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December 19, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 67) • Page Image 1

…tc in:. of A t. Wai j 1. VOL. VI. NO. 67r. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 19, 1895. FOURc PAGE-3 CENTS. 0. Sa M M~sX2ASP'A1{ WHITNEY AGAIN. ONE GUITAR HAS BEEN SENT WEST TO GATH- Is enough for one person to play on at oue time. One Will Investigate Facts Concerning guitar is not enough, how- + Professionalism in the West-What ever, to supply 3,000 stu- jI the Chicago Papers Say or His dents. That's why we have Mission and I...…

December 17, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 65) • Page Image 1

…~IC '.Of , t . 1a l n. VOL. VI. No. 6. 1UNIVERSITY OF* MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 17, 1895. IPoust PAGES-3 CENTS. INT ER-SOCIETY I1EBATE I SVR ET FRIANKIP. SADLER 1C11OSEN And a Credit to Its Editors, Is the' E G ITA TO E HLD ONIGT I THEOraleTO DELIVER AN ADDRESS IN ON UTRT EHL ONGTI H 'i 4iral. 1)1llLte t rsdn nelfo LAW LECTURE ROOM. CHICAGO PUBLIC SCHOOL, I Is enough for one person to _____ plyona4netm. 4n The Question; "Is a Gradua...…

December 16, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 63) • Page Image 1

…tl I of , 1. 1R VOL. VIf. i O. W. LJMN1V'EH SITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAT) Y, VI+CIsM AII sI 16E, 196s. FU AE-lCN ___ . _ - G; i IS A1,i'PLAUJ1S. NOISE. Comnmunication,. ORhXCLE ONrL~TDY i NE GITAR A CONCERT LONO TO BE REMEM- tW :'eLhly 11 H NULFEAAINO 18 oL enough-1 for 001e person to l ERI B RED AT A NN ARBOR. ilrtioi.ii-1 iacie h~i lly 01 at oite t lime. 01im'E c h E- o-'st I ~ (nI iti l f 1. Contains 150 Pages of Readiing l:4 tiitszr inot eii...…

December 14, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 62) • Page Image 1

…uf VOL. YI. No. 6 2. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, S.ArTRDAY, DECEMBER 14, 1895. FOUR PAGESx-3 CENTS. ONE GUITA s enough for one person to ii6 F lay on at one tite. One} lii guitar is not enough, how- ' ol ever, to supply 3,000 Sin- r dents. That's why we have O ' 4 onstan0tly in stock scvtial It I0 ON~ dlozesl of guitars of variousit m sakes anid prices, 4j i11 BETTER LOOK{ AT OUR key SU. OF M. GUITAR. I 6 It's good as its caine. ;4; THE ANNA...…

December 13, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 61) • Page Image 1

…the . a VOL. VI. No. 61. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 13, 18:95. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. ral IAMISSIONS IN THIE EAST. O E GUITAR ADDRESS ON THAT SUBJECT BY ONE EX-SECRETARY FOSTER. Is enough for one person to play on at one time. One 1 Accomplishments end Conditions guitar is not enough, how- in China. Cores and Japan Are ever, to supply 3,000 stu- Ij Briefly Reviewed-Outlook for the dents. That's why we have i Future. i~constantly ...…

December 12, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 60) • Page Image 1

…the Ak, Uf ' 1 " %ark Vol,. VT. No. 0'0. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1.2; 1 95. FouR PAdES-3 CENTS. N sx s 'yASII7 TIC POLITICS. si' sro 'iniod t'lo ei'li loi, hir 1)eole, (TO PLAY "J Lit' CUAESAR." N E 1111 by onl'difiiio thiir toils and( aoyros- GUITAR ~ ~ ~ ~ 4 1-c~ ENSCFSE NTRAN iliit «Will is' tliii' '(il tlislpo~ctOf ORATORICAL ASS'N BRANCHES To I enough for one person to 10 LREAUINE Ihilejis? 1111d 01. OUT INTO DRAMA...…

December 11, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 59) • Page Image 1

…l e . il. 1c lz . VOL. VI., No. 59. UNIVERSITY QE MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1895. FOUR, PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VI. No. 59. UNIVERStTY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 11, 1s95. Fouo Pxoocs-3 CENTS. IONE GUITAR , Is enough for one person to } 41 play on at one time. One I111 gnitar is not enough, how- l1t0 101 ever, to .supply 3,000 Stu- S dents. That's why we have constantly in stock- several} }1 dozens of guitars of various 110 1 m...…

December 10, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 58) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. No. 58. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 10, 1895. POUR PAGES-3 CENTS. IONE GUITAR ' Is enough for one person toN play on at one time. One guitar is not enough, hosw- ever, to supply 3,000 Stu- r Sdents. That's why we have i constantly in stock several doesof guitars of various ON makes and prices. BETTER LOOK AT OUR 1 SU. OF M. GUITAR, It's good as its name. yTHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO, , NN S. MAIN ST. BOLIDAY OP[NING -AT- ...…

December 09, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 57) • Page Image 1

…l e . a A VOL. VI. No. 57. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, DECEMBER 9, 1895. FOUiL PAGES-3 CENTS. MICHIGAN IN CONGRESS. SONE GUITAR OUR UNIVERSITY LEADS THEM I1 Is enough for one person to AL _IRPRSETAIOS j ply o atonetime. One 4 Cushman K. Davis and Calvin S. I guitar is not enough, how- I~ ~t4 I?'Brice in the Senate-Many Other IN ever, to supply 3,000 Stu- i Prominent Men In the House. S dents. That's why we have I__ 1 constantly in s...…

December 06, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 55) • Page Image 1

…tIc II. of RIDAY, DECEMBER 6, 1895. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS.. Voi.. VI. No. 55. ONE GUITAR Is enough for one person to play on at one time. One guitar is not enough, how- ever, to supply 3,000 stu- dents. That's why we have constantly in stock several dozens of guitars of various makes and prices. BETTER LOOK AT OUR U. OF M. GUITAR. It's good as its name. THE AN ARBOR ORGAN CO., S. MAIN ST. Sheehan's You can find the largest and most complete st...…

December 05, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 54) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. No. 54. UNIVERSITY OF MNICHIGAN, THIURSDAY, I)ECEMBER 5,1 195. FouR PAGE-3 CENTS. 1M aaY SMT7 _ - z TNDING OF ILE CLUBS.1 the formier oil all points of eollri ({FOBALCPAN -N GITR -INEAOLSa4 the Princeton 'figrer's took 111N UTR INAOI TRIBUNE SUMS rare of the I1,arvard.i'riioeswn-legged ELECTION WILL BE HELD THIS 1seog1froepesnt UPTH SEASON, fotlliisls, 12 to 41.EEIG play eoughato onepesnt tme. One NN Michigan Holds the Western Chain- ...…

December 04, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 53) • Page Image 1

…the . of . u. VOL. VI. No. 53.. UNIVERS[TY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1895. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. ONE GUITAR Is enough for one person to 11 y play on at one time. One" gitar is not enough, how- t ever to supply 3,000 stu- 1 dets That's why we have . constantly in stock several S dozens of guitars of various makes and prices. BETTER LOOK AT OUR IU. OF M GUITARisnae ' Itgoodasisnm. THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO., Sheehan's You cain find the l...…

December 03, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 52) • Page Image 1

…, e . of VOL VI. No. 52. U'NI\ ERiS TV OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1895. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. a MADAME E {E-SAPI() ONE GUITAR 4 CHARMED THREE THOUSAND Oil PEOPLE LAST NIGHT. Q Is enough for one person to 11 til ployono at one time. One Successes Also Scored by Our 0#1 gtuitar i3 not 0enough, 1ow- tl Own Artists, Herman Zeitz, Vio- fli ever, to supply 3,000 stu- tit linist, and Miss Jaffe, Pianist- At denfts. Thlatos why we have 11 P...…

December 02, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 51) • Page Image 1

…'I'W I Al VOL. VI. NO. 51. U.NJVEPSt.!"ITY OF MICHIGANI M"ONDAY, 1)iCESIBI'A 2, Li'f't}. i~'UR PAGES- 3 CENToS. .1 No s ille t.1jI'lolij''. IGC AMOIPIONi SIIP 05 OOOF T . EST 1 'I ll' lriii{' 1 is ht, hidlii i' 'l4ies Hit Is enougrh for one person to P BLN OMCIA e' 1(isI e iiln er l 01 thay 0on It onie time. One Milo l i' illlto'. while lhe ('les io gil tar kIlea nonlilgnhio' t #A Harol Fought Game-6,O00Pen-i"i voter',"1re h mIs iie tll(...…

November 26, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 50) • Page Image 1

…the ti. of ESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 1895. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. UNIVERSITY OF TMICHIGAN, TU VOL. VI. No. 50. x i IONE GUITAR Is enough for one person to M I play on at one time. One guitar is not enough, how- ever, to supply 3,000 Stu- ) dents. That's why we have constantly in stock several I dozens of guitars of various i makes and prices. BETTER LOOT( AT OUR U. OF M. GUITAR. I It's good as its name. STHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO, S. MAIN ST. Sheeha'...…

November 25, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 49) • Page Image 1

…the . a ii.Walhii VOL. VI. NO. 49. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY. NOVEMBER 23, 1895. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. i 1 ONE GUITAR S Is enough for one person to S play on at one time. One guitar is not enough, how- ever, to supply 3,000 stu- S dents. That's why we have constantly in stock several dozens of guitars of various S makes and prices. SBETTER LOOT( AT OUR U. OF M. GUITAR. It's good as its name. STHE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO,,~ S. MAIN Sr. She...…

November 22, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 47) • Page Image 1

…of .d AIL VOL. VI. NO. -fi. UNIVEBSITY OF NHICHIGAN, FRIDAY. NOVEMB3ER 22, 1825. FOUR PAGES-3 CErNTS. _ = ' ~READY FOR INNEI{SOTA1. i tets fees reeeivedi by teIes toeel- WINKLEINUMBER FOURI. ONE_______ sts dliisut he yer Inlutding ttitiot, I'rIIE TEAM IN 0001) ShtAPE FOR itltettttitltt nastidtlaboatoty fee, is TE COURT JEST'EIt OWS TO Iseog tOproil TOttGiliOW'S LINE U'. $11145~-31:l. ATHLETICS TODAY. ±# play o't t one time. One I l Practi...…

November 21, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 46) • Page Image 1

…~ijc I. o ~ Wil p VOL. VI. N\o. 46. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THUB SDAY, NOVEMBER '21, 1895. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. R."- M = ='-1fII- 19- M IrtT, l1 C LA SS APPIN IT MENiTS.' CHEAP HOTEL RATE. NE #* Manager Baird Has Secured It a O E GUITAR ,,,COMMITTEES ANNOUNCED FOR Chicago. IV, GRADUATION CLASS. 0011 Is eiioiigh for one person to _____ifefooig ve it'lvdii,'i S play on at one tine. One I4 I List or the Members-Class Decides atari3no eog, hsecago...…

November 20, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 45) • Page Image 1

…tt. At. Wailn. VOL. VI. No. 45. UNI ERlS TY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1895. FoUn PAGES-3 CENTS. till ~DONE GUITAR g Is enough for one person to S play on at one time. One tl guitar is not enough, how- ever, to supply 3,000 stu- P dents. That's why we have t constantly in stock several dozens of guitars of various makes and prices. BETTER LOOK AT OURt O. OF M. GUITAR. It's good as its name. " HE -AA ARBOR ORGAN 00.,9 S. MAIN ST....…

November 19, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 44) • Page Image 1

…s, ALI Vol-. VI. No. 4I. LIIPE S[TY O-IF i CIIIGAI, TUESDAY, IVM BEll19, 1895. I'o-ult PACKS-il CENTS. r - 11 HliE CIIICAGO() OPC'IT1. MINNESOTA'SCONDITION. T ,IE NO VEMB iER' a iNL1XND1t @i~f i14 (How the "Team Will Show Up } A P- IT~il 1 { t t WILL OPEN TIHE CHORIAL UNION Against Michigan Sraturday, SECOND NUMBER THIS YEAR Sl SEf''HS VNIG FULFILLS EXPECTATIONS. iw Ia Leisat o on o0J!''0 ot1.1'Ii..Ill Contents and Wrters-LatestPi...…

November 18, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 43) • Page Image 1

…hIc Il.of "A T. WetilIn. VOL. VIf. No. 43. UNIVERSITY OF MlIC HIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1895. FOUR PAGE-3 CENTS. HONE GUITAR Is enough for one person to Iplay on at one time. One guitar is not enough, how- 1 ever, to supply 3,000 Stu- dents. That's why we have constantly in stock several dozens of guitars of various H makes and prices. BETTER LOOK AT OUR U.O .ITgodAstsnae U. goF odaGUita . THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN GO., S. MAIN ST. Sheehan's You ...…

November 16, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 42) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. No. 12. UNJVEMBS ITY OF MICHIGAN, S.1 tT DAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1895. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. AT UNtiIV ERSITIY h1ALL. BUT TH1IS BET L. IPRAT GAMES YET. ONE G ITAKn liThe Philadelphia Ledger Has Said ~i N UTRLELAND T. POWERS WILL AP- Its Little Say.OUSTNIGNTH WETS NN PER TONGHT.YET TO BE DETERMINED. Is enlougi for one person te PEA TONGHT th______nt;fomte hl plyon at oe tille. One I1 The Great Impersonator Is Here Importance of Today's Games-W...…

November 15, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 41) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. No. 41. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1895. Founs PAGES-3 CENTS. ONE7GUITAROOD GAME TOMORPROW . iPIrinceton sn defensive play, but PURDUE HAS A GOOD TEAM inleffecttive, and1(1they exhibited their Is enough for one person to AND WILL FIGHT HARD. costly tensdency to hloldin~g in the line. play on at one time. One Have Unless the tine braces greatly, thle guitar is not enoug h, how- 1 We e Met Betore-Some In- tall gemit h...…

November 14, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 40) • Page Image 1

…the I tt. a Ado VOL. VT. . NO. 40. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THIURSD)AY, NOVE:MBEIR 14, 1895. FOUR, PAGES-3 CENTS. AFT~tAT! F TLEGA E.hub wvriters, than by Mlacager Baird, __________ of telist' Mihian teain, in his torrTes- WHAT THE PRESS THINKS OFioideive to western jiaper'-;. Is enough for one person toi MCIA'SSADNl p lay on at one time. One IN Harvard- Michigan Game Placed New York Stiii of Nov. 1tt: S guitar is not enough, how- Us on ...…

November 13, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 39) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. No. 39. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1815. Fou-n PAGE-3 CENTS. ONE GUITAR t 111 Is enough for one person to' S play on at one time. One gnitar is not enough,'ow g~~ever, to supply 3,000 Stu- jj dents. That's why we have ii constantly in stock severaljj dozens of guitars of various Nsi makes and prices. N BETTER LOOK AT OUR I U. OF M. GUITAR, It's good as its name. THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO,,~ { S. MAIN ST.' Sheehan's ...…

November 12, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 38) • Page Image 1

…9 Cl e . o a 11. VOL. VI. No. 38. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1895. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. IONESUI T A R Is enough for one person to play on at one time. One guitar is not etiough, how-19 ever, to supply 3,000 stu- dents. That's why we have constantly in stock several dozens of guitars of various makes and prices. BETTER LOOK AT OUR U. OF M. GUITAR. It's good as its name. THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO,, S. MAIN ST.'n Sheehan's You ...…

November 11, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 37) • Page Image 1

…tt* VOL. YE. NO. 37. UNIVERlSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEM1: 11, 1895. FOUR PAOIES-3 CENTS. - -- : - : -S i)VPVI .\Tai I11 }111\tl T _. xis leg It I w'x' zneclxdso Iivoily Gay. Ashley Tonight. tlli 1 : IIlL 1 tI 1 ) MW ~ ~th il- on o e ~ts Gut lii______Il i vi olxieie1wly l Tonlightl~ v Asliley oif Ohlio, ylINTHEY WvERE GREETED BY HUN- ixiasi xxnd coay not ' xl x alx 1o 1w )II0 "TRld DREDS OF ADMlIiRERS. Alxixhsxxx'xx l sIe 'itiii thel ~i...…

November 09, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 36) • Page Image 1

…On BSTN APRSTHNKMIHI ~ F(ti'oltdottlrao~O~itVgow3 VOL. VI. No. 36. UNIVEIRS[TY OF MICHIGAN, SATU1IDAY, NOVEMBb R 9, 1895. FOuR PAES-3 CNTS. TO EETIIA{Y I{DTO doYeI is 2 3ear old. 5 ft. i10 ern. tal year heo is also sb lar. His Is enough for one person to if" CAN WOILL SCORE. riot. llarit 1\tij i tl hl ''arsity, btInt. Mitoley, '6,t.ribts qartr,(nt(red play n at ne ttne. erbert Is Bettr-A Brief History guitar is not einough, how- 101 kith 't6tb...…

November 08, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 35) • Page Image 1

…Ijc U. of , 1. iaii . VOL. VI. NO. 35. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 8, 18,95. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. ONE GUITAR Ienough for one person to play on at one time. One guitar is not enough, how- ever, to supply 3,000 stu- S dents. That's why we have constantly in stock several S dozens of guitars of variousm makes and prices. jj BETTER LOOK AT OUR U.OF M. GUITAR. It's good as its name. N ~THE ANN ARDOR ORGAN CO.,' S. MAIN ST.'i Sheeh...…

November 07, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 34) • Page Image 1

…VOL VI. No. 34. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THJURSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1895. Foun PAGFS-3 CENTS. ONE GUITAR Is enough for one person to play on at one time. One N guitar is not enough, how- i eeto supply 3,000 eta- i dents. That's why we have constantly in stock several dozens of guitars of various 1i °makes and prices. TE OKA U r IU. OF M. GUITAR, I It's good as its name. THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO,, S. MAIN S'T.n Sheehanl's You can find the largest and...…

November 06, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 33) • Page Image 1


November 05, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 32) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. No. 32. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1895. Foun PAGEs-3 CENTS. PliES. ANGELL HONORED. WILL LEAVE WEDNESDAY. SNE UIA 1rAPONTD NDEPWAE 'Varsity Team Goes to Harvard pesnt *~CANAL COMMITTEE FOR LAKES. ToorowEvnig 4 seogh foMakesperthetoAt 5 oclock tomiorrow afternoon the S play on at one time. One Prsdn ClevelandMae th guitar is not enonughh ow- eleotion -Strongest Committee rpreasentatist's of MIichiganl will l('ave Nlg...…

November 04, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 31) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. No. 31. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, MONDAY, NOVEMB11EII 4, 195. Fotur PAGES-3 CENTS. fr s _E s 0)FIS'OIIILIX FAILS TO SCOR1E. ;lnInedlia btthrough r vley PRO0F. I)OOG F ELECTURLES. SONE ' GUITAR W ID MICIGAN A STONE WALL fr o~li. A:niieshi iep HE PRESENTS THE TRUE VIEWS TO H ER RUSH ES. at a Joint rellrois it to iig-lia", OF A HAPPY LI FE. 1 Is enough for one person to beaWMids and gals by 1-ibsr, IHolliser, S play on at one tine. Onei* O...…

November 02, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 30) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. No. 30. UNIVERSITY Y OF MICHIIGAN, SATUIWLAY, NOVEMBE1I+R 2, 1895. FoRPGSSCT. 1r si £ 1ALUMNIMREANXIOUS. A IPRACTICE s BETTER. ANsEVEN1ING OF ILEASL'R1E. ONE IGITARD1 IHGNME TCIAOPnting Is Excellent-Oberlin Game illMICIGA ME ATCHIAGOTody.THE FRESHMAN RECEPTION IS LOOK FOR A BIG GAME. Today A GREATSUCCESS. 111 Onug foIrfoneperson to ThnkgiingDatCowd td:r lp tieewas better than 5 sr MN play on at 0110 time. One Harry M. Bates Says Chica...…

November 01, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 29) • Page Image 1

…VOL I. O. 9. NIVE SIT OF MIC IGAN FRDAY NO EMBE 1,189. Futs soa "C NTS ~ MOIEX iEI{IED P\IY YSTERAY'SPRACTCE. ETROT hA O (ANJZl 'if ploy on atME on tim e. One BA LY. YEiE' R DY'Sir PRACTICEHEE.ESER AY GU TA gutri -l toeDhw EDl ito hseWoH1 Fl 24 in_ _edye tilt' h '~itii'-A D E nt husiasi Meetn Hod Th lil , S B ooR cI ved $00 IsO T LL fhi oriitt r d11 Wiiok "(lsly.AssocIAiO AThe OLa FOR E Dh 1i Is e e rn o u p plyo r ,1100eso n toa I0 D U NP ay ...…

October 31, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 28) • Page Image 1

…lI i/ o Al. Wail. VOL. VI. No. 28. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1895. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. t HERRICK IS CHAMPION. PROF. HIGH WILL SPEAK. ONE GUITAR Defeats Prof.Joey at Tennis Lectures This Evening onErkn Yesteday fteroon. Before Oratorical Association. Is enough for one person to Prof. Jocelyni, the wiaiier of tih' 'This eveing at 8 o'clock in the law play on at one time. One l ili eii otilinslsleo-lcueioiiPo.hg.oi fIo to s...…

October 30, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 27) • Page Image 1

…Vot.. V1. No. 27. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1895. FOUR PAGE'S-3 CENTS. 41a . -=SY SITPLAY O .BERLIIN TIIIS WEE 1K. Ihour., beginning at 7..'0, to those who PII~lare thinkting of entering eithert'hlb ONE GUIARSEASON'S BEST HOME GAME oratorical or (dtebating contests. lit PROMISED FOR SATURDAY. silpeetfrtnieaint ito oi s enough for one person to Mwl rs i o osdrto ito 1 pla on at one time. One i Boothman's Strong Team to Sho...…

October 29, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 26) • Page Image 1

…tt f JESDAY, OCTOBER 29, 1895. Foult PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VI. No. 26. UNIVERS[TY OF .MICHIGAN, Ti TILmShOamAFpTI&MES.('lif handlles "'I'2le International 11NEGUTA INTERESTHIGFACTS ABOUT THE expellt, while 'Mr. 0,'amp1 writes ofth 40_ME IC N _NS IT TIN_ HE E.llos'liiitit'sof e ininag feoltill bt NH Is enough for one person to# SW play on at one time. One1# Prof. White's Report on the Work aleis as eiily Mi'. ('amp can. Mlany ine NN guitar i...…

October 28, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 25) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. No. 25. t' l Win UNIVEHS[TY OF MICHfGAN, MOND)AY, OCTOBER 28, 1895. FouR PAGE'S-3 CENTS. I i i r LAKE FOREST NOT11ING. MN ONE GUITAR THIS WAS HER SCORE AGAINST j} Is enough for one person to MICHIGAN SATURDAY. S play on at one time. One Our Men Played Somewhat of a guitar is not enough, how- iiLueGm-LaeFrs Mn ~ evr, t suply ,000s~i Lank Team Work-Score 40 to 0. dents. Thats why we have Wl constaistly in stock several The'm 'Varily ...…

October 26, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 24) • Page Image 1

…tt* 'Of [URI)AY, OC'TOB3ER 261 1896. FOUR .PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VI. No. 2 4. UNIVERSITY OF' MICHIGAN, SAI ONE GUITAR N ON Is enough for one person toH S play on at one time. One goitar is not enough, how- IN5 qw O ever, to sopply 3,000 Stu- I0 dents. That's why we have . MN1 constantly in stock several j dozens of guitars of various H!s 1 makes and prices. "BETTER LOOK AT OUR 9999 U. OF M. GUITAR. I It's good as its name. 919 THlE ANN ARBO...…

October 25, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 23) • Page Image 1

…Amok, tt VOL. VI. No. 23. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1895. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. VOL. VI. No. 23. UNiVERSITY OF MICHIGAN. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1836. FOUR PAGES-S CENTS. ~ONE GUITAR Is enough for one person to I play on at one time. One1! gnitar is not enough, how- H$ jII ever, to supply 3,000 Stu- il S dents. That'swhy we have S constantly in stock several dozens of guibars of various I9$ makes and prices. SBETTER LOOK AT OU...…

October 24, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 22) • Page Image 1

…e . v Alb, Voir. VI. No. 22. UNIVERSITY OF M1\ICHIIGAN, '1HUIITSI)AY, OCTOBER 24, 1895. Fouit PoAIGS-3 CENT,.. C rRA NTON CTNCEI)S.'fly festoivail slie(C. Seals cau Ibe INTERFERENCE WAS GOOD. AR lil I(0"' r ll d 0 11o'I hlt I'ly1'litviI series, Some Hard Playing in Yesterdays # 90 TICKETS ON SALE TODAY FOR for1 $I Otl. .1'lllioil ]'0 Practice, 6P1 Is enotughi for cne person to THE ENTIRE SERIES, 10'11. '!h0 1111 (''0 c 5f11001 ice1''101a1...…

October 23, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 21) • Page Image 1

…*af 3 ali VOL. VI. No. 21. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1895. FouR PAGES-3 CENTS. !F I ME iss _M" i-IM NOT UP TO T EIR BEST. Wrinkes new staff' artist. Itit o SNEN UIA 'VARSITY PRACTICE SHIRKED BY the ittiblietition.ofwrye Oi seouhfroe esnt SOME OP THE PLAYERS. The th ler (drawitugs are 1),Cv P play on at one time. One " Good Cause for a Shake-Un in the JKeninedy, wit-o contrihuies te frotis- gouitar is not enough, how- Team...…

October 22, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 20) • Page Image 1

…VOL. V. No. 20. UNIVERSITY OF MICIGAN, TUESD)AY, OCTOBER S2, 1895. Fous PAO~S-o CENTS. ~ = G'OES IUP IN SM1,OI(E. 1 PROF. RAYMOND OF PRINCETON YESTERDAY'S PRACTICE. ONE GUITA GRNDVpersonDDESRto 1 Will Lecture Here Tomnorrow Night 'Varsity Team Felt the Effects of - I TLTI:FEDYETRA.on Oratory.- Saturday's Game. Is eltougtafoloeATHLETIC FIELD ,.Ramodpocssr f YESTERDAY.ti sowd t e 40 play on at 055, time. One I The Loss Will Be About $500 With ~ ...…

October 21, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 19) • Page Image 1

…VOL. V1. NO. 1-9. LUN1VEViS1TY OF M1ICHI1GAN, MONDAY, OTOBERI 21, 18915. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. ADELBERT ,) IS v ,I) I1T \TED ehalf iioiii leeiigenIceu TJIIJUtS)COX ______ I us-u 0i . om s n1 k' H I IIS I I liiOEGUITAR MICHIGA PROVEStER \(l(-lui-i-lagauin i(lctuioils] aiidlrd MICHIGN PROES HERTITLERESOLUTIONS ADOPTED JUNE ONE ~~~~~Illc TO h al ote ;3tre ie S Is enough for one person to IH T THE CHAMPIONSHIP. li Vi-iyree le ila e1 85 fl play on at...…

October 19, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 18) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. No. 18.'' UNB 'E RSITY OF MICHIGAN, SATURDAY, OCTOBER 19, 1895. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. J !/' tp'RULES TO BE OBSERED. ONE GUITAR REGULATIONS THE BOARD OF Is enough for one person to COT LHAE DPE. play on at one time. One By-Laws Which Govern Our Ath- guitar is not enough, how letic Captains. Coaches and All ever, to supply 3,000 stu- If Those Who Particate in Field S dents. Thats why we haveI Sports. constalntly in stock several dozens o...…

October 18, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 17) • Page Image 1

…~IIE U.of A.Wiu VOL. VI. No. 17. UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 18, 18(5. FOUR PAGES-3 CENTS. IONE GUITAR Is enough for one person to Splay on at one time. One guitar is not 'enough, how- ever, to supply 3,000 Stu- S dents. That's why we have S constantly in stock several dozens of guitars of various makes and prices. +BETTER LOOK AT OUR It's good as its name. "THE ANN ARBOR ORGAN CO, S. MAIN SI. ADiELBERT A STRONG TEAM. SCORED ON C...…

October 17, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 16) • Page Image 1

…VOL. VI. NO. 10. UNIVELhStTY OF MICHIGAN, TJIURSI)AY, OCTOBERI 17, 1895. POURo PAGES-8 CENTS. Ti E- Rtl1H' OAR]) OF IREGENTS''' 11 ellol8l s nti k OOTB.ALL AiND TENNIS. w1 ONEGUTA HELD THEIR OCTOBER MEETING ' pcidll hvilgta hr RESULT OF YESTERDAY'S 11I Is enough for one person to YESTERDAY. aenow 108187voume h0011( il rh ]- AMS fil play on at one time. One _____ ti arile, 17.211, unboundel p11111f1le ntl(d Freshmen Defeat High School 12 I guit...…

October 16, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 15) • Page Image 1

…tt of VOL.. VI. No. 15.. EUNIVERS1TY OF MICHIGAN, WEIDNESDAY. OUTOI3ER 16$, 1895. FOURi PAGES-3 CENTS. HIATRV7ARD N(ITPNOVEBER9. a/put at quarter back for a lime as O N EGIA a s u b s titu ie fo r B a il . kl' i id n i lef GUT RGAME AT BOSTON PROBABLY oille good tackles" as dlid also Ple~ til ON111 ha POSTPONED A WEEK.' ENTRY CLOSES TONIGHT. ?N Is enough for one person to 1 !______ X11 lyo at one time. One ' Ta Will Allow a Harvard-Princ...…

October 15, 1895 (vol. 6, iss. 14) • Page Image 1

…S Vol-.VYE No. 14. ULYE~l+'STY OF MICURIAN, TtF3SI)AY. OCTO"13GPi15)1, 195. -Fos PAGES-8 C(1nq-w. s-x= sv os'sc==s P100R1 COLM ES BACK. TENNIS TOURNAMENT. B I EVERY )EPAI{TME'U?\. I~ UONE GUITARI NNEWILL PLAY ON THE 'VARSITY PeiiaySt ei hsAtr ENROLLMENT SHOWS A BIG IN-. l noon--The Entries. TEAM AGAIN THIS YEAR.___CRAETIYA. IKI Is enlough for one perison to 1 ioii-acel alIrla eiiiiii t0 lay oen at one ini. Onle N Games With Olivet for Tomorrow...…

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