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Varsity SWimmers Enter ed
in~ AA L fMeet
Here Saturday
w r p p p p p - p -
Diaily Sports IJditor
Prepare for
'Wildeat Five7
New Startg Lineup
Stagg Electad Sports Man of Yefar
Wolverine Freestylers,
Distance ien To Swim
3 ttn iwxI~ ll III ~t ill t i i . 111 1t i t 1 4 ,I(cale Chureit
The Way of All Captains . .
MICHIGAN ATHLETIC TEAMS have acquired a unique distinction during
the past year-that of losing captains in almost every major sport
before the close of the respective seasons.
Latest to join the ranks of Wolverine captains in the service is
bespectacled Howie Wikel, shortstop on the baseball team, who would
have led the Wolverine nine next spring. Wikel, Ann Arbor's product,
reported at Fort Sheridan, III., Dec. 27 for induction into the Army.
He became the fifth to leave school at the request of Uncle Sam.
It started last spring with Dick Kopel, Big Ten Conference wrestling
champion at 128 pounds. Kopel was called up by the Army a few days
after his mates named him captain for the 1944 season. His predecessor,
Manly Johnson, donned the khaki on the same day.
Even before short and well-built Kopel joined the ranks the swim-
ming team lost its 1944 leader. Walt Stewart who will long be
remembered for his terrifie 440-yara effort in the last meet prior to the
1943 Rig Ten Conference swim at Evanston, Ill., when he surprised
even himself by beating Ohio State's Jack Ryan. Stewart was in the
Michigan ROTC which went to Fort Custer in March of last year and
finally ended up in Signal Corps OCS at Fort Monmouth, N.J., where
he received his commission as a second lieutenant.
The captain-less cagers who have been doing well for themselves so far
this season, lost their leader, Ralph Gibert, last summer. Gibert is now
stationed at Great Lakes in a Navy unit.
Last to go before Wikel was Paul White who stayed long enough to
feel the brunt of Notre Dame's 35-12 victory over Michigan's gridders
last fall. White was transferred in mid-season to Parris Island for
advanced Marine training and has now been accepted for officer school.
* *' * *
JACK OF ALL POSITIONS: Merv Pregulman, Michigan's All-American
tackle last fall, had the unusual distinction of having played a different
position in each of his three years as a Wolverine regular. He started as
a guard in his sophomore year. In 1942, he switched to center when Bob
Ingalls left, and last fall he played tackle.
But, Pregulnan has nothing on Line Coach "Biggie" Munn of the
coaching staff. When Munn was a student at Minnesota he started the
first two games of his sophomore season at fullback, the third game at
left half, the fourth at right half and finished the season at tackle. In
his junior year he played half the season at tackle and then was moved
to guard where he finished out his collegiate grid career by winning
All-American honors in his senior year.
Cage GamesAA U Swim Meet
Hockey Match, This Week-end
With the emphasis on smoothing
out the rough spots in the Wolverine
basketball attack, Coach Benny Oos-
terbaan sent his cagers through an -
other gruelling workou t in. prep.!u a-!
tion for the Friday an d S<;da
night games against Northwesternr
and Illinois respectively.
John Leddy, the clever ball hnd-
ling star from the west coast, will be
lost to the team for both gamer
Leddy is now on a two week furlougha
but it is hoped that he will return in
time for the Wisconsin games on
January 14 and 15.
Today's workout found Coach Oos-
terbaan toying with a starting lineup
which included Wayne Tho pson
and Tom King at forwards, Elroy'
Hirsch at -center, and Dave Strack
and Don Lund at the guard positions. AMOS ALON
Hirsch and Strack Star . . . who was voted sport's "man
Elroy Hirsch, the Wisconsin phan- ried moment for his College of th
tom, was especially effective in the eghyont yr his vollege of t
afternoon session. He scored six field eighty-one year old veteran of ma
goals for a total of 12 points and his turned out one of the finest teamso
outstanding rebounding ability was campaign, proving that he is still a
apparent to anyone who watched the
scrimmage. Hirsch has not played
basketball since his senor year in1
doesn't seem to have hampered his
effectiveness. Incidentally, Hirsch Dr Ut
ball squad.
Dave Strack, Michicgan's top scor-
ing ace, gave another rline perior-
mance by racking up four baskets
and one free throw for nine points.;
Strack isundoubtedly headed for AMES, Ia., Jan. 5-- DeclaringI
one of the finest seasons ever en-ththemlarhrdngporm
joye bya Mihign cger.Dav isthat the military hardening program
joyed by a Michigan cager. Dave ist
an extremely smart basketball player has served its purpose "and there is1
and is well acquainted with the tricks not much use keeping it up," Athletic
of the trade. Director George F. Veenker, of Iowa
Another feature of last night's State College, today announced al
scrimmage was the stellar defensive new voluntary athletic program that
play of Don Lund. Lund is an ex- he said was designed to develop thec
tremely aggressive player and his combative spirit in young men. c
spirit is a real asset to the squad. Under the new program, effectivec
Don played the entire game Saturday tomorrow, compulsory physical edu-c
night and in all the Wolverine-games cation for all men at the college willj
so far.this season he has l :obably be abolished and they will obtaint
seen more action than, i ny teir siuch training (ihroiugh voluii tar> par-
Maize and Blue player. ticipation in a prorU 01 f<i,1'
Graham Sparks Wildcats storts - bowling. basketball, boxin'
The main cog in the No(thwe trn cIsthiluis, i. oil, L cl, villy-
attack will be vci.h C&pni Otto ball and winter activities.
Groham, Who for the p-.t tro pea- "I uon't peel that we will have uni-c
sons has been runnerup in the cn - versal military training after thet
ference scoring race with 197 and I17 war," Veenker declared, "and I m
points respectively. Graham is anx- certain that the present hardening
this yearcop he coveted scorig titlprogram we have in effect will not be'1
picious debut in the conference op- continued.t
ener against the Wolverines. Its .Job Is Done2
Northwestern has three other per- "At the start of the war we had
formers with varsity experience. They to get men ready in a hurry, and as
are Nick Vodick, guard, who played a result we added the hardening
fullback on the football team; Ron- program in place of some of the corn-
nie Schumacher, six foot two inch petitive sports because the hardening
forward, and George Felt, towering course builds conditioning faster
six foot four inch center. The first than the competitive activities.
two were regulars last year while "Now we have the hardening, and
Felt was a starter until he became there is not much use keeping it up.
ineligible after the first few games. We must now maintain the physical
Supporting these veterans are sev- condition that has been developed
en sophomores from last year's fine throughthehardening program and
freshman team that placed third in bring out the combative spirit so ne-y
the essary in battle, and which has been
due. All of these newcomers are in
the Navy V-12 except Dave Thomp- requested by our leaders.
son, 6 foot, 7 inch center from To- "Our generals and admirals fre-
ledo, O., who was rejected for mill- quently have said, "Give us boys who
tary service because of his height. have the fighting spirit in them.' To
-uild that combative spirit you can't
This coming week-end will see
Michigan athletic teams engaged in
five major sports events, headlined
by a double appearance of the Wol-
verine basketball squad against stiff
Big Ten competition.
The schedule calls for four of these
contests to take place in Ann Arbor,
giving Michigan sports fans an op-
$ .40 per 15-word insertion for
one or two days. (In-
crease of 10c for each
additional 5 words.)
$1.00 per 15-word ifisertion for
three or more days. (In-
crease of $.25 for each
additional 5 words.)
Contract Rates on Request
LOST-Black billfold with the name
"Ruth" on it. Contains about $120.
Reward. Phone 21854.
LOST: Sterling silver bracelet with
Chi Omega crest. Reward. Phone
REWARD for information leading to
the return of needlepoint bell pull.
Lost Dec. 23 on State Street. Call
LOST: Black, Navy topcoat-gov-
ernment property, in Angell Hall.
Please return to G. R. Hendrick-
son, 410 Allen Rumsey. W. Quad.
LOST: One small hole in paper.
When last seen was covered with
Alpha. Please return to N.A. Dept.
MIMEOGRAPHING: thesis binding.
Brumfield and Brunfield, 308 S
BROOKFIELD Royal portable type-
writer like new. Phone 24223.
YOUNG MAN for board job. Hours
convenient. Work light. Call stew-
portunity to get a composite picture
of Maize and Blue athletic strength.
Besides basketball, the hockey team
is down for a tussle on home ice
with the Sarnia, Ont. sextet. An-
other four star attraction finds
Michigan's swimmers in their initial
appearance of the current 'season
when they compete in the annual
Michigan A.A.U. classic in the Sport1
Building pool. Both of these events
are on deck for Saturday, Jan. 8.
Coach Ray Courtright's wrestlers
will trek to Columbus, O. to grapple
with Ohio State in the first match of
the year Saturday.
Activities in the Michigan sports
world will begin Friday at 7:30 p.m.
when Coach Bennie Oosterbaan's up
and coming basketball squad will be-
gin their quest of Western Confer-
ence honors against a powerful and
highly publicized Northwestern five.
This game promises to be one of the
best of the season if one can believe
reports on the two teams.
On the following evening the cag-
ers will again take the floor at 7:30,
this time against Coach Doug Mills'
famed "Gee Whiz Kids" of Illinois.
For those whose interest does not
run to basketball the same evening
provides the aforementioned hockey
match with Sarnia and the A.A.U.
swimming. meet.
The complete schedule for this
week-end follows: Jan. 7-Basket-
ball, Northwestern at Ann Arbor.
(7:30 p.m.) Jan. 8-Basketball, Illi-
nois at Ann Arbor. (7:30 p.m.);
Hockey, Sarnia, Ont. at Ann Arbor
(8:00 p.m.); Swimming, State A.A.U.
Meet at Ann Arbor. (8:00); Wrest-
ling, Ohio State at Columbus.
of the year," shown during a wor-
e Pacific football team. Stagg, an
any seasons' coaching experience,
on the West Coast during the 1943
top-flight mentor despite his age.
Phys. Ed.
Iowa State;
f6ystein se
beat a good game where you have
teammates, loyalty, a goal to fight
for and the spirit to win. Such train-
ing makes the step into the armed
services very easy.
Not Easing Up
"We are not lightening our physi-
cal education program: we are ac-
centuating it and will be able to ac-
complish our aims of developing
combative spirit faster because it is
voluntary in its approach. We have
found that young miI will (levott
Iite Or s i hours to pihysiral educa-
Iion in a voluntiary program. whereas
jer will do only the required one or
two huIrs a week if it is compulsory."
Veenke predicted tnat the per-
centage of students who would par-
ticipate in the voluntary program
would be as great as under the com-
pulsory system. He said that the col-
lege planned to give regular credit
toward graduation for participation
in the program. No credit was given
for compulsory physical education.
WestIall at Willow Run
Bob Westfall, former Michigan
All-American fullback, who recently
received an honorable discharge from,
the Army Air Forces, said yesterday
that he had accepted a position in
the Willow Run Bomber Plant. "Bul-
let Bob" starred at fullback for Mich-
igan for three years, gaining All-
American recognition in 1941:
)eIi of MaW t Mas a44
of natators ere tis Saturda n
whn the annual M.ichigan A A U'
swimming championships will be
Heading the litit ot etrantls arc'
M attCSfour retuning let termen from
last year: Ment Church, Ace Cor y
Chuck Fries and John McCarthv
Church, Cory, anl Fries ai'e all
,primners, wlile McCart hy is a d is-
taunce man.
Also entered are a quaret oe fresh-
men who w hillbe seeking to make a
good showing in their first appear-
ance of the year. Achilles Pulakus,
outsta.nding frosh sprinter and quiteI
conceivably the fourtn member of1
the varsity freestyle relay t eam which ,
Laydei Fiiie1(1s
Club OfRieials
For Game RoW
CHICAGO, Jan. 4. Elm
Layden, Commissioner of the Nation-
al Football League, today dug into the
bank rolls of George Preston Mar-
shall, owner of the Washington Red-
skins,< and Ralplh Bri/zzolara, Generala
'Manager of the Ch('1icagio 1Bears to the
extent of $1,000,
Layden, in the most diatic isci-I
plinary action inc ebeaecom1-
missioner in 194, fined Maishall and
Brizzolara $500 apiece for iheir al-
tercation before :34,000 fans at the
national pro ( nosi lhO
game in Wrigley Field liere Dec. 26.
The incident grewv outiof Biizzo-
lara's efforts to remove Marshall for-
cibly from the Bears' bench. Mar-
shall, snuggly wrapped in a big rac-
coon coat, was suddenly discovered
on the bench in the closing minutes
of the first half. Marshall insisted he
merely had come there for a friendly
half-time inttermission parley, but
Brizzolara though otherwise and with
the help of Jack Goldie. Bear trainer,
and police, escorted the Redskin own-
er to a passage beneai the atani.
Layden termed the at tion of Mar-I
shall and lBrizzolaga ''Not recipun'a I
of the public confidence in the Na-
tional Football League" and assertedt
they did not "promote the interest of
professiouia~ lootball."
Commnisioner Laydai aLu set Jan.
12 and 13 as the aates for the league's
annual winter meeting to be held at
the Blackstone Hotel in Chicago.
The player draft will not be held
at the meeting, Layden said, but, like
last year, will be held later, probably
at the annual business meeting in tjhe
'0'. td Pa it, sgnJe to ceeo
1h aul M e outdoor
Natiional A A I <ista11 'c champion
Hackstroker Bill Cooley and Heinie
Kessler braoker tro Ann A-
10r. have signified their intention to
av in Special Event
Hig;hlightsof the special events is
a: 200-yardrea for Navy teamis. At
present theN has entered four re-
lay teams and the Bluejackets ar't
challenging ,ie Army to find four
men who can keep up with them.
Swimming is an integral part of
the Army and Navy physical condi-
t ioning progi am and Matt Mann andl
his associates have worked wonders
(getting the service men stiationed
here into fine shape. Special empha
sis has been placed on endurilce, :
t his is t the men need most
their conditioning.
Mann Is Challenged
Some of tne Navy men who have
been taught the fundumentals of
wimming by Matt have been won-
dering whether or not the genial
coach has ever been in water except
o tL a bath. As one sailor said
"This guy Matt Mann may be able
to teach swimmiing, but I'm wonder-
ing if he can even float himself. I've
never seen im in the pool."m
Of corse" this is qu~tite (understand-l_
able since i would be mnp ible t.om
onc /ui .' fers
of tni - I u1m a fl(t1
tht mal1:t. 'heinagAin itiving
e b chsng to, behauled ot
Bhe class; J. jt U -finisheT conduct-
ng. All of aie am torove tlhat
the old adat "Seeing is believing"
s hould be changed to, "Canth le
-wimiming coaci swim?" What's your
adnswer Matt?
BOSTON, Jan. 4- I)-The Btoo-
ton Bruins arrived at the halfwa,<,y
pointof t'ttheNtlional [1(-Hcke
_L iag ttilr50-> tdtole seaso by oult'1'o '-
'4w'i Ain it thiid. efore a 101)0cwd
,y tri 0 - fast flying forwards took
things in hand and netted two goals
in te finale to cinch tne game.
r -IC
Columbia Gets Hunter
NEW YORK, Jan. 4.-AP)-Ensign
Oliver Hunter, former Notre Dame
two-miler, is the new athletic offi-
cer of Columbia University's V-7
Naval training station and will com-
pete on the indoor track circuits
whenever his duties permit.
Luckm (aii in Serviec
Sid Luckman, erstwhile quarter-
back of the World Champion Chicago
Bears, today reported to the U.S.
Maritime Station at Sheepshead Bay
where he will begin his duties as an
ensign. Luckman, who earned All-
American honors at Columbia Uni-
versity, starred in the quarterback
slot of the famed "T" formation for
the Bears.
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