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January 05, 1944 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-05

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Edited and managed by stuients of the University of
Michigan under the authority ci the Board in Control
of Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
regular University year, and every morning except Mon-
day and Tuesday (during the summer session.
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use
for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited in,this newspaper. All rights of repub-
lication of all other matters herein also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan, as
second-class mail matter.
Subscriptions during the regular school year by car-
rier $4.25, by mail $5.25.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1943-44


Marion Ford
Jane Farrant
Claire Sherman
Marjorie Borradaile
Eric Zalenski
Bud Low .
Harvey Frank .
Mary Anne Olson
Marjorie Rosmarin
Hilda Slautterback
Doris Kuentz .
Molly Ann Winokur
hlizabeth Carpenter'
Martha Opsion

al Staff
. . . Managing Editor
. . . Editorial Director
City Editor
. . . Associate Editor
Sports Editor
. Associate Sports Editor
* Associate Sports Editor
. Women's Editor
Asst Women's Editor
. . . Columnist


Business Stafff
. . . . Business Manager
. . Ass't Bus. Manager
. Ass't Bus. Manager
iephone 23-24-1

Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.'
Blood Donors Needed
For University's Quota
rrE JANUARY Washtenaw county quota for
the Blood Bankwill be entirely filled by stu-
dents and servicemen at the University and it is
up to us to be sure that 544 appointments are
made and that 544 persons show up at the Wo-
men's Athletic Building at the scheduled time
next week.
With reports of larger casualties from battle-
fronts and more men being ordered t the
fronts, America must continue to supply the
lifeline of blood plasma. Much of the credit
for saving the lives of 97 out of a 100 wounded
soldiers is given to plasma.
Men have a quota of 322 which will be filled
by members of the Navy group and others at
the Union, while 97 women have already signed
up out of a 222 total needed at the League. The
deadline for registration is Monday, Tan. 10.
-Dorothy Potts
Fight A gainst Fascism
Cannot Ble Stopped Now
30 American fascists charged with conspiracy
to form a Nazi government in America shows
that the government is finally waking up to the
menace of native fascism.
John Roy Carlson in his dynamic expose,
"Under Cover" last year named the very peo-
ple whom the Department of Justice indicted
and charged them with the same crimes.
Joseph McWilliams, George Sylvester Viereck,
Mrs. Elizabeth Dilling and E. J. Parker Sage
are names familiar to readers of Carlson's
book as anti-American traitors. The charges
which the indictment made have been avail-
able to the public since last year in Carlson's
Carlson is to be congratulated for his research
into American fascism and for the revealing
truths which he exposed. But more than 30
people were mentioned in "Under Cover" as hav-
ing pro-fascist ideas. .
We are fighting a war against fascism
abroad; we must not tolerate it at home.
-Kathie Sharfman
Congressmnen Chanige
Attitude On Subsidies
PROSPECTS for a compromise on the subsidy
bill that will prevent a shattering of the sta-
bilization program are improving.
The passage of a resolution which extends the
life of the Commodity Credit Corporation for
sixty days, gave consumers and the public addi-
tional time to convince their congressmen that
an anti-subsidy legislation would not only be
bad economically, but would also be evil politics.
At least $2,000,000,000 for subsidies, will be
rouied in 144 to 2aheive e a nffiient redu-

WASHINGTON, Jan. 5--Don't be surprised if
the railroads remain in the hands of the Govern-
ment for Ine duration. Tlere Is one factor
pointing strongly in this dietion..
Dave Robertson, chief of the railroad firnen
and enginemen, together with Tom Cashen of
the switchmen and H. W. Fraser of the condue-
tors, held a secret meeting in which they decided
to demand better terms than the compromise
proposal offered by the President as Federal
arbiter. Also, there was talk of calling another
strike when the railroads were returned to pri-
vate operation-- if the wae terms weren't met.
That is why the railroads may be Itept tin
the hands of the Government - at least until
the three rebel unibns definitely agree on a
wage settlement.
It didn't leak out at the time, but two brother-
hood leaders staged a terrific row during one
phase of the negotiations, and J. J. Pelley, repre-
senting the railroad operators, had to pacify
It happened after A. F. Whitney, head of
the trainmen, accepted Roosevelt's offer to act
as arbiter. In the presence of the other broth-
erhood chiefs and the railroad executives,
Dave Robertson launched a stream of abuse at
Whitney, accusing him of trying to curry favor
with the President.
Whitney shot back that it would not only hurt
the nation, but be suicide for the brotherhoods
to carry their strike threat too far in wartime.
Labor Colonels .. .
The War Department didn't announce it, but
Lt. Gen. B. B. Somervell offered colonel's com-
missions to both Whitney and Alvanley John-
ston, of the locomotive engineers, who accepted
the President's arbitration and were appointed
labor advisers to the Army. Somervell suggested
that they become colonels-. They promptly vetoed
the idea, however.
"I've got a son who has been a colonel in the
Army for a good many years," replied Whit-
ney. "He got his eagles the hard way and I
wouldn't insult him by accepting a colonelcy
on a silver platter."
Locomotive engineer Johnston echoed .the
same sentiments. They didn't tell General Som-
ervell, however, that if they accepted commis-
sions in the Army, they knew they would be
taking orders from him, not from their unions.
Inside fact is that the President had not
planned to take over the railroads on Dec. 27.
Ile was going to wait until Dec. 28 or 29, just
before the strike deadline. There was also very
definite information that all the unions would
call off the strike threat at the last-minute.
However, the President decided to act drasti-
cally and one day earlier for this reason: its
effect on the striking steel workers, on other
labor, on Congress and on the country generally.
He himself was getting tired of strike threats
and lie had information that the country was
tired too. The country was getting the im-
pression that he was being run by labor, and
he decided that this was a good chance to
prove the contrary.
General Somervell had been ordered a few
days before to draw up plans for taking over
the railroads. He and his staff spend 96 hours
on it, produced a thick book of plans a little
earlier than expected. So the President moved
The 'Hopkins Letter'. . .
The Justice Department has unearthed all
sorts of ways to punish the forger of the "Harry
Hopkins Letter" to Umphrey Lee, president of
Southern Methodist University, predicting Will-
kie would get the Republican Presidential nom-
ination - if it was a forgery.
There is a five-year imprisonment for theft
of Government property, including the theft of
White House stationery. There is also a penalty

for using a facsimile of Government seals and
stationery; also a penalty for engraving a per-
sonal supply of White House stationery with
the intention of using it fraudulently.
There seems no doubt from Hopkins' -talks
with the FBI that he never saw the letter be-
fore. Only trouble now is that book author
Nelson Sparks, who first referred to the letter
in his book "One Man - Wendell Willkie,"
now is getting cold feet and says he won't
produce it without a legal summons.
Note: Several months .ago, this column was
offered the "Hopkins letter," but refused to
publish it in the belief that not even Hopkins,
naive as he may be politically, would write such

Washington, D.C
Dear Cnreswman,
iFrio iiin voimi iinenei me, i've
ieen Wi;ting you for years now About stopping
the sale of sirap iron and aisoine 'i japan in
the '31w Aioiut lifthi the embargo on goods
during the Spanish Civil War so that the fas-
cist General Franco couldn't enslave the people
of Spain. About following the policy of Collec-
tive Security proposed by Ambassador Litvinov
of the U.S.S.R. at the League of Nations meet-
ing in 1937 in order to avert war. About passing
the long-standing, long-committeefied Anti-
lynch bill, one of the clearest issues ever be-
for our legislative bodies.
And I've done more than just write letters.
One of my hobbies is carrying petitions around
and getting my friends, and my enemies (when
possible) to sign their names in this democratic
process of "letting your Congressman know."
Sometimes I've even invested several pockets-
ful of pennies for postcards, just to keep you
posted on public opinion.
All this is very well and keeps me nicely oc-
cupied. But every now and then I run across a
skeptic, a heretic who won't follow the true faith
of writing letters to Washington, because in this
country we have "government with the consent
of the governed." These unbelievers say that at
worst, the letters to Congressmen are merely
thrown in wastebaskets by secretaries provided
for that purpose. And at best the results are
tallied, pro and con on each issue, and then for-
gotten by the Congressman when the time to vote
comes around. Some of them even go as far as to
assume, with Fulton Lewis Jr., that this Congress
is so intelligent and socially conscious and ultra-
representative, that is unnecessary for us to keep
Congress up on public opinion.
BEING MERELY A modest politician, and as
honest as they come, I'm sure you'll agree
with me that such is searcely the case. Why,
if my memory serves me, you were one of the
men we visited this past summer during your
Congressional recess. I mean the CIO Political
Action Committee,, the League of Women
Voters, and delegations from democratic or-
ganizations who saw the National Association
of Manufacturers exerting influence, out-and-.
out lobbying, and getting legislation passed or
held up as they wished.
I think you were the one who had scarcely a
word in defense of your vote for the Smith-
Connaly Bill, against the $25,000 salary limit bill,
and for the appropriation to the anti-democratic
Dies Committee. But I had hopes that you had
learned your lesson and would buckle down to
your job.
Instead I find myself having to jack you up
again. On what? Why on the Soldier Vote.
And the Subsidy Bill. And the Anti-Poll Tax
All I can say is this. Maybe I've been too easily
fooled all these years by the theory of democracy.
My skeptical friends may be right after all. But
if they are, let me tell you that if the men now
in Congress aren't interested in getting letters
of friendly advice on the issues of the day, there's
a very simple solution to the problem. TEACH
Hopefully yours,
A Nobody
a letter on White House stationery. The sug-
gestion that Hopkins was also trying to promote
a candidate against Senator Tom Connally three
years before an election seemed absurd.
Priorities Save Criminul .
Private Joseph McAvoy of Brooklyn, sentenced
to die for killing a Nebraska school girl, thought
he would never see the New Year, but he is still

Reason is that the War Production Board
refused materials to repair Nebraska's electric
chair. Later, Nebraska found some repair mate-
rials which could be borrowed locally, but had
to be returned. This meant taking apart the
electric chair, repairing it, and then taking it
apart again to return the borrowed materials.
This was too much. So Nebraska, which
hasn't had a capital punishment case for
years, postponed the execution. It now looks
as if Private McAvoy might be granted a new
trial. The sentence may be revised to "life"
instead of death.
(Copyright, 1944, United Features Syndicate)

NEW YORK Jan Wei fellow ,
we have reached he poini were the
American isola Ionst press hav gone
all-oiu tIo ideaihismu. 'the Ni.w York
Daily News has cone out agaiinst I it
famine in India. It has also declared
itself in favor of feeding the starving
peoples of occupied Europe.


. . ,

I'd Rather
Be Righit

The same isolationist editors who
used to throw themselves on the
ground and kick and scream because
we were sending food to our allies,
under lend-lease, have now decided
that it is very uncouth of us to deny
food to land under Hitler's control.
It's Spreading Like a Fever
They used to employ the word
"globaloney" to describe Vice Presi-
dent Wallace's proposals to feed our
friends, but they have decided it is
the height of practical common sense
to ship food into lands controlled by
our enemies.
They like that. That appeals to
them. Funny. When Mr. Wallace
once suggested that we ought to
help raise living standards among
the Chinese, etc., these men used
to laugh fit to bust. Between sput-
ters and gurgles, they would de-
scribe his proposals as "a world-
wide WPA" or else as a scheme "to
deliver a quart of milk a day to
every Hottentot." These same hard-
headed wights see nothing vision-
ary about a plan for organizing a
milk delivery service to cities com-
pletely under the control of the
We had better face the fact that
idealism is spreading among our iso-
lationist friends like a raging fever.
The food thing is only part of it.
Take Mr. Hearst, for instance, who
is hugging the Atlantic Charter to his
hard breast these days, and making
little crooning noises to it, holding
buttercups under its chin, and Offer-
ing to hit anybody who touches a
hair of its head.
But, Oh, My
Mr. Hearst's belated passion for
the Atlantic Charter stems from the
fact that he hopes it can be used to
keep Russia from taking away from
Poland the part of Russia that P-
land took away from Russia 20-odd
years ago. In other words, he is for
idealism, but, oh, my.
On another section of the idealism
front, we hear the argument, now
cropping up repeatedly, that Russia
had better not retake any of this
territory, because that might hurt
her prestige with Americans. This
tender concern for Russia's prestige
on the part of those whose arms are
tired with heaving dead cats at her
for 20 years, is perhaps the most un-
convincing bleat in recorded history.
Dust, or Something
One also hears, all of a sudden, a
great deal about the rights of small
cations. This comes especially from
those who thought England was quite
silly, four years ago, for going to war
for the sake of Poland. They certain-
ly never thought we ought to go to
any special bother for the sake of
Poland. It is odd, but they are will-
ng to take more trouble to save a
)art of Poland, and a part that isn't
very Polish, than they were ever will-
ing to take to save the whole coun-
So, therefore, in all this atmos-
phere of brand-new concern for
small nations, Atlantic Charter,
etc., I seem to see a lot of winking
going on. What's the matter with
those fellows, dust in their eye, or
I will match my idealism against
my man's, but I also prefer to take
ny idealism straight. On the score
>f saving small nations, I will kick
along with Messrs. Churchill and
R.oosevelt, who heard Poland's cry
or help the first time. These other
forms of idealism depress me; for
somesobscure reason they remind me
:f the current idealistic campaign to
save the Constitution by denying sol-
diers the right to vote.
(Copyright, 1944, N.Y. Post Syndicate)


By Lichty

) d,,

K * T .:_ ina

. / j

"I'll be glad wlhei we can go back to our old-fahioned
windo displays, Snodgrass!"




.., .
- .

VOL. LIV No. 45
All notices for the Day Official Bul-
letin are to be sent to A Office of the
President in typewritten form by 3:30
p.m. of the day preceding its publica-
tion, except on Saturday when the no-
tices should be submitted by 11:30 a.m.
Student Tea: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
this afternoon from 4 to 6 o'clock.
Applications in support of research
projects: To give Research Commit-
tees and the Executive Board ade-
quate time to study al proposals, it
is requested that faculty members
having projects needing support dur-
ing 1943-1944 file tlheir proposals in
the Office of the Graduate School by
Friday, Feb. 18. Those wishing to
renew previous requests whether now
receiving support or not should so
indicate. Application forms will be
mailed or can be obtained at Secre-
tary's Office, Rm. 1006 - Rackham
Building, Telephone 372.
C. S. Yoakum
All 17 and 18-year-old civilian col-
lege students not in the Armed Ser-
vice Reserve desiring to make appli-
cation for V-5 Aviation Flight Train-
ing should immediately contact Lt.-
Com. E. F. Scott, Executive Officer,
Naval V-12 Unit, at 27 North Hall.
Petitioning for Orientation Advis-
ers for the Spring, Summer and Fall
Terms will be reopened. Petitions
may be picked up in the Undergrad-
uate Office at the League and must
be returned by Thursday noon. Sign
up for time of interview. Interview-
ing will be held Thursday, Jan. 6,
and Friday, Jan. 7, from 3 to 5 and
Saturday, Jan. 8, from 9 to 12 in the
Undergraduate Office.
Lectit res
University Lecture: Captain C. R.
Cook, D.F.C., of the Air Corps, Engi-
neering Division, Equipment Labora-
tory, Wright Field, will lecture on the
subject, "Navigating a Bomber over
Europe and Africa," under the auspi-
ces of the Department of Mathemat-
ics, on Thursday, Jan. 6, at 7:30 p.m.
in the Rackham Amphitheatre. The
public is invited
Academic Notices
Faculty, College of Literature, Sci-
ence, and the Arts: Mid-semester re-
ports are due not later than Satur-
day, Jan. 8.
Report cards are being distributed
to all departmental offices. Green
cards are being provided for fresh-
man reports; they should be returned
to the Office of the Academic Coun-
selors, 108 Mason Hall. White cards,
for reporting sophomores, juniors,
and seniors should be returned to
1220 Angell Hall.
Mid-semester reports should name
those students, freshmen and upper-
classmen, whose standing at mid-
semester is D or E, not merely those
who receive D or E in so-called mid-
semester examinations.
Students electing our courses, but
registered in other schools or colleges
of the University should be reported
to the school or college in which they
are registered.



partial fulfillment of the require-
ments for the degree of Bachelor of
Music, at+8:30 p.m. on Thursday,
Jan. 6, in Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre, with a program of compositions
by Chopin, Brahms, Tansman, Cop-
land and Schubert. Miss Gooding is
a pupil of Joseph Brinkman.
The public is cordially invited,
Events Today
Sigma Xi: Lt.-Com. Louis A. Baier,
Professor c f Naval Architecture and
Marine Engineering, will speak on
"Shipbuilding in Wartime" tonight
at 8:00 in the Rackham Amphithea-
tre. Guests of members are welcome.
The Association Music Hour will
continue Bach's "St. Matthew Pas-
sion" at Lane Hall this evening at
Public meeting of Post-War Coun-
cil toni;ht a : 7: t ,5 iN. 6 Michi-
gan Union, on topic "Are Wars In-
evitable?" Talk by Prferor L. A.
White of the Anthropology Dcpart-
ment followed by question period.
Everyone invited.
House Presidents' attention: All
House Presidents and War Activities
Chairmen will meet in the Rackham
Amphitheatre this afternoon at 5:00
for the regular House Presidents'
meeting. A group picture for the
Ensian will be taken during the
The Book Group of the Michigan
Dames will meet tonight at 8:15 at
the home of Mrs. Roy W. Cowden,
1016 Olivia Avenue.
Faculty Women's Club: Instru-
mental group of the Music Section
will meet tonight at 8:00 at the home
of Mrs. O. T. Mallery, Jr., 1928 Lor-
raine Place.
Coming Events
All dormitory and auxiliary dormi-
tory stamp chairmen: Important
meeting at 4:30 p.m. Thursday in the
League. If you cannot attend, call
Rosalie Bruno, 2-2591, or Betty Wil-
lemin, 2-1528, before Thursday.
All Varsity Glee Club Men: Regu-
lar rehearsal at 7:30 on Thursday
evening. As picture for Michiganen-
sian will be taken, wear white shirts
and dark suits. Attendance is com-
pulsory for all members.
Where To Hide
Britons have been upset because
models and sketches of two of their
new "secret, planes" were on view for
nine days at Edingurgh in an exhibi-
tion staged by an association of ser-
vice men's families.
Concern over an administrative
blunder of that sort is justified, but
there is probably little to worry about
otherwise. The "secrets" are probably
safe. At the Paris exposition before
the war, the Germans exhibited the
Stuka plane which was such a terrible
"surprise" in 1940. Nobody appears to
have paid any attention to it.
It has often been said that the best
place to hide anything in Chicago is
at the corner of State and Madison,
"busiest corner in the world." In New
York the Grand Central Station has

v 'O'N
N 11 !f r f


By Crockett Johnson

Joe Snodgrass goes into
The Army Friday . .. I may
be cailed any day now-
Army routine will
be hard, won't it?
Onmen your age-
rt t1

My age! Why I'm in fine shape-
All that marching-
And you wrenched a
thigh running after
Barnoby's football-

Nonsense. .-, All I need is a bit
of limnbering up .. . Mightn't be
ofhn ei g u . i h nta bad idea to get hold of a
set of Indian clubs. I'll call
the sporting goods store
i .
Copyright 1944 FildPu. I i..

. And chest weights..
And a punching bag.
What? A rowing nmachine?'
Yes, send one over
And parallel bars-

4 .


I This seem

s like an awful f I'll be using it all, getting in shcpe . .

- - -- Ii i


Copyriglt 19444 Fi

Feld Pu6l wrion --



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