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October 30, 1895 - Image 1

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1895-10-30

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41a . -=SY SITPLAY O .BERLIIN TIIIS WEE 1K. Ihour., beginning at 7..'0, to those who
PII~lare thinkting of entering eithert'hlb
ONE GUIARSEASON'S BEST HOME GAME oratorical or (dtebating contests. lit
PROMISED FOR SATURDAY. silpeetfrtnieaint ito
oi s enough for one person to Mwl rs i o osdrto ito
1 pla on at one time. One i Boothman's Strong Team to Show stutjetts snitab~le for orations antl twill
gutar is not eiiongb, howv- ill the 'Varsity's Strength-Last Garre 0lectutre on the contstrutction andt tmottdt
ON ever, to supply 3,0 nst- i Before Harvard Trip-Attendance of treatmtetnt calculated toi miakea
dents. That's why we bave Should be Large.,rnlngoain
PH constantly in stelt several wnigoain
dozens of Gutitars of various # It bteing iilltssible to arrttnge a ( rery year there is trittetnct of in-
m iakes and prices. Ittot'n with Notrtllwest ern fotr next Sat- creasin-intere!t. in t'rof. Ttiueltlotti's
its BETER LOOKAT OUR urtilty, Mttagler I.ailIttootketd taot:i departmtent. At lte lectue bt-'ieftorte the
LMfttr othiet' teamts andturined natturaltty Ortricatl i'ssotiattin tltst sweek ttr
It's good1as to tOterlint ist. It respttnse tt his 2111 ittetitterttilt tick~ets wt'ie sotdt, toil
It' OF o MGiaR. its name. i10tegittiatios lie laist nit receivet, a ,they are still ging. HP
"THE ANN AIBOR ORGAN CO,5 iij lelegrttin frotim the ittrtiit miainager SPOOEHP
ise S. MIMi~ ST. t greeiitg tt a gattte lete Stattirtdty.
g This gaite will Ite reatlly or ist ttig Promises to Be One of the Best
___________________________Social Events of the Season.
chutle of te yeatr. Ottertini htts fttr a_____
ATttitiber of years pt strotig tiasebatll fi' anttntat htttt givetn by tte sontto-
tart' beent thiigeinits rivail,, for Mit-hi- Atcadtemty early iii t)i'reittibi'. 'hit
Yotu can find the largest anti miost gtit hList yeiar the giiti with Otter- t itittittee lhire tutn torgaiietd ts
complete stock of ist ste'et t it isi t i ittw.ttiwilt28sr'ttttii t
tiAE S N onte grotittis, thti ittal scttre biing start writht, thei ptarry will undiotubteidh-
It to G ini tir favoir. itt, to it wtts tlat: year. ont' ttf lt"e best
UIu iti of for-ty yartts gave tteini theitr tralt ctittiritittit; J.Rfsadese
ini the city. We ilt ke them to onlyt tottchidowni til. otir t'le-emt ltast t'ltts Rtiont tR tt-'ttttre. Bt-rhe,,
ordtei', in aony color, design 01' yetar, attt tit hast hardt mtost of tttt tlt l ci, rtairttttt; AV. AV. Hughes, PItl
Agents for' tlae celebiated 'Tt' ciatties httve tt'tieenoachedt Arta-tintt I. -tt. hoimtiati. Ci
G3EO. S. PARKER FOUNTAIN PEN, ttI Dty hriitstl'wtl iot 1si, cai2'Itan4; J. Det F. lchlarts,
sptiintt'r, wtto wtas sumbstittei hatlf bacik Dielta.
Engrtved visiting cards ws tp- at le.i tti'i'etuio-l. 8. ('tittiitis. , si
ply io fie das. 'this gtttltt hlas beeti s'ctttr'td ttt a I isilot. t'tttirttttt; 1v. JI. ti'ltri~t,
C ,- A N xe.;") tug e'xtpe'nse' in ordler to give iotr stil- Stgttifli

Secured Two Touchdowns in Yes-.
terday's Practice
Xustitrby's Irait', while tniitt-
f lit week. ''ii' srtuts sweri' strotg
and, pilyed'.Il arotitffinsi' adiitt-
fensist' aite against thei'V''arsity, si--
eeedntg Il mtaking Itittoitiltouc-dow .
'Bin tea'lined huptitas follwts:
' Varsity. tResres.
Slieii's.I.. .... . - t ... arni
flithr......1. g.I.......Jon it
Deontyi..... . - - -t. .' otitisti
tart'......r. g-.....iBker
hai'ttttigro'u'r' I ....- - Itikes
Yniilt... - --.. r ...... icteo
1-'irtitrt.I ... hi .... tittinlor
t-ttotiigslon..-- .b...Meie'
Thie be'stitioik sias ont-by Shiels
stopti.G(tes n tiSMt'lni'iei.
Arrangements Made for the 'Var-
sity to Leave Net Wednesda.
Manage't tBairdi4 is inttg preprtla-
tions to ttketheii'eaml est fr the
An iiArttor fly. aid gt frolo''ili'do
ovethetil'P'e'nnsyh'anialinhu' to ray of
New' vok. 'lii' t''entsyvania Ipotle
will bit'ftiruiiheth e ii'teatti ittot
anly extra expnise, tanitis thet'Pitti-
syvauiaihas a tin' roadda wl itit ritnus
throutghi a iistrictt notud fortt' tb'eauty
tinaitiintutpotttheiri'arrtil in hBosto.
Inter-Glass Football Games.
'Ihe it'te liii'theiteiir-tlaossffoottall
tirit is itirraititg. 'Nineity-eight aid
'Nititty-oide li-i tit inii ot-ti't'tery
tay, anditheii'siotaiw soart'alson t
workt.,'.Nintty-six ci-eutut iye'strday
fur the' litst thie ntitlyfoun r iveli-iatp-
thet'si-lli'of cltss gulesstill Itob-
theytsiltbe tetun netxt wetkswhil
tile 'Vtrsity is awahy.
Football at Harvard.
sicrt-npIractice ws tO titt t iMlar-
card Mloinday, anil hs st-tlk still te
daty. These sill Ito tritid agaitst ttit
NortititShiasw'waytt tit Mnidauy for the
lurst titte this ye'ar 1talhosell andi
recoeeid fromi their itjirits.

- ILD. -
Thlaitest and most Fashionable
Foreign Fabtrics for Mon's Wear.
'The Largest Stock in thae City.

tporter's a chitntie to see tine'X'arsity
hO' tia first cutss tettitibefore' oitig
eastattith ottthltitbe it'tteedby e'sery
tnin teresteit n ithe storktif otur leant.
But the 'Freshman Reception" Will
Prove As Enjoyable.
It is no lonier the ''freshttatn
stpreadi," buttthin toer imiuednts'to api-
lily In thie'rceptiont cii'li yt t'e ophl-
oitorestomnatotill the tottemi outer-
ig the t'itis'eroity is "freshmitantre-

Law Students Caucus Again.
'Their'lst yi'arm'lawst udntits fratmitthin
otht's i'ast if' thei'Mississippi, eXonit-
nointeeltt'for thiit' lass hiresiuhmny.
'thin'est-tm-nfouri'nidate's: 1h. Kilt-
tetmsimi; 1). ''. Fislialtof Illinmois, andi
... 8'. ttueukh'n. if Ketttky. It was
i lost' atitohto aititiok:foturm'ballotts
stdent it it' chain tftoit Viscomisiui

C-Intaiso of i nor'1 tinC tiili r- litoU ttt tiCii ht'slt tt tr i lt
EL .' ~ J RE . T tdcai imigof taitintortof itr otmuth 'ten btle 1a; he s id S pot fte

I i.tirsity orhetstrtots bItuom t-oi
SU i Of Interest to Orators.
By Abbe Canter Gootion. II- Thete tioif trot. JaiinsL. tHighi's-
lectureontEIrskinit tos linenehamnge'd
lustrated by Charles Dana front Iridaty at tmoook to 'Thumrsdayc
Gibson. For opinions ask a tol i hels'homr nut
your neighbors. Now on sale Tisisumotle' ,fthn .otino to
tures that tProf. 'Truebloodt seues
R- ' throughut thin year for the Oratouricaul
Un Town., SDows Tows, Before thislectmuro by Prof. fligh,e
University' Bookstore. Oposite Qourt Itousoe Tuboo it
20SO. Sate St. 4 iN. tlait . Prof. Trunto wlllpakfor a a lf

Engineering Society.
P'rof. ('. I1i. (Greeune, (ueitmutoitf1t1 rut-
, iuuu'urimm it'ittllatItth't, st-ill steak hut-
fore the 11ulginetriug sonnity im iOhtuoo
10) tufthet'eu'mtimr'rmiug buildtinug ati-
buy usemuiug ot iat. 'hlc tutun''Itugiu-
'urn utmuit IEuiiiti'i'miit Suhuuuh"
Reserves vs. M. N. A,
'PTt'Sit( utf thin gamtuntrrauugu'ut for
thet htnoor-es svttlithn MinhuigantXlili-
thury Aetirtmty u'le've'nuhas tbeeiniutumug;-
eut fromutNuts. 2 to Not'. (), it Orshutrdl

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