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January 05, 1944 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1944-01-05

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THE. J1~ ~A-~ MIHZ.-PJAN BY£- £Lf.

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Union Claims Price Increases Have Outdistanced


Raises Asked
In GM Dispute
Little Steel Formula
Threatened as WLB
Hears Crucial Case
By The Associated Press
DETROIT, Jan. 4.-The United
Automobile Workers (CIO) told a
War Labor Board panel today that
price increases have so reduced the
value of General Motors' worker
wages that an increase must be given
if the workers are to purchase the
same quantity of goods an hour's
work brought them in 1941.
The union which has announced
a nation-wide drive to upset the Lit-
tle Steel Formula, made the conten-
tion in briefs filed in support of its
demands for a $1-an-hour minimum
wage for approximately 300,000 work-
ers and for what it terms "cost of
living" wage increases.
Chrysler's, Ford's Involved
Similar demands have been made
by the UAW-IO upon the Ford Mo-
tor Co. and the Chrysler Corporation
which together employ approximate-
ly 300,000 more workers.
General Motors has said that com-
pliance with the UAW-CIO demands
would add approximately $400,000,-
000 annually to the corporation's
wage costs. It would raise the aver-
age factory wages paid per factory
employe, the corporation statement
said, from about $3,000 a year to
Bond Deductions Cited
"The UAW-CIO demands for the
Seneral Motors workers," said Wal-.
ter P. Reuther, "are predicated on
the fact that Congress and selfish
opmmercial interests have permitted
prices to skyrocket while wages have
been frozen; and on the other fact
that the dollar income of labor, of
which General Motors speaks so
glibly, is far below the real purchas-
iag income of labor."
Reuther, UAW vice-president and
director of the union's General Mo-
tors department, is directing the un-
ion presentation before the tri-par-
tite panel.
New Guinea ."..
(Continued from Page 1)
miles in three days and by nightfall
Monday had reached a point approx-
imately 80 airline miles southwest of
the American position at Saidor.
The Australians have been only
lightly opposed of late in this north-
ward movement which is designed to
crush the Japanese between the Aus-
sie and American forces.
A I'eadquarters spokesman said
there was no change in the situation
around Arawe, on the southwest
coast of New Britain, where units of
the American Sixth Army were last
reported pushing patrols beyond the
perimeter of the area taken following
the invasion Dec. 15.
This area roughly follows the base
of the Arawe Peninsula. Small en-
emy forces are operating inland
north and east of the peninsula,

__ __ V

Old Prohibition
Battle Revived
On Capitol Hill
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON, Jan., 4.-The ar-
gument over wartime prohibition
started all over again in the Capitol
today and except for references to
what happened before, the words
might have been a recording of what
was said a quarter century ago.
The principal argument was Mon-
day morning hangovers in war plants
vs. insistence on personal liberties-
including servicemen's claims to a
voice in the decision whether they
have beer.
Bill Proposed
Rep. Hobbs (Dem., Ala.) touched
off the controversy by announcing
that a House Judiciary Sub-Commit-
tee of which he is chairman will hold
hearings next week on a bill to out-
law all traffic in beverages contain-
ing more than one-half of one per
cent alcohol by volume.
Introduced last March 4 by Rep.
Bryson (Dem., S.C.), the legislation
would impose prohibition for the
duration of the war and until after
demobilization of the armed forces.
Its announced purpose is to curb
absenteeism and promote war pro-
duction, presumably through reduc-
tion of Monday morning hangovers
among war workers.
Anti-Saloon Leader Talks
- Hobbs said proponents would be
heard first but did not name wit-
Dr. George W. Crabbe, General
Superintendent of the Anti-Saloon
League of America, said he had not
arranged for the committee meeting
and did not plan to testify unless
92 Men Begin
JAG Programs
New Series of OCS,
Officer Classes Start
Some 92 men-25 in the 15th offi-
cer class and 67 in the fifth OCS
class-of the JAG school began a
new series of classes here this week,
Col. Edward H. Young, commandant
of the school, said yesterday.
The 15th Officers Class includes
for the first time in more than a year
a full colonel, Col. George H. Hafer.
Col. Hafer was legal adviser to the
state director of selective service be-
fore coming here.
Col. William L. Doolan, Jr., AC,
now at Hg. AAF Materiel Command,
Wright Field, O., a member of the
8th Officer Class which finished its
course last March is the only other
officer of equal rank to have taken
the course here.
Capt. John F. Kerkam, now en-
rolled in Officers Class, is the twin
brother of Maj. William B. Kerkam,
Jr., who graduated last month.
At least three members of the 15th
Officer Class and two men of the
new OC class are coming here from
overseas duty.

What the WACS Do Overseas

'47 Corps Interviews Planned;
Ruthven Tea To Be Held Today

WACS stationed at a U.S. medium bomber field in England bicycle to their jobs, which include
plotting plane positions on interceptor boards. Left to right are Pfc. Dorothy Jaquays of Cleveland,
Pvt. Mary L. Steffes of Detroit, Sgt. Lois Joines of San Antonio, Tex., Cpl. Betty Hickey of Chicago
and Sgt. Katherine Davis of Pasadena, Calif.

Heavenly Pennies
Surprise Senor
This penny shortage is a myth
in the mind of Secretary Morgen-
thau according to the substantiat-
ed opinion of one Senor Leo Salo-
me of the Spanish department.
In the absence of a better place
he left his upside-down sombrero
resting comfortably on a stairpost
in the Union yesterday. Returning
from the shock of a Union meal, he
jammed on his hat only to find
the dignity of his exit marred by
the rattling and clanging of some
29 pennies which Santa Claus-
minded passers-by had thought-
fully tossed in his direction.

Anti-Aircraft Gun Is Set Up
On Campus for ASTP Trainees

Members Needed
For Class Project
"Interviews for freshman women
interested in working on the central
committee of the '47 Corps have
been reopened," Ann MacMillan,
president of Judiciary Council, an-
nounced yesterday.
The interviewing will be held from
3 to 5 p.m. tomorrow and Friday and
from 9 to 12 a.m. Saturday. "Inter-
viewing has been reopened because
of the small number of coeds who
have so far taken an interest in their'
class project."
Plans are being made for a '47
Corps Dance to donate money to the
Bomber Scholarship Fund. Fresh-
man women appointed to the central
committee will organize the dance.
This will be the first time that fresh-
men have been given the opportunity
to participate in important activities
during their first semester.
"The unusually large freshman
class should mean that there are
many more potential leaders with
good ideas and ability who are cap-
able of assuming responsibility," Miss
MacMillan said. "This is the time
for coeds of the class of '47 to indi-
cate what they are going to accom-
plish during their college careers,"
she said.
USO Council-...
Interviewing for the USO Council
will continue today from 3 to 5 p.m.
in the Undergraduate Office of the
Surgical Unit .. .
Surgical Dressings Unit will be
open today in the League. Houses
especially invited are: Jordan Hall,
Day House, Zeta Tau Alpha, Pi
Beta Phi and Mrs. McCormick's
and Mrs. Hendrickson's League
Houses. It is urged that the coeds-
come out this week to help make.
up the time lost over the holidays.
Dorm Meeting...
There will be a meeting of all dor-
mitory and auxiliary representives
at 4:30 tomorrow in the League;'it"
was announced yesterday by Betty,
Willemin, '45, co-chairman of dorni-
tory stamp sales. The meeting is
very important, and anyone who ca'-
not be present is asked to call Miss
Willemin at 2-1528 or Rosalie Bruno

All Are Welcome
At President's Home
Servicemen, faculty, and students
are invited to attend the second
Ruthven Tea to be held from 4 to 6
p.m. today at the Ruthven residence.
Houses especially invited are Alpha
Gamma Delta, Alpha Omicron Pi,
Alpha Epsilon Phi, and all the League
liouses in Zone I. Each time a differ-
ent group of houses on campus will
be asked, although everyone is wel-
Pouring at the tea will be Mrs.
Sherman, house mother of Alpha
Gamma Delta, Mrs. Caskey of Alpha
Omicron Pi, Mrs. Young of Alpha
Epsilon Phi, and Mrs. Augspurger
representing the Zone I League
Group I of the Social Committee
under Phyliss Crawford is in charge
of this tea, and all members of the
Social Committee are requested to
arrive by 3:45 at the latest.
League Houses in Zone I that are
especially invited are: Mrs. W. J.
Asman, Mrs. Leo Augspurger, Mrs.
James Davis, Mrs. Sidney Hood; Mrs.
Hutchings, Miss Mae McGregor, Mrs.
Sohults, Mrs. Anna Smith, Miss Ber-
tha Wilson and Mrs. M. T. Van
Assembly.. .
Assembly Council will hold a meet-
ing at 4:30 p.m. today in the League.
Everyone is requested to be present
and on time so that the meeting may
adjourn in time for the House Presi-
dents' meeting.
* * *
Basket±ball.. .
The women's basketball tourna-
meit, sponsored by the WAA, will
get underway at '7:30 p.m. tomor-
ror ii i; arbour Gym as Sigma
Delta:Tai faces Geddes House and
Alpha. Xi Delta meets Kappa Al-
pha Theta, Shelby Diedrich, '45,
Intra--mural manager, has an-
Book Revew...
The Book : Group of Michigan
Dames will" meet at 8:15 P.m. ty'
at 4016 Olvia St., the home of Mrs.
Ray W. Cowden.
Mrs. E. W. Kinne will review "A
Tree Grois- in Brooklyn" by Betty
Smith. Mr . Lawrence Thomy will
'review "Eccuse My Dust," by Bel-
lady Partridge.

A forty millimeter anti-aircraft
gun, weighing almost 10,000 pounds,
has been set up in one of the elec-
trical engineering laboratories for
the use of the ASTP trainees in a
course in servo-mechanisms.
The big ack-ack, which was sent
here last week from Erie Proving
Grounds, is for the seventh-term
electrical engineering students, who

Prof. Decker Says Japanese
Have Passion for Expansion

will study the automatic feature of
the gun which terns and points it.
To get it into the laboratory, the
window had to be removed, as the
gun is over 12 feet high when point-
ed. It swings up 90 degrees and 360
degrees around.
Those who study the mechanism of
this gun will later be expected to be
expert trouble-shooters on similar
equipment, acting as members of
highly skilled maintenance crews.
Capable of firing 120 rounds per
minute, the gun was test fired 13
rounds before it was sent here.
As this standard is one used ex-
tensively overseas, it is expected that
it will also be used outside of the
servo-mechanism course by the mili-
tary units training on campus. Sev-
eral other ASTP schools have been
furnished similar guns by the Army.
Included in the unit is a generat-
ing set and other equipment.
Calendars Are Ready
All Dormitories and League Houses
must call for their Calendar of
Events in Miss McCormick's office

In an article entitled, "From Muk-
den to Pearl Harbor," which ap-
peared recently in The Michigan
Alumnus, Prof. John A. Decker of
Stephens College characterizes Jap-
anese policy from the beginning of
the modern period as "a consuming
passion to expand on the mainland
of Asia."
Prof. Decker, who has traveled ex-
tensively in the Far East, explains
the present conflict between Japan
and the United States as the conflict
of two entirely different policies.
Established Policy
According to this authority Ameri-
can Far Eastern policy "for decades
has been honest, consistent, and
clearly established. We have had no
ambitions to fly our flag over new
territory. We have asked for no eco-
nomic monopolies. We have stood. for

TELEPHONE traffic is heavy,.too

a free and independent China, open
to the trade of all countries on equal
terms." There is no compromise pos-
sible between this policy and the
Japanese one of aggressive conquest
of neighboring territory.
Friendly at First
Japanese-American relationships,
which began with Admiral Peary's
expedition in 1854, started out on a
basis of cordial diplomatic friend-
ship, Prof. Decker points out. The
United States had treated the ex-
panding nation fairly during a diffi-
cult beginning period.
Since the First World War, how-
ever, the nations have come into con-
flict in two main spheres of interest:
1-China and 2-Southeast Asia.
Commercial Interest
American interest in China springs
both from the mission movement and
from commercial interests, Prof.
Decker says. On the commercial side,
we are interested not =in the present
volume of trade, but in the potential-
ities of "four hundred million custo-
mers." Consequently, American poli-
cy toward China has been one of
supporting her independence and in-
suring an "Open Door."
During the First World War tradi-
tional American-Japanese friendship
was severed when we became suspi-
cious of the many advantages gained
by Japan at the expense of China.
This suspicion was largely responsible
for the refusal of the American peo-
ple to ratify the treaty or to join the
League of Nations, and resulted in
the calling of the Washington Naval
Disarmament Conference of 1921.
Area Is Vital
Prof. Decker stresses the impor-
tance of Southeastern Asia in Ameri-
can economy: "We now know that
Southeastern Asia is such a vital
area as far as producing the raw
materials used by American industry
that we cannot live the kind of life
we are accustomed to live unless we
can buy the raw materials of this
As in China, the U.S. policy in this
area has been one of protecting our
peaceful, legitimate trade. Japanese
conquest of Southeastern Asia would
mean the end of our American stan-
dard of living.
At the root of the Japanese imper-
ialistic policy is their serious domes-
tic difficulty-the population prob-
lem. Prof. Decker suggests that this
problem can be solved by concen-
trated industrialization, , extensive
markets abroad to buy the surplus
and importation of foodstuffs and
raw materials.
Japan has refused to accept this
peaceful solution of her problem, but
instead has launched on a campaign
of conquest, characterized by the slo-
gan, "The New Order for Greater
East Asia."


3 i

added to your wardrobe by a rollicking
new suit. They're perfect for now and
Spring. Brighten the corner where you
are with a pastel or colored two-piecer.
Lovely bengaline date dresses with
touches of ivory white lace -on sleeves
and pockets . . . ideal for U,.O.-ing
it or League dancing.

at 2-2591.

YOU CAN'T SEE the "traffic" that moves over Long Distance
telephone lines. But those lines are crowded as never before - ...
and with war calls that must go through promptly!
You help keep Long Distance lines clear for the swift handling of
vital war messages when you make only urgent calls to war-busy

45.00 COATS at 35.00
39.00 COATS at 29.00


'/a Off

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