend s
Wife and Self
PONTIAC, Mich., Jan. 4.-(/
Mrs. Audrey Baysinger, blonde 23-
year-old war plant worker, and Ebert
Anderson, 33, discharged from the
Merchant Marine recently following
an illness, were found dead today in
Anderson's apartment.
Coroner Leon F. Cobb said Mrs.
Baysinger, wife of a Marine Corps
private who was at home on leave
but out of the city to visit their 14-
month-old daughter, left with rela-
tives, had been fatally wounded by a
shot from a .38 caliber revolver.
Anderson, who had been separated
from his wife, was killed by a blast
from a small-gauge shotgun, the cor-
oner added.
Cobb said it was evident that An-
derson killed the woman and then
himself. He said there would be no
The coroner said the shootings
occurred 'while Miss Sarah Buley,
who worked with Mrs. Baysinger in
the General Motors Yellow Truck
and Coach Plant, was waiting outside
Anderson's apartment in a taxicab.
He quoted Miss Buley as saying Mrs.
Baysinger had "expected trouble"
with Anderson, and had asked her to
call policerifnshe did not reappear
within ten minutes after they en-
tered the apartment.
Girls Are Asked To Send
Overseas Valentines Soon

bearings, was blasted by direct hits
and near misses, probably knocking
the factory out of the war for a long
Twice before American bombers at-
tacked the Villar Perosa works, but
each time 'heavy clouds impaired the
results. Yesterday it was pinpointed.
Land Forces Stalled
While the weather favored heavy
bomber activity for the first time in
nearly a week, the opposing land ar-
mies in Italy remained stalled in
heavy snow in the mountains and
bogged to the axles in mud near both
American patrols that probed Nazi
defenses around the destroyed vil-
lage of San Vittore on the main in-
land highway to Rome stirred up a
violent reaction before withdrawing,
as did similar patrols at other points
on the Fifth Army fronts.
Field dispatches said Canadian
forces on the Adriatic coast exper-
ienced their quietest day since the
battle of the Moro River began near-
ly a month ago.
Indian troops of the Eighth Army
seized a hill a mile and a half south-
east of recently captured Tommaso
and advanced up the Ortona-Miglia-
Mico road almost to Tello.

Dr Peet Finds
Child's Tumor
Is Malignant
Early hopes expressed by Dr. Max
Minor Peet Monday after his brain
operation on little Gladys Herrara
that her 'brain ailment was only scar
tissue were dashed yesterday when a
pathological analysis of the tissue
removed determined it to be a malig-
nant tumor.
"Our first observation proved in-
accurate," Dr. Peet said, "and we
shall have to submit the child to
x-ray treatment."
Two-and-a-half-year-old Gladys,
daughter of a Cuban physician, was
flown to University Hospital last Fri-
day from Havana to undergo this
delicate brain surgery.
Dr. Peet indicated that Gladys sus-
tained the surgery with no ill after-
effects and is "now resting quietly."
The laboratory report revealed the
tumor to be a medullo-blastoma, the
same type that was removed from
three-,year-old Isabel Sole, also from
Cuba, last March.
Isabel remained in University Hos-
pital for the X-ray treatments, but
the growth regenerated and caused
her death last summer.

Balky Laborites
Invited to Fronts
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4.-Chair-
man May (Dem., Ky) of the House
Military Committee told reporters
today that Gen. George C. Mar-
shall, Army Cheif of Staff, "Will be
delighted to furnish any labor lead-
er free trahsportation to the Eur-
opean battle fronts for first hand
information and verification of the
result of strikes on our own fighting
May announced that the com-
mittee did not propose to question
General Marshall or anyone else
concerning a recent statement by a
high official, that threats of steel
and railroad strikes had delayed
victory over Germany.
Allied Planes
Blast Germany
In Steady Raid
Record Force of 3,000
Planes Rip Invasion
Coast in Day Attack
Associatedi Press Correspondent
LONDON, Jan. 4- Allied heavy,
medium and fighter bombers hit
northwest Germany and the French
invasion coast with more than3,000
tons of bombs today in a dawn-to-
dusk offensive employing probably
the war's greatest number of fighting
aircraft in a single day.
Allied Air Officers threw. -about
2,750 planes at northwggt Germany
and the French invasion coast in the
daylight hours.
3,000 Planes in Air1
These and other forays were esti-
mated to have employed a total of1
3,000 planes against the contineft.
Approximately 1,500 American
heavy bombers and escorting fighters
blasted Germany's great submarine-1
dotted northwest area in a massive
attack which blackened the skies.t
A Stockholm dispatch said the
major target was Kiel, whose U-Boat
slips and' ship-building yards have.
been the objectives of repeated at-
tacks by U.S. Flying Fortresses and
18 Planes Lost
Eighteen bombers and two fighters
were lost.
American Marauders, shuttling
across the channel 200-strong, twice
during the day pounded military ob-
jectives along the French coast for
the sixth consecutive day without a
They raised to 1,500 the number of
individual sorties they have flown
against the same targets.
American heavy bombers and a
great escort of American and British
fighters attacked northwestern Ger-
many in daylight today in formations
so gigantic that they seemed to
stretch across 100 miles of sky.
McMahon To Give
First SRA Lecture
Dr. Francis McMahon of Notre
Dame will be the first lecturer of the
annual Student Religious Association
series when he appears at 7:15 p.m.
Friday in the Rackham Amphithea-
In his discussion, "The Catholic
Church and Totalitarianism," Dr.
McMahon will deal with the charge
that his church is naturally sympa-
thetic with the Axis ideology.
A professor of philosophy at Notre

Dame University, and a prominent
Roman Catholic layman, Dr. McMa-
hon has long been a leader in the
ranks of anti-Fascist scholars.
Students, townspeople, and ser-
vicemen are invited to attend.

eis % s.. 7 T w ,.e s s ' 1 i. j



Pacific Ocean

$$ ogadjim 3# uNBOIi
Capturing the harbor and air-'
field at Saidor in a surprise land-
ing, American troops have cut off
Jap forces (A) being forced north-
ward from Finschhafen by thez
Australians. Meanwhile, another
Australian force (arrow, left) is
moving up the Ramu valley.
Navy Identifies
Destroyed Ship
As USS Turner
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4-(A)- The
Navy tonight identified the destroyer
sunk by an explosion off Sandy Hook
as the 1,700-ton U.S.S. Turner, and
said another destroyer, torpedoed in
the North Atlantic, was the 1,090-
ton Leary.
Loss of the ships was announced
by the Navy yesterday, but it with-
held their names. The Turner, com-
missioned only last April, blew up in
New York harbor with such violence
that her men and guns were hurled
into the sea. Little detail was given
on the loss of the 34-year-old Leary
except that she sank in the North

,14Ce111erI"S~ait/IOI' long
(0),. of N ew Guiea
'Oiiae IA' P1re xcorrespondent
5 (Wedniesday)- United States
Marines repulsed a sharp enemy
ceounterattank at Cape Gloucester,
New Britain. killing at least 200
.apanese and raising to 1,500 dead
tl'e price the Nipponese have paid
in opposing the leathernecks since
the invasion landing there Dec. 26.
Supply Area Attacked
General Douglas MacArthur's com-
munique today said the Japanese
attack early Monday morning was
made against the Marine lines near
Silimati Point on Borgen Bay, east
of the cape. It was near this point
that the Marines made their initial
landing in the invasion of this north-
western-most tip of New Britain, and
established a strong defense while
other Marines on the west flank
pushed ahead to take the airdrome.
Brig.-Gen. Clarence Martin's troops
of the 32nd Army Division have
driven a wedge approximately three
miles wide and three miles deep into
the enemy's coastal supply area at
Saidor, on the north coast of New
Guinea, where the Americans landed
Aussies Gain 15 Miles
Fanning out from the beachhead
the Americans took possession of
quantities of abandoned Japanese
supplies and ammunitipn, the com-
munique said. So far, the invaders
have encountered only light enemy
Australians pushing northward
along the coast of the Huon Penin-
sula, New Guinea, have gained 15
See NEW GUINEA, p. 4
Ten. Jap .Zeros-
Shot Down in
Paific Raid
U.S. oimhe'rs Renew
Attack on Marshalls


Editor Sees
Long Jap War

At Co. A

Hits Optimists

"Anyone who believes that the de-
feat of Japan will come a few months
after the defeat of Germany is refus-
ing to accept facts as they actually
are," Frederic Sterbenz, foreign editor
of the Cleveland Press, said yester-
Mr. Sterbenz was the main speaker
at graduation exercises of the Jan-
uary class of Co. A which were held
in the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
"Those realists who say that it will
take only two years to defeat Japan
are in my opinion extremely optimis-
tic. It is my personal belief that this
war will not be over for four or five
more years." Mr. Sterbenz noted.
"You are a fine bunch of men and
I'm sorry to see you'go," Capt. George
G. Spence, commanding officer of the
company, said.
Other speakers on the program
were Cpl. Robert H. Brewer, who
spoke on behalf of the class, Dr. Jo-
seph C. Yamagiwa, who spoke on be-
half of the faculty, and Capt. Paul F.
Capt. Spence presented all the men
with diplomas awarding them 30

'Ensian Sale
Starts Today
Three-Part Issue Will
Picture Entire Year
Subscriptions for the 1944 Michi-
ganensian, which will be published
in three stages, will be sold on cam-
pus today.
Because the University is operat-
ing on a three term a year basis, the
three part system is necessary, Rose-
mary Klein, business manager, said.
The first section, which is to be
distributed at the end of the fall
semester, will contain pictures of the
February graduates and sororities as
well as features on the fall sports'
program and campus life.
The second issue will be composed
of pictures of the June graduates,
fraternities and additional features
while the third section with the Octo-
ber graduates featured will bring the
year up to date.
Students may purchase any one
single section or all three if they de-
sire. A hard cover to bind the three
parts will be available for purchase.

Atlantic after she was torpedoed By The Associated Press
Christmas eve. PEARL HARBOR, Jan. 4.-Ameri-
Commanding officers of both ves- can Army Bombers raided three atolls
sels are listed as missing. They are in the mid-Pacific Marshall Islands
commander James E. Kyes, 37, 11621 Sunday. after a lapse of four days in
16th Ave., South, Seattle, of the the daily timetable of attacks, and
Leary, and Commander Henry S. shot down ten Zeros and probably
Wygant, Jr., 37, 26th and Lincoln St., seven more in the heaviest air re-
Camp Hill, Pa., of the Turner. sistance yet encoutered there. No
Coast Guard cutters rescued 152 U.S. planes were lost but some were
enlisted men and two officers, the damaged.
Navy said. The new assaults, announced to-
day by Adm. Chester W. Nimitz, Su-
wa f o t preme Commander in the Central Pa-
'U W r E f r cif ic, fell1on Wotie, Maloelap and Ja-
luit, all of which have air bases.
To Be Filmed Bombers Down Eight Japs
Thirty enemy fighters gave battle
over Wotie and the bombers shot
Movie Will Record down eight of them and probably five
Value of War Progra il Over the Taroa airfield on Maleo-
lap, one of the enemy's major air-
A movie short in color, designed to dromes in the Marshalls, another 30
show the University's contribution to Zeros gave battle. Two of them fell in
the war effort, will be filmed on cam- flames and two more probably were
pus soon by a professional company, destroyed
it was announced yesterday. The announcement gave no details
The film will provide a permanent of the attack on Jaluit, at the south-
record of historical value of wartime enend of the Marshalls, except to
activities on campus and will also say endi o e rsad is, e edt .
show Michigan citizens 'what war say medium bombers administered it.
service they have received from their There is an excellent enemy airfield
University. at Jabor, on the southeast coast of
Tentative plans, approved by the Jaluit, and it doubtless was the ob-
Board of Regents, call for a film Jective.
that will last from 25 to 30 minutes Biggest Enemy Force
to be released by late May or the Never before in the raids which
early part of June. Material on the have hit the Marshalls since mid-
University's post-war plans will also November has the enemy been able to
be included in the movie short. throw up as many as 60 fighter
Of necessity, there will be one gap planes in a single day. On separate
in the war story as almost all of the days, however. as many as 35 Zeros
half-million dollars worth of war have accepted the challenge. Usually
research in Ann Arbor must be kept the stronges. interception has been
a secret and part of the actual war over Maleolap.
training of University-stationed ser-
vicemen cannot be filmed. hif tTalks Today

Anita's Famous Fat Lost to War Effort

On Necessity of War
Prof. L. A. White of the anthro-
pology department will lecture at
7:45 p.m. today in Rm. 316 in the

By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Jan. 4-Anita was bur-

the zoo's elephant house moat that
it was necessary to shoot her.

Union on "Are Wars Inevitable."
pany accepted the task, but could not: This lecture is one of the weekly
send a crew to the zoo until Wednes- public meetings sponsored by the

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